223 research outputs found

    Energetic interactions between electon-donors and acceptors for photovoltaic solar cells

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    Práce se zabývá studiem přenosu náboje mezi materiály potenciálně vhodnými pro konstrukci organických solárních článků. Přenos náboje je studován pomocí zhášení fluorescence. V teoretické části je provedena rešerše a shrnuty základní poznatky nutné pro interpretaci dat o zhášení fluorescence s důrazem na fotoindukovaný přenos náboje. Dále jsou diskutovány procesy přeměny sluneční energie na energii elektrickou a požadavky na materiály a uspořádání těchto článků. Praktická část zahrnuje vlastní studium zhášení fluorescence pomocí derivátu fullerenu a porovnává účinnost zhášení se standardními materiály.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study a charge transfer between materials that could be used for development of new organic solar cells. The charge transfer is studied by a quenching of fluorescence. The thesis is divided into theoretical and experimental part. The basic knowledge needed for correct interpretation of measured data is summarized in the first part. Special attention is paid to the photoinduced electron transfer. Then, the processes of conversion of solar energy into electric energy and properties of potential materials are also discussed. Architecture of organic solar cells is mentioned in the end of the work. The practical part contains the study of quenching of fluorescence by fullerene derivatives and compares the efficiency of quenching to standard materials.

    Novel diketopyrrolopyrroles for organic photovoltaics

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    Tato práce se zabývá optickou a fotovoltaickou charakterizací derivátů diketopyrrolopyrrolu (DPP), jako materiálů vhodných pro výrobu organických solárních článků s objemovým heteropřechodem. Přenos náboje z donoru (DPP) na akceptor (PCBM) je studován pomocí zhášení fluorescence. Fotovoltaická odezva je studována pomocí Volt – Ampérových charakteristik, ze kterých je možné zjistit parametry, které vypovídají o kvalitě daného článku. Tyto parametry jsou: proudová hustota nakrátko Jsc , napětí naprázdno Voc, faktor plnění FF a účinnost přeměny energie PCE. Charakterizace optických vlastností byla provedena pro symetrické deriváty DPP, které oba obsahovaly difenylaminostilbenové skupiny a lišily se v N-alkylovém řetězci (U69 a U97). Naopak charakterizace fotovoltaických vlastností byla provedena pro analogické materiály, ale nesymetrické (U70 a U99). Navíc byl charakterizován i materiál U29, který vykazoval velice špatné vlastnosti. Z obou těchto charakterizačních metod je patrné, že lepších výsledků bylo dosaženo s látkami s kratšími solubilizačnimi skupinami (U69 and U99). Dosažené PCE u látky U70 bylo 0,74 % a u látky U99 až 1,39 %. Z těchto hodnot lze usoudit, že nízkomolekulární organické materiály mohou být použity pro výrobu organických solárních článků.The aim of this diploma thesis is to conduct optical and photovoltaic characterization of derivatives of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) as materials suitable for fabrication of bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. The charge transfer from donor material (DPP) to acceptor material (PCBM) is studied by a quenching of fluorescence. The photovoltaic response is studied by current – voltage characteristic which can tell us crucial parameters such as shor circuit current density Jsc, open circuit voltage Voc, fill factor FF and power conversion efficiency PCE. Optical characterization was carried out for symmetrical DPP derivatives (U69 and U97) which both contained diphenylaminstilbene moiety and differed in N-alkyl group. On the other hand photovoltaic characterization was conducted for analogous but asymmetrical materials (U70 and U99). Material U29 was characterized as well but its properties proved to be very poor. Both these characterizations tell us that materials with shorter solubilization groups (U69 and U99) are more suitable candidates. Achieved PCE for U70 was 0,74 % and for U99 up to 1,39 %. From these values one can say that small molecule organic materials can be used for fabrication of solar cells.

    Business process management in czech higher education

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    Business Process Management, both as a managerial discipline and its supportive information and communication technology, is becoming a concern for many business practitioners and research workers. As organizations develop their processes via modelling, simulation, implementation and continuous improvement, they may demand suitable workforce to secure these initiatives such as process owners, business analysts, process analysts etc. This fact puts demands on higher education institutions to provide these competencies and teach their students. Moreover, to provide quality education and research, universities themselves may utilize benefits of Business Process Management. The main goal of this paper is thus to explore the current state of Business Process Management utilization among Czech higher education institutions. Its purpose is to answer the research questions of how do universities in the Czech Republic apply process approach and what process maturity do they achieve? The second concerns of this paper are process owners and their role in process initiatives of Czech universities

    Teaching business process management: Improving the process of process modelling course

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    Process approach is a part of many organizations' management systems. Process oriented organizations focus on value added processes, their management, performance measurement, improvement and automation. However, in many higher education institutions is not process management implemented and its teaching does not always correspond with business needs and practice. This paper deals with the latter side of process management in higher education - course of process management held at Faculty of management and economics of Tomas Bata University in Zlín. The main purpose of the paper is to present the results of the research among Czech universities and their approach to BPM education and a case study of process management course and its improvement at Faculty of Management and Economics at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. To improve the course, the very aspects of process management such as customer focus or performance measurement were applied. The performed action research is then described in form of the case study

    Modification of LIBS system sample view module

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá úpravou náhledového modulu pro interakční komoru v sestavě LIBS. Má za cíl inovovat současnou konstrukci. Tato inovace se týká především zlepšení obrazové kvality, bezpečnosti a zvýšení modularity náhledového modulu. Je vypracována rešerše a několik koncepčních návrhů, na základě kterých je následně vytvořen podrobný konstrukční návrh. Je zajištěna výroba součástí tohoto konstrukčního řešení a jeho následné testování a porovnání se současným stavem. Návrh i výkresová dokumentace, potřebná k výrobě, je vytvořena v aplikaci Autodesk Inventor 2015.This Bachelor’s thesis deals with modification of a sample view module in a LIBS (Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) interaction chamber. The main goal of the thesis is innovation of current design. Several conceptual designs which eliminate main drawback of the current sample view module are developed. Final design is based on the analysis of the conceptual designs and research which were described in the Bachelor’s thesis. All components were manufactured and functional prototype was tested. Design and drawings of the parts were created using Autodesk Inventor 2015 CAD application.

