36 research outputs found

    Tactical tentacles: new insights on the processes of sexual selection among the Cephalopoda

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    The cephalopods (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) are an exceptional class among the invertebrates, characterised by the advanced development of their conditional learning abilities, long-term memories, capacity for rapid colour change and extremely adaptable hydrostatic skeletons. These traits enable cephalopods to occupy diverse marine ecological niches, become successful predators, employ sophisticated predator avoidance behaviours and have complex intraspecific interactions. Where studied, observations of cephalopod mating systems have revealed detailed insights to the life histories and behavioural ecologies of these animals. The reproductive biology of cephalopods is typified by high levels of both male and female promiscuity, alternative mating tactics, long-term sperm storage prior to spawning, and the capacity for intricate visual displays and/or use of a distinct sensory ecology. This review summarises the current understanding of cephalopod reproductive biology, and where investigated, how both pre-copulatory behaviours and post-copulatory fertilisation patterns can influence the processes of sexual selection. Overall, it is concluded that sperm competition and possibly cryptic female choice are likely to be critical determinants of which individuals' alleles get transferred to subsequent generations in cephalopod mating systems. Additionally, it is emphasised that the optimisation of offspring quality and/or fertilisation bias to genetically compatible males are necessary drivers for the proliferation of polyandry observed among cephalopods, and potential methods for testing these hypotheses are proposed within the conclusion of this review. Further gaps within the current knowledge of how sexual selection operates in this group are also highlighted, in the hopes of prompting new directions for research of the distinctive mating systems in this unique lineage

    Inking in a Blue-Ringed Octopus, Hapalochlaena lunulata, with a Vestigial Ink Sac

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    Here we report for the first time that adult Hapalochlaena lunulata (Quoy & Gairnard, 1832), which has a vestigial ink sac, is capable of inking. Ink was released under three different agonistic conditions: female-female aggression, rejection of mating attempt, and when attacked by a predator. We observed no apparent reaction to the ink by the other animals involved in these interactions

    Benthic megafauna assemblage change over three decades in the abyss: Variations from species to functional groups

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    Megafaunal seafloor assemblages on the Monterey Fan in the NE Pacific (Station M, 4000 m depth) were studied between 2006–2018 using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) as part of a continuing time-series study that began in 1989. Since 2006 we identified nearly 120,000 individual animals representing over 142 morphospecies, and observed continuous changes in the megafaunal assemblage. This study, which tracked variation in observed morphospecies over a 13-year period, is one of the most detailed long-term records of megafaunal change for abyssal depths. Our investigation shows that new variations continued to emerge, reinforcing the concept that the deep-sea is dynamic over short time scales, rather than static over long periods. Some species were uncommon, but later observed in high numbers, then decreased to very low or undetectable levels (e.g. Elpidia sp. A), while others (e.g. Psychropotes longicauda) exhibited a relatively persistent presence with less fluctuation in abundance. Decreasing total echinoderm density from 2013–2018 did not correspond with the continued occurrence of large episodic POC flux events between 2016–2018. This may be attributed to the quality of food supply arriving at the seafloor and the varied ability of organisms to utilize it. Long-term tracking (30 years) of 10 specific epibenthic echinoderm species originally quantified from camera-sled images shows a pattern of assemblage structure, perhaps returning toward the composition observed in the 1990s and early 2000s. Many questions remain as to how this abyssal site and others will change with continued, and potentially increasing, anthropogenic change in the upper ocean. For example, the marine heat anomaly known as the ‘Warm Blob’ may have influenced major ecological processes at the abyssal seafloor in terms of morphospecies and functional group composition due to changes in POC flux. The degree of dynamism continues to indicate that ad hoc or short-term investigations provide a limited perspective for assessing community structure in conservation or resource exploitation impact assessment studies in the deep sea

    Response of deep-sea deposit-feeders to detrital inputs: A comparison of two abyssal time-series sites

