270 research outputs found

    The effect of stress conditions on the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in plants

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    Antocijani se ubrajaju u skupinu flavonoida koja obuhvaća preko 5000 različitih spojeva. Biosinteza svih flavonoida započinje općim fenilpropanoidnim metabolizmom za kojeg se prekursori dobivaju iz biosintetskog puta šikiminske kiseline i malonatnog biosintetskog puta. Biosintetski se put dalje nastavlja preko nekoliko koraka sve do antocijana, tj. antocijanidina koji su posljednja karika u lancu iako se i oni mogu modificirati. U ovome radu opisan je tijek metaboličkih reakcija koje vode do nastanka antocijana. Nadalje, opisani su i neki od za sada poznatih biorazgradnih puteva, ali i regulatorni putevi tj. geni vezani uz biosintetske i biorazgradne puteve antocijana te neki od transkripcijskih faktora vezanih uz antocijane. Prvenstvena zadaća ovoga rada bila je proučiti koji to okolišni čimbenici utječu na biosintezu antocijana u biljaka, kojim mehanizmima, i koji su signalni putevi uključeni u taj proces. Glavni okolišni čimbenik koji može potaknuti biosintezu antocijana je elektromagnetsko zračenje u ultraljubičastom i vidljivom dijelu spektra, a velika većina ostalih okolišnih čimbenika, kao što su toplotni stres, osmotski stres, napad patogena, i ranjavanje, nije u stanju samostalno potaknuti biosintezu antocijana, ali u kombinaciji s UV ili vidljivom svjetlošću daje statistički značajna povećanja koncentracije sintetiziranih antocijana. Na kraju rada su prokomentirana istraživanja na ovome polju, a dane su i pretpostavke o daljnjim istraživanjima vezanim uz ovu tematiku.Anthocyanins belong to a group of flavonoid compounds which comprises over 5000 different compounds. Synthesis of all flavonoids begins with general phenylpropanoid metabolism for which the precursors are obtained from shikimate and malonyl-CoA pathway. The biosynthetic pathway continues through several steps to anthocyanins, i.e. antohcyanidins which are the last link in the chain although they can be modified, too. In this paper was described the course of metabolic reactions that lead to the synthesis of anthocyanins. Some of the known degradation pathways and regulatory pathways that are consisted of genes related to biosynthetic and degradation pathways of anthocyanins are described. Regulatory genes and some of transcription factors related to anthocyanins are mentioned too. The primary task of this review was to present which environmental factors affect the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in plants, the mechanisms of action and which signal pathways are involved in this process. It is shown that the main environmental factor that can stimulate the biosynthesis of anthocyanins is electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet and visible part of spectra, and that the vast majority of other environmental factors such as heat stress, osmotic stress, pathogen attack and wounding cannot stimulate the biosynthesis of anthocyanins independently, but in combination with UV or visible light they can give a statistically significant increase in anthocyanins content. And finally, current research in this field have been commented, and presented some assumptions about further research on the topic

    Sugars and organic acids contents of European Pyrus comminus L. and Asian (Pyrus serotina Rehd.) pear cultivars

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    The content of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, sorbitol) and organic acids (citric, malic, fumaric, tartaric) was analysed with HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) in pear fruits of 18 European (Pyrus communis L.) and 4 Asian (Pyrus serotina Rehd.) cultivars. The cultivars differed in the content of different sugars and organic acids. Fructose varied in the European pear cultivars from 23.7 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Conference™ to 66.1 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Clapp Favorite™ and in the Asian cultivars from 27.9 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Shinseiki™ to 45.7 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Koshui™. Sorbitol varied in the European pear cultivars from 12.5 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Conference™ to 24.9 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Beurré Bosc™ and in the Asian cultivars from 5.0 g kg Ś1 in cv ‚Shinseiki™ to 19.0 g kg Ś1 in cv. ‚Kumoi™. The Asian pear cultivars contained more total sugars than the European ones. The early cultivars of pears contained more than 1.0 g kg Ś1 of citric acid and the late ones less than 1.0 g kg Ś1 . The cvs. ‚Williams Bon Chrétien™, ‚Early Morettini™, ‚Princess Mariane™, ‚Koshui™ and ‚Hoshui™ contained more citric than malic acid. In the cvs. ‚Concorde™, ‚Conference™ and ‚Beurré Alexandre Lucas™ no citric acid was traced. The content of tartaric acid was traced only in cv. ‚Hardy™

