77 research outputs found

    Three Performativities of Innovation in Public Transport Planning

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    The article scrutinizes planners’ stories of innovation in contemporary public transport planning in three Scandinavian contexts (Denmark, Sweden and Norway). This analysis is accomplished by adapting Judith Butler’s post-structural feminist critical theory on performativity to the planning context. This theoretical framework is used to illuminate how planning is dynamically renewed, revised and consolidated over time by the individual routine actions of planners. From this perspective, the research identifies a set of repetitive acts–as recognizing specific windows of opportunity, anticipate and respond to political signals and create arguments and means of communication and persuasion–that constitute the contemporary transformation of professional practice in relation to planning politics. This analytics of performativity reveals how professional planning practices engage with transformative capacities of reshaping, re-enacting and re-experiencing guidance for the future within a set of meanings and forms of legitimation. These findings are intended to contribute to present and future planning practice and education in Scandinavian countries and elsewhere

    Partnerships between operators and public transport authorities. Working practices in relational contracting and collaborative partnerships

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    Recent research on public transport has seen increasing focus on issues like coordination, collaboration and steering in complex governance settings. One of the themes in this field of research is related to partnership approaches, as one way of stimulating functioning collaboration between formally independent private and public organisations. The aim of this paper is to explore the role and function of partnerships as a way of supporting well-functioning public transport networks and services in fragmented institutional settings. The empirical focus is on partnerships between operators and public (transport) authorities in two different legal settings: England and Sweden. The analysis is based on interviews with operators and public transport authorities in two metropolitan regions in each country where innovative partnership working has been developed to deal with various types of barriers to delivering better public transport. The results show the key qualities of these partnerships that are required for them to function. Although the regulatory contexts are very different, the partnership qualities are very similar in both cases

    Partnership or franchising to improve bus services in two major English urban regions? An institutional analysis

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    This paper analyses two differing approaches to the improvement of local bus services, using the analytical lens of formal and informal institutions. Both formal and informal institutions govern the behaviour of authorities and operators, but they do it in different ways and they have advantages and disadvantages. In so doing we seek to understand both how the informal institutional approach (e.g. voluntary partnership working) can be used effectively, but also to assess its limits; and to understand why a formal institutional approach (e.g. franchising), in spite of its strong underlying basis in law, may nonetheless not always function. Through doing so, this paper contributes to the current understanding of how to handle the unintended consequences of a deregulated market through the different (formal and informal) ways available

    The interplay of formal and informal institutions between local and regional authorities when creating well-functioning public transport systems

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    This paper analyzes how public transport planning is managed in institutional contexts where governance is spread across local and regional scales. The paper sheds light on two facets of the relationship between local and regional government: first, the decision-making process regarding where to provide public transport services and at what level, and second, integration of public transport with land use planning. An analytical matrix is used to cross-reference the roles of formal institutions (governance established in law) and informal institutions (governance not established in law) against local and regional responsibilities for public transport and land use. Analysis of the interplay between these three axes (formal/informal, local/regional, public transport/land use) reveals how informal institutions help regional and local authorities to negotiate the constraints of formal, statutory institutions and help to “oil the wheels” of delivering measures and policies that make public transport work as a well-functioning system. However, informal institutions clearly have their limits, in the paper exemplified by the remaining challenges to integrate regional public transport and local land use planning. An identified challenge is that, by their very nature, informal institutions are difficult to influence or modify, therefore relying on them to fill gaps in formal institutional responsibilities may be a risky strategy when unpopular decisions are made

    Environmentally friendly transport systems? : Conflicting aims and interests in decision-making and planning processes at the regional and local authority level

