23 research outputs found

    Methane yield and microscopic observation as monitoring biofilm behaviour parameters, during start up phase of anaerobic inverse fluidized bed reactor

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    Anaerobic biofilm behavior on polyethylene and Extendosphere™ supports was evaluated during start-up of an inverse fluidized bed reactor using methane yield and microscopic observation as parameter monitoring techniques. Two anaerobic inverse fluidized bed reactors were used, one filled with triturated polyethylene as solid carrier material (diameter = 380 μm, density = 926 kg/m3) and the other with Extendosphere™ (diameter = 147 μm, density = 700 kg/m3). Each support material was used at up to 25% of its working volume (polyethylene = 1.2 l, Extendosphere™ = 1.9 l). Both reactors were started up in sequencing batch mode, applying organic loading rates of 0.5 to 14 g COD/l.d. Both supports exhibited rapid biofilm growth during start-up. Maximum surface colonization was 46% with the polyethylene and 100% with Extendosphere™. Both supports had a methane yield of 0.298 l CH4/g COD at 10 and 14 g COD/l.d, respectively. Digital microscopic observation results coincided with methane yield results, confirming each to be viable for parameter monitoring of biofilm growth. Data generated by these two techniques is different and complementary, and in conjunction they constitute a highly effective monitoring method of biofilm growth.Key words: Anaerobic digestion, biofilm, inverse fluidized bed reactor, methane yield

    Evolución de la hidrólisis en un reactor de codigestión, empleando diferentes tiempos de residencia hidráulica

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    El objetivo de este trabajo, fue estudiar la influencia de dos tiempos de residencia hidráulica (TRH) diferentes, durante 5 y 10 días, en el proceso de hidrólisis-solubilización en un reactor de codigestión. Se empleó agua de la llave para simular la recirculación de lixiviado tratado, se mezclaron residuos sólidos orgánicos (RSO), seleccionados de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU), y lodos de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas, se caracterizaron y luego se trataron mediante codigestión anaerobia. A su vez, se empleó un biorreactor piloto, con volumen total de 27.2 L, el cual se cargó con cantidades iguales (peso/peso) de RSO y lodos, que ocuparon un volumen útil de 13 L. El biorreactor se llenó totalmente con agua de la llave, con el fin de asegurar una humedad elevada. Como estrategia para favorecer el mezclado y mantener el contacto biomasa-sustrato, se recirculó agua de manera continua, que simulaba el efluente tratado. La influencia de los TRH en el desempeño del proceso se determinó a través de la caracterización fisicoquímica del efluente. Finalmente, los resultados indican que el TRH es un factor determinante en la eficiencia del sistema; reduciendo el TRH se incrementó la hidrodinámica y la velocidad de la cinética de solubilización de la materia orgánica en el biorreactor. El tiempo de estabilización de los sólidos se redujo de 20 a 10 días, cuando el TRH disminuyó de 10 a 5 días.The aim of this research is to study the influence of two different hydraulic residence times (HRT's), 5 and 10 days, on the process of hydrolysis-solubilization in a codigestion reactor. Tap water was used to simulate recirculation of a treated leachate. Organic solid waste (OSW) from urban solid waste (USW) and excess sludge from an urban wastewater treatment plant were first characterized and then treated together by anaerobic codigestion. This was done using a 27.2-L total volume pilot scale bioreactor, which was loaded with equal amounts (w/w) of OSW and sludge to a total useful volume of 13-L. The bioreactor was filled with tap water to ensure high humidity. In order to assure suitable mixing and good microbial-substrate contact in the reactor, recirculation of treated effluent was maintained by continuous water flow. The influence of HRT on the process performance was determined through physicochemical characterization of the effluent. Results indicate that HRT is a determinant factor in the efficiency of the system. Reducing HRT increases hydrodynamics and solubilization kinetic rate of organic matter in the bioreactor. Stabilization time of solids is reduced from 20 to 10 days when HRT is shortened from 10 to 5 days

    Purification of Rainwater Using a Photocatalysis Technique to be Applied to Communities in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico

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    Small communities far from the municipal seat do not have access to drinking water, so many children suffer from various gastrointestinal diseases, which cause these children to grow up with nutritional deficiencies. In the state of Campeche, there are 300 sunny days. This energy can be used to install water treatment systems to make it drinkable. Therefore, a treatment system with heterogeneous photocatalysis was proposed using a zinc oxide catalyst doped with silver nanoparticles. The reactor has a metal structure with a flat plate where clay plates support the catalyst. Samples were taken every 2 h to carry out the corresponding analyses and in a period of 8 h of reaction. For the characterization of rainwater adhered to Mexican regulations. The results showed that there was 6400 NMP/100 mL for fecal coliforms at the beginning, and after 4 h, this parameter goes to <2 NMP/100 mL. Initially, the same happened for fecal coliforms; 9200 NMP/100 mL was determined. After 4 h, this parameter drops to <2 NMP/100 mL. The same behavior was observed with chlorides, hardness, and total alkalinity, which showed a tendency to decrease significantly. This confirms that the system works properly to eliminate organic compounds and purify rainwater

