12 research outputs found

    Evaluating Treatment Acceptability, Treatment Integrity, and Cultural Modifications of a Bullying Prevention Intervention

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    Treatment acceptability and treatment integrity are essential constructs to consider when designing, implementing, and evaluating school-based interventions. Existing literature has described treatment acceptability and treatment integrity as separate constructs rather than investigating their interrelationships. Also, models of treatment acceptability and treatment integrity have not systematically included the perspectives of multiple stakeholders, have not addressed multiple time points in the intervention process, and have not emphasized multiple methods of data collection. This paper reviewed extant literature related to current definitions and models of treatment acceptability and treatment integrity and presented a comprehensive integrated model of these constructs that addressed the aforementioned gaps in the intervention literature. A mixed methods study exploring student, facilitator, and observer perceptions of treatment acceptability and treatment integrity of an eight-week bullying prevention intervention was conducted. The study investigated the role of cultural modifications (i.e., context-based procedural or curriculum changes employed to enhance the treatment acceptability or integrity of the intervention). Qualitative data were analyzed with an inductive-deductive approach (Nastasi et al., 2004). Deductive coding was used to illustrate components of treatment acceptability, treatment integrity, and cultural modifications salient to this research and an inductive approach was used to identify emerging themes. Consensus coding was conducted with greater than 90% interrater agreement. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative and quantitative analyses revealed positive findings with respect to treatment acceptability and treatment integrity. Facilitator competence, behavior management, student engagement, and time management emerged as qualitative themes related to treatment integrity. Qualitative data suggested a positive relationship between student and facilitator perceptions of treatment acceptability. Qualitative findings revealed modifications to the curriculum content and delivery based on cultural factors (e.g., gender and age) to enhance treatment acceptability. Implications for school-based bullying research and applied practice were described. The results suggested that the use of mixed methods enhanced the comprehensiveness, depth, and quality of data regarding stakeholder perceptions of treatment integrity and treatment acceptability

    Dr. Lillie Huddleston (MINRS Presentation)

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    A Case Study with an Identified Bully: Policy and Practice Implications

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    Objective: Bullying is a serious public health problem that may include verbal or physical injury as well as social isolation or exclusion. As a result, research is needed to establish a database for policies and interventions designed to prevent bullying and its negative effects. This paper presented a case study that contributed to the literature by describing an intervention for bullies that has implications for research, practice and related policies regarding bullying.Methods: An individualized intervention for an identified bully was implemented using the Participatory Culture-Specific Intervention Model (PCSIM; Nastasi, Moore, & Varjas, 2004) with a seventh-grade middle school student. Ecological and culture-specific perspectives were used to develop and implement the intervention that included psychoeducational sessions with the student and consultation with the parent and school personnel. A mixed methods intervention design was used with the following informants: the target student, the mother of the student, a teacher and the school counselor. Qualitative data included semi-structured interviews with the parent, teacher and student, narrative classroom observations and evaluation/feedback forms filled out by the student and interventionist. Quantitative data included the following quantitative surveys (i.e., Child Posttraumatic Stress Reaction Index [CPTS-RI] and the Behavior Assessment Scale for Children, 2nd Edition). Both qualitative and quantitative data were used to evaluate the acceptability, integrity and efficacy of this intervention.Results: The process of intervention design, implementation and evaluation are described through an illustrative case study. Qualitative and quantitative findings indicated a decrease in internalizing, externalizing and bullying behaviors as reported by the teacher and the mother, and a high degree of acceptability and treatment integrity as reported by multiple stakeholders.Conclusion: This case study provided important contributions by describing an intervention that is targeted to specific needs of the bully by designing culture specific interventions and working with the student’s unique environmental contexts. Additional contributions included the use of mixed methods to document acceptability, integrity and efficacy of an intervention with documented positive effects in these areas. In addition, implications for policy and practice related to the treatment of students identified as bullies and future research needs are discussed. [West J Emerg Med 2011; 12(3)316-323]

    Positive Behavior and Visual Supports for Young Children with Autism

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    The Positive Behavior and Visual Supports (PBVS) project was designed as a 5-session home-based program to complement services provided by Babies Can’t Wait. The curriculum is as a Tier 3 targeted intervention for children with autism developed by the Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University. This presentation will include an overview and discussion of project goals and objectives as well as an in-depth orientation to the use of visual supports and positive behavior strategies to improve communication and social and behavioral development. Participants will be provided with a structured approach to behavior intervention training for caregivers and family members of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ages 1-3 years old) in home-based settings. Emphasis will be placed on the identification and use of family strengths, training in research-supported behavior assessment and intervention strategies, and the use of visual supports in the establishment of functional child routines. Participants will learn how to help caregivers better understand what their child is communicating through his or her behavior, as well as, how to teach and reinforce more appropriate forms of child communication. Attendees will be informed of the preliminary findings and lessons learned related to the implementation of the PBVS across the state of Georgia. Next steps for the project will be discussed

    The Arizona Cognitive Test Battery for Down Syndrome: Test-Retest Reliability and Practice Effects.

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    A multisite study investigated the test-retest reliability and practice effects of a battery of assessments to measure neurocognitive function in individuals with Down syndrome (DS). The study aimed to establish the appropriateness of these measures as potential endpoints for clinical trials. Neurocognitive tasks and parent report measures comprising the Arizona Cognitive Test Battery (ACTB) were administered to 54 young participants with DS (7-20 years of age) with mild to moderate levels of intellectual disability in an initial baseline evaluation and a follow-up assessment 3 months later. Although revisions to ACTB measures are indicated, results demonstrate adequate levels of reliability and resistance to practice effects for some measures. The ACTB offers viable options for repeated testing of memory, motor planning, behavioral regulation, and attention. Alternative measures of executive functioning are required