118 research outputs found


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    The article deals with theoretical substantiating of the concepts “innovative education” and “innovative technologies”. The state of scientific researches of the problem of the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of students-philologists in higher school is explored. Three aspects of the notion “innovation” are examined in the article. The principle components of innovative education are analyzed. Innovative education predicts a new inquiry-based approach in teaching the traditional learning courses at the faculty of philology of higher educational establishments. The role and importance of information technologies are exposed; the expedience of the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process of higher educational establishments is advanced arguments. It is demonstrated that the tendencies of the development of higher education in Ukraine require the search and realization of different forms, methods, principals of education which facilitate the progress high results in educational process. The concept innovative pedagogical activity is ascertained. Innovative education is the realization of the novelty in contents, methods, techniques and forms of education. Innovative education is the opposition to the traditional forms of education as provides changing of educational priority. One of the principle aspects of the problem of the effective introduction of Innovative education is removal accent of lecturer’s functions. Innovative pedagogue’s activity needs special knowledge, skills and mastering logical thinking, creativity and finding the ways of solving the problem. Innovative pedagogical activity is the activity in consequence of which the complex of developed (different levels of complexity), novelty or reinterpretation, and accordingly creative realization of the heritage of other scholars and pedagogues is developed. The author partly propounds the most effective methods and forms of educational work of students-philologists at the classes of world literature of the institutions of higher education. It is defined that the application of innovative technologies concentrates the student audience’s attention, stimulates the retention of educational material, forms the information culture of students-philologists, and improves creative components of the traditional forms of education.У статті теоретично обґрунтуванні поняття «інноваційне навчання» та «інноваційні технології». Автор доводить, що актуальними питаннями у системі вищої освіти в умовах кредитно-модульного навчання є впровадження інноваційних технологій. Розглянуто поняття «інновація» у трьох аспектах. Проаналізовано основні складові інноваційного навчання. Розкрита роль і значення інформаційних технологій, а також аргументована доцільність впровадження новітніх технологій в навчально-освітній процес вищих навчальних закладів. Автором частково запропоновано найбільш ефективні методи і форми навчальної роботи студентів-словесників на заняттях із зарубіжної літератури вищих навчальних закладів. Доведено, що застосування інноваційних технологій концентрує увагу студентської аудиторії, стимулює запам’ятовування навчального матеріалу, формує інформаційну культуру студентів-філологів, посилює творчу складову традиційної форми навчання.

    Використання електронного навчального курсу «Антична література» під час підготовки студентів-філологів

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    The article deals with theoretically proved definition of the notion “MOODLE environment”, and it is analyzed the main principles of functioning of this software (program) product. The notion “e-learning educational course” has been revealed, its structural elements and the specific of organizing the work are characterized. The differences between electronic learning course and electronic manual are described in this work. The didactic expediency of introduction e-learning courses into the educational process of higher educational establishments is argued. The advantages of using e-learning course either for students or instructor are traced out. Using of e-learning course gives the opportunity to combine fundamentally the elements of the traditional forms of education (instructor, practical courses, self-assessment work) with the informational and communicational technologies. The introduction of e-learning course into the educational process of higher educational establishments is favourable to the development of independent thinking, initiative and responsibility for performing work. The practical experience of using “Antic literature” e-learning course developed in the MOODLE environment for the students of the faculty of foreign languages is offered. It is proved that using of “Antic literature” e-learning course gives the opportunity to individualize and systematize educational process, organize communicative interaction between a instructor and a student, establishes chronological ambits of students’ doing the tasks effectively realise checking control and self-control of students’ knowledge with application of different tasks, assists the efficient learning of educational materialУ статті теоретично обґрунтовано дефініцію понять «середовище MOODLE», «електронний навчальний курс», охарактеризовано його структурні елементи. Аргументована дидактична доцільність впровадження електронних курсів у навчально-освітній процес ВНЗ, окреслено переваги використання електронного курсу як для студентів, так і для викладачів. Запропоновано практичний досвід застосування електронного навчального курсу «Антична література» для студентів-філологі

    Літературознавчий аспект застосування жанрового шляху аналізу художнього твору у фаховій підготовці майбутніх учителів зарубіжної літератури

