2,726 research outputs found

    Periodic elements of the free idempotent generated semigroup on a biordered set

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    We show that every periodic element of the free idempotent generated semigroup on an arbitrary biordered set belongs to a subgroup of the semigroup

    Largeness and SQ-universality of cyclically presented groups

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    Largeness, SQ-universality, and the existence of free subgroups of rank 2 are measures of the complexity of a finitely presented group. We obtain conditions under which a cyclically presented group possesses one or more of these properties. We apply our results to a class of groups introduced by Prishchepov which contains, amongst others, the various generalizations of Fibonacci groups introduced by Campbell and Robertson

    The structure of one-relator relative presentations and their centres

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    Suppose that G is a nontrivial torsion-free group and w is a word in the alphabet G\cup\{x_1^{\pm1},...,x_n^{\pm1}\} such that the word w' obtained from w by erasing all letters belonging to G is not a proper power in the free group F(x_1,...,x_n). We show how to reduce the study of the relative presentation \^G= to the case n=1. It turns out that an "n-variable" group \^G can be constructed from similar "one-variable" groups using an explicit construction similar to wreath product. As an illustration, we prove that, for n>1, the centre of \^G is always trivial. For n=1, the centre of \^G is also almost always trivial; there are several exceptions, and all of them are known.Comment: 15 pages. A Russian version of this paper is at http://mech.math.msu.su/department/algebra/staff/klyachko/papers.htm . V4: the intoduction is rewritten; Section 1 is extended; a short introduction to Secton 5 is added; some misprints are corrected and some cosmetic improvements are mad

    Large Aperiodic Semigroups

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    The syntactic complexity of a regular language is the size of its syntactic semigroup. This semigroup is isomorphic to the transition semigroup of the minimal deterministic finite automaton accepting the language, that is, to the semigroup generated by transformations induced by non-empty words on the set of states of the automaton. In this paper we search for the largest syntactic semigroup of a star-free language having nn left quotients; equivalently, we look for the largest transition semigroup of an aperiodic finite automaton with nn states. We introduce two new aperiodic transition semigroups. The first is generated by transformations that change only one state; we call such transformations and resulting semigroups unitary. In particular, we study complete unitary semigroups which have a special structure, and we show that each maximal unitary semigroup is complete. For n4n \ge 4 there exists a complete unitary semigroup that is larger than any aperiodic semigroup known to date. We then present even larger aperiodic semigroups, generated by transformations that map a non-empty subset of states to a single state; we call such transformations and semigroups semiconstant. In particular, we examine semiconstant tree semigroups which have a structure based on full binary trees. The semiconstant tree semigroups are at present the best candidates for largest aperiodic semigroups. We also prove that 2n12^n-1 is an upper bound on the state complexity of reversal of star-free languages, and resolve an open problem about a special case of state complexity of concatenation of star-free languages.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Infinite partition monoids

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    Let PX\mathcal P_X and SX\mathcal S_X be the partition monoid and symmetric group on an infinite set XX. We show that PX\mathcal P_X may be generated by SX\mathcal S_X together with two (but no fewer) additional partitions, and we classify the pairs α,βPX\alpha,\beta\in\mathcal P_X for which PX\mathcal P_X is generated by SX{α,β}\mathcal S_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. We also show that PX\mathcal P_X may be generated by the set EX\mathcal E_X of all idempotent partitions together with two (but no fewer) additional partitions. In fact, PX\mathcal P_X is generated by EX{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\} if and only if it is generated by EXSX{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\mathcal S_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. We also classify the pairs α,βPX\alpha,\beta\in\mathcal P_X for which PX\mathcal P_X is generated by EX{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. Among other results, we show that any countable subset of PX\mathcal P_X is contained in a 44-generated subsemigroup of PX\mathcal P_X, and that the length function on PX\mathcal P_X is bounded with respect to any generating set

    Patient enablement requires physician empathy: a cross-sectional study of general practice consultations in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation in Scotland

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    <b>Background</b> Patient 'enablement' is a term closely aligned with 'empowerment' and its measurement in a general practice consultation has been operationalised in the widely used patient enablement instrument (PEI), a patient-rated measure of consultation outcome. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the factors that influence enablement, particularly the effect of socio-economic deprivation. The aim of the study is to assess the factors influencing patient enablement in GP consultations in areas of high and low deprivation.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> A questionnaire study was carried out on 3,044 patients attending 26 GPs (16 in areas of high socio-economic deprivation and 10 in low deprivation areas, in the west of Scotland). Patient expectation (confidence that the doctor would be able to help) was recorded prior to the consultation. PEI, GP empathy (measured by the CARE Measure), and a range of other measures and variables were recorded after the consultation. Data analysis employed multi-level modelling and multivariate analyses with the PEI as the dependant variable.<p></p> <b>Results</b> Although numerous variables showed a univariate association with patient enablement, only four factors were independently predictive after multilevel multivariate analysis; patients with multimorbidity of 3 or more long-term conditions (reflecting poor chronic general health), and those consulting about a long-standing problem had reduced enablement scores in both affluent and deprived areas. In deprived areas, emotional distress (GHQ-caseness) had an additional negative effect on enablement. Perceived GP empathy had a positive effect on enablement in both affluent and deprived areas. Maximal patient enablement was never found with low empathy.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> Although other factors influence patient enablement, the patients' perceptions of the doctors' empathy is of key importance in patient enablement in general practice consultations in both high and low deprivation settings

