55 research outputs found

    Protective immune trajectories in early viral containment of non-pneumonic SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    The antiviral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection can limit viral spread and prevent development of pneumonic COVID-19. However, the protective immunological response associated with successful viral containment in the upper airways remains unclear. Here, we combine a multi-omics approach with longitudinal sampling to reveal temporally resolved protective immune signatures in non-pneumonic and ambulatory SARS-CoV-2 infected patients and associate specific immune trajectories with upper airway viral containment. We see a distinct systemic rather than local immune state associated with viral containment, characterized by interferon stimulated gene (ISG) upregulation across circulating immune cell subsets in non-pneumonic SARS-CoV2 infection. We report reduced cytotoxic potential of Natural Killer (NK) and T cells, and an immune-modulatory monocyte phenotype associated with protective immunity in COVID-19. Together, we show protective immune trajectories in SARS-CoV2 infection, which have important implications for patient prognosis and the development of immunomodulatory therapies

    Impulsivity is a heritable trait in rodents and associated with a novel quantitative trait locus on chromosome 1

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    Abstract: Impulsivity describes the tendency to act prematurely without appropriate foresight and is symptomatic of a number of neuropsychiatric disorders. Although a number of genes for impulsivity have been identified, no study to date has carried out an unbiased, genome-wide approach to identify genetic markers associated with impulsivity in experimental animals. Herein we report a linkage study of a six-generational pedigree of adult rats phenotyped for one dimension of impulsivity, namely premature responding on the five-choice serial reaction time task, combined with genome wide sequencing and transcriptome analysis to identify candidate genes associated with the expression of the impulsivity trait. Premature responding was found to be heritable (h2 = 13–16%), with significant linkage (LOD 5.2) identified on chromosome 1. Fine mapping of this locus identified a number of polymorphic candidate genes, however only one, beta haemoglobin, was differentially expressed in both the founder strain and F6 generation. These findings provide novel insights into the genetic substrates and putative neurobiological mechanisms of impulsivity with broader translational relevance for impulsivity-related disorders in humans

    Titin-truncating variants affect heart function in disease cohorts and the general population

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    Titin-truncating variants (TTNtv) commonly cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). TTNtv are also encountered in ~1% of the general population, where they may be silent, perhaps reflecting allelic factors. To better understand TTNtv, we integrated TTN allelic series, cardiac imaging and genomic data in humans and studied rat models with disparate TTNtv. In patients with DCM, TTNtv throughout titin were significantly associated with DCM. Ribosomal profiling in rat showed the translational footprint of premature stop codons in Ttn, TTNtv-position-independent nonsense-mediated degradation of the mutant allele and a signature of perturbed cardiac metabolism. Heart physiology in rats with TTNtv was unremarkable at baseline but became impaired during cardiac stress. In healthy humans, machine-learning-based analysis of high-resolution cardiac imaging showed TTNtv to be associated with eccentric cardiac remodeling. These data show that TTNtv have molecular and physiological effects on the heart across species, with a continuum of expressivity in health and disease

    Independent functions of yeast Pcf11p in pre-mRNA 3´ end processing and in transcription termination

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    Pcf11p, an essential subunit of the yeast cleavage factor IA, is required for pre-mRNA 3\u27 end processing, binds to the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) and is involved in transcription termination. We show that the conserved CTD interaction domain (CID) of Pcf11p is essential for cell viability. Interestingly, the CTD binding and 3\u27 end processing activities of Pcf11p can be functionally uncoupled from each other and provided by distinct Pcf11p fragments in trans. Impaired CTD binding did not affect the 3\u27 end processing activity of Pcf11p and a deficiency of Pcf11p in 3\u27 end processing did not prevent CTD binding. Transcriptional run-on analysis with the CYC1 gene revealed that loss of cleavage activity did not correlate with a defect in transcription termination, whereas loss of CTD binding did. We conclude that Pcf11p is a bifunctional protein and that transcript cleavage is not an obligatory step prior to RNAP II termination.<br /

    Analysis of the GFP-labelled β-dystroglycan interactome in HEK-293 transfected cells reveals novel intracellular networks

