490 research outputs found

    Integration of Seismic Information in Reservoir Models: Global Stochastic Inversion

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    Masculinidades Neovitorianas: Dinâmicas Heterotópicas e

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    Esta dissertação tem como objecto de estudo a(s) masculinidade(s) numa perspectiva de reinterpretação neovitoriana. Está, por esse motivo, fundamentada num corpo teórico relativo aos Estudos de Género, concentrando‐se nos Estudos sobre os Homens e nos Estudos sobre as Masculinidades, articulados com os Estudos Neovitorianos. Através de bibliografia de investigadores da área, como Beynon, Connell, Kimmel e Gamble, entre outros, o trabalho começa por abordar a problemática da(s) masculinidade(s), debatendo o conceito de “ser homem” no enquadramento vitoriano/imperial e no espaço contemporâneo. Com base em textos sobre construção de imagens masculinas (quer a nível físico, quer a nível psicológico), a primeira parte do trabalho propõe também estabelecer e exemplificar a distinção entre os Estudos sobre os Homens e os Estudos sobre Masculinidades. Estando a dissertação inserida na especialização em Estudos Ingleses e Norte‐ Americanos, explora as áreas de Estudos Imperiais, Vitorianos e Neovitorianos britânicos. Para esse efeito, a segunda parte do trabalho centra‐se no corpus seleccionado para análise, de modo a contextualizar a série televisiva Downton Abbey (2010‐2015) como um espaço físico e simbólico, no qual a ordem social é muitas vezes subvertida. Dado a série constituir uma interpretação actual dos finais do século XIX e inícios do século XX, apresentada através de filtros culturais, reflecte‐se sobre o carácter neovitoriano da mesma. Para tal, recorre‐se não só a bibliografia específica sobre o tema, mas também a relatos escritos dos actores e produtores de Downton Abbey e do escritor, Julian Fellowes, tal como a vários artigos de opinião sobre a série e relatos dos próprios actores. Por último, serão analisadas as dinâmicas heterotópicas, examinadas como jogos de espelho que escapam a representações miméticas de modelos ou personagens‐tipo idealizadas, possibilitando dar destaque à (des)construção identitária masculina, não só das personagens da série, como das masculinidades vitorianas. Deste modo, a dissertação permite reunir e questionar conceitos sobre a(s) masculinidade(s) em termos de uma área académica em ascensão, bem como apresentar e discutir convenções identitárias masculinas da late‐Victorian age/Era Eduardiana, demonstrando como elas são representadas – e, no fundo, apreendidas – em (re)construções mediáticas do século XXI.This MA dissertation aims to study a theoretical body of masculinities in a perspective of a neo‐Victorian reinterpretation. Therefore, it starts by addressing the problematics of masculinities, focusing on Men’s Studies and on Masculinity Studies, relating them with Neo‐Victorian Studies. Through some biography of some of the field researchers, such as Beynon, Connell, Kimmel and Gamble, among many others, this work will start by approaching masculinities’ problematics by debating the concept of “being a man” in a Victorian/Imperial framework of mind and on the contemporary space. Through a basis of texts on manliness imagery construction (either physical or psychological), the first part of this dissertation also aims to establish and exemplify the distinction between Men’s Studies and Masculinities’ Studies. Since this dissertation is inserted in English and North‐American field of studies, it focuses on British Imperial, Victorian and Neo‐Victorian Studies. To such effect, the second part of this work focuses in a selected corpus for analysis, trying to contextualize the famous TV series Downton Abbey (2010‐2015) as a physical and symbolic space in which social order is sometimes subverted. So, heterotopic dynamics will be examined as mirror games which escape to mimetic representations of models or characters, thus allowing an emphasis on male identity (de)construction. Since the series is a recent interpretation of the late 19th Century and early 20th Century – presented to us through cultural filters – its neo‐Victorian content is therefore discussed. In order to do so, this study uses specific bibliographical references to this issue, and also written reports of Downton Abbey’s actors and producers, as well as of the writer, Julian Fellowes. Finally, heterotopic dynamics will be examined as mirror games that escape to mimetic representations of models or idealised characters, thus allowing to emphasize male identity(ies) (de)construction, not only in the series’ characters, but also in Victorian male characters. This way, this dissertation will allow to gather and question concepts about masculinity(ies) as an academic area in progression, as well as present and discuss male identity conventions from the late‐Victorian Age/Edwardian Age, demonstrating how they are represented – and, in a way, apprehended – in 21st Century media’s (re)constructions

