75 research outputs found

    A Real-time Rolling Horizon Chance Constrained Optimization Model for Energy Hub Scheduling

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    With the increasing consumption of energy, it is of high significance to improve energy efficiency and realize optimal operation of the multi-energy system. Among the many energy system modeling methods, the concept of “energy hub (EH)” is an emerging one. However, the previous EH models only included one or a few of constituting components. The construction of an energy hub model that integrates energy storage systems, photovoltaic (PV) components, a combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) system and electric vehicles (EVs) is explained in this thesis. The inclusion of the CCHP system helps to meet the energy demand and improve the mismatch of heat-to-electric ratio between the energy hub and the load. Additionally, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is applied in this EH; that is, EVs are regarded not only as load demands but also as power suppliers. The energy hub optimization scheduling problem is formulated as a multi-period stochastic problem with the minimum total energy cost as the objective. Compared to 24-hour day-ahead scheduling, rolling horizon optimization is used in the EH scheduling and shows its superiority. In real-time rolling horizon scheduling, the optimization principle ensured that the result is optimized each moment, so it avoids energy waste caused by overbuying energy. As part of electricity loads, EVs have certain influence on energy hub scheduling. However, due to the randomness of the driving patterns, it is still very difficult to perfectly predict the driving consumption and the charging availability of the EVs one day in advance. Chance constrained programming can hedge the risk of uncertainty for a big probability and drop the extreme case with a very low probability. By restricting the probability of chance constraints over a specific level, the influence of the uncertainty of electric vehicle charging behavior on energy hub scheduling can be reduced. Simulation results show that the energy hub optimization scheduling with chance constrained programming results in a less energy cost and it can make better use of time-varying PV energy as well as the peak-to-valley electricity price

    Weilin Hou

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    A Real-Time Rolling Horizon Chance Constrained Optimization Model for Energy Hub Scheduling

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    With the increasing consumption of energy, it is of high significance to improve energy efficiency and realize optimal operation of the multi-energy system. Among the many energy system modeling methods, the concept of “energy hub (EH)” is an emerging one. However, the previous EH models only included one or a few of constituting components. The construction of an energy hub model that integrates energy storage systems, photovoltaic (PV) components, a combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) system and electric vehicles (EVs) is explained in this thesis. The inclusion of the CCHP system helps to meet the energy demand and improve the mismatch of heat-to-electric ratio between the energy hub and the load. Additionally, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is applied in this EH; that is, EVs are regarded not only as load demands but also as power suppliers. The energy hub optimization scheduling problem is formulated as a multi-period stochastic problem with the minimum total energy cost as the objective. Compared to 24-hour day-ahead scheduling, rolling horizon optimization is used in the EH scheduling and shows its superiority. In real-time rolling horizon scheduling, the optimization principle ensured that the result is optimized each moment, so it avoids energy waste caused by overbuying energy. As part of electricity loads, EVs have certain influence on energy hub scheduling. However, due to the randomness of the driving patterns, it is still very difficult to perfectly predict the driving consumption and the charging availability of the EVs one day in advance. Chance constrained programming can hedge the risk of uncertainty for a big probability and drop the extreme case with a very low probability. By restricting the probability of chance constraints over a specific level, the influence of the uncertainty of electric vehicle charging behavior on energy hub scheduling can be reduced. Simulation results show that the energy hub optimization scheduling with chance constrained programming results in a less energy cost and it can make better use of time-varying PV energy as well as the peak-to-valley electricity price

    Weilin Hou

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    A fiber optic sensor, a process for utilizing a fiber optic sensor, and a process for fabricating a fiber optic sensor are described, where a double-side-polished silicon pillar is attached to an optical fiber tip and forms a Fabry-Perot cavity. In an implementation, a fiber optic sensor in accordance with an exemplary embodiment includes an optical fiber configured to be coupled to a light source and a spectrometer; and a single silicon layer or multiple silicon layers disposed on an end face of the optical fiber, where each of the silicon layer(s) defines a Fabry-Perot interferometer, and where the sensor head reflects light from the light source to the spectrometer. In some implementations, the fiber optic sensor may include the light source coupled to the optical fiber, a spectrometer coupled to the optical fiber, and a controller coupled to the high speed spectrometer

    Effects of Optical Turbulence and Density Gradients On Particle Image Velocimetry

