38 research outputs found

    Antibiotic Conjugates with an Artificial MECAM-Based Siderophore Are Potent Agents against Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacterial Pathogens

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    The development of novel drugs against Gram-negative bacteria represents an urgent medical need. To overcome their outer cell membrane, we synthesized conjugates of antibiotics and artificial siderophores based on the MECAM core, which are imported by bacterial iron uptake systems. Structures, spin states, and iron binding properties were predicted in silico using density functional theory. The capability of MECAM to function as an effective artificial siderophore in Escherichia coli was proven in microbiological growth recovery and bioanalytical assays. Following a linker optimization focused on transport efficiency, five β-lactam and one daptomycin conjugates were prepared. The most potent conjugate 27 showed growth inhibition of Gram-positive and Gram-negative multidrug-resistant pathogens at nanomolar concentrations. The uptake pathway of MECAMs was deciphered by knockout mutants and highlighted the relevance of FepA, CirA, and Fiu. Resistance against 27 was mediated by a mutation in the gene encoding ExbB, which is involved in siderophore transport

    Moonlighting chaperone activity of the enzyme PqsE contributes to RhlR-controlled virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of nosocomial infections and also leads to severe exacerbations in cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Three intertwined quorum sensing systems control virulence of P. aeruginosa, with the rhl circuit playing the leading role in late and chronic infections. The majority of traits controlled by rhl transcription factor RhlR depend on PqsE, a dispensable thioesterase in Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal (PQS) biosynthesis that interferes with RhlR through an enigmatic mechanism likely involving direct interaction of both proteins. Here we show that PqsE and RhlR form a 2:2 protein complex that, together with RhlR agonist N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL), solubilizes RhlR and thereby renders the otherwise insoluble transcription factor active. We determine crystal structures of the complex and identify residues essential for the interaction. To corroborate the chaperone-like activity of PqsE, we design stability-optimized variants of RhlR that bypass the need for C4-HSL and PqsE in activating PqsE/RhlR-controlled processes of P. aeruginosa. Together, our data provide insight into the unique regulatory role of PqsE and lay groundwork for developing new P. aeruginosa-specific pharmaceuticals

    Subcellular Quantification of Uptake in Gram-Negative Bacteria.

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    Infections by Gram-negative pathogens represent a major health care issue of growing concern due to a striking lack of novel antibacterial agents over the course of the last decades. The main scientific problem behind the rational optimization of novel antibiotics is our limited understanding of small molecule translocation into, and their export from, the target compartments of Gram-negative species. To address this issue, a versatile, label-free assay to determine the intracellular localization and concentration of a given compound has been developed for Escherichia coli and its efflux-impaired ΔTolC mutant. The assay applies a fractionation procedure to antibiotic-treated bacterial cells to obtain periplasm, cytoplasm, and membrane fractions of high purity, as demonstrated by Western Blots of compartment-specific marker proteins. This is followed by an LC-MS/MS-based quantification of antibiotic content in each compartment. Antibiotic amounts could be converted to antibiotic concentrations by assuming that an E. coli cell is a cylinder flanked by two half spheres and calculating the volumes of bacterial compartments. The quantification of antibiotics from different classes, namely ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, trimethoprim, and erythromycin, demonstrated pronounced differences in uptake quantities and distribution patterns across the compartments. For example, in the case of ciprofloxacin, a higher amount of compound was located in the cytoplasm than in the periplasm (592 ± 50 pg vs 277 ± 13 pg per 3.9 × 1

    Synthesis and Characterization of DOTAM-Based Sideromycins for Bacterial Imaging and Antimicrobial Therapy

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    The rise of antimicrobial resistance, especially in Gram-negative bacteria, calls for novel diagnostics and antibiotics. To efficiently penetrate their double-layered cell membrane, we conjugated the potent antibiotics daptomycin, vancomycin, and sorangicin A to catechol siderophores, which are actively internalized by the bacterial iron uptake machinery. LC–MS/MS uptake measurements of sorangicin derivatives verified that the conjugation led to a 100- to 525-fold enhanced uptake into bacteria compared to the free drug. However, the transfer to the cytosol was insufficient, which explains their lack of antibiotic efficacy. Potent antimicrobial effects were observed for the daptomycin conjugate 7 (∼1 μM) against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. A cyanin-7 label aside the daptomycin warhead furnished the theranostic 13 that retained its antibiotic activity and was also able to label ESKAPE bacteria, as demonstrated by microscopy and fluorescence assays. 13 and the cyanin-7 imaging conjugate 14 were stable in human plasma and had low plasma protein binding and cytotoxicity

    Antibacterial activity of xylose-derived LpxC inhibitors - Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular docking studies.

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    LpxC inhibitors represent a promising class of novel antibiotics selectively combating Gram-negative bacteria. In chiral pool syntheses starting from D- and L-xylose, a series of four 2r,3c,4t-configured C-furanosidic LpxC inhibitors was obtained. The synthesized hydroxamic acids were tested for antibacterial and LpxC inhibitory activity, the acquired biological data were compared with those of previously synthesized C-furanosides, and molecular docking studies were performed to rationalize the observed structure-activity relationships. Additionally, bacterial uptake and susceptibility to efflux pump systems were investigated for the most promising stereoisomers

    The Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) non-structural membrane protein K15 is required for viral lytic replication and may represent a therapeutic target.

