1,491 research outputs found

    Web-Based Network Device Monitoring Tool Using Simple Network Management Protocol (Snmp)

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    The Internet enables different computer networks to join together into one network in which many different models of network devices can co-exist with each other. Standard management protocol is necessary for the purpose of managing these networks. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), one of the standard protocols, is designed for this open-class management function and is successfully implemented. This thesis suggests a monitoring of network device statistical data from a remote place. This approach reduced the complexity of existing techniques, which are basically operable in specific operating system and having no standard Graphical User Interface (GUI). To address this problem, a system based on WWW standard tool is developed which is SNMP compatible as well as operable with any network device. The network device monitoring tool is a client program, which is managed and could be contacted with the server program. A web server and a browser are to provide static, dynamic, and interactive management information. A web server, which plays a managing role, offers a variety of types of information. An SNMP agent, which cooperates with a web server, uses SNMP protocol and provides access to management information of network devices/agents. The implementation of the user interface using the web-based technique of Java Applet makes it possible for a manager to easily search and manage agent Management Information Base (Mill) through a browser. Java SNMP class files and SNMP Applet Server (SAS) classes are used inside the Web-server to communicate with network devices. The network device monitoring tool is configured to collect network statistical data. It can monitor the real time graph on the basis of MIB variable from remote place and shows more efficient than the existing tool

    Kajian persepsi pensyarah tentang pelaksanaan program pembangunan staf di maktab-maktab perguruan di Negeri Sarawak

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    Fokus kajian ini adalah untuk meninjau persepsi pensyarah-pensyarah tentang pclaksanaan program pcmbangunan staf di tiga buah maktab perguruan di Ncgeri Sarawak Tinjauan tentang pelaksanaan program pembangunan staf ini adalah didasarkan kepada persepsi pensyarah-pensyarah di makiab-makiab sasaran tentang aspek-aspekberikut (1) amalan-amalan dan prosedur-prosedur program pembangunan staf di maktab-maktab perguruan di Sarawak; (2) siapakah sebenarnya mcrencanakan amalan-amalan dan prosedur-prosedur program pembangunan staf di makiab-makiab perguruan ini; (3) adakah usaha-usaha untuk menentu dan mengenal pasti keperluankeperluan dan keutamaan-keutamaan oleh pihak malctab dalam merencanakan program pembangunan staf; (4) peranan yang dimainkan oleh pihak pentadbir mahupun pengurusan maktab berkaitan dengan program pembangunan staf; (5) faedah dan kepentingan program pembangunan staf kepada institusi makiab perguruan dan ( 6) adakah penilaian selepas kursus diusahakan bagi satu-satu program pembangunan staf. The focus of the study was to look into the perception of the lecturers on the implementation of staff development (SD) programme in three teachers training colleges in Sarawak. The study on the implementation of staff development programme was based on the college lecturers' perceptions on aspects such as: (1) staff development practices and procedures in teachers training colleges in Sarawak; (2) who actually were responsible to plan and to structure staff development programmes in these colleges; (3) were there efforts by the college authorities to define and identify the needs and priorities when planning and structuring their staff development programmes; ( 4) the roles played by the college administrators in relation to staff development programmes; (5) the benefits and the importance of staff development programmes to teachers training institution and ( 6) was there any post-evaluation done upon the completion of staff development programmes

