93 research outputs found

    The Crisis in the Roman Church.

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    Case Study - France, Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation (SoCo Project)

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    This Technical Note 'Case Study ¿ France' is part of a series of case studies within the ¿Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation¿ (SoCo) project. Ten case studies were carried out in Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom between spring and summer 2008. The selection of case study areas was designed to capture differences in soil degradation processes, soil types, climatic conditions, farm structures and farming practices, institutional settings and policy priorities. A harmonised methodological approach was pursued in order to gather insights from a range of contrasting conditions over a geographically diverse area. The case studies were carried out by local experts to reflect the specificities of the selected case studies.JRC.DDG.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Wake deviation of yawed wind turbine by Large-Eddy Simulation

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    International audienceKeywords: Large Eddy Simulation, yaw and wake interaction According to the current energetic and environmental challenges, maximizing the electric power generated in windfarms is a societal concern. New strategies such as involving wind turbine yaw angle seem relevant to reduce wake interaction and associated power losses [1]. Therefore, yawed turbine aerodynamics is modified and remains a challenging investigation topic. Since experimental data on actual windfarm scales are not affordable and given the constant growth of computational resources, high order numerical simulations tend to be a promising approach [2]. The goal of this study is to evaluate a highly resolved numerical model under yaw condition in a wind tunnel before applying it to actual windfarm. The blade modeling is performed using an Actuator Line Method [3] (ALM), coupled to the low Mach-number massively-parallel finite-volume Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) flow solver on unstructured meshes, called YALES2 [4] [5]. The Blind Test 5 experimental configuration led at NTNU [6], gathering numerous experimental data, is reproduced in this study. After the study of a yawed turbine wake interaction with downstream turbine the study of a single yawed turbine (+30 o and 0 o) will be presented. The computational domain of these cases will be the NTNU wind tunnel, involving a turbulence grid aiming to create a fully turbulent sheared inflow [6]. The grid will be modeled using multiple Actuator Lines (to mimic the turbine blades) with dedicated polars [7] [8]. Each computational case is performed on a unstructured mesh with around 150.10 6 tetrahedra. An instantaneous velocity field of the yawed turbine wake interaction is presented on Figure 1. Figure 1: Instantaneous streamwise velocity field of wake interaction between two turbines in the NTNU wind tunnel with unstructured mes

    Translational Genomics in Legumes Allowed Placing In Silico 5460 Unigenes on the Pea Functional Map and Identified Candidate Genes in Pisum sativum L.

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    To identify genes involved in phenotypic traits, translational genomics from highly characterized model plants to poorly characterized crop plants provides a valuable source of markers to saturate a zone of interest as well as functionally characterized candidate genes. In this paper, an integrated view of the pea genetic map was developed. A series of gene markers were mapped and their best reciprocal homologs were identified on M. truncatula, L. japonicus, soybean, and poplar pseudomolecules. Based on the syntenic relationships uncovered between pea and M. truncatula, 5460 pea Unigenes were tentatively placed on the consensus map. A new bioinformatics tool, http://www.thelegumeportal.net/pea_mtr_translational_toolkit, was developed that allows, for any gene sequence, to search its putative position on the pea consensus map and hence to search for candidate genes among neighboring Unigenes. As an example, a promising candidate gene for the hypernodulation mutation nod3 in pea was proposed based on the map position of the likely homolog of Pub1, a M. truncatula gene involved in nodulation regulation. A broader view of pea genome evolution was obtained by revealing syntenic relationships between pea and sequenced genomes. Blocks of synteny were identified which gave new insights into the evolution of chromosome structure in Papillionoids and Eudicots. The power of the translational genomics approach was underlined

    Addressing Soil Degradation in EU Agriculture: Relevant Processes, Practices and Policies - Report on the project 'Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation (SoCo)'

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    Agriculture occupies a substantial proportion of the European land, and consequently plays an important role in maintaining natural resources and cultural landscapes, a precondition for other human activities in rural areas. Unsustainable farming practices and land use, including mismanaged intensification as well as land abandonment, have an adverse impact on natural resources. Having recognised the environmental challenges of agricultural land use, the European Parliament requested the European Commission in 2007 to carry out a pilot project on "Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation through simplified cultivation techniques" (SoCo). The project originated from a close cooperation between the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC). It was implemented by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) and the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES). This report presents the findings of a stock-taking of the current situation with respect to soil degradation processes, soil-friendly farming practices and relevant policy measures within an EU-wide perspective. This overview includes the results of the survey on the national/regional implementation of EU policies and national policies, a classification of the described soil degradation processes, soil conservation practices and policy measures, and finally the outcome of the Stakeholder Workshop which took place on 22 May 2008 in Brussels.JRC.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom


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    La menace du poids idéal : effets de la menace du stéréotype sur les choix et la consommation alimentaires de jeunes femmes se percevant en surpoids