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    Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the infectious cause of the highly vascularized tumor Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), which is characterized by proliferating spindle cells of endothelial origin, extensive neo-angiogenesis and inflammatory infiltrates. The KSHV K15 protein contributes to the angiogenic and invasive properties of KSHV-infected endothelial cells. Here, we asked whether K15 could also play a role in KSHV lytic replication. Deletion of the K15 gene from the viral genome or its depletion by siRNA lead to reduced virus reactivation, as evidenced by the decreased expression levels of KSHV lytic proteins RTA, K-bZIP, ORF 45 and K8.1 as well as reduced release of infectious virus. Similar results were found for a K1 deletion virus. Deleting either K15 or K1 from the viral genome also compromised the ability of KSHV to activate PLCγ1, Erk1/2 and Akt1. In infected primary lymphatic endothelial (LEC-rKSHV) cells, which have previously been shown to spontaneously display a viral lytic transcription pattern, transfection of siRNA against K15, but not K1, abolished viral lytic replication as well as KSHV-induced spindle cell formation. Using a newly generated monoclonal antibody to K15, we found an abundant K15 protein expression in KS tumor biopsies obtained from HIV positive patients, emphasizing the physiological relevance of our findings. Finally, we used a dominant negative inhibitor of the K15-PLCγ1 interaction to establish proof of principle that pharmacological intervention with K15-dependent pathways may represent a novel approach to block KSHV reactivation and thereby its pathogenesis

    Antibacterial activity of apramycin at acidic pH warrants wide therapeutic window in the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections and acute pyelonephritis

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    BACKGROUND The clinical-stage drug candidate EBL-1003 (apramycin) represents a distinct new subclass of aminoglycoside antibiotics for the treatment of drug-resistant infections. It has demonstrated best-in-class coverage of resistant isolates, and preclinical efficacy in lung infection models. However, preclinical evidence for its utility in other disease indications has yet to be provided. Here we studied the therapeutic potential of EBL-1003 in the treatment of complicated urinary tract infection and acute pyelonephritis (cUTI/AP). METHODS A combination of data-base mining, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, time-kill experiments, and four murine infection models was used in a comprehensive assessment of the microbiological coverage and efficacy of EBL-1003 against Gram-negative uropathogens. The pharmacokinetics and renal toxicology of EBL-1003 in rats was studied to assess the therapeutic window of EBL-1003 in the treatment of cUTI/AP. FINDINGS EBL-1003 demonstrated broad-spectrum activity and rapid multi-log CFU reduction against a phenotypic variety of bacterial uropathogens including aminoglycoside-resistant clinical isolates. The basicity of amines in the apramycin molecule suggested a higher increase in positive charge at urinary pH when compared to gentamicin or amikacin, resulting in sustained drug uptake and bactericidal activity, and consequently in potent efficacy in mouse infection models. Renal pharmacokinetics, biomarkers for toxicity, and kidney histopathology in adult rats all indicated a significantly lower nephrotoxicity of EBL-1003 than of gentamicin. INTERPRETATION This study provides preclinical proof-of-concept for the efficacy of EBL-1003 in cUTI/AP. Similar efficacy but lower nephrotoxicity of EBL-1003 in comparison to gentamicin may thus translate into a higher safety margin and a wider therapeutic window in the treatment of cUTI/API. FUNDING A full list of funding bodies that contributed to this study can be found in the Acknowledgements section

    Depletion of K15 from stably infected LECs impairs KSHV lytic replication and reverses endothelial cell spindling.

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    <p>LEC or LEC-rKSHV cells were transfected with the indicated siRNAs. Seventy-two hours after siRNA mediated knock-down, cells and cell culture supernatant were collected; <b>(A)</b> western blot of KSHV lytic proteins, <b>(B)</b> KSHV infectious virus titer, <b>(C)</b> western blot analysis of signaling components and <b>(D)</b> representative images of siRNA transfected cells taken before cell lysis. Results are representative of two or more independent experiments. Bar graphs in <b>(B)</b> represent the means ± SD of 3 replications. * Low molecular weight isoforms of LANA (see text).</p

    Inhibiting the activation of the PLCγ, MAPK and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways blocks KSHV reactivation.

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    <p>BJAB-rKSHV.219 cells were treated with the indicated inhibitors or DMSO as a control and the KSHV lytic cycle was induced with 1 μg/ml of anti-human IgM antibody applied together with the inhibitors. Seventy two hours after lytic induction, cells were lysed and the activation level of the indicated signaling components <b>(A and D)</b> as well as the expression level of lytic viral proteins <b>(B and E)</b> was assessed by western blot and <b>(C and F)</b> infectious virus titer was determined from the culture supernatant. Results are representative of three independent experiments. Bar graphs <b>(C and F)</b> represent the means ± SD of three replications.</p