196 research outputs found

    The narrow, inner CO ring around the magnetic Herbig Ae star, HD 101412

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    We describe and model emission lines in the first overtone band of CO in the magnetic Herbig Ae star HD 101412. High-resolution CRIRES spectra reveal unusually sharp features which suggest the emission is formed in a thin disk centered at 1 AU with a width 0.32 AU or less. A wider disk will not fit the observations. Previous observations have reached similar conclusions, but the crispness of the new material brings the emitting region into sharp focus.Comment: Accepted as Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter; 4 pages, 5 figure

    Characterising the magnetic fields of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD97048, HD150193, HD176386, and MWC480

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    Our knowledge of the presence and the role of magnetic fields in intermediate-mass pre-main-sequence stars remains very poor. We present the magnetic properties of four Herbig Ae/Be stars that have not been previously studied in detail. Our results for the three Herbig Ae/Be stars HD97048, HD150193, and HD176386 are based on multi-epoch low-resolution spectra obtained in spectropolarimetric mode with FORS2 mounted on the VLT. New high-resolution polarimetric spectra were obtained for MWC480 with the SOFIN spectrograph installed at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We discuss 41 FORS2 low-resolution observations of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD97048, HD150193, and HD176386 and determine their rotational periods. Using stellar fundamental parameters and the longitudinal magnetic field phase curves, we place constraints on the magnetic field geometry. Three high-resolution circularly polarised SOFIN spectra obtained for MWC480 were measured using the moment technique where wavelength shifts between right- and left-hand side circularly polarised spectra are interpreted in terms of a longitudinal magnetic field . Our search for periodicities resulted in P=0.693d for HD97048, P=1.317d for HD150193, and P=0.899d for HD176386. The magnetic field geometry can likely be described by a centred dipole with a polar magnetic field strength B_d of several hundred Gauss. The longitudinal magnetic-field measurements of MWC480 reveal the presence of a strong kG field, which was undetected in our previous low-resolution polarimetric observations with FORS1. A weak magnetic field was detected in the circumstellar components of the Ca II H&K lines and the Na I D lines, indicating a complex interaction between the stellar magnetic field and the circumstellar environment.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The Puzzling Spectrum of HD 94509

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    The spectral features of HD 94509 are highly unusual, adding an extreme to the zoo of Be and shell stars. The shell dominates the spectrum, showing lines typical for spectral types mid-A to early-F, while the presence of a late/mid B-type central star is indicated by photospheric hydrogen line wings and helium lines. Numerous metallic absorption lines have broad wings but taper to narrow cores. They cannot be fit by Voigt profiles. We aim to describe and illustrate unusual spectral features of this star, and make rough calculations to estimate physical conditions and abundances in the shell. Furthermore, the central star is characterized. We assume mean conditions for the shell. An electron density estimate is made from the Inglis-Teller formula. Excitation temperatures and column densities for Fe I and Fe II are derived from curves of growth. The neutral H column density is estimated from high Paschen members. The column densities are compared with calculations made with the photoionization code Cloudy. Atmospheric parameters of the central star are constrained employing non-LTE spectrum synthesis. Overall chemical abundances are close to solar. Column densities of the dominant ions of several elements, as well as excitation temperatures and the mean electron density are well accounted for by a simple model. Several features, including the degree of ionization, are less well described. HD 94509 is a Be star with a stable shell, close to the terminal-age main sequence. The dynamical state of the shell and the unusually shaped, but symmetric line profiles, require a separate study.Comment: 10 pages, 9 tables, 13 figures; accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    High resolution spectroscopy of HgMn stars: a time of surprises

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    We present the results of a high spectral resolution study of a few spectroscopic binaries with HgMn primary stars. We detect for the first time in the spectra of HgMn stars that for many elements the line profiles are variable over the rotation period. The strongest profile variations are found for the elements Pt, Hg, Sr, Y, Zr, Mn, Ga, He and Nd. The slight variability of He and Y is also confirmed from the study of high resolution spectra of another HgMn star, alpha And.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

