122 research outputs found

    Legislación antiterrorista comparada después de los atentados del 11 de septiembre y su incidencia en el ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales

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    Este ARI analiza las novedades legislativas que en materia de lucha contra el terrorismo se vienen sucediendo en diferentes países de nuestro entorno tras los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre, y más tarde los del 11 de marzo y 7 de julio, y el impacto que esa nueva normativa tiene en el ámbito de los derechos y libertades fundamentales de las sociedades abiertas. Asimismo, se efectúa un breve análisis de su repercusión en nuestro país. Los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en los EEUU, 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid, y 7 de julio de 2005 en Londres han obligado a las democracias occidentales a adoptar distintos instrumentos normativos encaminados a reforzar su acción en la lucha contra el terrorismo que en muchos casos han supuesto una autentica conculcación de derechos fundamentales como la libertad y seguridad personales, la tutela judicial efectiva, la intimidad, el secreto de las comunicaciones telefónicas o a través de Internet, etc. Asimismo, han aumentado los poderes y facultades de los servicios de inteligencia y la policía en la lucha contra el terrorismo y han afectado de manera singular al estatus jurídico de los extranjeros residentes en sus territorios, quienes, en ocasiones, han visto cercenados sus derechos más fundamentales de una forma absolutamente arbitraria

    Cultura del consumo y complejidad social en la Generación Y

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    The following research aims to know the challenges that generation "Y" faces, how they have rectified the consumer culture with which they grew up at home since childhood, but now they face a totally different society far away. to meet the standards and molds of success printed in contemporary society. It is a qualitative research (Martínez Ruiz & Guerrero Dávila, 2009), with the participation of a sample of the population of the "Y" generation, which is the interest of the study. In the interview script we were able to observe that the concern of the current age comes from social pressures such as personal decisions, how they should shape their lives, knowing the role played by professional recognition and achievement, which influences in some way way in the perception of consumption as a result of the income they have. Finally, we talked about what it means to be part of a generation that has been incorrectly named and classified, criticizing or making fun of that group, leaving aside the fact that the social context they face requires doing the best possible with the little that they have or to which they can access.La siguiente investigación tiene como fin conocer los retos a los cuales se enfrenta la generación “Y”, el cómo estos han rectificado la cultura de consumo con la cual crecieron en el hogar desde su niñez, pero ahora se enfrentan a una sociedad totalmente diferentes lejos de cumplir los estándares y moldes de éxito impresos en la sociedad contemporánea. Es una investigación cualitativa (Martínez Ruiz & Guerrero Dávila, 2009), se contó con la participación de una muestra de la población de la generación “Y” la cual es el interés de estudio. En el guion de la entrevista pudimos observar que la preocupación de la edad época actual provienen de presiones sociales como lo son las decisiones personales, el cómo deben formar su vida, conocer el papel que juega el reconocimiento y logro profesional, el cual influye de alguna manera en la percepción del consumo en consecuencia de los ingresos que tienen. Finalmente hablamos de lo que significa ser parte de una generación a la cual se ha nombrado y clasificado de manera incorrecta, haciendo críticas o burlas a ese grupo, dejando de lado que el contexto social al que se enfrentan exige hacer lo mejor posible con lo poco que cuentan o a lo cual pueden acceder

    Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients: A New Challenge in Antiretroviral Therapy Era

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    Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) has been recently reported as a liver disease in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected patients under antiretroviral therapy (ART). Combination of non-exclusive mechanisms has been described: primary endothelial damage of terminal portal veins induced by HIV or immunologic disorders, mitochondrial toxicity by didanosine and prothrombotic state. It is characterized by heterogeneous liver histological findings, frequently identified as nodular regenerative hyperplasia and clinical manifestations of portal hypertension with well-preserved liver function. We describe herein two HIV-infected patients with clinical picture suggestive of NCPH. Besides the case reports, we briefly address questions to apply to patient care in clinical practice

    Background harmonic distortion measurement at power networks with wind farms

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    Standard IEC 61400-21 specifies that background voltage distortion must be lower than the threshold limits specified in standards. However, this background distortion information is not used for calculating the real harmonic emission from the wind turbine leading to misleading voltage harmonics assessment from the wind turbine. In this paper a methodology for assessing the real harmonic emission from wind turbines is proposed based on current and voltage measurements where the background harmonic distortion at the Point of Common Coupling is considered

    Results of Exploratory Deep-sea Fishing Survey in the Galician Bank: Biological Aspects on Some of Seamount-associated Fish (ICES Division IXb)

