41 research outputs found
Perancangan pusat seni musik blues di Kota Malang: Tema architecture as music
Pusat seni musik blues ini merupakan suatu wadah atau tempat sebagai media bagi pecinta musik blues untuk dapat menyalurkan semua bakat, minat dan apresiasi musik lebih mendalam demi meningkatnya kemampuan baik untuk sekedar hobi maupun tujuan profesi/karir. Perkembangan yang menonjol adalah perkembangan terhadap kebutuhan pendidikan dan ruang pertunjukan musik, showroom penjualan alat musik dan produk musik juga studio rekaman yang memenuhi syarat dan berkualitas.
Untuk melakukan penggalian serta pengembangan musik diperlukan perhatian khusus, yang menampung kegiatan-kegiatan berkaitan dengan musik secara terpusat dimana didalamnya menyediakan fasilitas pendidikan, promosi, penjualan alat musik, pameran serta konser musik yang mempunyai visi utama untuk membina dan mengembangkan apresiasi musik blues dikalangan masyarakat. Sesuai dengan objek perancangan yang menjadikan arsitektur itu sebagai acuan dalam obyek rancangan, serta melihat bahwa arsitektur memiliki banyak sekali kesamaan dengan seni musik, Maka tema yang di pilih adalah architecture as music. Dalam arsitektur sangat banyak digunakan istilah harmoni, balance, ritme, dan lain sebagainya untuk mengartikan sebuah prinsip dasar dalam arsitektur.
Tema architecture as music lebih melihat bahwa arsitektur adalah sebuah media dimana kita dapat berkreatifitas tanpa batas dan terus berkembang, memberikan kenyamanan bagi para pengguna karya arsitektur tersebut, serta selalu menghadirkan nuansa baru dalam kehidupan sosial di seluruh dunia. Apabila kita tinjau lebih jauh lagi keteraturan dan perwujudan arsitektur itu sendiri dapat mempengaruhi kita sebagai manusia yang selalu mengalami arsitektur. Manusia dikatakan mengalami arsitektur dikarenakan semua aspek kehidupanmanusia tidak akan lepas dari arsitektur. Sebuah karya arsitektur yang baik akan mampu memberi pengaruh baik bagi seluruh komponen didalamnya, sama halnya dengan musik, sebuah karya musik yang baik juga akan memberi pengaruh baik terhadap penggemar aliran musik tersebut.
The blues music arts center is a place or places as the medium for blues music lovers to be able to channel all their talents, interests and appreciation of music deeper for increased ability for both hobbyists and professional goals/career. Development that stands out is the need for the development of education and music performance space, showroom sales of musical instruments and studio recording music products also are eligible and qualified.
To carry out excavation and development of music necessary special attention, which accommodate activities related to music centrally where in providing educational facilities, promotion, musical instrument sales, exhibitions and music concerts that have the vision to nurture and develop a major appreciation of blues music in the community. Objects according to their architectural design that makes it the object reference in the draft, and see that the architecture has many similarities with the art of music, then the selected theme is architecture as music. In a very widely used term architectural harmony, balance, rhythm, and so forth to define a basic principle in architecture.
Architecture as music over to see that architecture is a medium where we can creativity without limits and continue to grow, providing convenience for users of the architectural work, and always brings new nuances in the social life around the world. If we review the order and further realization of the architecture itself can affect us as human beings are always experiencing architecture. Man is said to experience all aspects of the architecture caused kehidupanmanusia will not be separated from the architecture. A good piece of architecture will be able to have a positive impact for all its components, as well as music, a good piece of music that will also have a positive impact on fans of the genre
Kebugaran jasmani adalah suatu keadaan ketika tubuh masih memiliki sisa tenaga untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan ringan yang bersifat rekresi atau hiburan setelah melakukan kegiatan atau aktifitas fisik yang memerlukan kekuatan, daya tahan dan kelenturan. Kebugaran jasmani sangat dibutuhkan oleh para siswa dan siswi untuk melakukan kegiatan didalam sekolah maupun diluar sekolah agar para siswa dan siswi dapat melakukan kegiatan tersebut dengan baik dan penuh semangat (Afriwardi, 2011: 37).
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa di SMPN 5 Sidoarjo, (2) Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa di SMPN 5 Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah non-eksperimen dengan pendekatan cross-sectional model atau pendekatan silang, karena penelitian ini dilakukan pada satu waktu terhadap beberapa kelompok, di mana kelompok-kelompok yang usianya lebih banyak dipandang sebagai pengganti kelompok usia terkecil pada masa-masa berikutnya. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel cluster random sampling yang tiap kelasnya hanya diwakilkan satu kelas saja, yaitu terdiri dari kelas VII, VIII dan IX SMPN 5 Sidoarjo. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan TKJI untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani seorang anak harus melakukan kelima butir tes secara beruntun sesuai dengan urutan butir TKJI sedangkan waktu antara tes yang satu ke tes yang berikutnya hanya diberi waktu 3 menit tidak lebih.
