18 research outputs found


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    V této bakalářské práci podrobuji vzrůstající fenomén nejčastěji zvaný videomapping pohledu historika umění, což je v současném diskurzu nové; teoretická reflexe přichází spíše od samotných tvůrců nebo různými díly z jiných odvětví. Práce se zabývá téměř výhradně video projekcemi (digitálními, výjimečně i analogovými), tedy nikoli světelným designem, a v menších tématických okruzích představuje různé typy přístupů. Cílem bude podat kritickou analýzu možností tohoto relativně nového media a pozitivně, skrze příklady, přispět k vyjasňování hranic mezi uměleckou intervencí a ryze komerčním produktem. Součástí této práce je syntetický přehled různých realizací a technických milníků. Speciální pozornost se věnuje realizacím v České republice a v Itálii, odkud o fenoménu pochází nejvíce literatury. Tento fenomén se nezdá být lokálně vymezitelný; kvůli velké zakořeněnosti na internetové síti je silná mezinárodní výměna a obchod. Klíčová slova: video projekce mapping veřejný prostor scénografie muzeologie současné umění nová media spektákl festival světel videoart instalace videoteatro archeologie současné umění aktivismus digitální práva efekty popularizace vědyIn this bachelor thesis my objective is to evaluate the evolving phenomenon most frequently called Videomapping to an art historian's point of view. In the contemporary discourse this might be a new approach; the scarce theoretical reflexions are coming predominantly from the creators themselves or from other branches. The work evolves strictly around the projections of video (in digital format with a few analogue exceptions), that is not lighting design, and in smaller thematic chapters presents various types of approaches. The aim of this thesis is to present a critical analysis of the possibilities of this relatively new medium, and it wants to help to further clarify the distinction between artistic intervention and a purely commercial product. In this work it is possible to find my own synthetic overview of realizations and technical milestones. Special attention is payed to realisations from Czech Republic and Italy, from where comes the majority of literature. This phenomenon does not seem to be locally definable, because it is very much rooted in the world wide web, therefore the international contacts and exchange are strong. Key Words: video projection mapping public space scenography museology contemporary art multimedia new media spectacle festival of lights videoart installation...Ústav pro dějiny uměníInstitute of Art HistoryFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult


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    In this bachelor thesis my objective is to evaluate the evolving phenomenon most frequently called Video mapping to an art historian's point of view. In the contemporary discourse this might be a new approach; the scarce theoretical reflexions are coming mostly from the creators themselves or from other branches. The work evolves strictly around the projected image and presents various types of approaches. The aim of this thesis is to present a critical analysis of the possibilities of this relatively new form, and it wants to help to further clarify the distinction between artistic intervention and commercional product. Key Words: projected image moving image video projection mapping public space scenography museology contemporary art multimedia new media spectacle festival of lights videoart installation videoteatro activism effects object oriented philosophy ontology postinternetV této bakalářské práci podrobuji vzrůstající fenomén nejčastěji zvaný videomapping pohledu historika umění, což je v současném diskurzu nové; teoretická reflexe přichází spíše od samotných tvůrců nebo různými díly z jiných odvětví. Práce se zabývá téměř výhradně promítaným obrazem a v menších tematických okruzích představuje různé typy přístupů. Cílem bude podat kritickou analýzu možností této relativně nové formy, a přispět k vyjasňování hranic mezi uměleckou intervencí a komerčním produktem. Klíčová slova: promítaný obraz pohyblivý obraz video projekce mapping veřejný prostor scénografie muzeologie současné umění nová media spektákl festival světel videoart instalace videoteatro současné umění aktivismus efekty objektově orientovaná filosofie ontologie postinternetInstitute of Art HistoryÚstav pro dějiny uměníFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Voices of intellect. What Milan Kundera and his charakters think in Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí and Nesmrtelnost about

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    Katedra českého jazyka a katedra české literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Using tablets in primary education

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    The thesis titled Using tablets in primary education is focused on innovative education of primary school pupils. The theoretical part of the thesis defines terms related to digital and interactive mobile devices. It represents the tablet as one of the mobile technologies. It deals with their integration into education and consequently provides an analysis of the positive and negative impacts of this issue. The conclusion of the theoretical part is devoted to use of tablets in the subject Music. The empirical part deals with using tablets in the classroom for each subject. Based on the theory, concept of lessons and their implementation is described. Questionnaire and action research were used as the research methods. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    The draft project establishment and funding of NGOs

