841 research outputs found

    First Long-Time Airborne Fungal Spores Study in Dublin, Ireland (1978–1980)

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    Ambient fungal spores within the atmosphere can contribute to a range of negative human, animal and plant health conditions and diseases. However, trends in fungal spore seasonality, species prevalence, and geographical origin have been significantly understudied in Ireland. Previously unpublished data from the late 1970s have recently been collected and analysed to establish historical fungal spore trends/characteristics for Dublin. Historical spore concentrations were largely dominated by Alternaria, Ascospores, Basidiospores, Botrytis, Cladosporium, Erysiphe and Rusts. The main fungal spore season for Dublin commenced in April with the fructification of Scopulariopsis and Ganoderma. However, the vast majority of other spore types did not reach peak spore release until late summer. The correlation between ambient spore concentration, and meteorological parameters was examined using Multivariable Regression Tree (MRT) analysis. The notable correlations found for fungal spore concentrations tended to involve temperature-based parameters. The use of a non-parametric wind regression was also employed to determine the potential geographical origin of ambient fungal spores. The impact of wind direction, and high windspeed on fungal spores was established, ultimately highlighting the importance of studying and monitoring fungal spores within Ireland, rather than attempting to rely on data from other regions, as most fungal spores collected in Dublin appeared to originate from within the island

    Airborne Fungal Spore Review, New Advances and Automatisation

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    Fungal spores make up a significant portion of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBAPs) with large quantities of such particles noted in the air. Fungal particles are of interest because of their potential to affect the health of both plants and humans. They are omnipresent in the atmosphere year-round, with concentrations varying due to meteorological parameters and location. Equally, differences between indoor and outdoor fungal spore concentrations and dispersal play an important role in occupational health. This review attempts to summarise the different spore sampling methods, identify the most important spore types in terms of negative effects on crops and the public, the factors affecting their growth/dispersal, and different methods of predicting fungal spore concentrations currently in use

    Activation and Inactivation Kinetics of Torpedo californica Acetylcholine Receptor in Reconstituted Membranes

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    P>Background: To date no studies have compared generic health-related quality of life (HRQL) of food allergic patients from childhood to adulthood with that of the general population or patients with other chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to compare generic HRQL of food allergic patients with the general population and other diseases. Methods: Generic HRQL questionnaires (CHQ-CF87 and RAND-36) were completed by 79 children, 74 adolescents and 72 adults with food allergy. The generic HRQL scores were compared with scores from published studies on the general population and patients with asthma, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes mellitus (DM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Results: Food allergic children and adolescents reported fewer limitations in school work due to behavioural problems (P <0.013), but food allergic adolescents and adults reported more pain (P = 0.020), poorer overall health (P <0.001), more limitations in social activities (P <0.001) and less vitality (P = 0.002) than individuals from the general population. Food allergic patients reported poorer generic HRQL than patients with DM, but better generic HRQL than patients with RA, asthma and IBS. Conclusion: HRQL is impaired in food allergic adolescents and adults, compared to the general population, and it is intermediate in magnitude between DM and RA, asthma and IBS. Children show the least impact on generic HRQL from food allergy

    The emperor has no symptoms: the risks of a blanket approach to using epinephrine autoinjectors for all allergic reactions

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    Fatal anaphylaxis in humans is rare and unpredictable. We note a trend to provide allergic individuals with care plans that recommend immediate use of epinephrine autoinjectors if allergen ingestion is suspected, even in the absence of any allergic symptoms, without any supporting evidence base. Instructions to use an autoinjector device, irrespective of reaction severity and especially when symptoms are actually absent, are likely to add to parental and patient anxiety. Of greater concern is the possibility of epinephrine being administered “too early” to treat initial, mild symptoms that then progress to severe anaphylaxis. It is not hard to visualize a scenario where one or both epinephrine autoinjectors have been deployed for mild symptoms, yet the reaction progresses to a severe reaction and no further epinephrine is available for administration. Epinephrine needs to be available as a rescue treatment for anaphylaxis, potentially buying valuable minutes while emergency medical services are activated to attend. Food-allergic individuals and their carers need to be provided with more constructive strategies and support than merely being told to “use your pen.

