2,767 research outputs found

    Determination of critical slip surfaces using mutative scale chaos optimization

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    Limit equilibrium is a common method used to analyze the stability of a slope, and minimization of the factor of safety or identification of critical slip surfaces is a classical geotechnical problem in the context of limit equilibrium methods for slope stability analyses. A mutative scale chaos optimization algorithm is employed in this study to locate the noncircular critical slip surface with Spencer’s method being employed to compute the factor of safety. Four examples from the literature—one homogeneous slope and three layered slopes—are employed to identify the efficiency and accuracy of this approach. Results indicate that the algorithm is flexible and that although it does not generally provide the minimum FS, it provides results that are close to the minimum, an improvement over other solutions proposed in the literature and with small relative errors with respect to other minimum factor of safety (FS) values reported in the literature

    Implementing universal nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates with transmons

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    Geometric phases are well known to be noise-resilient in quantum evolutions/operations. Holonomic quantum gates provide us with a robust way towards universal quantum computation, as these quantum gates are actually induced by nonabelian geometric phases. Here we propose and elaborate how to efficiently implement universal nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates on simpler superconducting circuits, with a single transmon serving as a qubit. In our proposal, an arbitrary single-qubit holonomic gate can be realized in a single-loop scenario, by varying the amplitudes and phase difference of two microwave fields resonantly coupled to a transmon, while nontrivial two-qubit holonomic gates may be generated with a transmission-line resonator being simultaneously coupled to the two target transmons in an effective resonant way. Moreover, our scenario may readily be scaled up to a two-dimensional lattice configuration, which is able to support large scalable quantum computation, paving the way for practically implementing universal nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation with superconducting circuits.Comment: v3 Appendix added, v4 published version, v5 published version with correction

    Comparative Study of TCM Syndrome Scale for Liver Disease and Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire Based on Assessment of Posthepatitic Cirrhosis

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    Objective. To compare and analyze the relevance and applied value of chronic liver disease questionnaire (CLDQ) and Traditional Chinese Medicine liver disease questionnaire (TCMLDQ) in patients with posthepatitic cirrhosis. Methods. The data of 146 patients' scales of CLDQ and TCMLDQ which based on the characteristics of chinese medical symptoms were collected. We made comparative analysis of the relationship between these two scales by the linear regression model and canonical correlation method and evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of two scales about its items setting and dimension definition. Result. There is a negative correlation in total scores between the two scales and the linear regression equation: CLDQ = 239.38 − 1.232TCMLDQ. The further canonical correlation analysis was used to analyze the two extracted canonical correlative variables with significances (P < 0.05), and the results showed that the overall negative correlation between the two scales mainly came from contributions of both the four dimensions of TCMLDQ (CS, GSYX, GYPX, and OS) and the five dimensions of CLDQ (AS, FA, SS, AC, and EF). Conclusion. These two scales have good consistency in the evaluation of severity and life quality of liver cirrhosis patients, so we suggested that TCMLDQ can be used to evaluate the severity and life quality of patients with posthepatitic cirrhosis

    Ethyl (2,5-dioxo-1-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H,5H-1-benzofuro[3,2-d]imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-3-yl)acetate

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    In the title compound, C22H17N3O5, synthesized via the aza-Wittig reaction of ethyl 3-(phenyl­imino­methyl­ene­amino)­benzofuran-2-carboxyl­ate, benzene isocyanate and diethyl 2-amino­succinate, the imidazo[1,2-a]benzo[4,5]furo[2,3-d]pyrim­idine ring system is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation for all 16 non-H atoms = 0.020 Å). The phenyl ring is twisted with respect to this ring system, making a dihedral angle of 54.23 (4)°. The crystal packing is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions

    Potential Nighttime Contamination of CERES Clear-sky Field of View by Optically Thin Cirrus during the CRYSTAL-FACE Campaign