    Literatuurstudie naar de biologie, impact en mogelijke bestrijding van twee invasieve soorten: de rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft (Procambarus clarkii) en de geknobbelde Amerikaanse rivierkreeft (Orconectes virilis)

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    Dit literatuuronderzoek is een onderdeel van een breed opgezet onderzoek in het veenweidegebied naar de invloed van rivierkreeften op het ecosysteem. Specifiek wordt ingegaan op de verschillende eigenschappen van twee soorten die voor mogelijke problemen zorgen in het beheergebied van de waterschappen in het westelijk veenweidegebied, te weten de rode- (Procambarus clarkii) en de geknobbelde Amerikaanse rivierkreeft (Orconectes virilis). Het is van belang om de gevonden resultaten steeds weer in hun oorspronkelijke context te bezien. Zo is het overgrote deel van de hier gepresenteerde studies naar P. clarkii uitgevoerd in Zuid-Europa (Portugal, Spanje, Italië) en de daar geobserveerde mechanismen en kenmerken kunnen zeker van toepassing zijn op populaties in Nederland. Echter, ze kunnen ook zeker afwijken omdat hier nu eenmaal andere klimatologische of hydrologische omstandigheden heersen. De resultaten uit Zuidelijke streken geven derhalve mogelijkheden weer die van toepassing kunnen zijn op noordelijke populaties, geen absolute zekerheden

    Spatial dynamics of the noble crayfish ( Astacus astacus

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    The effect of stress conditions on the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in plants

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    Antocijani se ubrajaju u skupinu flavonoida koja obuhvaća preko 5000 različitih spojeva. Biosinteza svih flavonoida započinje općim fenilpropanoidnim metabolizmom za kojeg se prekursori dobivaju iz biosintetskog puta šikiminske kiseline i malonatnog biosintetskog puta. Biosintetski se put dalje nastavlja preko nekoliko koraka sve do antocijana, tj. antocijanidina koji su posljednja karika u lancu iako se i oni mogu modificirati. U ovome radu opisan je tijek metaboličkih reakcija koje vode do nastanka antocijana. Nadalje, opisani su i neki od za sada poznatih biorazgradnih puteva, ali i regulatorni putevi tj. geni vezani uz biosintetske i biorazgradne puteve antocijana te neki od transkripcijskih faktora vezanih uz antocijane. Prvenstvena zadaća ovoga rada bila je proučiti koji to okolišni čimbenici utječu na biosintezu antocijana u biljaka, kojim mehanizmima, i koji su signalni putevi uključeni u taj proces. Glavni okolišni čimbenik koji može potaknuti biosintezu antocijana je elektromagnetsko zračenje u ultraljubičastom i vidljivom dijelu spektra, a velika većina ostalih okolišnih čimbenika, kao što su toplotni stres, osmotski stres, napad patogena, i ranjavanje, nije u stanju samostalno potaknuti biosintezu antocijana, ali u kombinaciji s UV ili vidljivom svjetlošću daje statistički značajna povećanja koncentracije sintetiziranih antocijana. Na kraju rada su prokomentirana istraživanja na ovome polju, a dane su i pretpostavke o daljnjim istraživanjima vezanim uz ovu tematiku.Anthocyanins belong to a group of flavonoid compounds which comprises over 5000 different compounds. Synthesis of all flavonoids begins with general phenylpropanoid metabolism for which the precursors are obtained from shikimate and malonyl-CoA pathway. The biosynthetic pathway continues through several steps to anthocyanins, i.e. antohcyanidins which are the last link in the chain although they can be modified, too. In this paper was described the course of metabolic reactions that lead to the synthesis of anthocyanins. Some of the known degradation pathways and regulatory pathways that are consisted of genes related to biosynthetic and degradation pathways of anthocyanins are described. Regulatory genes and some of transcription factors related to anthocyanins are mentioned too. The primary task of this review was to present which environmental factors affect the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in plants, the mechanisms of action and which signal pathways are involved in this process. It is shown that the main environmental factor that can stimulate the biosynthesis of anthocyanins is electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet and visible part of spectra, and that the vast majority of other environmental factors such as heat stress, osmotic stress, pathogen attack and wounding cannot stimulate the biosynthesis of anthocyanins independently, but in combination with UV or visible light they can give a statistically significant increase in anthocyanins content. And finally, current research in this field have been commented, and presented some assumptions about further research on the topic


