541 research outputs found

    A thermodynamically self-consistent theory for the Blume-Capel model

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    We use a self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation to study the Blume-Capel ferromagnet on three-dimensional lattices. The correlation functions and the thermodynamics are obtained from the solution of two coupled partial differential equations. The theory provides a comprehensive and accurate description of the phase diagram in all regions, including the wing boundaries in non-zero magnetic field. In particular, the coordinates of the tricritical point are in very good agreement with the best estimates from simulation or series expansion. Numerical and analytical analysis strongly suggest that the theory predicts a universal Ising-like critical behavior along the λ\lambda-line and the wing critical lines, and a tricritical behavior governed by mean-field exponents.Comment: 11 figures. to appear in Physical Review

    Density anomaly in a competing interactions lattice gas model

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    We study a very simple model of a short-range attraction and an outer shell repulsion as a test system for demixing phase transition and density anomaly. The phase-diagram is obtained by applying mean field analysis and Monte Carlo simulations to a two dimensional lattice gas with nearest-neighbors attraction and next-nearest-neighbors repulsion (the outer shell). Two liquid phases and density anomaly are found. The coexistence line between these two liquid phases meets a critical line between the fluid and the low density liquid at a tricritical point. The line of maximum density emerges in the vicinity of the tricritical point, close to the demixing transition

    Critical behavior of a fluid in a disordered porous matrix: An Ornstein-Zernike approach

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    Using a liquid-state approach based on Ornstein-Zernike equations, we study the behavior of a fluid inside a porous disordered matrix near the liquid-gas critical point.The results obtained within various standard approximation schemes such as lowest-order Îł\gamma-ordering and the mean-spherical approximation suggest that the critical behavior is closely related to that of the random-field Ising model (RFIM).Comment: 10 pages, revtex, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Engineering Schottky contacts in open-air fabricated heterojunction solar cells to enable high performance and ohmic charge transport.

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    The efficiencies of open-air processed Cu2O/Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O heterojunction solar cells are doubled by reducing the effect of the Schottky barrier between Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O and the indium tin oxide (ITO) top contact. By depositing Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O with a long band-tail, charge flows through the Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O/ITO Schottky barrier without rectification by hopping between the sub-bandgap states. High current densities are obtained by controlling the Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O thickness to ensure that the Schottky barrier is spatially removed from the p-n junction, allowing the full built-in potential to form, in addition to taking advantage of the increased electrical conductivity of the Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O films with increasing thickness. This work therefore shows that the Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O window layer sub-bandgap state density and thickness are critical parameters that can be engineered to minimize the effect of Schottky barriers on device performance. More generally, these findings show how to improve the performance of other photovoltaic system reliant on transparent top contacts, e.g., CZTS and CIGS.This work was supported by EPSRC of the UK (award number RG3717)This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/am5058663

    Casimir energy and geometry : beyond the Proximity Force Approximation

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    We review the relation between Casimir effect and geometry, emphasizing deviations from the commonly used Proximity Force Approximation (PFA). We use to this aim the scattering formalism which is nowadays the best tool available for accurate and reliable theory-experiment comparisons. We first recall the main lines of this formalism when the mirrors can be considered to obey specular reflection. We then discuss the more general case where non planar mirrors give rise to non-specular reflection with wavevectors and field polarisations mixed. The general formalism has already been fruitfully used for evaluating the effect of roughness on the Casimir force as well as the lateral Casimir force or Casimir torque appearing between corrugated surfaces. In this short review, we focus our attention on the case of the lateral force which should make possible in the future an experimental demonstration of the nontrivial (i.e. beyond PFA) interplay of geometry and Casimir effect.Comment: corrected typos, added references, QFEXT'07 special issue in J. Phys.

    Nonergodicity transitions in colloidal suspensions with attractive interactions

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    The colloidal gel and glass transitions are investigated using the idealized mode coupling theory (MCT) for model systems characterized by short-range attractive interactions. Results are presented for the adhesive hard sphere and hard core attractive Yukawa systems. According to MCT, the former system shows a critical glass transition concentration that increases significantly with introduction of a weak attraction. For the latter attractive Yukawa system, MCT predicts low temperature nonergodic states that extend to the critical and subcritical region. Several features of the MCT nonergodicity transition in this system agree qualitatively with experimental observations on the colloidal gel transition, suggesting that the gel transition is caused by a low temperature extension of the glass transition. The range of the attraction is shown to govern the way the glass transition line traverses the phase diagram relative to the critical point, analogous to findings for the fluid-solid freezing transition.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. E (1 May 1999

    Metastable liquid-liquid phase transition in a single-component system with only one crystal phase and no density anomaly

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    We investigate the phase behavior of a single-component system in 3 dimensions with spherically-symmetric, pairwise-additive, soft-core interactions with an attractive well at a long distance, a repulsive soft-core shoulder at an intermediate distance, and a hard-core repulsion at a short distance, similar to potentials used to describe liquid systems such as colloids, protein solutions, or liquid metals. We showed [Nature {\bf 409}, 692 (2001)] that, even with no evidences of the density anomaly, the phase diagram has two first-order fluid-fluid phase transitions, one ending in a gas--low-density liquid (LDL) critical point, and the other in a gas--high-density liquid (HDL) critical point, with a LDL-HDL phase transition at low temperatures. Here we use integral equation calculations to explore the 3-parameter space of the soft-core potential and we perform molecular dynamics simulations in the interesting region of parameters. For the equilibrium phase diagram we analyze the structure of the crystal phase and find that, within the considered range of densities, the structure is independent of the density. Then, we analyze in detail the fluid metastable phases and, by explicit thermodynamic calculation in the supercooled phase, we show the absence of the density anomaly. We suggest that this absence is related to the presence of only one stable crystal structure.Comment: 15 pages, 21 figure

    Third party employment branding: What are its signaling dimensions, mechanisms, and sources?

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    Synthesis of γ-, δ-, and ε-Lactams by Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of N-(tert-Butylsulfinyl)iminoesters

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    Highly enantiomerically enriched γ- and δ-lactams have been prepared by a simple and very efficient procedure that involves the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of N-(tert-butylsulfinyl)iminoesters followed by desulfinylation of the nitrogen atom and spontaneous cyclization to the desired lactams during the basic workup procedure. Five- and six-membered ring lactams bearing aromatic, heteroaromatic, and aliphatic substituents have been obtained in very high yields and ee’s up to >99%. A slight modification of the procedure also allowed the preparation of ε-lactams in good yields and very high enantioselectivities. Both enantiomers of the final lactams could be prepared with equal efficiency by changing the absolute configuration of the sulfinyl chiral auxiliary

    Bulk versus boundary (gravitational Casimir) effects in quantum creation of inflationary brane-world Universe

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    The role of bulk matter quantum effects (via the corresponding effective potential discussed on the example of conformal scalar) and of boundary matter quantum effects (via the conformal anomaly induced effective action) is considered in brane-world cosmology. Scenario is used where brane tension is not free parameter, and the initial bulk-brane classical action is defined by some considerations. The effective bulk-brane equations of motion are analyzed. The quantum creation of 4d de Sitter or Anti-de Sitter(AdS) brane Universe living in 5d AdS space is possible when quantum bulk and (or) brane matter is taken into account. The consideration of only conformal field theory (CFT) living on the brane admits the full analytical treatment. Then bulk gravitational Casimir effect leads to deformation of 5d AdS space shape as well as of shape of spherical or hyperbolic branes. The generalization of above picture for the dominant bulk quantum gravity naturally represents such scenario as self-consistent warped compactification within AdS/CFT set-up.Comment: LaTeX file, 17 pages, minor change
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