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    We investigate the outgoing broadband longwave (LW, 5 to approx. 200 microns) and window (WIN, 8 to approx. 12 microns) channel radiances at the top of atmosphere (TOA) under clear-sky conditions, using data acquired by the Cloud and the Earth s Radiant Energy System (CERES) and Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments onboard the NASA Terra satellite platform. In this study, detailed analyses are performed on the CERES Single Scanner Footprint TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds product to understand the radiative effect of thin cirrus. The data are acquired over the Florida area during the Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers Florida Area Cirrus Experiment (CRYSTAL-FACE) field program. Of particular interest is the anisotropy associated with the radiation field. Measured CERES broadband radiances are compared to those obtained from rigorous radiative transfer simulations. Analysis of results from this comparison indicates that the simulated radiances tend to be larger than their measured counterparts, with differences ranging from 2.1% to 8.3% for the LW band and from 1.7% to 10.6% for the WIN band. The averaged difference in radiance is approximately 4% for both the LW and WIN channels. A potential cause for the differences could be the presence of thin cirrus (i.e., optically thin ice clouds with visible optical thicknesses smaller than approximately 0.3). The detection and quantitative analysis of these thin cirrus clouds are challenging even with sophisticated multispectral instruments. While large differences in radiance between the CERES observations and the theoretical calculations are found, the corresponding difference in the anisotropic factors is very small (0.2%). Furthermore, sensitivity studies show that the influence due to a 1 K bias of the surface temperature on the errors of the LW and WIN channel radiances is of the same order as that associated with a 2% bias of the surface emissivity. The LW and WIN errors associated with a 5% bias of water vapor amount in the lower atmosphere in conjunction with a 50% bias of water vapor amount in the upper atmosphere is similar to that of a 1 K bias of the vertical temperature profile. Even with the uncertainties considered for these various factors, the simulated LW and WIN radiances are still larger than the observed radiances if thin cirrus clouds are excluded

    New cell separation technique for the isolation and analysis of cells from biological mixtures in forensic caseworks

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    Aim To isolate mucosal cells of the perpetrator in a sexual assault case from a complex mixture of his mucosal cells and the victim’s skin by micromanipulation prior to genomic analysis. Methods To capture and analyze mucosal cells we used the micromanipulation with on-chip low volume polymerase chain reaction (LV-PCR). Consensus DNA profiles were generated from 5 replicate experiments. Results and conclusions We validated the use of micromanipulation with on-chip LV-PCR for genomic analysis of complex biological mixtures in a fatal rape case. The perpetrator’s mucosal cells were captured from nipple swabs of the victim, and a single-source DNA profile was generated from cell mixtures. These data suggest that micromanipulation with on-chip LV-PCR is an effective forensic tool for the analysis of specific cells from complex samples

    Ophiopogon japonicas (Linn. f.) Ker-Gawl. extract ameliorates chronic heart failure in rats

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of Ophiopogon japonicas (Linn. f.) Ker-Gawl. extract (OJKE) on oxidative stress and hemodynamics in chronic congestive heart failure (CHF) rats. Methods: The rats were modelled to congestive heart failure (except normal group) , and then randomly divided into normal control group, model (untreated) group, captopril group, high-dose, middle-dose and low-dose of OJKE groups. They were treated for 4 weeks as appropriate for each group. At the end of treatment, the hemodynamic function, whole heart weight index, and blood creatinine kinase (CK), as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), nitricoxide synthase (NOS) were determined. Results: Compared with the normal control group, arterial systolic pressure (SBP), diastolic pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), left ventricular systolic peak (LVSP), and left ventricular pressure change rate (dp/dt max) significantly decreased (p &lt; 0.05), while left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP), whole heart weight index, blood CK, MDA, NO, NOS significantly increased in the untreated group (p &lt; 0.05). A high dose of OJKE significantly improved hemodynamic function, lowered MDA (8.33 ± 2.12 nmol/mL) and NO (20.58 ± 3.53 umol/L) levels (p &lt; 0.05), and also decreased CK (0.53±0.37 U/mL) and NOS (22.46±3.29 U/mL) in CHF rats (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: OJKE improved adriamycin-induced chronic congestive heart failure in rats significantly