    Generating and Ranking Distractors for Multiple-Choice Questions in Portuguese

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    In the process of multiple-choice question generation, different methods are often considered for distractor acquisition, as an attempt to cover as many questions as possible. Some, however, result in many candidate distractors of variable quality, while only three or four are necessary. We implement some distractor generation methods for Portuguese and propose their combination and ranking with language models. Experimentation results confirm that this increases both coverage and suitability of the selected distractors

    Exploring BFAST to detect forest changes in Portugal

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    Costa, H., Giraldo, A., & Caetano, M. (2020). Exploring BFAST to detect forest changes in Portugal. In L. Bruzzone, F. Bovolo, & E. Santi (Eds.), Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVI [1153308] (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 11533). SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2566669Landsat 8 data and Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) were used in a region of central Portugal to detect forest clear-cuts and burnt areas. A total of 79 Landsat 8 images from 2013 to 2019 were downloaded for path/row 204/032, and the NDVI was calculated. The same data processing was done for path/row 203/032 to create a denser time series in the overlapping area, which increased to 124 images. The output of the analysis is a binary map of change (i.e., forest loss) and no-change. A probabilistic accuracy assessment based on random stratified sampling was implemented with 100 random points per stratum. Each point was interpreted as being either "no-change", "clear-cut"or "burnt area"based on reference data. Furthermore, the date of change (if any) was defined. Results show an overall accuracy of 0.85±0.02 for the binary classification with omission and commission errors of class "Change"of 0.30±0.02 and 0.19±0.02. Moreover, it is estimated that 32% of the forested area in path/row 204/032 went through at least one episode of clear-cut or fire in the period analyzed. The time lag between the date of change and detection was about 2.5 months on average, which decreased to 1.5 months in the regions of the denser time series. The results are promising but BFAST is somewhat slow and hence some concerns remain about its efficiency in operation use.authorsversionpublishe

    Betões correntes em situação de incêndio

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    Na área da engenharia civil, o comportamento ao fogo de estruturas de betão armado é de primordial importância no contexto da segurança estrutural, dada a probabilidade elevada de ocorrerem colapsos locais ou globais, com impactos consideráveis ao nível de perdas humanas e de prejuízos económicos. Esta temática é de tal forma importante, que desde os anos 40 que se tem vindo a estudar a influência das altas temperaturas no desempenho mecânico e térmico do betão Neste artigo é feita uma recensão sobre as diferentes propriedades mecânicas, nomeadamente, resistência à compressão, à tração, à flexão e módulo de elasticidade, os parâmetros de que dependem e a relação entre os mesmos

    Thematic Comparison between ESA WorldCover 2020 Land Cover Product and a National Land Use Land Cover Map