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    Biological communities on the abyssal plain are largely dependent on detritus from the surface ocean as their main source of energy. Seasonal fluctuations in the deposition of that detritus cause temporal variations in the quantity and quality of food available to these communities, altering their structure and the activity of the taxa present. However, direct observations of energy acquisition in relation to detritus availability across megafaunal taxa in abyssal communities are few. We used time-lapse photography and coincident measurement of organic matter flux from water column sediment traps to examine the impact of seasonal detrital inputs on resource acquisition by the deposit feeding megafauna assemblages at two sites: Station M (Northeast Pacific, 4000 m water depth) and the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO, Northeast Atlantic 4850 m water depth). At Station M, studied over 18-months, the seasonal particle flux was followed by a salp deposition event. At that site, diversity in types of deposit feeding was related to seabed cover by detritus. At PAP-SO, studied over 30 months, the seasonal particle flux consisted of two peaks annually. While the two study sites were similar in mean flux (~8.0 mgC m−2 d−1), the seasonality in the flux was greater at PAP-SO. The mean overall tracking at PAP-SO was five times that of Station M (1.9 and 0.4 cm2 h−1, respectively); both are likely underestimated because tracking by some common taxa at both sites could not be quantified. At both sites, responses of deposit-feeding megafauna to the input of detritus were not consistent across the taxa studied. The numerically-dominant megafauna (e.g. echinoids, large holothurians and asteroids) did not alter their deposit feeding in relation to the seasonality in detrital supply. Taxa for which deposit feeding occurrence or rate were correlated to seasonality in particle flux were relatively uncommon (e.g. enteropneusta), known to cache food (e.g. echiurans), or to be highly selective for fresh detritus (e.g. the holothurian Oneirophanta mutabilis). Thus, the degree of seasonality in deposit feeding appeared to be taxon-specific and related to natural history characteristics such as feeding and foraging modes

    Carbon cycling in the deep eastern North Pacific benthic food web: Investigating the effect of organic carbon input

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    The deep ocean benthic environment plays a role in long-term carbon sequestration. Understanding carbon cycling in the deep ocean floor is critical to evaluate the impact of changing climate on the oceanic systems. Linear inverse modeling was used to quantify carbon transfer between compartments in the benthic food web at a long time-series study site in the abyssal northeastern Pacific (Station M). Linear inverse food web models were constructed for three separate years in the time-series when particulate organic carbon (POC) flux was relatively high (1990: 0.63 mean mmol C m?2 d?1), intermediate (1995: 0.24) and low (1996: 0.12). Carbon cycling in all years was dominated by the flows involved in the microbial loop; dissolved organic carbon uptake by microbes (0.80–0.95 mean mmol C m?2 d?1), microbial respiration (0.52–0.61), microbial biomass dissolution (0.09–0.18) and the dissolution of refractory detritus (0.46–0.65). Moreover, the magnitude of carbon flows involved in the microbial loop changed in relation to POC input, with a decline in contribution during the high POC influxes, such as those recently experienced at Station M. Results indicate that during high POC episodic pulses the role of faunal mediated carbon cycling would increase. Semi-labile detritus dominates benthic faunal diets and the role of labile detritus declined with increased total POC input. Linear inverse modeling represents an effective framework to analyze high-resolution time-series data and demonstrate the impact of climate change on the deep ocean carbon cycle in a coastal upwelling system

    Episodic organic carbon fluxes from surface ocean to abyssal depths during long-term monitoring in NE Pacific

