98 research outputs found

    Model predictive control of resonance sensitive irrigation canals

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    Saving water is an economic and ecological need. One way to save water is to reduce losses in irrigation networks by canal automation. The goal of canal automation is to make the right amount of water to at arrive in the right time. In order to achieve this goal, one of the ways is controlling the gates in the irrigation network by some control algorithm. In this work the control of a specific type of canal pools is studied: short and flat pools that are prone to resonance. The downstream water level control of this type of canals is investigated using the example of the 3-reach laboratory canal of the Technical University of Catalonia. Numerical and experimental studies are carried out to investigate the following: the choice of models for predictive control, the possibility to achieve offset-free control while using gravity offtakes and the best choice of control action variables. The objective of this work is to develop a well performing centralized model predictive controller (MPC) for the laboratory canal that is able to handle known and unknown setpoint changes and disturbances, and also to draw further conclusions about controller design for this type of canals. A recently developed model for resonant canals, the Integrator Resonance, is implemented and successfully tested experimentally for the first time. A new method to achieve offset free control for model predictive control is developed and tested numerically and experimentally. A choice of control variables are tested: As opposed to the discharge which is generally used as the control action variable, a state space model is formulated by using the gate opening as control variable without the need of water level measurement downstream of the gates. The results are summarized and conclusions are presented for control of short and flat canals that are prone to resonance

    Fault tolerant model predictive control of open channels

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    Automated control of water systems (irrigation canals, navigation canals, rivers etc.) relies on the measured data. The control action is calculated, in case of feedback controller, directly from the on-line measured data. If the measured data is corrupted, the calculated control action will have a different effect than it is desired. Therefore, it is crucial that the feedback controller receives good quality measurement data. On-line fault detection techniques can be applied in order to detect the faulty data and correct it. After the detection and correction of the sensor data, the controller should be able to still maintain the set point of the system. In this paper this principle using the sensor fault masking is applied to model predictive control of open channels. A case study of a reach of the northwest of the inland navigation network of France is presented. Model predictive control and water level sensor masking is applied.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    New offset-free method for model predictive control of open channels

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    Irrigation or drainage canals can be controlled by model predictive control (MPC). Applying MPC with an internal model in the presence of unknown disturbances in some cases can lead to steady state offset. Therefore an additional component should be implemented along with the MPC. A new method eliminating the offset has been developed in this paper for MPC. It is based on combining two basic approaches of MPC. It has been implemented to control water levels in the three-pool UPC laboratory canal and further numerically tested using a test case benchmark proposed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). It has been found that the developed offset-free method is able to eliminate the steady-state offset, while taking into account known and unknown disturbances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Vliv příměsových prvků a textury na plastickou deformaci protlačovaných hořčíkových slitin

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    Práce je zaměřena na získání nových poznatků o vztahu mikrostruktury, textury a deformačních mechanismů v hořčíkových slitinách (Mg) bez příměsi hliníku. Slitiny s příměsí zirkonia, zinku, manganu a neodymu (ZK10, MN11, ZN11) ve formě extrudovaných profilů byly zkoumány při pokojové teplotě. Jednoosé tahové a tlakové zkoušky byly provedeny ve třech směrech: ve směru extruze (ED), v transverzálním (TD) a normálovém směru (ND). Ke studiu kolektivních dislokačních mechanismů a vzniku dvojčat byla využita metoda akustické emise. Vývoj deformační textury byl zkoumán pomocí rentgenové difrakce na vzorcích, které byly namáhány v tlaku do různého stupně deformace.This work is focused on the study of the relationship between microstructure, texture and deformation mechanisms in aluminum-free magnesium (Mg) alloys. Extruded alloys containing zirconium, zinc, manganese and neodymium (ZK10, MN11, ZN11) in a form of rectangular profiles were deformed at room temperature. Uniaxial tensile and compression tests were performed in the extrusion (ED), transversal (TD) and normal direction (ND). The concurrent acoustic emission (AE) measurement was used in order to study the collective dislocation dynamic and the nucleation of twins. The deformation texture was studied by X-ray diffraction on samples deformed in compression up to different stress levels.Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látekDepartment of Condensed Matter PhysicsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Vliv příměsových prvků a textury na plastickou deformaci protlačovaných hořčíkových slitin