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    U ovom završnom radu obrađena je tema Specifičnosti poreza na dodanu vrijednost u proračunskom računovodstvu. Proračunsko računovodstvo vrlo je specifično iz mnogo razloga, svakako je važno istaknuti primjenu modificiranog načela čija su najznačajnija obilježja priznavanje rashoda u trenutku nastanka, a priznavanje prihoda po gotovinskom načelu, ne iskazivanje rashoda amortizacije nefinancijske dugotrajne imovine, za donacije nefinancijske imovine priznavanje prihoda i rashoda kao i mnoge druge značajke. Zbog višegodišnjeg radnog iskustva u proračunskom korisniku na radnom mjestu glavnog knjigovođe na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu navedena tema nekako se sama nametnula i obuhvaća široki spektar primjera iz prakse što ju unatoč tome što podrazumijeva poreze i mnogo zakonskih propisa i regulativa čini zanimljivom. Česta su razmišljanja kako proračunski korisnici za svoje poslovanje crpe sredstva samo iz državnog proračuna i na teret poreznih obveznika što je jednim dijelom točno, ali Fakulteti općenito pa tako i Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje vrlo aktivno sudjeluju na tržištu obavljajući gospodarsku djelatnost i na taj način „unovčuju“ svoje znanje. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje kao i većina drugih Fakulteta koji su zadovoljavali uvjete, u sustav poreza na dodanu vrijednost ušao je 2010. godine. S obzirom da Fakulteti uz oslobođenu djelatnost obavljaju i oporezivu djelatnost zakonodavac je propisao podjelu pretporeza po ulaznim računima. Iz tog razloga vrlo je važno prilikom evidentiranja ulaznog računa uvidjeti u koju se svrhu usluga ili roba nabavlja. Za oslobođenu djelatnost koju obavlja Fakultet nije dopušten odbitak pretporeza, dok je u slučaju evidentiranja rashoda koji se odnose isključivo na oporezivu djelatnost dopušten odbitak pretporeza u cijelom iznosu, a u slučaju kada se roba ili usluga koristi i za oporezivu i za neoporezivu djelatnost primjenjuje se stopa podjele.The thesis of this final paper is The specifics of value added tax (VAT) at public sector accounting. Public sector accounting is specific for many reasons, but the most important difference to mention is the application of modified principle whose main characteristics are recording expenditure at the moment of their occurrence, and recording income according to the cash-basis accounting principle. Some other characteristics are not recording the expenditure of amortization of fixed assets, while recording the income and expenditure of fixed assets for donations. Since I have been working in a public institution for many years as Head Bookkeeper at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, the abovementioned thesis came by itself and covers a wide range of practical examples, which can be found interesting despite the fact that they come from the field of taxes and legal regulations. It is generally perceived that public institutions are primarily state-funded and live at the expense of the taxpayers, which is partly true. However, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, as well as other faculties in Croatia, actively participate in the economy and thus profit from their knowledge and expertise. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, along with other faculties in Croatia which fulfilled the legal requirements, became a part of the VAT system in year 2010. Since some faculty activities are tax-exempt, while others are taxable, pre-tax division of invoices is legally regulated. That is why it is necessary to determine the purpose of services or goods acquired. The tax-exempt faculty activities are not tax-deductible, whereas in case of taxable activities the tax is fully deductible. In cases when services or goods are used for both tax-exempt and taxable activities, pre-tax division principle is applied