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari hasil tes TKJI siswa-siswi kelas VII memiliki nilai rata-rata 15,16 nilai standar deviasi 1,76 dengan nilai terendah 12 dan nilai tertinggi 19. Sedangkan hasil tes TKJI siswa-siswi kelas VIII memiliki nilai rata-rata 14,50 nilai standar deviasi 4,26 dengan nilai terendah 11 dan nilai tertinggi 20. Sedangkan hasil tes TKJI siswa-siswi kelas IX memiliki nilai rata-rata 14,66 nilai standar deviasi 2,73 dengan nilai terendah 10 dan nilai tertinggi 20.
Kata Kunci : tingkat kebugaran jasmani Indonesia.
Physical fitness is a state when one’s body still possesses residual force to do undemanding activities which is classified as recreation or leisure after doing activities which requires power, stamina, and flexibility. Physical fitness is needed by the students to do any kinds of activities within or outside the school powerfully (Afriwardi, 2011: 37)The purposes of this study are (1) to indentify the rate of physical fitness of the students of State Junior High School 5 Sidoarjo, (2) to indentify the extent of the rate of physical fitness of the students of State Junior High School 5 Sidoarjo. This is a non-experimental research with the model of cross-sectional approach, because this study was conducted in a particular period of time towards several groups in which the groups of older students is considered as the substitution of the group of younger students in the following. The technique of sample drawing used in this study is cluster random sampling which each level of grade is represented only by one class; they are the class of seventh, eight, and ninth grade of State Junior High School 5 Sidoarjo. The research instrument used in this study is the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test. It was used to indentify the rate of students’ physical fitness by providing five subsequent entries of test in accordance to the items of Indonesian Physical Fitness of Test. The time interval between the administration of one test and another is around three minutes.
The mean score of the result of the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test towards the seventh graders is 15.16 and the standard deviation score is 1.67 with the lowest score is 12 and the highest is 19. The mean score of the result of the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test towards the eight graders is 14.50 and the standard deviation score is 4.26 with the lowest score is 11 and the highest is 20.
Keywords : Rate of Indonesian physical fitness
Adoption of Blockchain Technology in Indonesian MSME Supply Chain Management (SCM).
MSMEs are the economic driving sector, but at this time there are many fraud in this sector. The main problem of MSMEs is Supply Chain Management. Blockchain technology is believed to be a solution. The purpose of this study is to determine the adoption of blockchain in the supply chain management for Indonesian MSMEs. This research was conducted on 193 Indonesian MSMEs. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires. The method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Data is processed using Smart PLS. The results of this study are competitive pressure significantly affect behavior in intention, complexity has no significant effect on behavioral intention, complexity has a significant effect on the cost, complexity has a significant effect on upper management support, cost has no significant effect on behavioral intention, market dynamics has no significant effect on behavioral intention, Regulatory Support does not significantly effect on behavioral intention, relative advantage has a significant effect on behavioral intention, relative advantage has a significant effect on the cost, relative advantage significantly influences upper management support, and upper management support significantly affect behavior intention. From the results of this study, the results obtained that MSMEs believe the blockchain can facilitate supply chain but there must be a clear legal support and cost to adopt the blockchain
Adoption of Blockchain Technology in Indonesian MSME Supply Chain Management (SCM).
MSMEs are the economic driving sector, but at this time there are many fraud in this sector. The main problem of MSMEs is Supply Chain Management. Blockchain technology is believed to be a solution. The purpose of this study is to determine the adoption of blockchain in the supply chain management for Indonesian MSMEs. This research was conducted on 193 Indonesian MSMEs. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires. The method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Data is processed using Smart PLS. The results of this study are competitive pressure significantly affect behavior in intention, complexity has no significant effect on behavioral intention, complexity has a significant effect on the cost, complexity has a significant effect on upper management support, cost has no significant effect on behavioral intention, market dynamics has no significant effect on behavioral intention, Regulatory Support does not significantly effect on behavioral intention, relative advantage has a significant effect on behavioral intention, relative advantage has a significant effect on the cost, relative advantage significantly influences upper management support, and upper management support significantly affect behavior intention. From the results of this study, the results obtained that MSMEs believe the blockchain can facilitate supply chain but there must be a clear legal support and cost to adopt the blockchain
Otak dan Akal dalam Kajian Al-Quran dan Neurosains
Humans are the perfect creation of Allah SWT. It lies within their mind. Moreover, they also have the brain as a control center for all human activities. This article aims to explain the concepts of al-quran and neuroscience as well as the study of the brain and mind in al-quran and neuroscience. The approach used was qualitative of Creswell model library research. Data sources were obtained from the literature in the fields of the brain and mind, al-quran and neuroscience. Data collection techniques had used Sugiyono model. The data analysis technique had used Moleong analysis model. The results of this study indicated that if humans use their brains and mind to think properly and correctly, they would be able to provide and to create new ideas in solving various problems. After humans are even more aware, they would increase the faith and devotion to Allah
The purpose of this research background to the problem in this study is based on the problems that have occurred including an increase in complaints from customers due to defective products from 2015 to 2019 and a decrease in the customer satisfaction index from 2018 to 2019.
