86 research outputs found

    An Overview on Base Real-Time Shadow Techniques in Virtual Environments

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    Shadows are elegant to create a realistic scene in virtual environments. Variety types of shadow techniques encourage us to prepare an overview on all base shadow techniques. Non real-time and real-time techniques are big subdivision of shadow generation. In non real-time techniques ray tracing, ray casting and radiosity are well known and deeply described. Radiosity implemented to create very realistic shadow on non real-time scene. Although traditional radiosity algorithm is difficult to implement, we have proposed a simple one. The proposed pseudo code is easier to understand and implement. Ray tracing used to prevent of collision of movement objects. Projection shadow, shadow volume and shadow mapping are used to create real-time shadow in virtual environments. We have used projection shadow for some objects are static and have shadow on flat surface. Shadow volume used to create accurate shadow with sharp outline. Shadow mapping that is the base of most recently techniques is reconstructed. The reconstruct algorithm gives some new idea to propose another algorithm based on shadow mapping.  

    Smart hospital emergency system via mobile-based requesting services

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    In recent years, the UK’s emergency call and response has shown elements of great strain as of today. The strain on emergency call systems estimated by a 9 million calls (including both landline and mobile) made in 2014 alone. Coupled with an increasing population and cuts in government funding, this has resulted in lower percentages of emergency response vehicles at hand and longer response times. In this paper, we highlight the main challenges of emergency services and overview of previous solutions. In addition, we propose a new system call Smart Hospital Emergency System (SHES). The main aim of SHES is to save lives through improving communications between patient and emergency services. Utilising the latest of technologies and algorithms within SHES is aiming to increase emergency communication throughput, while reducing emergency call systems issues and making the process of emergency response more efficient. Utilising health data held within a personal smartphone, and internal tracked data (GPU, Accelerometer, Gyroscope etc.), SHES aims to process the mentioned data efficiently, and securely, through automatic communications with emergency services, ultimately reducing communication bottlenecks. Live video-streaming through real-time video communication protocols is also a focus of SHES to improve initial communications between emergency services and patients. A prototype of this system has been developed. The system has been evaluated by a preliminary usability, reliability, and communication performance study

    New Attributes Extraction System for Arabic Autograph as Genuine and Forged through a Classification Techniques

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    The authentication of writers, handwritten autograph is widely realized throughout the world, the thorough check of the autograph is important before going to the outcome about the signer. The Arabic autograph has unique characteristics; it includes lines, and overlapping. It will be more difficult to realize higher achievement accuracy. This project attention the above difficulty by achieved selected best characteristics of Arabic autograph authentication, characterized by the number of attributes representing for each autograph. Where the objective is to differentiate if an obtain autograph is genuine, or a forgery. The planned method is based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to extract feature, then Spars Principal Component Analysis (SPCA) to selection significant attributes for Arabic autograph handwritten recognition to aid the authentication step. Finally, decision tree classifier was achieved for signature authentication. The suggested method DCT with SPCA achieves good outcomes for Arabic autograph dataset when we have verified on various techniques

    Evaluating the Use of Mixed Reality in CSI Training through the Integration of the Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model

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    Despite the emerging literature on adopting Mixed Reality headsets in crime scene investigation ¬, it is still debatable on how to employ these headsets and its application for training purposes in higher education and police academies. Hence, this research presents a novel hybrid theoretical framework that combines the Task-technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model variables and the most prominent features of MR headsets—immersion, interactivity and mobility. The main objective is to explore young investigators' behavioural intention to adopt MR headsets and their applications for investigation training practices. To validate the developed model, a questionnaire survey was the primary method used to collect data from 160 police academy students using the partial least squares-structural equation modelling technique. The empirical results revealed that task technology fit has a positive impact on the perceived usefulness of MR headset applications and no significant positive impact on the perceived ease of use applications of MR devices. On the contrary, individual technology fit has a positive impact on the perceived ease of use and no significant positive effects were found regarding the perceived usefulness of investigation training purposes. Furthermore, the results indicated that the mobility of MR wearable devices positively influences the perceived ease of use and the perceived usefulness for crime scene practices. The study also addresses the theoretical contributions and practical implications of these outcomes