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    U ovom završnom radu obrađena je tema Specifičnosti poreza na dodanu vrijednost u proračunskom računovodstvu. Proračunsko računovodstvo vrlo je specifično iz mnogo razloga, svakako je važno istaknuti primjenu modificiranog načela čija su najznačajnija obilježja priznavanje rashoda u trenutku nastanka, a priznavanje prihoda po gotovinskom načelu, ne iskazivanje rashoda amortizacije nefinancijske dugotrajne imovine, za donacije nefinancijske imovine priznavanje prihoda i rashoda kao i mnoge druge značajke. Zbog višegodišnjeg radnog iskustva u proračunskom korisniku na radnom mjestu glavnog knjigovođe na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu navedena tema nekako se sama nametnula i obuhvaća široki spektar primjera iz prakse što ju unatoč tome što podrazumijeva poreze i mnogo zakonskih propisa i regulativa čini zanimljivom. Česta su razmišljanja kako proračunski korisnici za svoje poslovanje crpe sredstva samo iz državnog proračuna i na teret poreznih obveznika što je jednim dijelom točno, ali Fakulteti općenito pa tako i Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje vrlo aktivno sudjeluju na tržištu obavljajući gospodarsku djelatnost i na taj način „unovčuju“ svoje znanje. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje kao i većina drugih Fakulteta koji su zadovoljavali uvjete, u sustav poreza na dodanu vrijednost ušao je 2010. godine. S obzirom da Fakulteti uz oslobođenu djelatnost obavljaju i oporezivu djelatnost zakonodavac je propisao podjelu pretporeza po ulaznim računima. Iz tog razloga vrlo je važno prilikom evidentiranja ulaznog računa uvidjeti u koju se svrhu usluga ili roba nabavlja. Za oslobođenu djelatnost koju obavlja Fakultet nije dopušten odbitak pretporeza, dok je u slučaju evidentiranja rashoda koji se odnose isključivo na oporezivu djelatnost dopušten odbitak pretporeza u cijelom iznosu, a u slučaju kada se roba ili usluga koristi i za oporezivu i za neoporezivu djelatnost primjenjuje se stopa podjele.The thesis of this final paper is The specifics of value added tax (VAT) at public sector accounting. Public sector accounting is specific for many reasons, but the most important difference to mention is the application of modified principle whose main characteristics are recording expenditure at the moment of their occurrence, and recording income according to the cash-basis accounting principle. Some other characteristics are not recording the expenditure of amortization of fixed assets, while recording the income and expenditure of fixed assets for donations. Since I have been working in a public institution for many years as Head Bookkeeper at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, the abovementioned thesis came by itself and covers a wide range of practical examples, which can be found interesting despite the fact that they come from the field of taxes and legal regulations. It is generally perceived that public institutions are primarily state-funded and live at the expense of the taxpayers, which is partly true. However, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, as well as other faculties in Croatia, actively participate in the economy and thus profit from their knowledge and expertise. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, along with other faculties in Croatia which fulfilled the legal requirements, became a part of the VAT system in year 2010. Since some faculty activities are tax-exempt, while others are taxable, pre-tax division of invoices is legally regulated. That is why it is necessary to determine the purpose of services or goods acquired. The tax-exempt faculty activities are not tax-deductible, whereas in case of taxable activities the tax is fully deductible. In cases when services or goods are used for both tax-exempt and taxable activities, pre-tax division principle is applied