    ¿Desarrollo sostenible o sustentable? La controversia de un concepto

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    Se presenta una revisión y discusión de los conceptos desarrollo sostenible y desarrollo sustentable, en el afán de aclarar su origen y dilucidar si los conceptos son o no sinónimos y si ambos son correctos y válidos. Se incluye un breve panorama de cómo se han usado ambos conceptos tanto en la literatura científica, como en textos y leyes gubernamentales y de divulgación; también se describe la controversia que se ha generado por el uso no diferenciado de estos términos y las corrientes de pensamiento que los sustentan. Se concluye que, a pesar de que lingüísticamente ambos términos son correctos y sinónimos casi perfectos, representan posturas e ideologías diferentes, ya que el “desarrollo sostenible”, representa un enfoque principal sobre el desarrollo y busca la manera que sea sostenido por medio del cuidado del ambiente y el “desarrollo sustentable”, enfatiza el cuidado de los recursos naturales y su uso, pero mediante un modelo que proteja el ambiente como prioridad.

    Estrategia sistémica para conformar colectivos colaborativos inter-transdisciplinarios: conocimiento al servicio de la sociedad

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    This text proposes a methodology for re-learning and incubating Inter-Transdisciplinary Collaborative Collectives in higher education institutions that allows addressing the urgent needs in the face of the complex socio-environmental problems of the 21st century. Through the transdisciplinary participatory action-research methodology, the research results of more than six years of collective academic work are reported. As institutions that generate knowledge, the universities are increasingly obliged to influence the restoration of our chaotic humanity and nature in general. Everyday realities present situations (problems and paradoxes) that are more difficult to address with reductionist, linear approaches and individual and disciplinary practices. It becomes relevant and urgent to build actions based on new paradigms, with logics of thought and action capable of generating empathy scenarios based on inter-transdisciplinary approaches. In this sense, what is presented here is an experience of knowledge generation within the university educational field. It arises from the collaborative work that has been generated by the academic group that writes this article from different areas of knowledge of the University of Veracruz, from the construction of synergies from inter and transdisciplinary dialogue. This proposal aims to be an instrument that, step-by-step, guides the formation of groups of academics and/or students and can move towards collaborative inter-transdisciplinary research. In this way, situations can be approached with a more comprehensive approach, and responses can be given considering the interwoven, complex, transversal, and sustainably human wholes. Keywords: Human Sustainability; Complexity; University Transformation; Planetary Crisis; Alternatives.El presente texto plantea una metodología de re-aprendizaje e incubación de Colectivos Colaborativos Inter-Transdisciplinarios en las instituciones de educación superior, que permita atender las urgentes necesidades frente a las complejas problemáticas socioambientales del siglo XXI. Mediante la metodología de investigación-acción participativa transdisciplinaria, se reportan los resultados de investigación de más de seis años de trabajo colectivo académico. Las universidades, como instituciones generadoras de conocimiento, se encuentran cada día más obligadas a incidir en la restauración de nuestra caótica humanidad y de la naturaleza en lo general. Cada día las realidades presentan situaciones (problemáticas y paradojas) más difíciles de abordar con enfoques reduccionistas, lineales y con prácticas individuales y unidisciplinarias. Se torna relevante y urgente, constituir acciones basadas en nuevos paradigmas, con lógicas de pensamiento y acción que sean capaces de generar escenarios de empatía, basados en enfoques inter-transdisciplinarios. En este sentido, lo que aquí presentado es una experiencia de generación del conocimiento dentro del ámbito educativo universitario. Surge del trabajo colaborativo que ha venido generando el colectivo académico que escribe este artículo de diferentes áreas del conocimiento de la Universidad Veracruzana, a partir de la construcción de sinergias desde el diálogo inter y transdisciplinario. La presente propuesta pretende ser un instrumento que paso a paso guíe la conformación de grupos de académicos y/o estudiantes y puedan transitar hacia la investigación colaborativa inter-transdisciplinaria. De esta manera se podrán abordar situaciones con un enfoque más integral, y dar respuestas considerando las totalidades entramadas, complejas, transversales y sustentablemente humanas. Palabras clave: Sustentabilidad Humana; Complejidad; Transformación Universitaria; Crisis Planetaria; Alternativas

    Calidad del agua

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    En: Atlas del patrimonio natural, histórico y cultural de Veracruz ; Enrique Florescano, Juan Ortíz Escamilla, coordinadores. México : Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz : Comisión del Estado de Veracruz para la Conmemoración de la Independencia Nacional y la Revolución Mexicana : Universidad Veracruzana, 2010. v. 1, p. 147-159 . ISBN 978607951316

    Hydrolysis evolution in a codigestion reactor at various hydraulic residence times

