2,908 research outputs found

    Geometric and Radiometric Correction of Multibeam Backscatter Derived from Reson 8101 Systems

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    A common by-product of multibeam surveys is a measure of the backscattered acoustic intensity from the seafloor. These data are of immense interest to geologists and geoscientists since maps of the acoustic backscatter strength can be used to infer physical properties of the sea bottom, such as impedance, roughness and volume inhomogeneity. Before such maps can be created from multibeam acoustic backscatter data, however, two tasks must be performed. 1. The data must be geographically registered using the bathymetric profile collected by the multibeam (which accounts for full orientation and refraction), as opposed to using the traditional flat-seafloor assumption. This allows us to additionally calculate the true grazing angle. 2. The signal intensities must be reduced to as close a measure of the backscatter strength of the seafloor as possible by radiometrically correcting the data on a ping-by-ping basis for variables such as transmission power, beam pattern, receiver gain, and pulse length. The purpose of this research project is to develop software tools to perform the above corrections for a massive backlog of RESON SeaBat 8101 multibeam data, as collected by the NOAA ship Rainier. While the backscatter logged by the multibeam systems is not of prime importance to NOAA’s hydrographic charting mandate, they recognize the potential value of this data to the work of other sister agencies such as the U.S. Geological Survey (who is funding this project). The particular problems encountered with these data are that. Up to the end of 2001 field season, the backscatter data acquired by this system were collected from dedicated receiver beams, separate from those used for bathymetry. This receive beam is broad in the elevation plane (similar to a sidescan sonar) so that the variation in elevation angle with time must be indirectly inferred from the corresponding bathymetric profile. As some backscatter data are collected from slant-ranges beyond which bathymetric data are acquired, for that case the imaging geometry must be either inferred using a simple slope model, or derived from neighbouring swaths. Results of the application of full geometric and radiometric corrections will be presented

    New Goldstone multiplet for partially broken supersymmetry

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    The partial spontaneous breaking of rigid N=2 supersymmetry implies the existence of a massless N=1 Goldstone multiplet. In this paper we show that the spin-(1/2,1) Maxwell multiplet can play this role. We construct its full nonlinear transformation law and find the invariant Goldstone action. The spin-1 piece of the action turns out to be of Born-Infeld type, and the full superfield action is duality invariant. This leads us to conclude that the Goldstone multiplet can be associated with a D-brane solution of superstring theory for p=3. In addition, we find that N=1 chirality is preserved in the presence of the Goldstone-Maxwell multiplet. This allows us to couple it to N=1 chiral and gauge field multiplets. We find that arbitrary Kahler and superpotentials are consistent with partially broken N=2 supersymmetry.Comment: Latex, 13 pages. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Resolving The Moth at Millimeter Wavelengths

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    HD 61005, also known as "The Moth," is one of only a handful of debris disks that exhibit swept-back "wings" thought to be caused by interaction with the ambient interstellar medium (ISM). We present 1.3 mm Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations of the debris disk around HD 61005 at a spatial resolution of 1.9 arcsec that resolve the emission from large grains for the first time. The disk exhibits a double-peaked morphology at millimeter wavelengths, consistent with an optically thin ring viewed close to edge-on. To investigate the disk structure and the properties of the dust grains we simultaneously model the spatially resolved 1.3 mm visibilities and the unresolved spectral energy distribution. The temperatures indicated by the SED are consistent with expected temperatures for grains close to the blowout size located at radii commensurate with the millimeter and scattered light data. We also perform a visibility-domain analysis of the spatial distribution of millimeter-wavelength flux, incorporating constraints on the disk geometry from scattered light imaging, and find suggestive evidence of wavelength-dependent structure. The millimeter-wavelength emission apparently originates predominantly from the thin ring component rather than tracing the "wings" observed in scattered light. The implied segregation of large dust grains in the ring is consistent with an ISM-driven origin for the scattered light wings.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Disruptive change within financial technology: A methodological analysis of digital transformation challenges