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    Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is a well-established tool to collect high-resolution velocity and turbulence data in the laboratory, in both air and water. Laboratory experiments are often performed under conditions of constant temperature or salinity or in flows with only small gradients of these properties. At larger temperature or salinity variations, the changes in the index of refraction of water or air due to turbulent microstructure can lead to so-called optical turbulence. We observed a marked influence of optical turbulence on particle imaging in PIV. The effect of index of refraction variations on PIV has been described in air for high Mach number flows, but in such cases the distortion is directional. No such effect has previously been reported for conditions of isotropic optical turbulence in water. We investigated the effect of optical turbulence on PIV imaging in a large Rayleigh-BĂ©nard tank for various path lengths and turbulence strengths. The results show that optical turbulence can significantly affect PIV measurements. Depending on the strength of the optical turbulence and path length, the impact can be mitigated in post-processing, which may reduce noise and recover the mean velocity signal, but leads to the loss of the high-frequency turbulence signal

    Challenges of developing a power system with a high renewable energy proportion under China’s carbon targets

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    For China, one of its most important commitments is to realize its “3060” targets of achieving a CO2 emission peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. However, for a developing country with heavy carbon utilization, achieving carbon neutrality in a short period necessitates tough changes. This paper briefly introduces energy and electricity scenarios and analyzes the challenges based on the current power system in China. Moreover, it summarizes the six characteristics of China’s future power grid and highlights some partially representative projects in the country

    Detection and localization of citrus fruit based on improved You Only Look Once v5s and binocular vision in the orchard

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    Intelligent detection and localization of mature citrus fruits is a critical challenge in developing an automatic harvesting robot. Variable illumination conditions and different occlusion states are some of the essential issues that must be addressed for the accurate detection and localization of citrus in the orchard environment. In this paper, a novel method for the detection and localization of mature citrus using improved You Only Look Once (YOLO) v5s with binocular vision is proposed. First, a new loss function (polarity binary cross-entropy with logit loss) for YOLO v5s is designed to calculate the loss value of class probability and objectness score, so that a large penalty for false and missing detection is applied during the training process. Second, to recover the missing depth information caused by randomly overlapping background participants, Cr-Cb chromatic mapping, the Otsu thresholding algorithm, and morphological processing are successively used to extract the complete shape of the citrus, and the kriging method is applied to obtain the best linear unbiased estimator for the missing depth value. Finally, the citrus spatial position and posture information are obtained according to the camera imaging model and the geometric features of the citrus. The experimental results show that the recall rates of citrus detection under non-uniform illumination conditions, weak illumination, and well illumination are 99.55%, 98.47%, and 98.48%, respectively, approximately 2–9% higher than those of the original YOLO v5s network. The average error of the distance between the citrus fruit and the camera is 3.98 mm, and the average errors of the citrus diameters in the 3D direction are less than 2.75 mm. The average detection time per frame is 78.96 ms. The results indicate that our method can detect and localize citrus fruits in the complex environment of orchards with high accuracy and speed. Our dataset and codes are available at https://github.com/AshesBen/citrus-detection-localization

    An Innovative Concept for Spacebased Lidar Measurement of Ocean Carbon Biomass

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    Beam attenuation coefficient, c, provides an important optical index of plankton standing stocks, such as phytoplankton biomass and total particulate carbon concentration. Unfortunately, c has proven difficult to quantify through remote sensing. Here, we introduce an innovative approach for estimating c using lidar depolarization measurements and diffuse attenuation coefficients from ocean color products or lidar measurements of Brillouin scattering. The new approach is based on a theoretical formula established from Monte Carlo simulations that links the depolarization ratio of sea water to the ratio of diffuse attenuation Kd and beam attenuation C (i.e., a multiple scattering factor). On July 17, 2014, the CALIPSO satellite was tilted 30deg off-nadir for one nighttime orbit in order to minimize ocean surface backscatter and demonstrate the lidar ocean subsurface measurement concept from space. Depolarization ratios of ocean subsurface backscatter are measured accurately. Beam attenuation coefficients computed from the depolarization ratio measurements compare well with empirical estimates from ocean color measurements. We further verify the beam attenuation coefficient retrievals using aircraft-based high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) data that are collocated with in-water optical measurements
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