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    Syftet med denna rapport Ă€r att analysera hur mĂ„l- och intressekonflikter pĂ„verkar möjligheterna att skapa miljövĂ€nligare transportsystem pĂ„ kommunal och regional nivĂ„. Det undersöks genom fallstudier i tvĂ„ kommuner och en region. Fallen handlar om utbyggnad av tvĂ„ handelsomrĂ„den i Örebro och BorlĂ€nge som riskerar att öka bilresandet, samt utvecklingen av vĂ€l fungerande kollektivtrafiksystem i SkĂ„ne. De tre fallen visar sammantaget hur kommuners ekonomiska drivkrafter mĂ„ste hanteras och styras för att det ska vara möjligt att skapa miljövĂ€nligare transportsystem. Det finns Ă„tminstone tvĂ„ sĂ€tt att angripa problemet med den lĂ„ngsamma omstĂ€llningstakten av transportsystemet. Det första sĂ€ttet Ă€r att förĂ€ndra lagstiftning och regelverk för beslutsfattande och planering. Man kan till exempel reglera detaljhandelns utveckling genom ny lagstiftning. Det skulle förutom att tvinga fram kommunal samordning pĂ„verka maktrelationerna mellan företag och kommuner som företag kan anvĂ€nda för att spela ut kommuner mot varandra. InskrĂ€nkningar av det kommunala planmonopolet Ă€r emellertid en mycket kontroversiell frĂ„ga som det finns litet politiskt stöd för. Det andra sĂ€ttet att angripa problemet Ă€r att inom ramen för rĂ„dande lagstiftning utnyttja kommunernas ekonomiska drivkrafter för att fĂ„ till stĂ„nd en mer miljövĂ€nlig samhĂ€llsplanering. Exemplet med kollektivtrafikens styrning och regional samhĂ€llsplanering i SkĂ„ne visar att det kan vara en framkomlig vĂ€g för att fĂ„ till stĂ„nd miljömĂ€ssigt \u94bĂ€ttre\u94 beslut och planering.The purpose of this report is to analyse how conflicting objectives and interests affect the possibilities for creating more environmentally friendly transport systems at the local and regional level in Sweden. The issues are addressed through an analysis of the decision-making and planning processes at two local authorities \u96 Örebro and BorlĂ€nge \u96 and one region, SkĂ„ne. These three examples together show how a local authority\u92s economic motives need to be managed and regulated in order to facilitate an increased rate of conversion to more environmentally friendly transport systems. There are at least two ways to achieve this. The first is to change the legislation and regulations governing local authority decision-making and planning. It would, for example, be possible to regulate retail development through new legislation; apart from ensuring cooperation between local authorities, it would influence the power relationships between companies and local authorities, which at present allow businesses to play authorities off against one another. Revised legislation could restrict the \u91planning monopoly\u92 held by local authorities. Such restrictions are a highly controversial issue, and attract very little political support. Another way to tackle the problem would therefore be to work within the framework of existing legislation and to use the local authorities\u92 economic motives to put in place more environmentally friendly social planning. The example of public transport regulation, regional cooperation, and social planning in SkĂ„ne shows that this can be one possible way forward in order to enhance decision-making and planning as seen from an environmental perspective

    MÄl och ÄtgÀrder för minskad biltrafik i svenska kommuner

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    I denna rapport studeras mĂ„l och Ă„tgĂ€rder för minskad biltrafik i svenska kommuner. Resultaten visar att kommunernas arbete för minskad biltrafik mycket tydligt fokuserar pĂ„ de centrala delarna av kommunernas centralorter. Det Ă€r tydligt att det Ă€r bilens negativa effekter pĂ„ stadsutvecklingen som Ă€r det viktigaste skĂ€let till att minska andelen biltrafik. Stadens ”attraktivitet” Ă€r ett Ă„terkommande nyckelbegrepp i beskrivningar av framtidens stad och biltrafikens roll. Kommunerna vill skapa en stad som Ă€r estetiskt tilltalande, attraktiv för boende, besökare och handel. I den attraktiva staden ska gĂ„ng-, cykel- och kollektivtrafik spela en viktigare roll Ă€n förut, och i linje med det anser man att biltrafiken bör prioriteras lĂ€gre. Kommunerna vill Ă€ndra förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt i trafik- och stadsplanering och sluta planera för rörlighet, som man anser sig ha gjort tidigare, och istĂ€llet planera för tillgĂ€nglighet. De Ă„tgĂ€rder som man vill genomföra kan sorteras i tre kategorier. I den första kategorin ingĂ„r Ă„tgĂ€rder som gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att öka gĂ„ng-, cykel- och kollektivtrafikens attraktivitet jĂ€mfört med bilen. En andra kategori av Ă„tgĂ€rder Ă€r sĂ„dana som ger gĂ„ng-, cykel- och kollektivtrafiken prioritet dĂ€r de konkurrerar med biltrafiken om utrymme i stadsmiljön eller trafiksystemet. En tredje vanligt förekommande kategori av Ă„tgĂ€rder, och den som kommer nĂ€rmast direkta restriktioner, Ă€r parkeringsĂ„tgĂ€rder.  Kommunernas arbete med att minska biltrafiken kĂ€nnetecknas av nĂ„gra mer eller mindre s.k. ”blinda flĂ€ckar”. NĂ„gra av dessa Ă€r: a) Bilresor till och frĂ„n externhandel, b) Biltrafiken i övriga tĂ€torter och pĂ„ landsbygden, c) Regionala resor med bil, d) MĂ„l om minskat resande med bil, och samordningen med investeringar i vĂ€ginfrastruktur och vĂ€gkapacitet, som ökar biltrafikens framkomlighet

    Environmentally friendly transport systems? : Conflicting aims and interests in decision-making and planning processes at the regional and local authority level