    Designing and Evaluation of A Mixed Reality System for Crime Scene investigation training: A hybrid approach

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    Police investigation in real-life crime scenes is an essential aspect of forensic science education. However, the practicality of bringing young investigators to actual crime scenes is often hindered by the costs and challenges involved. In order to overcome these obstacles, new technologies such as mixed reality (MR) are being explored as potential solutions. MR technology offers an interactive and cost-effective way to simulate real-life crime scenes, providing a valuable training experience for young investigators. This paper presents a novel design of a MR system using Microsoft HoloLens 2.0, which is tailored to work in a spatial 3D scanned and reconstructed crime scene using FARO point cloud 3D scanner X130 blended with photogrammetry techniques. The system was developed through the lens of Experiential Learning Theory and designed using a participatory approach, providing a cost-effective solution to help trained Kuwaiti police officers enhance their investigative skills. In order to evaluate the system’s user experience and user interaction, the Questionnaire of User Interaction Satisfaction and User Experience Questionnaire were utilised. Forty-four young police officers evaluated the system. Police students showed positive levels of satisfaction with user interaction and overall user experience with minimal negative feedback. Female students showed higher satisfaction with the overall impression compared to male students. Based on the positive feedback regarding the system expansion, the system will be taken into the commercialisation stage in the future to be provided as an essential tool for crime scene education and investigation practices

    Effect of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Crime Scene Investigations

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    This research delves into the transformative potential of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in elevating the field of forensic science. Titled "Revelotinaising Forensic Science with the use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality," the study primarily focuses on leveraging HoloLens technology to aid crime scene investigation, addressing the challenges posed by limited time and geographical variations among colleagues. By exploring contemporary techniques for storing, visualizing, and manipulating evidence, the research seeks to equip forensic investigation units with advanced technological tools. In a landscape where law enforcement increasingly adopts forensic techniques, the paper underscores the significant role played by forensic scientists in criminal investigation, civil litigation, and disaster response. It highlights the importance of teamwork and innovative investigative tools like GPS positioning, video imaging, and data mining in the success of crime scene investigations. The integration of tri-dimensional (3D) representations of objects and the recognition and preservation of physical evidence are emphasized as key aspects of efficient crime-solving. Furthermore, recent studies on the application of AR for collaboration among crime scene investigators are explored, showcasing how AR technology fosters consensus-building within investigative teams. The distinction between VR and AR, with the former immersing users in a wholly digital environment and the latter enhancing the real world with digital elements, is elucidated. This paper serves as a comprehensive exploration of the integration of AR and VR in crime scene investigations, promising to revolutionize the field of forensic science. It sets the stage for further research and development in leveraging these technologies to enhance crime-solving capabilities and facilitate more efficiency

    Real-Time Cloth Simulation on Virtual Human Character Using Enhanced Position Based Dynamic Framework Technique