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    Growing evidence suggests substantial quantities of particulate organic carbon (POC) produced in surface waters reach abyssal depths within days during episodic flux events. A 29-year record of in situ observations was used to examine episodic peaks in POC fluxes and sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC) at Station M (NE Pacific, 4,000-m depth). From 1989 to 2017, 19% of POC flux at 3,400 m arrived during high-magnitude episodic events (≄mean + 2 σ), and 43% from 2011 to 2017. From 2011 to 2017, when high-resolution SCOC data were available, time lags between changes in satellite-estimated export flux (EF), POC flux, and SCOC on the sea floor varied between six flux events from 0 to 70 days, suggesting variable remineralization rates and/or particle sinking speeds. Half of POC flux pulse events correlated with prior increases in EF and/or subsequent SCOC increases. Peaks in EF overlying Station M frequently translated to changes in POC flux at abyssal depths. A power-law model (Martin curve) was used to estimate abyssal fluxes from EF and midwater temperature variation. While the background POC flux at 3,400-m depth was described well by the model, the episodic events were significantly underestimated by ∌80% and total flux by almost 50%. Quantifying episodic pulses of organic carbon into the deep sea is critical in modeling the depth and intensity of POC sequestration and understanding the global carbon cycle

    Individually Unique Body Color Patterns in Octopus (Wunderpus photogenicus) Allow for Photoidentification

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    Studies on the longevity and migration patterns of wild animals rely heavily on the ability to track individual adults. Non-extractive sampling methods are particularly important when monitoring animals that are commercially important to ecotourism, and/or are rare. The use of unique body patterns to recognize and track individual vertebrates is well-established, but not common in ecological studies of invertebrates. Here we provide a method for identifying individual Wunderpus photogenicus using unique body color patterns. This charismatic tropical octopus is commercially important to the underwater photography, dive tourism, and home aquarium trades, but is yet to be monitored in the wild. Among the adults examined closely, the configurations of fixed white markings on the dorsal mantle were found to be unique. In two animals kept in aquaria, these fixed markings were found not to change over time. We believe another individual was photographed twice in the wild, two months apart. When presented with multiple images of W. photogenicus, volunteer observers reliably matched photographs of the same individuals. Given the popularity of W. photogenicus among underwater photographers, and the ease with which volunteers can correctly identify individuals, photo-identification appears to be a practical means to monitor individuals in the wild

    Underwater Bipedal Locomotion by Octopuses in Disguise

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    Here we report bipedal movement with a hydrostatic skeleton. Two species of octopus walk on two alternating arms using a rolling gait and appear to use the remaining six arms for camouflage. Octopus marginatus resembles a coconut, and Octopus (Abdopus) aculeatus, a clump of floating algae. Using underwater video, we analyzed the kinematics of their strides. Each arm was on the sand for more than half of the stride, qualifying this behavior as a form of walking

    Rapid changes and long-term cycles in the benthic megafaunal community observed over 24years in the abyssal northeast Pacific

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    The abyssal seafloor community in the NE Pacific (Station M, ?4000 m depth) was studied between 2006 and 2012 using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) as part of a continuing 24-year time-series study. New patterns continue to emerge showing that the deep-sea can be dynamic on short time scales, rather than static over long periods. In just over 2 years the community shifted from a sessile, suspension-feeding, sponge-dominated community to a mobile, detritus-feeding, sea cucumber-dominated assemblage. In 2006 megafaunal diversity (Simpson’s Diversity Index, SDI) was high, yet the community was depauperate in terms of density compared to later periods. Over an 18-month period beginning in spring 2011, the densities of mobile organisms increased by nearly an order of magnitude while diversity decreased below 2006 levels. In late 2012 four sea cucumbers (two Peniagone spp., Elpidia sp. A, and Scotoplanes globosa) were at the highest densities recorded since investigations began at Station M in 1989. For a group of 10 echinoderms investigated over the entire study period, we saw evidence of a long-term cycle spanning 2 decades. These changes can be tied to a variable food supply originating in shallow water. Large variations over decadal-scales indicate that remote abyssal communities are dynamic and likely subject to impacts from anthropogenic changes like ocean warming, acidification, and pollution manifested in the upper ocean. The degree of dynamism indicates that one-time or short-term investigations are not sufficient for assessing biological community structure in conservation or exploitation studies in the deep sea