86 research outputs found

    Input-to-state stability of unbounded bilinear control systems

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    We study input-to-state stability of bilinear control systems with possibly unbounded control operators. Natural sufficient conditions for integral input-to-state stability are given. The obtained results are applied to a bilinearly controlled Fokker-Planck equation.Comment: 20 pages, completely new version based on the few preliminary ideas in v1. Compared to v1, the results have been significantly generalized and extende

    Remembering Coach Blackburn: A Tribute to UD\u27s Greatest Men\u27s Basketball Coach

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    This project focused on using the University Archives to find and research a topic that we found fascinating. For this piece, my writing process consisted of a lot of exploring and searching through old Flyer News and sports pamphlets from the Archives. Once I had gathered sufficient research, my writing process consisted of a lot of planning, writing, and revising

    “Archival of the Fittest: The Role of Archives in Constructing Public Memory of Queer History”

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    IHLIA LGBT Heritage, an LGBTI-specific archive housed in Amsterdam, is moving beyond traditionally-introverted roles of an archive by putting on an exhibit about the past 40 years of LGBT activism in the Netherlands. The archive alone contributes to public awareness of queer history, and the exhibit, With Pride, gives a heightened platform for select gay narratives from the collections. The subjects on display, as well as the goals and decisions that selected them, reflect which narratives are included in historical memory and deemed palatable to the public

    Archival of the Fittest: The Role of Archives in Constructing Gay Dutch Historical Memory

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    Truth, particularly in history, is subjective and constructed through memory. Memory, in turn, is created by archivists, as they actively choose and preserve the narratives made available to researchers and the public; they hold a key position in deciding what is widely understood about what happened in the past. In the same way archivist bias leads to historical erasure, archivists establish historical remembering when they actively make space for individuals and groups who are traditionally omitted from past narratives. Community archives stand distinct from state counterparts, as they restructure what is deemed valuable enough to be preserved within historical memory, thus shifting power to marginalized people reclaiming the past and future. Though a case study of IHLIA LGBT Heritage (frequently shortened to IHLIA), an LGBTI-specific archive in Amsterdam, I unpack archival biases and decisions that contribute to collective memory. Extending the production of memory beyond archival walls, IHLIA has recently presented a public exhibit entitled With Pride to celebrate the institution’s fortieth anniversary and the four decades of LGBT activism in Amsterdam since its founding. While archives are semi-public spaces dictating historical narrative through meticulous collecting, exhibits heighten visibility of selectively-curated information through public access; the coalition between archive and exhibit at IHLIA intensifies the efficiency of memorializing a gay past. By analyzing these spaces, I call to attention the value and necessity of community-based archives, identify IHLIA’s role in Dutch homonationalism, and critique archivists’ decentering of queer audiences and generational identities

    From Marx to Gramsci to us: Laboratory to prison, and back

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    Marx and Gramsci remain two of the most constant presences and inspirations for those on the left. Yet there is a persistent sense that we have still to get them right. Perhaps this indicates that sources like this are now fully classics, to be returned, and returned to. In the case of Marx and Gramsci, a series of major works published in the Brill Historical Materialism series breaks new ground as well as returning to older controversies, both resolved and unresolved. Apart from remaining arguments concerning the status of materials unpublished in their own lifetimes, the major tension that emerges here is that between the task of immanent, contextual philology and the challenge of reading ‘Marx for today’ or ‘Gramsci for today’. The tension between text and context, and the question of what travels, conceptually persists

    Effect of Photoperiod and Transfer Time on Atlantic Salmon Smolt Quality and Growth in Freshwater and Seawater Aquaculture Systems