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    The aim of this research is to study the influence of two different hydraulic residence times (HRT's), 5 and 10 days, on the process of hydrolysis-solubilization in a codigestion reactor. Tap water was used to simulate recirculation of a treated leachate. Organic solid waste (OSW) from urban solid waste (USW) and excess sludge from an urban wastewater treatment plant were first characterized and then treated together by anaerobic codigestion. This was done using a 27.2-L total volume pilot scale bioreactor, which was loaded with equal amounts (w/w) of OSW and sludge to a total useful volume of 13-L. The bioreactor was filled with tap water to ensure high humidity. In order to assure suitable mixing and good microbial-substrate contact in the reactor, recirculation of treated effluent was maintained by continuous water flow. The influence of HRT on the process performance was determined through physicochemical characterization of the effluent. Results indicate that HRT is a determinant factor in the efficiency of the system. Reducing HRT increases hydrodynamics and solubilization kinetic rate of organic matter in the bioreactor. Stabilization time of solids is reduced from 20 to 10 days when HRT is shortened from 10 to 5 days

    Tratamiento de vinazas de alcohol de caña en un reactor UASB

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    Para la realización de este artículo, se evaluó el rendimiento del reactor UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) utilizando vinazas de alcohol de caña como sustrato

    Hydrolysis evolution in a codigestion reactor at various hydraulic residence times.

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    The aim of this research is to study the influence of two different hydraulic residence times (HRT�s), 5 and 10 days, on the process of hydrolysis-solubilization in a codigestion reactor. Tap water was used to simulate recirculation of a treated leachate. Organic solid waste (OSW) from urban solid waste (USW) and excess sludge from an urban wastewater treatment plant were first characterized and then treated together by anaerobic codigestion. This was done using a 27.2-L total volume pilot scale bioreactor, which was loaded with equal amounts (w/w) of OSW and sludge to a total useful volume of 13-L. The bioreactor was filled with tap water to ensure high humidity. In order to assure suitable mixing and good microbial-substrate contact in the reactor, recirculation of treated effluent was maintained by continuous water flow. The influence of HRT on the process performance was determined through physicochemical characterization of the effluent. Results indicate that HRT is a determinant factor in the efficiency of the system. Reducing HRT increases hydrodynamics and solubilization kinetic rate of organic matter in the bioreactor. Stabilization time of solids is reduced from 20 to 10 days when HRT is shortened from 10 to 5 days.El objetivo de este trabajo, fue estudiar la influencia de dos tiempos de residencia hidráulica (TRH) diferentes, durante 5 y 10 días, en el proceso de hidrólisis-solubilización en un reactor de codigestión. Se empleó agua de la llave para simular la recirculación de lixi-viado tratado, se mezclaron residuos sólidos orgánicos (RSO), seleccionados de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU), y lodos de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas, se caracterizaron y luego se trataron mediante codigestión anaerobia. A su vez, se empleó un biorreactor piloto, con volumen total de 27.2 L, el cual se cargó con cantidades iguales (peso/peso) de RSO y lodos, que ocuparon un volumen útil de 13 L. El biorreactor se llenó totalmente con agua de la llave, con el fin de asegurar una humedad elevada. Como estrategia para favorecer el mezclado y mantener el contacto biomasa-sustrato, se recirculó agua de manera con-tinua, que simulaba el efluente tratado. La influencia de los TRH en el desempeño del proceso se determinó a través de la caracteri-zación fisicoquímica del efluente. Finalmente, los resultados indican que el TRH es un factor determinante en la eficiencia del sistema; reduciendo el TRH se incrementó la hidrodinámica y la velocidad de la cinética de solubilización de la materia orgánica en el bio-rreactor. El tiempo de estabilización de los sólidos se redujo de 20 a 10 días, cuando el TRH disminuyó de 10 a 5 días


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    Amate (amatl) is a handmade paper of Mexico made by Otomi Indians. This craft is made from bark of tree bark amate or jonote. It is originally developed in the states of Puebla, Hidalgo and Veracruz especially in San Pablito, Puebla. However, amate paper is sold as background Nahua paintings by artists from the state of Guerrero. Amate paper paintings are a combination of Nahua and Otomi traditions. While there have been some minor innovations, the amate paper is still done with the same basic process used in the pre-Hispanic period by obtaining a classical amate tree bark fiber. This is negatively affecting the ecosystem of the North of Puebla and forcing vendors bark in search of other species, so it is necessary to make paper amate more sustainably, including new types of bark from other species and by-products of agro-industries such as rice, coffee sugar cane, and other types of fiber that have high-availability The objective of this work was to analyze and compare the Chemical pulp of coffee characteristics, as raw material for amate paper of higher quality than that produced from the bark of other species. The results showed that the structural and chemical characteristics of coffee pulp cellulose pulp showed ease of paper making, due to its properties of adherence, formation and agglutination of fibers similar to the high quality of the final product as the amate tree bark-derived paper