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    Since October 1998 to October 1999 an experimental survey, comprising 12 monthly fishing trips were carried out in Galician Bank (ICES Divisions IXb) by two commercial trawlers of the Spanish fleet. The aims of this survey were to explore the fishing resources of studied area and to know the species community associated to this seamount. A total of 297 valid hauls were made during 309 hours of fishing and yielded a total catch of 45 145 kg in the depth strata studied (650-1200 m). The community of species in the area prospected presented high species richness. A total of 106 species were made up of 70 teleosts, 11 sharks, 3 rays, 2 chimaeras, 11 crustacea, 6 molluscs and 3 equinoderms The most important species captured were teleosts: H. mediterraneus, M.moro, L. eques, A. bairdii, E. telescopus, T. cristulata and L. piscatorius, followed for deep sharks: D. licha, D. calceus and crustacean: Ch affinis. The yields obtained for the whole series of fishing trips were low being the values obtained by order of importance: 30.3, 14.0, 13.1, 11.7, 4.8, 4.2, 2.5 kg/h and 1 kg/h for the teleosts; 2.0, 1.7, kg/h for sharks and 1.2 kg/h for crustacean. The results indicate, in general, there were no differences in depth distribution of the species characterised by the presence or absence of certain species and also, a seasonal variation in the abundance of the most important caught

    Meropenem antimicrobial stewardship program: clinical, economic, and antibiotic resistance impact

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    Background. There are few prospective studies with sufficient duration in time to evaluate clinical and antibiotic resistance impact of Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASP). Methods. Descriptive study between January-2012 to December-2017, pre-postintervention. An meropenem ASP was initiated in January 2015, in patients who started treatment with meropenem an infectious diseases physician performed treatment recommendations to prescribers. Prospective information was collected to evaluate adequacy of meropenem prescription to local guidelines and to compare results between cases with accepted or rejected intervention. Analysis was performed to verify variables associated with intervention acceptance and with any significant change in meropenem consumption, hospital-acquired multidrug-resistant (MDR) bloodstream infections (BSIs) and 30-day all-cause crude death in MDR BSIs. Results. Adequacy of meropenem prescription and de-escalation from meropenem treatment to narrower-spectrum antibiotic improved progressively over time, after ASP implementation (p<0.001). Interventions on prescription were performed in 330 (38.7%) patients without meropenem justified treatment, in 269 intervention was accepted and in 61 not. Intervention acceptance was associated with shorter duration of treatment, cost and inpatient days (p<0.05); intervention rejection was not associated with severity of patient. During the period 2015-2017, meropenem consumption decreased compared with 2012-2014 [Rate ratio (RR) 0.67; 95%CI: 0.58- 0.77, p<0.001]). Likewise decreased, hospital-acquired MDR BSIs rate (RR 0.63; 95%CI: 0.38-1.02, p=0,048) and 30-day all-cause crude death in MDR BSIs (RR 0.45; 95%CI: 0.14-1.24, p=0.09), coinciding in time with ASP start-up. Conclusions. The decrease and better use of meropenem achieved had a sustained clinical, economic and ecological impact, reducing costs and mortality of hospital acquired MDR BSIs

    Long-term carbapenems antimicrobial stewardship program

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    Abstract: Objective. To evaluate clinical and antibiotic resistance impact of carbapenems stewardship programs. Methods: descriptive study, pre-post-intervention, between January 2012 and December 2019; 350-bed teaching hospital. Prospective audit and feedback to prescribers was carried out between January 2015 and December 2019. We evaluate adequacy of carbapenems prescription to local guidelines and compare results between cases with accepted or rejected intervention. Analysis of antibiotic-consumption and hospital-acquired multidrug-resistant (MDR) bloodstream infections (BSIs) was performed. Results: 1432 patients were followed. Adequacy of carbapenems prescription improved from 49.7% in 2015 to 80.9% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Interventions on prescription were performed in 448 (31.3%) patients without carbapenem-justified treatment, in 371 intervention was accepted, in 77 it was not. Intervention acceptance was associated with shorter duration of all antibiotic treatment and inpatient days (p < 0.05), without differences in outcome. During the period 2015–2019, compared with 2012–2014, decreased meropenem consumption (Rate Ratio 0.58; 95%CI: 0.55–0.63), candidemia and hospital-acquired MDR BSIs rate (RR 0.62; 95%CI: 0.41–0.92, p = 0.02), and increased cefepime (RR 2; 95%CI: 1.77–2.26) and piperacillin-tazobactam consumption (RR 1.17; 95%CI: 1.11–1.24), p < 0.001. Conclusions: the decrease and better use of carbapenems achieved could have clinical and ecological impact over five years, reduce inpatient days, hospital-acquired MDR BSIs, and candidemia, despite the increase in other antibiotic-consumption