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    Smoltification is a key process in Atlantic salmon aquaculture, given it prepares the fish for a successful transit from fresh to seawater. However, industry players have not yet reached a consensus on the best protocols to produce high-quality smolts. In this study, we assessed how the combination of two photoperiod regimes in freshwater (continuous light or LL, and natural photoperiod or LDN) and four transfer times to seawater (February, March, April, and May) affected smolt development and their subsequent growth in seawater until slaughter during commercial production. The results demonstrated that smoltification and growth in freshwater were only slightly modulated by the photoperiod treatment and were instead much more affected by the limiting effect of the low water temperature during that period. In seawater, the growth rate was the highest in the same groups, which had, however, experienced a delay in growth when in freshwater, and consequently, no differences in the final body weight between the eight treatments were found. Such compensatory growth in the sea was probably enhanced by the increasing smolt quality, which could allow for better performance in seawater. A significant link between the weight at slaughter and weight at transfer was observed only in the groups with a lower smolt quality (LL-Feb, LDN-Feb and LDN-Mar), which suggests that larger individuals could cope better with a saline environment. In contrast, smaller smolts probably suffered greater osmotic stress that hindered their performance at sea. Afterwards, as smolt quality increased in the subsequent transfer groups, the relevance of this size effect decreased. This means that the industry may benefit from transferring larger smolts to seawater, especially if these are suspected of having developed suboptimal seawater tolerance. Those individuals are likely to cope better with saline conditions than smaller smolts. Future research should focus on the possible long-term effects of freshwater-rearing regimes on smolt performance in the seawater phase.publishedVersio


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    Setiati Rahayu, 2013. Analisis Kemampuan Berfikir Aljabar di Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Krangkeng Kab. Indramayu (Studi Survei di Kelas VII Tahun Akademik 2012/2013) Untuk mengukur kemampuan berfikir aljabar seorang siswa diperlukan beberapa indikator. Terdapat beberapa indikator untuk memahami aljabar diantaranya memahami pengertian koefisien variabel suku sejenis, kemampuan melakuakan operasi hitung, kemampuan mengggunakan simbol matematika, kemampuan menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari, kemampuan menyederhanakan operasi aljabar, kemampuan menyatakan berbagai hubungan, kemampuan menggunakan diagram alur dan memahami konsep aljabar invers. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemampuan berfikir aljabar di kelas VII yang ditinjau dari operasi aljabar, penggunaan aljabar, masalah aljabar, dan pemahaman konsep aljabar saat menjawab soal-soal aljabar. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami aljabar merupakan suatu kondisi yang terdapat dalam sekolah SMP tersebut. Aljabar adalah suatu cabang ilmu matematika yang menggunakan tandatanda dan huruf-huruf yang mewakili angka-angka. Banyaknya indikator yang menjadi indikator kemampuan aljabar, maka akan ada beberapa indikator yang akan menjadi komponen utama dalam kemampuan aljabar. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam memahami aljabar, tidak perlu semua indikator pada\ud materi aljabar diujikan dalam tes. Mengetahui sangat pentingnya komponen utama dalam materi aljabar untuk mengukur kemampuan berfikir aljabar seorang siswa maka peneliti mencoba menganalisis kemampuan berfikir aljabar siswa kelas VII di SMPN 1 Krangkeng. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Kelas VII yang berjumlah (160 siswa). Sampel diambil dari kelas VIIB cluster random sampling. Untuk uji coba dilakukan di kelas VIIA yang berjumlah 32. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: 1) Aljabar di SMP N 1 Krangkeng cukup baik hal ini ditunjukan dengan nilai rata-rata 75. 2) Indikator kemampuan berfikir aljabar secara mekanisme dan indikator Kemampuan terbesar yang dicapai oleh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Krangkeng tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dalam memahami aljabar adalah pada pengertian koefisien, variabel, konstanta, faktor, suku sejenis adalah sebesar 89.58% dan kemampuan yang kurang dikuasai oleh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Krangkeng tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dalam memahami aljabar adalah memahami invers adalah sebesar 85.94%. 3) Dari delapan indicator kemampuan berfikir aljabar ada tiga komponen yang dominan yaitu menggunakan diagram alur, pengertian koefisien variable konstanta, faktor suku sejenis, dan menyederhanakan operasi aljaba