    Extracting the time-dependent transmission rate from infection data via solution of an inverse ODE problem

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    The transmission rate of many acute infectious diseases varies significantly in time, but the underlying mechanisms are usually uncertain. They may include seasonal changes in the environment, contact rate, immune system response, etc. The transmission rate has been thought difficult to measure directly. We present a new algorithm to compute the time-dependent transmission rate directly from prevalence data, which makes no assumptions about the number of susceptible or vital rates. The algorithm follows our complete and explicit solution of a mathematical inverse problem for SIR-type transmission models. We prove that almost any infection profile can be perfectly fitted by an SIR model with variable transmission rate. This clearly shows a serious danger of overfitting such transmission models. We illustrate the algorithm with historic UK measles data and our observations support the common belief that measles transmission was predominantly driven by school contacts

    On covers of cyclic acts over monoids

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    In (Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 33:385–390, 2001) Bican, Bashir and Enochs finally solved a long standing conjecture in module theory that all modules over a unitary ring have a flat cover. The only substantial work on covers of acts over monoids seems to be that of Isbell (Semigroup Forum 2:95–118, 1971), Fountain (Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 20:87–93, 1976) and Kilp (Semigroup Forum 53:225–229, 1996) who only consider projective covers. To our knowledge the situation for flat covers of acts has not been addressed and this paper is an attempt to initiate such a study. We consider almost exclusively covers of cyclic acts and restrict our attention to strongly flat and condition (P) covers. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such covers and for a monoid to have the property that all its cyclic right acts have a strongly flat cover (resp. (P)-cover). We give numerous classes of monoids that satisfy these conditions and we also show that there are monoids that do not satisfy this condition in the strongly flat case. We give a new necessary and sufficient condition for a cyclic act to have a projective cover and provide a new proof of one of Isbell’s classic results concerning projective covers. We show also that condition (P) covers are not unique, unlike the situation for projective covers

    Eocene to Miocene Magnetostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, and Chemostratigraphy at ODP Site 1090 (Sub-Antarctic South Atlantic)

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    At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 (lat 42854.89S, long 8854.09E) locatedin a water depth of 3702 m on the Agulhas Ridge in the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic, ~300 m of middle Eocene to middle Miocenesediments were recovered with the advancedpiston corer (APC) and the extendedcore barrel (XCB). U-channel samplesfrom the 70–230 meters composite depth(mcd) interval provide a magnetic polaritystratigraphy that is extended to 380 mcd byshipboard whole-core and discrete sampledata. The magnetostratigraphy can be interpretedby the fit of the polarity-zone patternto the geomagnetic polarity time scale(GPTS) augmented by isotope data andbioevents with documented correlation tothe GPTS. Three normal-polarity subchrons(C5Dr.1n, C7Ar.1n, and C13r.1n),not included in the standard GPTS, are recordedat Site 1090. The base of the sampledsection is correlated to C19n (middleEocene), although the interpretation is unclearbeyond C17r. The top of the sampledsection is correlated to C5Cn (late earlyMiocene), although, in the uppermost 10 m of the sampled section, a foraminifer (Globorotaliasphericomiozea) usually associatedwith the Messinian and early Pliocene hasbeen identified. 87Sr/86Sr, d13C, and d18Ovalues measured on foraminifera, includingthe d18O and d13C shifts close to the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, support the correlationto the GPTS. For the interval spanningthe Oligocene/Miocene boundary, benthicd13C, d18O, and 87Sr/86Sr records from Site1090 can be correlated to isotope recordsfrom ODP Site 929 (Ceara Rise), providing support for the recently-published Oligocene/Miocene boundary age (22.92 Ma) of Shackleton et al

    Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Household Fine Particulate Matter in Rural, Peri-urban, and Urban West Africa

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    Household air pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing regions is an important cause of disease burden. Little is known about the chemical composition and sources of household air pollution in sub-Saharan Africa, and how they differ between rural and urban homes. We analyzed the chemical composition and sources of fine particles (PM2.5) in household cooking areas of multiple neighborhoods in Accra, Ghana, and in peri-urban (Banjul) and rural (Basse) areas in The Gambia. In Accra, biomass burning accounted for 39–62% of total PM2.5 mass in the cooking area in different neighborhoods; the absolute contributions were 10–45 μg/m3. Road dust and vehicle emissions comprised 12–33% of PM2.5 mass. Solid waste burning was also a significant contributor to household PM2.5 in a low-income neighborhood but not for those living in better-off areas. In Banjul and Basse, biomass burning was the single dominant source of cooking-area PM2.5, accounting for 74–87% of its total mass; the relative and absolute contributions of biomass smoke to PM2.5 mass were larger in households that used firewood than in those using charcoal, reaching as high as 463 μg/m3 in Basse homes that used firewood for cooking. Our findings demonstrate the need for policies that enhance access to cleaner fuels in both rural and urban areas, and for controlling traffic emissions in cities in sub-Saharan Africa