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    The present paper is focused on the literary criticism aspect of genre way analysis application of fictional work in professional training of future teachers of foreign literature. The problem of genre as literary criticism category, its components and structural content in the context of topical tendencies of modern genology is examined. Genre approaches, theories and conceptions of Y. Vasyliev, H. Yrabovych, N. Kopystianska, A. Tkachenko, T. Kushnirova and other scholars are studied. We have demonstrated the multivalence of this concept, content filling and specified characteristic features. “Genre” definition example that are included into the textbooks of modern Ukrainian authors on Introduction to literary criticism or Theory of Literature to the higher educational establishments have been provided in this work. Determination of the term content “genre” and its structure filling depends on scholars’ accents: form, content or synthesis of form and content. We draw our attention to the genre modifications and author’s genre nominations.  Key ideas concerning genre modifications of T. Bovsunivska, N. Tykholoz, S. Lenska have been emphasized. We emphasized that genre modifications assist genre renewal and development, broadening of genre potential, multifaceted coverage of the environment.Numeral growth of genre modifications is at the beginning of the XXI century as the limits of “pure” form of genre are erased. We have characterized that the problem of author’s genre definitions and emphasized less learning of this problem in modern genology. It has been revealed that in parallel with the scientific definition of the genre there is also the author's genre reflection, which is a reflection of author's worldview, author's genre searching, author's modification of the established features of the genre. We examine the communicative theory of J. Sheffer in the context of the problem of author’s genre definitions.У статті проаналізовано літературознавчий аспект застосування жанрового шляху аналізу художнього твору у фаховій підготовці майбутніх учителів зарубіжної літератури. Досліджено проблему жанру як літературознавчої категорії, його складових і структурного наповнення в контексті актуальних тенденцій сучасної генології. Розглянуто жанрові підходи, теорії та концепції, Є. М. Васильєва, Г. Грабовича, Н. Х. Копистянської, А. О. Ткаченка, Т. В. Кушнірової та інших учених. Продемонстровано багатозначність цього поняття, увиразнено змістове наповнення, уточнено характеристики. Наведено приклади дефініції «жанру», що уміщені у підручниках сучасних українських авторів зі вступу до літературознавства чи теорії літератури для закладів вищої освіти.  Акцентується увага на жанрових модифікаціях і авторських жанрових номінаціях. Показано, що ефективність проведення жанрового шляху аналізу художнього твору залежить від ґрунтовних теоретико-методологічних знань майбутнього учителя зарубіжної літератури

    Peculiarities of neuroendocrine and metabolic effects of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna" of Truskavets’ spa in healthy female rats

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    Background. Earlier we found that the newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have similar neuroendocrine and metabolic effects on healthy old female rats significantly different from daily water. The aim of this study is to elucidate the effects of these mineral waters on the neuroendocrine status and metabolism of these animals. Materials and Methods. Experiment was performed on 50 healthy female Wistar rats. Animals of the first group remained intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. Rats of the control group for 6 days injected a tap water through the tube at a dose of 1,5 mL/100 g of body mass. The rats of the main groups received the water "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna". The day after the completion of the drinking course in all rats, at first, assessed the state of autonomous regulation by parameters of the HRV. The plasma levels of the hormones of adaptation were determined: corticosterone, triiodothyronine and testosterone (by the ELISA) as well as electrolytes: calcium, magnesium, phosphates, chloride, sodium and potassium; nitric metabolites: creatinine, urea, uric acid, medium molecular polypeptides, bilirubin; lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzymes, as well as cholesterol, amylase and glucose. Most of the listed parameters of metabolism were also determined in daily urine. In the adrenals the thickness of glomerular, fascicular, reticular and medullar zones was measured. Results. To identify exactly those parameters, the set of which all four groups of animals differ significantly from each other, the information field of the registered parameters was subjected to discriminant analysis. The program included in the model 8 endocrine and 16 metabolic parameters, information about which is condensed into three roots. The first root reflects directly the SOD and corticosterone and inversely the reticular zone as well as plasma uric acid and glucose. The second root contains information about Nap/Kp ratio, natrihistia, amylasemia, magnesiumuria as well as inversely about kaliemia. The third root reflects directly the triiodothyronine, parathyroid activity, plasma Ca, natriuria and chloriduria as well as urine malondyaldehide. Inversely displays the root information about the testosterone, Ku/Nau ratio, glomerular zone, plasma katalase and Na as well as uricosuria and amylasuria. In the information space of the three discriminant roots, all four groups are quite clearly distinguished. Classification accuracy is 94% (three errors). Conclusion. The newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets resort have specific endocrine and metabolic effects on healthy old female rats with weekly use. This provides a basis for preclinical studies