    Modeling Vesicle Traffic Reveals Unexpected Consequences for Cdc42p-Mediated Polarity Establishment

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    SummaryBackgroundPolarization in yeast has been proposed to involve a positive feedback loop whereby the polarity regulator Cdc42p orients actin cables, which deliver vesicles carrying Cdc42p to the polarization site. Previous mathematical models treating Cdc42p traffic as a membrane-free flux suggested that directed traffic would polarize Cdc42p, but it remained unclear whether Cdc42p would become polarized without the membrane-free simplifying assumption.ResultsWe present mathematical models that explicitly consider stochastic vesicle traffic via exocytosis and endocytosis, providing several new insights. Our findings suggest that endocytic cargo influences the timing of vesicle internalization in yeast. Moreover, our models provide quantitative support for the view that integral membrane cargo proteins would become polarized by directed vesicle traffic given the experimentally determined rates of vesicle traffic and diffusion. However, such traffic cannot effectively polarize the more rapidly diffusing Cdc42p in the model without making additional assumptions that seem implausible and lack experimental support.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that actin-directed vesicle traffic would perturb, rather than reinforce, polarization in yeast

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Tracing interstellar extinction

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    Large spectroscopic surveys have enabled in the recent years the computation of three-dimensional interstellar extinction maps thanks to accurate stellar atmospheric parameters and line-of-sight distances. Such maps are complementary to 3D maps extracted from photometry, allowing a more thorough study of the dust properties. Our goal is to use the high-resolution spectroscopic survey Gaia-ESO in order to obtain with a good distance resolution the interstellar extinction and its dependency as a function of the environment and the Galactocentric position. We use the stellar atmospheric parameters of more than 5000 stars, obtained from the Gaia-ESO survey second internal data release, and combine them with optical (SDSS) and near-infrared (VISTA) photometry as well as different sets of theoretical stellar isochrones, in order to calculate line-of-sight extinction and distances. The extinction coefficients are then compared with the literature to discuss their dependancy on the stellar parameters and position in the Galaxy. Within the errors of our method, our work does not show that there is any dependence of the interstellar extinction coefficient on the atmospheric parameters of the stars. We do not find any evidence of the variation of E(J-H)/E(J-K) with the angle from the Galactic centre nor with Galactocentric distance. This suggests that we are dealing with a uniform extinction law in the SDSS ugriz bands and the near-IR JHKs bands. Therefore, extinction maps using mean colour-excesses and assuming a constant extinction coefficient can be used without introducing any systematic errors.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 1 Appendix accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Characterizing the efficacy of methods to subtract terrestrial transient noise near gravitational wave events and the effects on parameter estimation

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    We investigate the impact of transient noise artifacts, or {\it glitches}, on gravitational wave inference, and the efficacy of data cleaning procedures in recovering unbiased source properties. Due to their time-frequency morphology, broadband glitches demonstrate moderate to significant biasing of posterior distributions away from true values. In contrast, narrowband glitches have negligible biasing effects owing to distinct signal and glitch morphologies. We inject simulated binary black hole signals into data containing three common glitch types from past LIGO-Virgo observing runs, and reconstruct both signal and glitch waveforms using {\tt BayesWave}, a wavelet-based Bayesian analysis. We apply the standard LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA deglitching procedure to the detector data - we subtract the glitch waveform estimated by the joint {\tt BayesWave} inference before performing parameter estimation with detailed compact binary waveform models. We find that this deglitching effectively mitigates bias from broadband glitches, with posterior peaks aligning with true values post deglitching. This provides a baseline validation of existing techniques, while demonstrating waveform reconstruction improvements to the Bayesian algorithm for robust astrophysical characterization in glitch-prone detector data.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figure

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Separating disk chemical substructures with cluster models