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    Highlights•HEK-293 cells were transfected with β-dystroglycan fused to GFP and the protein predominantly localized at the nuclear envelope.•Protein complexes bound to β-dystroglycan were investigated using immunoprecipitation by anti-GFP antibodies followed by shotgun proteomic analysis.•Novel potential interaction networks involving β-dystroglycan were identified in cytoskeleton, endoplasmatic reticulum, mitochondria and nucleus.•Lamin-Associated Polypeptide-1B (LAP1B) was identified as a novel protein that interacts with β-dystroglycan.AbstractDystroglycan (DG) is a cell adhesion complex that is widely expressed in tissues. It is composed by two subunits, α-DG, a highly glycosylated protein that interacts with several extracellular matrix proteins, and transmembrane β-DG whose cytodomain binds to the actin cytoskeleton. Glycosylation of α-DG is crucial for functioning as a receptor for its multiple extracellular binding partners. Perturbation of α-DG glycosylation is the central event in the pathogenesis of severe pathologies such as muscular dystrophy and cancer. β-DG acts as a scaffold for several cytoskeletal and nuclear proteins and very little is known about the fine regulation of some of these intracellular interactions and how they are perturbed in diseases.To start filling this gap by identifying uncharacterized intracellular networks preferentially associated with β-DG, HEK-293 cells were transiently transfected with a plasmid carrying the β-DG subunit with GFP fused at its C-terminus. With this strategy, we aimed at forcing β-DG to occupy multiple intracellular locations instead of sitting tightly at its canonical plasma membrane milieu, where it is commonly found in association with α-DG.Immunoprecipitation by anti-GFP antibodies followed by shotgun proteomic analysis, led to the identification of an interactome formed by 313 exclusive protein matches for β-DG binding. A series of already known β-DG interactors have been found, including ezrin and emerin, whilst significant new matches, which include potential novel β-DG interactors and their related networks, were identified in diverse subcellular compartments such as cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi, mitochondria, nuclear membrane and the nucleus itself. Of particular interest amongst the novel identified matches, Lamin-Associated Polypeptide-1B (LAP1B), an inner nuclear membrane protein whose mutations are known to cause nuclear envelopathies characterized by muscular dystrophy, was found to interact with β-DG in HEK-293 cells. This evidence was confirmed by immunoprecipitation, Western blotting and immunofluorescence experiments. We also found by immunofluorescence experiments that LAP1B looses its nuclear envelope localization in C2C12 DG-knock-out cells, suggesting that LAP1B requires β-DG for a proper nuclear localization.These results expand the role of β-DG as a nuclear scaffolding protein and provide novel evidence of a possible link between dystroglycanopathies and nuclear envelopathies displaying with muscular dystrophy

    Yhh1p/Cft1p directly links poly(A) site recognition and RNA polymerase II transcription termination

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    RNA polymerase II (pol II) transcription termination requires co-transcriptional recognition of a functional polyadenylation signal, but the molecular mechanisms that transduce this signal to pol II remain unclear. We show that Yhh1p/Cft1p, the yeast homologue of the mammalian AAUAAA interacting protein CPSF 160, is an RNA-binding protein and provide evidence that it participates in poly(A) site recognition. Interestingly, RNA binding is mediated by a central domain composed of predicted -propeller-forming repeats, which occurs in proteins of diverse cellular functions. We also found that Yhh1p/Cft1p bound specifically to the phosphorylated C-terminal domain (CTD) of pol II in vitro and in a two-hybrid test in vivo. Furthermore, transcriptional run-on analysis demonstrated that yhh1 mutants were defective in transcription termination, suggesting that Yhh1p/Cft1p functions in the coupling of transcription and 3\u27-end formation. We propose that direct interactions of Yhh1p/Cft1p with both the RNA transcript and the CTD are required to communicate poly(A) site recognition to elongating pol II to initiate transcription termination

    Multimodal super-resolution optical microscopy visualizes the close connection between membrane and the cytoskeleton in liver sinusoidal endothelial cell fenestrations

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    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) act as a filter between blood and the hepatocytes. LSECs are highly fenestrated cells; they contain transcellular pores with diameters between 50 to 200 nm. The small sizes of the fenestrae have so far prohibited any functional analysis with standard and advanced light microscopy techniques. Only the advent of super-resolution optical fluorescence microscopy now permits the recording of such small cellular structures. Here, we demonstrate the complementary use of two different super-resolution optical microscopy modalities, 3D structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) and single molecule localization microscopy in a common optical platform to obtain new insights into the association between the cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane that supports the formation of fenestrations. We applied 3D-SIM to multi-color stained LSECs to acquire highly resolved overviews of large sample areas. We then further increased the spatial resolution for imaging fenestrations by single molecule localization microscopy applied to select small locations of interest in the same sample on the same microscope setup. We optimized the use of fluorescent membrane stains for these imaging conditions. The combination of these techniques offers a unique opportunity to significantly improve studies of subcellular ultrastructures such as LSEC fenestrations

    Insertion of a myc-tag within alpha-dystroglycan domains improves its biochemical and microscopic detection

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    Background: Epitope tags and fluorescent fusion proteins have become indispensable molecular tools for studies in the fields of biochemistry and cell biology. The knowledge collected on the subdomain organization of the two subunits of the adhesion complex dystroglycan (DG) enabled us to insert the 10 amino acids myc-tag at different locations along the \u3b1-subunit, in order to better visualize and investigate the DG complex in eukaryotic cells. Results: We have generated two forms of DG polypeptides via the insertion of the myc-tag 1) within a flexible loop (between a.a. 170 and 171) that separates two autonomous subdomains, and 2) within the C-terminal domain in position 500. Their analysis showed that double-tagging (the \u3b2-subunit is linked to GFP) does not significantly interfere with the correct processing of the DG precursor (pre-DG) and confirmed that the \u3b1-DG N-terminal domain is processed in the cell before \u3b1-DG reaches its plasma membrane localization. In addition, myc insertion in position 500, right before the second Ig-like domain of \u3b1-DG, proved to be an efficient tool for the detection and pulling-down of glycosylated \u3b1-DG molecules targeted at the membrane. Conclusions: Further characterization of these and other myc-permissive site(s) will represent a valid support for the study of the maturation process of pre-DG and could result in the creation of a new class of intrinsic doubly-fluorescent DG molecules that would allow the monitoring of the two DG subunits, or of pre-DG, in cells without the need of antibodies