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    This thesis aims to examine the consequences the stigma of overweight among young women who perceive themselves as overweight (whether this perception is justified or not), via the phenomenon of stereotype threat (Steele & Aronson, 1995). We propose that threatening contexts (in which negative stereotypes are about the eating behaviours of overweight people are activated), can (i) bias overweight self-perceived women's nutritional values assessment, and thus lead them to select dishes that are not adapted to their needs, and (ii) increase their consumption of comfort food. The experimental studies of this doctoral work tend to confirm these hypotheses: their results indicate that the more young women think they are overweight, (i) the less successful they are at estimating the calorie content of foods and selecting dishes on the basis of their nutritional values, (ii) the more they consume fatty and sugary foods. We also investigate the roles of emotions (especially anxiety) and working memory resources in these effects. Although our studies do not allow us to assert the involvement of emotional mechanisms, one of our studies underlines the role of a decrease in working memory resources. While other studies have already reported the deleterious consequences of overweight stereotype threat in objectively overweight individuals (e.g., Brochu & Dovidio, 2014), ours are the first to report on the consequences of this phenomenon in overweight self-perceived women, and confirm that weight perception must be taken into account in studies on the negative health consequences associated with weight stigma.Cette thèse a pour objectif l’examen des conséquences de la stigmatisation du surpoids chez les jeunes femmes qui se perçoivent en surpoids (que cette perception soit justifiée ou non) via le phénomène de menace du stéréotype (Steele & Aronson, 1995). Nous proposons que des contextes menaçants, en lien avec les stéréotypes négatifs qui portent sur les comportements alimentaires des personnes en surpoids, peuvent biaiser l’estimation que ces femmes font des aliments et augmenter leur consommation d’aliments réconfortants. Les études expérimentales de ce travail doctoral confirment ces hypothèses : leurs résultats indiquent que plus les femmes pensent avoir un excès de poids, (i) moins elles réussissent à estimer la teneur calorique des aliments et à sélectionner les plats en fonction de leurs valeurs nutritionnelles, et (ii) plus elles consomment d’aliments gras et sucrés. Nous investiguons également le rôle médiateur des émotions (et notamment celui de l’anxiété) ainsi que sur celui de la réduction des ressources disponibles en mémoire de travail dans ces effets. Si nos études ne permettent pas d’affirmer l’implication de mécanismes émotionnels, une de nos études met en cause la diminution des ressources en mémoire de travail.Bien que d’autres études ont déjà fait état des conséquences de la menace du stéréotype lié au surpoids chez les personnes objectivement en surpoids (e.g., Brochu & Dovidio, 2014), les études de cette thèse sont les premières à mettre en évidence les conséquences de ce phénomène chez les femmes qui se perçoivent en surpoids, et à confirmer qu’il est nécessaire de prendre en compte cette variable dans l’étude des conséquences de la stigmatisation du surpoids

    Le Clergé et la Noblesse d'Anjou aux élections de l'Assemblée nationale constituante de 1848

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    Houtin Albert. Le Clergé et la Noblesse d'Anjou aux élections de l'Assemblée nationale constituante de 1848. In: La Révolution de 1848. Bulletin de la Société d'histoire de la Révolution de 1848, Tome 8, Numéro 44, Mai-juin 1911. pp. 149-161

    The threat of the ideal body weight : effects of stereotype threat on food choices and food consumption in young women who perceive themselves as overweight

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    Cette thèse a pour objectif l’examen des conséquences de la stigmatisation du surpoids chez les jeunes femmes qui se perçoivent en surpoids (que cette perception soit justifiée ou non) via le phénomène de menace du stéréotype (Steele & Aronson, 1995). Nous proposons que des contextes menaçants, en lien avec les stéréotypes négatifs qui portent sur les comportements alimentaires des personnes en surpoids, peuvent biaiser l’estimation que ces femmes font des aliments et augmenter leur consommation d’aliments réconfortants. Les études expérimentales de ce travail doctoral confirment ces hypothèses : leurs résultats indiquent que plus les femmes pensent avoir un excès de poids, (i) moins elles réussissent à estimer la teneur calorique des aliments et à sélectionner les plats en fonction de leurs valeurs nutritionnelles, et (ii) plus elles consomment d’aliments gras et sucrés. Nous investiguons également le rôle médiateur des émotions (et notamment celui de l’anxiété) ainsi que sur celui de la réduction des ressources disponibles en mémoire de travail dans ces effets. Si nos études ne permettent pas d’affirmer l’implication de mécanismes émotionnels, une de nos études met en cause la diminution des ressources en mémoire de travail.Bien que d’autres études ont déjà fait état des conséquences de la menace du stéréotype lié au surpoids chez les personnes objectivement en surpoids (e.g., Brochu & Dovidio, 2014), les études de cette thèse sont les premières à mettre en évidence les conséquences de ce phénomène chez les femmes qui se perçoivent en surpoids, et à confirmer qu’il est nécessaire de prendre en compte cette variable dans l’étude des conséquences de la stigmatisation du surpoids.This thesis aims to examine the consequences the stigma of overweight among young women who perceive themselves as overweight (whether this perception is justified or not), via the phenomenon of stereotype threat (Steele & Aronson, 1995). We propose that threatening contexts (in which negative stereotypes are about the eating behaviours of overweight people are activated), can (i) bias overweight self-perceived women's nutritional values assessment, and thus lead them to select dishes that are not adapted to their needs, and (ii) increase their consumption of comfort food. The experimental studies of this doctoral work tend to confirm these hypotheses: their results indicate that the more young women think they are overweight, (i) the less successful they are at estimating the calorie content of foods and selecting dishes on the basis of their nutritional values, (ii) the more they consume fatty and sugary foods. We also investigate the roles of emotions (especially anxiety) and working memory resources in these effects. Although our studies do not allow us to assert the involvement of emotional mechanisms, one of our studies underlines the role of a decrease in working memory resources. While other studies have already reported the deleterious consequences of overweight stereotype threat in objectively overweight individuals (e.g., Brochu & Dovidio, 2014), ours are the first to report on the consequences of this phenomenon in overweight self-perceived women, and confirm that weight perception must be taken into account in studies on the negative health consequences associated with weight stigma