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    The digital transformation of the FinTech industry has revealed a plethora of significant challenges for industry decision makers and wider stakeholder groups as organisations contend with the onset of new regulatory frameworks, legacy systems, flexible business models and alignment with corporate social responsibility practice. The reshaping of organisations and drive to greater levels of decentralisation and employee centric practice, presents a cultural shift for the sector, with implications for the success and resulting benefits of change across the industry. This study aims to develop novel insight to the ‘lived in’ impact of digital transformation within the FinTech industry from a factor interdependency perspective. This research adopts a mixed methods approach incorporating Interpretive Structural Modelling, Analytical Hierarchy Process and interviews with expert participants, to offer a unique perspective on the challenges and unintended consequences of industry level technological change. The findings highlight the high levels of interdependency and priority for challenges related to the investment in products and infrastructure for new markets, criticality of stakeholder support and development of a digital mindset for the adoption of new technologies

    Detecting extreme mass ratio inspirals with LISA using time-frequency methods II: search characterization

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    The inspirals of stellar-mass compact objects into supermassive black holes constitute some of the most important sources for LISA. Detection of these sources using fully coherent matched filtering is computationally intractable, so alternative approaches are required. In a previous paper (Wen and Gair 2005, gr-qc/0502100), we outlined a detection method based on looking for excess power in a time-frequency spectrogram of the LISA data. The performance of the algorithm was assessed using a single `typical' trial waveform and approximations to the noise statistics. In this paper we present results of Monte Carlo simulations of the search noise statistics and examine its performance in detecting a wider range of trial waveforms. We show that typical extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) can be detected at distances of up to 1--3 Gpc, depending on the source parameters. We also discuss some remaining issues with the technique and possible ways in which the algorithm can be improved.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, to appear in proceedings of GWDAW 9, Annecy, France, December 200

    Ecological selectivity and the evolution of mammalian substrate preference across the K-Pg boundary.

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    The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction 66 million years ago was characterized by a worldwide ecological catastrophe and rapid species turnover. Large-scale devastation of forested environments resulting from the Chicxulub asteroid impact likely influenced the evolutionary trajectories of multiple clades in terrestrial environments, and it has been hypothesized to have biased survivorship in favour of nonarboreal lineages across the K-Pg boundary. Here, we evaluate patterns of substrate preferences across the K-Pg boundary among crown group mammals, a group that underwent rapid diversification following the mass extinction. Using Bayesian, likelihood, and parsimony reconstructions, we identify patterns of mammalian ecological selectivity that are broadly similar to those previously hypothesized for birds. Models based on extant taxa indicate predominant K-Pg survivorship among semi- or nonarboreal taxa, followed by numerous independent transitions to arboreality in the early Cenozoic. However, contrary to the predominant signal, some or all members of total-clade Euarchonta (Primates + Dermoptera + Scandentia) appear to have maintained arboreal habits across the K-Pg boundary, suggesting ecological flexibility during an interval of global habitat instability. We further observe a pronounced shift in character state transitions away from plesiomorphic arboreality associated with the K-Pg transition. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that predominantly nonarboreal taxa preferentially survived the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, and emphasize the pivotal influence of the K-Pg transition in shaping the early evolutionary trajectories of extant terrestrial vertebrates.NS

    Evaluation of the quality and impact of online learning through the SAFE EUROPE webinars

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    IntroductionThe SAFE EUROPE project, a European-funded project, addressed educational gaps of Therapeutic Radiographers/Radiation Therapists (TR/RTTs) by offering a series of free webinars. This study aimed to assess the quality of these webinars and their impact on professional practice.MethodsData collection involved two methods: an automated feedback form administered after each webinar, supplemented by a survey disseminated through social media. The collected data encompassed attendance statistics, participants’ professions and geographic locations, webinar quality assessment, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the application of this newfound knowledge in practice, and the likelihood of recommending these webinars. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to analyse the quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. Ethical approval for the study was obtained.Results11,286 individuals from 107 countries participated in 18 webinars. Despite 72.7% being radiographers, a diverse array of professionals attended the webinars, including medical physicists, oncologists, radiologists, and academics. Remarkably, 98.7% of respondents rated the webinar quality as either good or excellent. The average rating for the likelihood of recommending these webinars to colleagues was 8.96/10. A substantial proportion of respondents expressed agreement or strong agreement that the webinars enhanced their knowledge (85%) and skills (73%). Furthermore, 79% of participants indicated that the webinars motivated them to change practice, with 65% having already implemented these changes. The insights from open-ended questions corroborated these findings.ConclusionThe webinars effectively achieved the aim of the SAFE EUROPE project to enhance practice by increasing knowledge and skills. Participants overwhelmingly endorsed the quality of these webinars.Implications for practiceWebinars represent a cost-efficient training tool that reaches a global audience and various radiography/radiotherapy professions. The development of additional webinars is strongly recommended.<br/