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    Duarte, D., Fonte, C., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2023). Thematic Comparison between ESA WorldCover 2020 Land Cover Product and a National Land Use Land Cover Map. Land, 12(2), 1-16. [490]. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12020490 --- Funding: This work has been supported by projects foRESTER (PCIF/SSI/0102/2017), SCAPEFIRE (PCIF/MOS/0046/2017) and FireLoc (PCIF/MPG/0128/2017), by Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC) and grant UIDB/00308/2020, all funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). It was also supported by Compete2020 (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000368), funded by the European Social Fund.This work presents a comparison between a global and a national land cover map, namely the ESA WorldCover 2020 (WC20) and the Portuguese use/land cover map (Carta de Uso e Ocupação do Solo 2018) (COS18). Such a comparison is relevant given the current amount of publicly available LULC products (either national or global) where such comparative studies enable a better understanding regarding different sets of LULC information and their production, focus and characteristics, especially when comparing authoritative maps built by national mapping agencies and global land cover focused products. Moreover, this comparison is also aimed at complementing the global validation report released with the WC20 product, which focused on global and continental level accuracy assessments, with no additional information for specific countries. The maps were compared by following a framework composed by four steps: (1) class nomenclature harmonization, (2) computing cross-tabulation matrices between WC20 and the Portuguese map, (3) determining the area occupied by each harmonized class in each data source, and (4) visual comparison between the maps to illustrate their differences focusing on Portuguese landscape details. Some of the differences were due to the different minimum mapping unit ofCOS18 and WC20, different nomenclatures and focuses on either land use or land cover. Overall, the results show that while WC20 detail is able to distinguish small occurrences of artificial surfaces and grasslands within an urban environment, WC20 is often not able to distinguish sparse/individual trees from the neighboring cover, which is a common occurrence in the Portuguese landscape. While selecting a map, users should be aware that differences between maps can have a range of causes, such as scale, temporal reference, nomenclature and errors.publishersversionpublishe

    Uncovering Vegetation Changes in the Urban–Rural Interface through Semi-Automatic Methods

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    Barbosa, B., Rocha, J., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2022). Uncovering Vegetation Changes in the Urban–Rural Interface through Semi-Automatic Methods. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 1-14. [2294]. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12052294 -------------- Funding: This research was funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT), under the framework of the Project “FORESTER—Data fusion of sensor networks and fire spread modelling for decision support in forest fire suppression” [name of funder] grant number PCIF/SSI/0102/2017. The APC was funded by the Research Unit UIDB/00295/2020 and UIDP/00295/2020.Forest fires are considered by Portuguese civil protection as one of the most serious natural disasters due to their frequency and extent. To address the problem, the Fire Forest Defense System establishes the implementation of fuel management bands to aid firefighting. The aim of this study was to develop a model capable of identifying vegetation removal in the urban–rural interface defined by law for fuel management actions. The model uses normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) of Sentinel-2 images time series and is based on the Welch t-test to find statistically significant differences between (i) the value of the NDVI in the pixel; (ii) the mean of the NDVI in the pixels of the same land cover type in a radius of 500 m; and (iii) their difference. The model identifies a change when the t-test points for a significant difference of the NDVI value in the ‘pixel’ as comparted to the ‘difference’ but not the ‘mean’. We use a moving window limited to 60 days before and after the analysed date to reduce the phenological variations of vegetation. The model was applied in five municipalities of Portugal and the results are promising to identify the places where the management of fuel bands was not carried out. This indicates which model could be used to assist in the verification of the annual management of the fuel bands defined in the law.publishersversionpublishe

    Automatic detection of vegetation cover changes in urban-rural interface areas

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    Barbosa, B., Rocha, J., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2022). Automatic detection of vegetation cover changes in urban-rural interface areas. MethodsX, 9, 1-7. [101643]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2022.101643 ---------- This work was financed by national funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the framework of the Project “FORESTER - Data fusion of sensor networks and fire spread modelling for decision support in forest fire suppression” [PCIF / SSI / 0102 / 2017] and is relative to a scientific Research Fellowship BI_27_20.The present work started from the need to streamline the process of monitoring changes in vegetation in the in urban-rural interface fuel management bands, defined by Portuguese legislation as areas where the existing biomass must be totally or partially removed. The model developed uses a time series of Sentinel 2 satellite images to search for changes in the vegetation cover in a 100 meters buffer around built-up areas. The use of satellite data allows analysing large areas and speeds up the task of identifying the places where fuel management took place and the places where there is a need to carry out such management. The objective of the proposed method is to give a script in Python language that can verify the cleanliness of vegetation in the fuel management ranges through multi-temporal analysis of satellite images.publishersversionpublishe