32,390 research outputs found

    Interlaminar stresses in composite laminates: A perturbation analysis

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    A general method of solution for an elastic balanced symmetric composite laminate subject to a uniaxial extension was developed based upon a perturbation analysis of a limiting free body containing an interfacial plane. The solution satisfies more physical requirements and boundary conditions than previous investigations, and predicts smooth continuous interlaminar stresses with no instabilities. It determines the finite maximum intensity for the interlaminar normal stress in all laminates, provides mathematical evidences for the singular stresses in angle-ply laminates, suggests the need for the experimental determination of an important problem parameter, and introduces a viable means for solving related problems of practical interest

    A limiting analysis for edge effects in angle-ply laminates

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    A zeroth order solution for edge effects in angle ply composite laminates using perturbation techniques and a limiting free body approach was developed. The general method of solution for laminates is developed and then applied to the special case of a graphite/epoxy laminate. Interlaminar stress distributions are obtained as a function of the laminate thickness to width ratio h/b and compared to existing numerical results. The solution predicts stable, continuous stress distributions, determines finite maximum tensile interlaminar normal stress for two laminates, and provides mathematical evidence for singular interlaminar shear stresses

    New Conceptual Design of the ISU Tornado-Simulation Wind Tunnel

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    Iowa ranks fifth in the nation for the annual tornado frequency per area. Although solutions for avoiding tornado formation are rather remote, if not impossible, understanding this formation process and its mechanism of operation must be advanced first. Current theories are still unsatisfactory and inadequate. A new concept of tornado modeling, resulting from extensive tornado literature studies and swirling rocket nozzle flow research, is proposed here. Based on this concept, the Iowa State University tornado-simulation wind tunnel is designed for better simulation of tornado flow

    Radiative transfer theory for polarimetric remote sensing of pine forest

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    The radiative transfer theory is applied to interpret polarimetric radar backscatter from pine forest with clustered vegetation structures. To take into account the clustered structures with the radiative transfer theory, the scattering function of each cluster is calculated by incorporating the phase interference of scattered fields from each component. Subsequently, the resulting phase matrix is used in the radiative transfer equations to evaluate the polarimetric backscattering coefficients from random medium layers embedded with vegetation clusters. Upon including the multi-scale structures, namely, trunks, primary and secondary branches, as well as needles, we interpret and simulate the polarimetric radar responses from pine forest for different frequencies and looking angles. The preliminary results are shown to be in good agreement with the measured backscattering coefficients at the Landes maritime pine forest during the MAESTRO-1 experiment

    Speed of light as measured by two terrestrial stable clocks

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    Despite the recent criticism within the special theory of relativity, there exists an arrangement of stable clocks rotating with the earth which predicts diurnal variations of the one-way speed of light, as suggested previously

    Experimental study of ion heating and acceleration during magnetic reconnection

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    Ion heating and acceleration has been studied in the well-characterized reconnection layer of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment [M. Yamada , Phys. Plasmas 4, 1936 (1997)]. Ion temperature in the layer rises substantially during null-helicity reconnection in which reconnecting field lines are anti-parallel. The plasma outflow is sub-Alfvenic due to a downstream back pressure. An ion energy balance calculation based on the data and including classical viscous heating indicates that ions are heated largely via nonclassical mechanisms. The T-i rise is much smaller during co-helicity reconnection in which field lines reconnect obliquely. This is consistent with a slower reconnection rate and a smaller resistivity enhancement over the Spitzer value. These observations show that nonclassical dissipation mechanisms can play an important role both in heating the ions and in facilitating the reconnection process

    Investigation of Corrosion in Aluminum/Adhesive Lap-Splices Using Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Techniques

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    Corrosion can exist in any layer of a simple aluminum/adhesive lap-splice. For lap- splices where only one aluminum surface is accessible, first layer corrosion is corrosion that occurs on or under the accessible skin; and second layer corrosion is that which exists behind the adhesive/scrim layer on the upper or lower surface of the inaccessible skin. Many different nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques can detect first layer corrosion, and much progress has been made quantifying corrosion that exists in this layer[l]. Due to the layered nature of a lap-splice, second layer corrosion is much more difficult to detect, and also more difficult to quantify. Current maintenance procedures also make it difficult for researchers to obtain lap-splice corrosion samples from serviceable aircraft. The detection of corrosion in lap-splice assemblies has been given an important inspection priority by the airline industry, and regular inspection procedures have been developed to meet these new requirements. During maintenance, if corrosion is suspected in a lap-splice area, the area is opened up for further inspection by removing the rivets, adhesive and sometimes the paint. If the corrosion damage is beyond the manufacturer’s tolerances, the corroded area is cut out and patch-repaired; otherwise, the corrosion is removed by chemical or mechanical means, leaving a serviceable but thinner metal skin when the joint is reassembled[2]. In either case the original character of the lap-splice has been destroyed by the maintenance process, and its use for NDE purposes is lost. In this light, it becomes necessary for researchers to fabricate their own laboratory samples and compare these artificial samples with actual in-service samples
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