    Predikce časových řad pro IVIS Framework

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    IVIS is an existing open-source web based framework for applications that need to handle time series data. It offers support for creation of customizable visualizations and custom user scripts written in Python. One area where it is currently lacking is built-in support for extrapolating the data into the future. In the thesis, we add support for time series prediction using ARIMA models. We also provide basic means of evaluating the performance of trained models by using Elas- ticsearch aggregations to estimate Root Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error. We then demonstrate usage of this added functionality on a real temperature dataset. Later on, we also discuss current limitations of our solution. 1IVIS je existující open-source webový framework pro aplikace, které zpracovávají ča- sové řady. Podporuje vytváření uživatelsky konfigurovatelných vizualizací a uživatelských skriptů na zpracování dat v Pythonu. Jedna oblast pro kterou je momentálně v IVISu nedostatečná podpora je extrapolace naměřených hodnot do budoucnosti. V této práci přidáme do IVISu podporu pro predikci časových řad pomocí ARIMA mo- delů. Také implementujeme podporu pro vyhodnocování výkonnosti pomocí Elasticsearch agregací, které používáme pro odhadnutí střední kvadratické chyby a střední absolutní chyby predikcí modelu. Poté ilustrujeme použití této nové funkcionality na skutečném datasetu sestávajícím z měření teploty. Dále také diskutujeme omezení naší implemen- tace. 1Department of Distributed and Dependable SystemsKatedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Što (sve) znaju pripovjedači?

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    Autor u studiji iznosi argumente protiv predstavnika komunikacijske teorije narativa (Gérard Genette, Mieke Bal, Seymour Chatman itd.) koji pretpostavljaju da je pripovjedač inheretan svakom narativnom tekstu. Pritom tvrdi da je pripovjedač konstituiran samo kod onih narativnih tekstova koji sadrže subjektivizacijska razlikovna obilježja. Osim toga dovodi u pitanje pretpostavku apriornoog pripovjedačevog znanja koja čini nejasnom diferencijaciju pripovjednih tekstova koji različito funkcioniraju. Pripovjedni čin je prema mišljenju autora u prvom redu čin nastajanja fikcionalnog svijeta, a ne čin njegova posredovanja. Posredovanje pripada samo specifičnom tipu pripovjednog teksta. Jednako tako autor ne smatra da je pripovjedačevo znanje neophodan atribut pripovjedača, već je to atribut specifičan samo za određen tip pripovjedača koji pripovijeda na način »kao da« poznaje priču koju pripovijeda. Pretpostavka apriornog pripovjedačeva znanja također zamagljuje razlike između fokaliziranih pripovjednih tekstova

    Švejk as a Problem in the History of Twentieth-Century Czech Philosophy

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    The author deals with the transformations that took place in reflections upon “Švejk” within the Czech philosophical discourse in the course of the twentieth century. Although numerous studies (spanning a diverse range of disciplines, from literary history to cultural studies) have been written within both the Czech and the international context about Hašek’s novel The Good Soldier Švejk, as well as about the ever-proliferating cultural product referred to as “Švejk”, to date nobody has focused systematically on how the phenomenon of Švejk has been reflected upon by Czech philosophers. The author traces and compares texts by Czech philosophers from T. G. Masaryk, J. L. Fischer, J. Patočka, K. Kosík, K. Mácha, L. Hejdánek, E. Kohák to V. Bělohradský, and arrives at the conclusion that within the Czech philosophical discourse of the 20th century “Švejk” takes on the character of a transversal subject, whose identity is guaranteed rather by the designation itself than by reference to Hašek’s novel, and is therefore a product of a constantly transforming discourse. His substantialisation is therefore just as impossible as the substantialisation of the character of the literary figure of Josef Švejk. However, the individual versions of “Švejks” have been influenced by contemporary readings of Hašek’s novel and conceptions of Švejk within the collective memory

    Siegfried Kapper and the South Slavic Literary Culture of the Western Balkans

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    The article discusses the relationship of Siegfried Kapper (1820–1879), a Czech-German author of Jewish origin, to South Slavic literary cultures (in particular Serbian, Montenegrin and Croatian), the influence of South Slavic national poetry on his work, on Kapper’s travels throughout the South Slavic countries of the Habsburg monarchy, of his contacts with distinguished figures of Serbian and Croatian culture and the South Slavic reception of Kapper’s work, as well as the Czech reception of that part of Kapper’s work, in which he conveyed the traditions of South Slavic literary monuments and the history of Czech society. The aim of the article is above all to provide a recapitulation and evaluation of Kapper’s mediating role between German, Czech and the South Slavic literary cultures of the Western Balkans, which Kapper played within the Central European environment from the time of the national emancipatory endeavours of the 1840s until the time of his death