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    كانت محاكاة القماش والرسوم المتحركة موضوعًا للبحث منذ منتصف الثمانينيات في مجال رسومات الكمبيوتر. إن فرض عدم الضغط مهم جدًا في محاكاة الوقت الفعلي. على الرغم من أن هناك إنجازات كبيرة في هذا الصدد ، إلا أنها لا تزال تعاني من استهلاك الوقت غير الضروري في خطوات معينة شائعة في التطبيقات في الوقت الفعلي. يطور هذا البحث محاكاة قماش في الوقت الفعلي لشخصية بشرية افتراضية مرتدية ملابس. وقد حققت هذه المخطوطة الاهداف في محاكاة القماش على الشخصية الافتراضة من خلال تعزيز إطار الديناميكيات القائمة على الموقع من خلال حساب سلسلة من القيود الموضعية التي تنفذ كثافات ثابتة. أيضا ، يتم تنفيذ التصادم الذاتي والاصطدام مع الكبسولات المتحركة لتحقيق قماش سلوك واقعي على غرار الرسوم المتحركة. وذلك لتمكين عدم قابلية المقارنة والالتقاء مقارنة بمذيبات دالة تشوه جيب التمام عند التنفيذ ، نحقق تصادمًا محسنًا بين الملابس ، ومزامنة الرسوم المتحركة مع محاكاة القماش وتحديد خصائص القماش للحصول على أفضل النتائج الممكنة. لذلك ، تم تحقيق محاكاة القماش في الوقت الحقيقي ، مع إخراج معقول ، على الشخصية الافتراضية المتحركة. ندرك أن طريقتنا المقترحة يمكن أن تكون بمثابة استكمال للبحوث السابقة في حقل ملابس الشخصيات الافتراضية.     Cloth simulation and animation has been the topic of research since the mid-80's in the field of computer graphics. Enforcing incompressible is very important in real time simulation. Although, there are great achievements in this regard, it still suffers from unnecessary time consumption in certain steps that is common in real time applications.   This research develops a real-time cloth simulator for a virtual human character (VHC) with wearable clothing. This research achieves success in cloth simulation on the VHC through enhancing the position-based dynamics (PBD) framework by computing a series of positional constraints which implement constant densities. Also, the self-collision and collision with moving capsules is implemented to achieve realistic behavior cloth modelled on animated characters. This is to enable comparable incompressibility and convergence to raised cosine deformation (RCD) function solvers. On implementation, this research achieves optimized collision between clothes, syncing of the animation with the cloth simulation and setting the properties of the cloth to get the best results possible. Therefore, a real-time cloth simulation, with believable output, on animated VHC is achieved. This research perceives our proposed method can serve as a completion to the game assets clothing pipeline

    Factors influencing the acceptance of augmented reality in education: a review of the literature

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    This paper presents a review of user expectation towards Augmented Reality (AR) and the acceptance of AR for technologyenhanced teaching and learning. Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image over a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. This technology has been used in many fields such as marketing, military, entertainment and many other sectors. Studies have found that AR technology can enhance teaching and learning, however more research still needs to be conducted about the acceptance of AR as a learning tool and what users in education expect from the technology. An understanding of the user expectation is one of the key foundations towards establishing better-designed AR systems and applications that will result in more acceptance of this technology. To help with this, this paper reviews previous research on user expectations of AR in education and its acceptance

    Seamless Crime Scene Reconstruction in Mixed Reality for Investigation Training: A Design and Evaluation Study

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    Abstract— Investigation training in the real crime scene is a critical component of forensic science education. However, bringing young investigators to real crime scenes is costly and faces significant challenges. Mixed Reality (MR) is one of the most evolving technologies that provide unlimited possibilities for practical activities in the education sector. This paper aims to propose and evaluate a novel design of an MR system using Microsoft HoloLens 2.0 and it is tailored to work in a spatial 3D scanned and reconstructed crime scene. The system was designed to be a costly-effective experience that helps young Kuwait police officers to enhance their investigation skills. The proposed system has been evaluated through system usability, user interaction and performance metrics quantitatively via 44 young police officers, and qualitatively using the Think-aloud protocols via a group of experts. Both groups showed positive levels of usability, user interaction and overall satisfaction with minimal negative feedback. Based on the positive feedback, the system will be taken into the commercialisation stage in the future. Despite the high cost of the MR device, it was stated by experts that the system is needed to be provided as an essential tool for crime scene education and investigation practices

    Stylized line drawing and shading effects for cartoon rendering

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    Due to increasing demands of cartoon style in many areas of computer graphic aspects, this paper presents a simple stylized shading technique to enhance the cartoonish appearance in two aspects. First, a new toon-illumination model is developed to emphasize the boundaries between diffuse reflection part and specular reflection part in the phong illumination model. the new discrete shading will be exploited to convey the light and dark orientations on the surface of 3d model. second, we combine stylized lines with non-photorealistic shading effect to convey more visual cues of tone. the experimental result reveals the ability of proposed model to produce many cartoon effects