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    Syftet med denna rapport Ă€r att analysera hur mĂ„l- och intressekonflikter pĂ„verkar möjligheterna att skapa miljövĂ€nligare transportsystem pĂ„ kommunal och regional nivĂ„. Det undersöks genom fallstudier i tvĂ„ kommuner och en region. Fallen handlar om utbyggnad av tvĂ„ handelsomrĂ„den i Örebro och BorlĂ€nge som riskerar att öka bilresandet, samt utvecklingen av vĂ€l fungerande kollektivtrafiksystem i SkĂ„ne. De tre fallen visar sammantaget hur kommuners ekonomiska drivkrafter mĂ„ste hanteras och styras för att det ska vara möjligt att skapa miljövĂ€nligare transportsystem. Det finns Ă„tminstone tvĂ„ sĂ€tt att angripa problemet med den lĂ„ngsamma omstĂ€llningstakten av transportsystemet. Det första sĂ€ttet Ă€r att förĂ€ndra lagstiftning och regelverk för beslutsfattande och planering. Man kan till exempel reglera detaljhandelns utveckling genom ny lagstiftning. Det skulle förutom att tvinga fram kommunal samordning pĂ„verka maktrelationerna mellan företag och kommuner som företag kan anvĂ€nda för att spela ut kommuner mot varandra. InskrĂ€nkningar av det kommunala planmonopolet Ă€r emellertid en mycket kontroversiell frĂ„ga som det finns litet politiskt stöd för. Det andra sĂ€ttet att angripa problemet Ă€r att inom ramen för rĂ„dande lagstiftning utnyttja kommunernas ekonomiska drivkrafter för att fĂ„ till stĂ„nd en mer miljövĂ€nlig samhĂ€llsplanering. Exemplet med kollektivtrafikens styrning och regional samhĂ€llsplanering i SkĂ„ne visar att det kan vara en framkomlig vĂ€g för att fĂ„ till stĂ„nd miljömĂ€ssigt \u94bĂ€ttre\u94 beslut och planering.The purpose of this report is to analyse how conflicting objectives and interests affect the possibilities for creating more environmentally friendly transport systems at the local and regional level in Sweden. The issues are addressed through an analysis of the decision-making and planning processes at two local authorities \u96 Örebro and BorlĂ€nge \u96 and one region, SkĂ„ne. These three examples together show how a local authority\u92s economic motives need to be managed and regulated in order to facilitate an increased rate of conversion to more environmentally friendly transport systems. There are at least two ways to achieve this. The first is to change the legislation and regulations governing local authority decision-making and planning. It would, for example, be possible to regulate retail development through new legislation; apart from ensuring cooperation between local authorities, it would influence the power relationships between companies and local authorities, which at present allow businesses to play authorities off against one another. Revised legislation could restrict the \u91planning monopoly\u92 held by local authorities. Such restrictions are a highly controversial issue, and attract very little political support. Another way to tackle the problem would therefore be to work within the framework of existing legislation and to use the local authorities\u92 economic motives to put in place more environmentally friendly social planning. The example of public transport regulation, regional cooperation, and social planning in SkĂ„ne shows that this can be one possible way forward in order to enhance decision-making and planning as seen from an environmental perspective

    Hur kan man lÀra ut akademiskt skrivande? En litteraturöversikt och reflektion över undervisningspraktiker

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    Syftet med denna text Ă€r att diskutera former och förutsĂ€ttningar för studenter att lĂ€ra sig akademiskt skrivande. Resultaten bygger pĂ„ en litteraturöversikt. Litteraturen analyseras utifrĂ„n följande frĂ„gor: vilka lĂ€randeteorier kring akademiskt skrivande utgĂ„r litteraturen frĂ„n? Vilka förslag om hur man ska lĂ€ra ut akademiskt skrivande ges? Resultaten visar att litteraturen ofta utgĂ„r frĂ„n premissen att skrivande Ă€r en process, och litteraturen ger framförallt rĂ„d om hur man kan lĂ€ra ut ”processuell kunskap”. Det innebĂ€r att litteraturen rekommenderar lĂ€rare att skapa lĂ€rsituationer dĂ€r studenter lĂ€r sig skrivprocessens olika steg genom att skriva text och reflektera över textens i dialog med lĂ€raren eller studentkollegor

    The Qualities Needed for a Successful Collaboration: A Contribution to the Conceptual Understanding of Collaboration for Efficient Public Transport

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    The creation of an efficient public transport system requires collaborations between formal independent organizations. This paper examines collaborations between public and private organizations and passengers, with the aim of contributing to the conceptual understanding of collaborations on public transport. The study begins by describing previous research on collaboration in the public transport area and in other research fields analytically relevant for public transport. Accordingly, collaboration is defined as an attempt to overcome problems with collective action and to transform a situation in which the various organizations operate independently into a situation where they act in concert to achieve shared objectives. The collaboration process involves the establishment of joint rules and structures that govern the relationship and behavior of the organizations. According to this definition, collaboration is a more sophisticated form of collective action than is indicated by terms such as “co-operation” or “coordination”. Fully-functioning collaboration can be described as a form of “co-action”, as opposed to “individual action”. In co-action, formal independent organizations together reap the benefits of working together and achieve more than if they had acted alone. Co-action can be regarded as a gradual trust-building process that requires qualities such as mutual confidence, an understanding of other organizations’ motivations, and joint problem formulation