    Orbit of the Mercury-Manganese binary 41 Eridani

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    Context. Mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars are a class of slowly rotating chemically peculiar main-sequence late B-type stars. More than two-thirds of the HgMn stars are known to belong to spectroscopic binaries. Aims. By determining orbital solutions for binary HgMn stars, we will be able to obtain the masses for both components and the distance to the system. Consequently, we can establish the position of both components in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and confront the chemical peculiarities of the HgMn stars with their age and evolutionary history. Methods. We initiated a program to identify interferometric binaries in a sample of HgMn stars, using the PIONIER near-infrared interferometer at the VLTI on Cerro Paranal, Chile. For the detected systems, we intend to obtain full orbital solutions in conjunction with spectroscopic data. Results. The data obtained for the SB2 system 41 Eridani allowed the determination of the orbital elements with a period of just five days and a semi-major axis of under 2 mas. Including published radial velocity measurements, we derived almost identical masses of 3.17 +/- 0.07 M_Sun for the primary and 3.07 +/- 0.07 M_Sun for the secondary. The measured magnitude difference is less than 0.1 mag. The orbital parallax is 18.05 +/- 0.17 mas, which is in good agreement with the Hipparcos trigonometric parallax of 18.33 +/- 0.15 mas. The stellar diameters are resolved as well at 0.39 +/- 0.03 mas. The spin rate is synchronized with the orbital rate.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Search of X-ray emission from roAp stars: The case of gamma Equulei

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    The detection of X-ray emission from Ap stars can be an indicator for the presence of magnetic activity and dynamo action, provided different origins for the emission, such as wind shocks and close late-type companions, can be excluded. Here we report on results for gamma Equu, the only roAp star for which an X-ray detection is reported in ROSAT catalogs. We use high resolution imaging in X-rays with Chandra and in the near-infrared with NACO/VLT that allow us to spatially resolve companions down to ~1" and ~0.06" separations, respectively. The bulk of the X-ray emission is associated with a companion of gamma Equu identified in our NACO image. Assuming coevality with the primary roAp star (~900 Myr), the available photometry for the companion points at a K-type star with ~0.6 M_sun. Its X-ray properties are in agreement with the predictions for its age and mass. An excess of photons with respect to the expected background and contribution from the nearby companion is observed near the optical position of gamma Equu. We estimate an X-ray luminosity of log L_x [erg/s] = 26.6 and log(L_x/L_bol) = -7.9 for this emission. A small offset between the optical and the X-ray image leaves some doubt on its association with the roAp star. The faint X-ray emission that we tentatively ascribe to the roAp star is difficult to explain as a solar-like stellar corona due to its very low L_x/L_bol level and the very long rotation period of gamma Equu. It could be produced in magnetically confined wind shocks implying a mass loss rate of ~10^(-14) M_sun/yr or from an additional unknown late-type companion at separation ~0.4". If confirmed by future deeper X-ray observations this emission could point at the origin for the presence of radioactive elements on some roAp stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (5 pages

    Abundances in the Herbig Ae star HD 101412: Abundance anomalies; Lambda Boo-Vega characteristics?

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    Context: Recent attention has been directed to abundance variations among very young stars. Aims: To perform a detailed abundance study of the Herbig Ae star HD 101412, taking advantage of its unusually sharp spectral lines. Methods: High-resolution spectra are measured for accurate wavelengths and equivalent widths. Balmer-line fits and ionization equlibria give a relation between Teff, and log(g). Abundance anomalies and uncertain reddening preclude the use of spectral type or photometry to fix Teff. Excitation temperatures are used to break the degeneracy between Teff and log(g). Results: Strong lines are subject to an anomalous saturation that cannot be removed by assuming a low microturbulence. By restricting the analysis to weak (<= 20 m[A]) lines, we find consistent results for neutral and ionized species, based on a model with Teff = 8300K, and log(g)=3.8. The photosphere is depleted in the most refractory elements, while volatiles are normal or, in the case of nitrogen, overabundant with respect to the sun. The anomalies are unlike those of Ap or Am stars. Conclusions: We suggest the anomalous saturation of strong lines arises from heating of the upper atmospheric layers by infalling material from a disk. The overall abundance pattern may be related to those found for the Lambda Boo stars, though the depletions of the refractory elements are milder, more like those of Vega. However, the intermediate volatile zinc is depleted, precluding a straightforward interpretation of the abundance pattern in terms of gas-grain separation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 7 pages, 7 figs., 2 table