    Infrared Properties of High Redshift and X-ray Selected AGN Samples

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    The NASA/ISO Key Project on active galactic nuclei (AGN) seeks to better understand the broad-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of these sources from radio to X-rays, with particular emphasis on infrared properties. The ISO sample includes a wide variety of AGN types and spans a large redshift range. Two subsamples are considered herein: 8 high-redshift (1 < z < 4.7) quasars; and 22 hard X-ray selected sources. The X-ray selected AGN show a wide range of IR continuum shapes, extending to cooler colors than the optical/radio sample of Elvis et al. (1994). Where a far-IR turnover is clearly observed, the slopes are < 2.5 in all but one case so that non-thermal emission remains a possibility. The highest redshift quasars show extremely strong, hot IR continua requiring ~ 100 solar masses of 500 - 1000 Kelvin dust with ~ 100 times weaker optical emission. Possible explanations for these unusual properties include: reflection of the optical light from material above/below a torus; strong obscuration of the optical continuum; or an intrinsic deficit of optical emission.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures (2 color), to be published in the Springer Lecture Notes of Physics Series as part of the proceedings for "ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe," a workshop held at Ringberg Castle, Germany, November 8 - 12, 1999. Requires latex style files for this series: cl2emult.cls, cropmark.sty, lnp.sty, sprmindx.sty, subeqnar.sty (included with submission

    Phases of the Traditional 505 Test: Between Session and Direction Reliability

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    Change of direction (COD) testing has commonly reported a single total time to quantify performance despite that tests are made up of a number of different phases. No investigation into these phases has been completed, therefore the aim of this study was to examine the reliability between sessions and directions of the different phases of a 505 test. Twenty-one male youth athletes performed the 505 test in both directions on three occasions. Differences between directions and sessions were determined via a T-test and Two-way ANOVA respectively and a significance threshold was set at P ≤ 0.05. All strategy variables show acceptable relative and absolute reliability in both directions between sessions (ICC = 0.73-0.94; CV = 2.3-6.3%) apart from ground contact time (GCT) (ICC = 0.57-0.68, CV = 14.8–22.4%). Significant differences were identified between session one and three for entry time. Significant differences between directions for exit time on day two and for full approach, entry and GCT on day three. The non-dominant turning direction showed lower relative and absolute reliability between session for entry time (ICC = 0.73 vs 0.89; CV = 6.3% vs 3.7%) and GCT (ICC = 0.57 vs 0.68; CV = 14.8% vs 22.4%). Results indicate the phases of a 505 COD test have high relative and absolute reliability between sessions, although turning directions should be considered independently

    Ecological and genetic correlates of long-term population trends in the Park Grass Experiment

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    The Park Grass Experiment (PGE) is the longest observed set of experimental plant communities in existence. Although the gross composition of the vegetation was at equilibrium over the 60-yr period from 1920 to 1979, annual records show that individual species exhibited a range of dynamics. We tested two hypotheses to explain why some species initially increased nd why subsequently some of these (the outbreak species) decreased gain. The study was designed around eight phylogenetically ndependent contrasts (PICs), each containing related species with ifferent dynamics. Our first hypothesis was that persistent increasers and utbreakers have higher intrinsic rates of natural increase than ontrol species (species without trends), allowing them to spread hen interspecific competition is reduced by drought. This was tested by measuring establishment and seed production of species in ield experiments, with and without interspecific competition. Seed production in outbreak species responded more strongly to release from interspecific competition than it did in either of the ther groups of species. Our second hypothesis was that outbreak species eventually declined because they lacked the genetic variation ecessary to adapt to the novel habitats to which they had initially spread. We tested this by measuring mating systems and genetic diversity in persistent and outbreak species in the PGE. In seven out of seven PICs tested, the outbreak species was more selfing than its persistent relative. There was a significant positive correlation between outcrossing rate and gene diversity. These results support roles for both ecological and genetic traits in long-term dynamics