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem založení nestátní neziskové organizace poskytující pečovatelskou službu a její možnosti financování. Teoretická část se snaží vysvětlit základní pojmy v oblasti neziskového sektoru, obsahuje výčet základních pojmů, které souvisejí s neziskovou organizací, právními formami a zdroji financování neziskových organizací. V praktické části je uveden samotný návrh organizace. Práce se snaží přiblížit povinnosti poskytovatele při založení a financování nestátní neziskové organizace, včetně vyčíslení nákladů na provoz. V závěru práce je zhodnoceno autorem, jestli má organizace šanci na založení, i zhodnocení existujícími organizacemi, o kterých jsou uvedeny základní informace.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with the proposal of founding a non-profit non-profit organization providing care and its financing possibilities. The theoretical part tries to explain the basic concepts in the non-profit sector, it contains a list of basic concepts related to the non-profit organization, legal forms and sources of financing of non-profit organizations. In the practical part is the proposal of the organization itself. The work seeks to bring closer the obligations of the provider to the establishment and financing of non-governmental non-profit organizations, including the quantification of operating costs. At the end of the thesis, the author assesses whether the organization has a chance to establish, as well as an evaluation of the existing organizations, which provide basic information


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    In this bachelor thesis my objective is to evaluate the evolving phenomenon most frequently called Video mapping to an art historian's point of view. In the contemporary discourse this might be a new approach; the scarce theoretical reflexions are coming mostly from the creators themselves or from other branches. The work evolves strictly around the projected image and presents various types of approaches. The aim of this thesis is to present a critical analysis of the possibilities of this relatively new form, and it wants to help to further clarify the distinction between artistic intervention and commercional product. Key Words: projected image moving image video projection mapping public space scenography museology contemporary art multimedia new media spectacle festival of lights videoart installation videoteatro activism effects object oriented philosophy ontology postinterne


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    In this bachelor thesis my objective is to evaluate the evolving phenomenon most frequently called Videomapping to an art historian's point of view. In the contemporary discourse this might be a new approach; the scarce theoretical reflexions are coming predominantly from the creators themselves or from other branches. The work evolves strictly around the projections of video (in digital format with a few analogue exceptions), that is not lighting design, and in smaller thematic chapters presents various types of approaches. The aim of this thesis is to present a critical analysis of the possibilities of this relatively new medium, and it wants to help to further clarify the distinction between artistic intervention and a purely commercial product. In this work it is possible to find my own synthetic overview of realizations and technical milestones. Special attention is payed to realisations from Czech Republic and Italy, from where comes the majority of literature. This phenomenon does not seem to be locally definable, because it is very much rooted in the world wide web, therefore the international contacts and exchange are strong. Key Words: video projection mapping public space scenography museology contemporary art multimedia new media spectacle festival of lights videoart installation..

    Project in history lessons at secondary grammar schools of the Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem

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    The final thesis deals with an application of project within history lessons at secondary grammar schools of the Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem .The thesis summarizes the basic theoretical findings on a projects realisation together with findings gathered by the empirical research at secondary grammar schools of Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem. The research focused on recognising a present status of incorporating and using projects in the history lessons, and on the experience of pupils and teachers with this specific teaching strategy. On the grounds of connecting these findings, the thesis provides the reflection of possible using of projects in the course of history lessons (not only as a supplement of ordinary lessons). The thesis recognises a present status of projects realisation within history lessons, including the favoured topics, a way of realisation, outcomes, and a brief summary of particular projects offered by external organisations. The thesis deals with positives and negatives of projects realisation in accordance with opinions of pupils and teachers of secondary grammar schools of Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem. The thesis also contains two proposals of history projects that might be used by teachers for creating their own projects

    The Influence of the Vienna School of Art History II: The 100th Anniversary of Max Dvořák’s Death: Conference Report

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    The report concludes the results of the international conference organized on 15-16 April 2021 by the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences to commemorate 100 years since the death of Czech born Viennese art historian Max Dvořák’ (1874–1921). It shows the wide range of professional work that Dvořák covered during his short life as well as wide range of possibilities of how his work influenced the art history elaborated after his death. The report also shows the plurality in which Dvořák’s art historical research is interpreted today

    AKCES 4

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    Corpus AKCES 4 includes texts written in czech by youth growing up in locations at risk of social exclusion (AKCES/CLAC - Czech Language Acquisition Corpora