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    Práce je zaměřena na získání nových poznatků o vztahu mikrostruktury, textury a deformačních mechanismů v hořčíkových slitinách (Mg) bez příměsi hliníku. Slitiny s příměsí zirkonia, zinku, manganu a neodymu (ZK10, MN11, ZN11) ve formě extrudovaných profilů byly zkoumány při pokojové teplotě. Jednoosé tahové a tlakové zkoušky byly provedeny ve třech směrech: ve směru extruze (ED), v transverzálním (TD) a normálovém směru (ND). Ke studiu kolektivních dislokačních mechanismů a vzniku dvojčat byla využita metoda akustické emise. Vývoj deformační textury byl zkoumán pomocí rentgenové difrakce na vzorcích, které byly namáhány v tlaku do různého stupně deformace. Klíčová slova: Mg slitina, deformační testy, akustická emise, texturaThis work is focused on the study of the relationship between microstructure, texture and deformation mechanisms in aluminum-free magnesium (Mg) alloys. Extruded alloys containing zirconium, zinc, manganese and neodymium (ZK10, MN11, ZN11) in a form of rectangular profiles were deformed at room temperature. Uniaxial tensile and compression tests were performed in the extrusion (ED), transversal (TD) and normal direction (ND). The concurrent acoustic emission (AE) measurement was used in order to study the collective dislocation dynamic and the nucleation of twins. The deformation texture was studied by X-ray diffraction on samples deformed in compression up to different stress levels. Keywords: Mg alloys, deformation tests, acoustic emission, textureDepartment of Physics of MaterialsKatedra fyziky materiálůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    What Are the Benefits and Pitfalls of Innovation Ecosystems? – Lessons Learned From Tungsram’s Ecosystem

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    Whereas innovation ecosystems became widely popular lately, our knowledge is quite limited on the practical implementation of the relevant ecosystem models, specifically in Hungary. Hence, the aim of this paper is to analyse an innovation ecosystem as a case study related to one of the biggest Hungarian multinational company, called Tungsram. The research is considered to be a qualitative research, as the methodology incorporates document analysis and 26 semi-structured interviews with the ecosystem’s participants. The results show that the main benefits of participating in ecosystems are: new value creation by resource and knowledge sharing, networking and minimizing the cost of innovation. Meanwhile, the pitfalls of cooperation are closely related to the credibility of the ecosystem leader, to the formulation of the ecosystem’s strategy and to the quality of the absorptive capacity of the partners

    What Are the Benefits and Pitfalls of Innovation Ecosystems? : Lessons Learned From Tungsram’s Ecosystem

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    Whereas innovation ecosystems became widely popular lately, our knowledge is quite limited on the practical implementation of the relevant ecosystem models, specifically in Hungary. Hence, the aim of this paper is to analyse an innovation ecosystem as a case study related to one of the biggest Hungarian multinational company, called Tungsram. The research is considered to be a qualitative research, as the methodology incorporates document analysis and 26 semi-structured interviews with the ecosystem’s participants. The results show that the main benefits of participating in ecosystems are: new value creation by resource and knowledge sharing, networking and minimizing the cost of innovation. Meanwhile, the pitfalls of cooperation are closely related to the credibility of the ecosystem leader, to the formulation of the ecosystem’s strategy and to the quality of the absorptive capacity of the partners

    Recenzió: Halmai Péter: Európai gazdasági integráció = Book Review: Péter Halmai: European Economic Integration

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    Halmai Péter Európai gazdasági integráció című könyve 2020-ban jelent meg a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem kiadója, a Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó (korábban Dialóg Campus) gondozásában. A kicsivel több mint 300 oldalas könyv célkitűzése igen ambiciózus és átfogó. A közel 70éve létező európai integráció témáját dolgozza fel annak eredeti, gazdasági aspektusára fókuszálva, a legújabb nemzetközi elméletekre és kritikákra alapozva. A könyv elsősorban nem a már meglévő szakirodalmi tételek bővítéseként értékelhető, hanem az európai gazdasági integráció témáját elemző, fókuszált, magyar nyelvű, friss kötetként, éppen ezért jelen recenzió a könyv legaktuálisabb megállapításaira koncentrál