    Regional And Residential Short Term Electric Demand Forecast Using Deep Learning

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    For optimal power system operations, electric generation must follow load demand. The generation, transmission, and distribution utilities require load forecasting for planning and operating grid infrastructure efficiently, securely, and economically. This thesis work focuses on short-term load forecast (STLF), that concentrates on the time-interval from few hours to few days. An inaccurate short-term load forecast can result in higher cost of generating and delivering power. Hence, accurate short-term load forecasting is essential. Traditionally, short-term load forecasting of electrical demand is typically performed using linear regression, autoregressive integrated moving average models (ARIMA), and artificial neural networks (ANN). These conventional methods are limited in application for big datasets, and often their accuracy is a matter of concern. Recently, deep neural networks (DNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for machine-learning problems, and known for real-time data processing, parallel computations, and ability to work with a large dataset with higher accuracy. DNNs have been shown to greatly outperform traditional methods in many disciplines, and they have revolutionized data analytics. Aspired from such a success of DNNs in machine learning problems, this thesis investigated the DNNs potential in electrical load forecasting application. Different DNN Types such as multilayer perception model (MLP) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) such as long short-term memory (LSTM), Gated recurrent Unit (GRU) and simple RNNs for different datasets were evaluated for accuracies. This thesis utilized the following data sets: 1) Iberian electric market dataset; 2) NREL residential home dataset; 3) AMPds smart-meter dataset; 4) UMass Smart Home datasets with varying time intervals or data duration for the validating the applicability of DNNs for short-term load forecasting. The Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) evaluation indicates DNNs outperform conventional method for multiple datasets. In addition, a DNN based smart scheduling of appliances was also studied. This work evaluates MAPE accuracies of clustering-based forecast over non-clustered forecasts

    Kinematically complete experiments for electron induced break-up of small molecules and clusters

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    The electron collision induced ionization and fragmentation dynamics is studied for tetrafluoromethane (CF4), carbondioxide (CO2) and small water clusters (H2O)n (n ≤ 6). With a multi-particle imaging spectrometer for each collision two electrons and one ion were recorded in triple-coincidence. The dissociation dynamics of CF4 was analyzed as a function of the ionized orbitals. For the CO2 target the angular emission pattern of the ejected electron was studied as function of the projectile scattering kinematics. Fully differential cross sections were recorded to test a recently developed theoretical method. In addition ionization experiments for small water clusters revealed details on their stability, ionization energies and proton transfer reactions. Specific states of the stable dimers ions where observed for the first time

    Better Satisfaction for Better Performance: A Study between Public and Private University Teachers of Bangladesh

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    This study aims to find the factors affecting the motivational level of teachers at public and private universities in Bangladesh which determine whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with their job. Bangladesh government has already achieved highest enrollment in primary education (MDG 2). The government of Bangladesh is highly concerned to enrich the educational system of Bangladesh. But if the teachers are not satisfied with their profession their performance will not reach up to mark. The satisfaction can make them devoted and committed to their responsibilities. But such satisfaction is hindered by some organizational as well as cultural phenomena. The financial benefits, the rewards or punishment system, in-group relationship, the culture of the organization and society etc. contribute to affect their satisfaction. In case of higher education, these problems are much more acute. All the teachers are not equally treated. The unfavorable working environment, unhealthy inter-personal relationship makes them dissatisfied. The private university’s teacher suffers from lack of job security and the public university teachers do the consultancy in private university. But all the teachers of public university do not get this opportunity because their subject has no demand in modern business word. Existing political culture in the university is also responsible for their performance and lower job satisfaction. Lower job satisfaction of teachers affects the quality education at the university level. Both primary (structured questionnaire) and secondary data have been used for the purpose of this study. This study finally revealed that the public university teachers are more satisfied than private university teachers. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Private University, Public University, Quality Education, Performance

    Globalization and its impacts on Garments Sector in Bangladesh

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    Globalization created quick interactions among the world economies. Globalization is a great opportunity, but the weaker players can become genuine players and seize the opportunities it offers only if there is a new mindset and a fresh approach that is universal and pluralistic, and is operationalized in the context of global frame work that establishes justice, mutual cooperation and supremacy of law and ensure equality of opportunities for all. Globalization is marked by liberalization, free trade, deregulation of tariff barriers, capital movement, latest IT etc. Most importantly, globalization has come to signify ‘deterrotorialization' and geography which has become less relevant to how people live in and interact. Bangladesh opened for world and the process of privatization started after 1975. The central thrust of this paper is inextricably connected with the process of globalization and its multi-dimensional positive and negative impacts on the garments sector of Bangladesh economy. The study focuses new opportunities, threats and meets challenges of the future and how to play its rightful role in a competitive global market. Keywords: Challenge, Globalization, Garments, Unrest, Development, Women Empowerment