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    (Abridged) Recent spectroscopic surveys have begun to explore the Galactic disk system outside the solar neighborhood on the basis of large data samples. In this way, they provide valuable information for testing spatial and temporal variations of disk structure kinematics and chemical evolution. We used a Gaussian mixture model algorithm, as a rigurous mathematical approach, to separate in the [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] plane a clean disk star subsample from the Gaia-ESO survey internal data release 2. We find that the sample is separated into five groups associated with major Galactic components; the metal-rich end of the halo, the thick disk, and three subgroups for the thin disk sequence. This is confirmed with a sample of red clump stars from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) survey. The two metal-intermediate and metal-rich groups of the thin disk decomposition ([Fe/H]>-0.25 dex) highlight a change in the slope at solar metallicity. This holds true at different radial regions. The distribution of Galactocentric radial distances of the metal-poor part of the thin disk ([Fe/H]<-0.25 dex) is shifted to larger distances than those of the more metal-rich parts. Moreover, the metal-poor part of the thin disk presents indications of a scale height intermediate between those of the thick and the rest of the thin disk, and it displays higher azimuthal velocities than the latter. These stars might have formed and evolved in parallel and/or dissociated from the inside-out formation taking place in the internal thin disk. Their enhancement levels might be due to their origin from gas pre-enriched by outflows from the thick disk or the inner halo. The smooth trends of their properties (their spatial distribution with respect to the plane, in particular) with [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] suggested by the data indicates a quiet dynamical evolution, with no relevant merger events

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: a quiescent Milky Way with no significant dark/stellar accreted disc

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    According to our current cosmological model, galaxies like the Milky Way are expected to experience many mergers over their lifetimes. The most massive of the merging galaxies will be dragged towards the disc-plane, depositing stars and dark matter into an accreted disc structure. In this work, we utilize the chemo-dynamical template developed in Ruchti et al. to hunt for accreted stars. We apply the template to a sample of 4,675 stars in the third internal data release from the Gaia-ESO Spectroscopic Survey. We find a significant component of accreted halo stars, but find no evidence of an accreted disc component. This suggests that the Milky Way has had a rather quiescent merger history since its disc formed some 8-10 billion years ago and therefore possesses no significant dark matter disc.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Chromospheric Emission, Accretion Properties, and Rotation in Îł\gamma Velorum and Chamaeleon I

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    We use the fundamental parameters delivered by the GES consortium in the first internal data release to select the members of Îł\gamma Vel and Cha I among the UVES and GIRAFFE spectroscopic observations. A total of 140 Îł\gamma Vel members and 74 Cha I members were studied. We calculated stellar luminosities through spectral energy distributions, while stellar masses were derived by comparison with evolutionary tracks. The spectral subtraction of low-activity and slowly rotating templates, which are rotationally broadened to match the vsin⁥iv\sin i of the targets, enabled us to measure the equivalent widths (EWs) and the fluxes in the Hα\alpha and HÎČ\beta lines. The Hα\alpha line was also used for identifying accreting objects and for evaluating the mass accretion rate (M˙acc\dot M_{\rm acc}). The distribution of vsin⁥iv\sin i for the members of Îł\gamma Vel displays a peak at about 10 km s−1^{-1} with a tail toward faster rotators. There is also some indication of a different vsin⁥iv\sin i distribution for the members of its two kinematical populations. Only a handful of stars in Îł\gamma Vel display signatures of accretion, while many more accretors were detected in the younger Cha~I. Accreting and active stars occupy two different regions in a TeffT_{\rm eff}-flux diagram and we propose a criterion for distinguishing them. We derive M˙acc\dot M_{\rm acc} in the ranges 10−1110^{-11}-10−9M⊙10^{-9} M_\odotyr−1^{-1} and 10−1010^{-10}-10−7M⊙10^{-7} M_\odotyr−1^{-1} for Îł\gamma Vel and Cha I accretors, respectively. We find less scatter in the M˙acc−M⋆\dot M_{\rm acc}-M_\star relation derived through the Hα\alpha EWs, when compared to the Hα\alpha 10%W10\%W diagnostics, in agreement with other authors