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Uptake and the Willingness to Receive the HPV Vaccination among Female College Students in China: A Multicenter Study

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    Background: This study aimed to determine human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake and willingness to receive HPV vaccination among female college students, in China, and its associated factors. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey of female college students across the eastern, central, and western regions of China was undertaken between April and September 2019. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to examine factors associated with the HPV vaccine uptake and willingness to receive the HPV vaccine. Results: Among the total 4220 students who participated in this study, 11.0% reported having been vaccinated against HPV. There are direct effects of indicators of higher socioeconomic status, older age (β = 0.084 and p = 0.006), and geographical region (residing in Eastern China, β = 0.033, and p = 0.024) on HPV vaccine uptake. Higher knowledge (β = 0.062 and p < 0.000) and perceived susceptibility (β = 0.043 and p = 0.002) were also predictors of HPV vaccine uptake. Of those who had not received the HPV vaccine, 53.5% expressed a willingness to do so. Likewise, social economic status indicators were associated with the willingness to receive the HPV vaccine. Total knowledge score (β = 0.138 and p < 0.001), both perceived susceptibility (β = 0.092 and p < 0.001) and perceived benefit (β = 0.088 and p < 0.001), and sexual experience (β = 0.041 and p = 0.007) had a positive and significant direct effect on the willingness to receive the HPV vaccine, while perceived barriers (β = −0.071 and p < 0.001) had a negative effect on the willingness to receive the HPV vaccine. Conclusions: Geographical region and socioeconomic disparities in the HPV vaccination uptake rate and willingness to receive the HPV vaccine provide valuable information for public health planning that aims to improve vaccination rates in underserved areas in China. The influence of knowledge and perceptions of HPV vaccination suggests the importance of communication for HPV immunization

    Vitamin D Signaling through Induction of Paneth Cell Defensins Maintains Gut Microbiota and Improves Metabolic Disorders and Hepatic Steatosis in Animal Models.

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS), characterized as obesity, insulin resistance, and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD), is associated with vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency in epidemiological studies, while the underlying mechanism is poorly addressed. On the other hand, disorder of gut microbiota, namely dysbiosis, is known to cause MetS and NAFLD. It is also known that systemic inflammation blocks insulin signaling pathways, leading to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, which are the driving force for hepatic steatosis. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is highly expressed in the ileum of the small intestine, which prompted us to test a hypothesis that vitamin D signaling may determine the enterotype of gut microbiota through regulating the intestinal interface. Here, we demonstrate that high-fat-diet feeding (HFD) is necessary but not sufficient, while additional vitamin D deficiency (VDD) as a second hit is needed, to induce robust insulin resistance and fatty liver. Under the two hits (HFD+VDD), the Paneth cell-specific alpha-defensins including α-defensin 5 (DEFA5), MMP7 which activates the pro-defensins, as well as tight junction genes, and MUC2 are all suppressed in the ileum, resulting in mucosal collapse, increased gut permeability, dysbiosis, endotoxemia, systemic inflammation which underlie insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. Moreover, under the vitamin D deficient high fat feeding (HFD+VDD), Helicobacter hepaticus, a known murine hepatic-pathogen, is substantially amplified in the ileum, while Akkermansia muciniphila, a beneficial symbiotic, is diminished. Likewise, the VD receptor (VDR) knockout mice exhibit similar phenotypes, showing down regulation of alpha-defensins and MMP7 in the ileum, increased Helicobacter hepaticus and suppressed Akkermansia muciniphila. Remarkably, oral administration of DEFA5 restored eubiosys, showing suppression of Helicobacter hepaticus and increase of Akkermansia muciniphila in association with resolving metabolic disorders and fatty liver in the HFD+VDD mice. An in vitro analysis showed that DEFA5 peptide could directly suppress Helicobacter hepaticus. Thus, the results of this study reveal critical roles of a vitamin D/VDR axis in optimal expression of defensins and tight junction genes in support of intestinal integrity and eubiosis to suppress NAFLD and metabolic disorders