The purpose of this study is (1) to determine how much the level of quality culture absorption of employees in the company Jababeka Dua area. (2) To find out how big the level of application of the principles of ISO 9001 quality management systems in the Jababeka Dua area company. (3) Knowing the effect of the absorption of quality culture on the implementation of the ISO 9001 quality management system in the Jababeka Dua area company.
The data of research were obtained from a sample of 125 respondents randomly selected employees and proportionate in each work unit. The Method of analisys used in testing the relationship between latent constructs the quality culture to the succesful implementation of quality management system ISO 9001 is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS V.24.
This research found that the quality culture on employees and the implementation of quality management system ISO 9001 has been well perceived by employees. Based on full model analysis, the result of this research shows that full model fill goodness of fit. Overall construct indicators, that is philosophy, beliefs, habits, behavior, values, traditions, procedures, and expectations are valid and reliable in measuring the construct of quality culture, and top management commitment, supplier partnerships, continuous improvement, employees involvement, customer focus, and product quality are valid and reliable in measuring the construct of the implementation of quality management system iso 9001. hypothesis testing showed result consistent with the theoretical study that the quality culture positive and significant impact on the implementation of the quality management system ISO 9001
Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Dengan Menggunakan Metode Statistical Process Control
Penting bagi perusahaan untuk mempertahankan dan memperbaiki kualitas produksinya dengan cara menerapkan pengendalian kualitas produksi yang tepat dan optimal, agar kualitas produk semakin meningkat Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beton siap pakai yang dikirim oleh PT.Adhimix RMC Indonesia pada proyek Transmart Bekasi sudahkah sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknis.Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel benda uji sebanyak 50 buah dimana 2 buah benda uji yang berpasangan berasal dari 25 adukan (truck mixer) yang berbeda, sehingga satu nilai uji tekan merupakan rata-rata kuat tekan 2 buah benda uji yang berpasangan. Perawatan benda uji dilakukan di laboratorium teknik adhimix dan pengujian dilakukan pada umur 28 hari.Hasil penelitian ini terbukti dengan uji tekan benda uji menggunakan alat tes kuat tekan DHR 2000 dan hasil kuat tekan dianalisis dengan salah satu alat bantu Statistical Process Control(SPC),yaitu metode peta kendali (Control Chart). Berdasarkan grafik peta kendali X dan R diketahui bahwa hasil uji sampel benda uji seluruhnya berada dalam batas kendali yang ditetapkan , Sehingga bisa dinyatakan bahwa kualitas produk beton siap pakai (readymix)yang dikirimkan ke proyek transmart bekasi terkendali atau tidak terjadi penyimpangan ( selalu konsiten ).Diketahui bahwa tidak ada satupun hasil uji tes sampel benda uji yang merupakan rata-rata dari 3 pasangan benda uji yang nilainya kurang dari 26,5 MPa. Sehingga produk beton siap pakai pada Adhimix RMC Indonesia di Plant Bekasi Timur yang dikirimkan pada proyek transmart bekasi dikategorikan telah memenuhi syarat sesuai spesifikasi tekni
Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Akuntansi Perusahaan Dagang Ditinjau dari Keaktifan Mahasiswa dan Metode Mengajar Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi Angkatan 2017 FKIP UMS
Purpose of this study was to determine: 1) To determine the effect of student activity on
student learning independence Accounting Business Study Program Study Program Accounting
Education force 2017 FKIP UMS. 2) To determine the effect of teaching method on the learning
independence of students of Accounting for Trading Company Accounting Education Study
Program force 2017 FKIP UMS. 3) To determine the effect of student activeness and teaching
methods on lecturers' learning independence of students of Accounting Department of Trade
Company Accounting Education Study Program force 2017 FKIP UMS.
This research is a type of descriptive research. The population in this study were all
students of class of 2017 Accounting Education Study Program. Samples were taken as many as
152 students with simple random sampling. The required data is obtained through
questionnaires and documentation. Previous questionnaires were tested and tested for validity
and tested for reliability. Data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression analysis, t
test, F test, and relative and effective donations.
The results of regression analysis obtained the regression line equation: Y = 32.715 +
0.452 X1 + 0.227 X2. Equations show that student learning independence is influenced by student
activity and lecturer teaching methods. The conclusions taken are: 1) Student activity towards
student learning independence can be accepted. This is based on multiple linear regression
analysis (t test), it is known that tcount > ttable, 5.232> 1,960 and significance value <0,05, which is
0,000 with a relative contribution of 76% and an effective contribution of 29.8%. 2) The method
of teaching lecturers to student learning independence can be accepted. This is based on multiple
linear regression analysis (t test), it is known that tcount > ttable, which is 3.042> 1.960 and a
significance value <0.05, which is 0.003 with a relative contribution of 24% and an effective
contribution of 9.4%. 3) The activeness of students and the method of teaching lecturers to the
learning independence of students in conducting academic registration can be accepted. This is
based on variance analysis of multiple linear regression (F test), it is known that Farithmetic > Ftable,
which is 17,685> 3,000 and a significance value of <0.05, which is 0,000. 4) The coefficient of
determination (R2)of 0.392 indicates that the influence of the activity of students and methods of
teaching faculty to student learning independence amounted to 39.2%, while 60,8% the rest
influenced by other variables