    Similar neuroendocrine and metabolic effects of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna" of Truskavets’ spa in healthy female rats

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    Background. In order to expand the hydro-mineral base of Truskavets’ spa by diluting brine (130 g/L), two new sulphate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters "Myroslava" (5 g/L) and "Khrystyna" (10 g/L) were created. This report is the first in a series of experimental studies of their physiological activity in line with the concepts of neuroendocrine-immune complex and functional-metabolic continuum. Materials and Methods. Experiment was performed on 50 healthy female Wistar rats 220-300 g divided into 4 groups. Animals of the first group remained intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. Rats of the control group for 6 days administered a single tap water through the tube at a dose of 1,5 mL/100 g of body mass. The rats of the main groups received the water "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna". The day after the completion of the drinking course in all rats assessed the state of autonomous regulation by parameters of the HRV. The plasma levels of the hormones of adaptation were determined: corticosterone, triiodothyronine and testosterone (by the ELISA); as well as electrolytes, nitric metabolites, lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzymes as well as cholesterol, glucose, amylase and middle mass molecules. Most of the listed parameters of metabolism as well as 17-ketosteroids were determined in daily urine. In the adrenal glands the thickness of glomerular, fascicular, reticular and medullar zones was measured. Results. To identify exactly those parameters, the set of which three groups of animals differ significantly from each other, the information field of the registered parameters was subjected to discriminant analysis. The program included in the model 6 endocrine and 11 metabolic parameters, as well as glomerular filtration. Conclusion. The newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have similar neuroendocrine and metabolic effects on healthy old female rats significantly different from daily water

    Comparative study of the effect on the neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism of drinking monotherapy with Naftussya water and therapy supplemented with “Myroslava” and “Khrystyna” mineral waters

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    Background. Earlier in an experiment on rats, we showed that the newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have neuroendocrine and metabolic effects significantly different from daily water. Adhering to the principle "From experiment to clinic", we continued research in this direction with the participation of patients of the resort. Materials and Methods. The object of clinical-physiological observation were 34 men aged 23-70 years, who underwent rehabilitation treatment of chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis in remission in the Truskavets resort. The examination was performed twice, before and after a 7-10-day course of balneotherapy. All patients received bioactive water Naftussya, however, 11 men additionally drank water "Khrystyna", and the other 11 men - water "Myroslava". The subject of the study were the parameters of the neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism. Results. The complex balneotherapy by interval use of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters with Naftusya water causes significant changes in the constellation of neuroendocrine, metabolic and immune parameters, which are different from the effects of Naftusya water monotherapy. Own effects of mineral waters are estimated by modeling. In general, the effects are physiologically favorable and have a normalizing nature. Conclusion. The newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets resort have favorable neuroendocrine, metabolic and immune effects on patients with chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis

    “Myroslava” and “Khrystyna” drinking mineral waters modulate the state of neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism in patients of Truskavets’ spa

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    Background. Earlier in an experiment on rats we showed that newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna" of Truskavets’ spa has a significant modulating effects on the parameters of metabolism and the autonomic nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Adhering to the principle "Ex experimento ad clinic", we continued research in this direction with the participation of patients of the resort. We showed that these mineral waters have favorable effects on metabolic, HRVs, EEGs, endocrine and immune parameters. This article presents an integrated assessment of previously identified effects. Materials and Methods. The object of clinical-physiological observation were 34 men aged 23-70 years, who underwent rehabilitation treatment of chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis in remission in the Truskavets’ spa. The examination was performed twice, before and after a 7-10-day course of balneotherapy. All patients received bioactive water Naftussya, however, 11 men additionally drank water "Khrystyna", and the other 11 men water "Myroslava". The subject of the study were the parameters of the neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism. Results. The complex balneotherapy by interval use of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters with Naftusya water causes significant changes in the constellation of EEGs, HRVs, endocrine, metabolic and immune parameters, which are different from the effects of Naftusya water monotherapy. Own effects of mineral waters are estimated by modeling. In general, the effects are physiologically favorable and have a normalizing nature. Conclusion. The newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have favorable neuroendocrine, metabolic and immune effects on patients with chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis

    Comparative study of the effects on the EEG of drinking monotherapy with Naftussya water and therapy supplemented with “Myroslava” and “Khrystyna” mineral waters

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    Background. Earlier we showed that the newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have favorable effects on metabolism and neuroendocrine-immune complex of patients with their dysfunction. This report analyzes the effect of balneotherapy on the parameters of the electroencephalogram of the same contingent of patients. Materials and Methods. The object of clinical-physiological observation were 34 men aged 23-70 years, who underwent rehabilitation treatment of chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis in remission in the Truskavets’ spa. The examination was performed twice, before and after a 7-10-day course of balneotherapy. All patients received bioactive water Naftussya, however, 11 men additionally drank water "Khrystyna", and the other 11 men - water "Myroslava". The subject of the study were the parameters of the electroencephalogram. Results. The complex balneotherapy by interval use of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters with Naftussya water causes significant changes in the constellation of EEG parameters, which are different from the effects of Naftussya water monotherapy. Own effects of mineral waters are estimated by modeling. Two patterns of neurotropic effects have been identified - activating and inhibitory. In general, the neuromodulating effects are physiologically favorable. Conclusion. The newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have favorable neuromodulating effects on patients with chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis

    Neuro-endocrine mechanism of specific balneoeffects of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters

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    Background. Earlier we showed that the newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters “Myroslava” (5 g/L) and “Khrystyna” (10 g/L) have favorable effects on neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism of patients with their violations. At the same time, the influence of both waters on one constellation of parameters is similar, despite the twofold difference in mineralization, while on the other constellation it is different. The aim of this study was to elucidate the neuroendocrine mechanism of specific effects. Materials and Methods. The object of clinical-physiological observation were 22 men aged 23-70 years, who underwent rehabilitation treatment of chronic pyelonephritis and cholecystitis in remission in the Truskavets’ spa. The examination was performed twice, before and after a 7-10-day course of balneotherapy. All patients received bioactive water Naftussya, however, 11 men additionally drank water "Khrystyna", and the other 11 men - water "Myroslava". The subject of the study were the parameters of the neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism. Results. The method of canonical analysis shows that the changes in neuroendocrine factors (LF and VLF bands HRV; beta- and delta-rhythm-generating nerve structures, cortisol and aldosterone determine changes in the parameters of immunity, microbiota, metabolism and cholekinetics by 99,5-98,6%. Conclusion. The primary effects of mineral waters are the modulation of the activity of the structures of the central and autonomic nervous and endocrine systems, which, in turn, have a regulatory modulating effect on the immune system, microbiota, metabolism, cholekinetics and blood pressure

    Optical characteristics and parameters of gas-discharge plasma on mixtures of mercury dichloride vapor and neon

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    The results of studies of the optical characteristics and parameters of DBD (dielectric barrier discharge) plasma on a mixture of mercury dichloride vapor, neon are presented. The following functions were established: EEDF, transport characteristics, specific discharge power losses on electronic processes, electrons’ concentration and temperature, rate constants for elastic and inelastic electron scattering on components of the working mixture, depending on the E/N.Представлено результати досліджень оптичних характеристик і параметрів газорозрядної плазми бар'єрного розряду на суміші парів дихлориду ртуті і неону. Встановлено: ФРЕЕ, транспортні характеристики, питомі втрати потужності розряду на електронні процеси, концентрація і температура електронів, константи швидкостей процесів пружного і непружного розсіювання електронів на компонентах робочої суміші в залежності від величини приведеної напруженості електричного поля.Представлены результаты исследований оптических характеристик и параметров газоразрядной плазмы барьерного разряда на смеси паров дихлорида ртути и неона. Установлены: ФРЭЭ, транспортные характеристики, удельные потери мощности разряда на электронные процессы, концентрация и температура электронов, константы скоростей процессов упругого и неупругого рассеяния электронов на компонентах рабочей смеси в зависимости от величины приведенной напряженности электрического поля