80 research outputs found

    Análisis bioinformático de la expresión génica del endometrio tras el tratamiento con DIU

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    Motivación: El conocimiento de los niveles de expresión génica (y su posterior análisis funcional) de células endometriales tras el tratamiento con DIU puede jugar un papel fundamental en la búsqueda de drogas/fármacos que emulen el papel anticonceptivo del DIU y que de esta forma puedan ser usados en el tercer mundo como una opción anticonceptiva más barata que las usadas en paises desarrollados. Métodos: El trabajo parte de una publicación realizada en el año 2006 en la cual se realiza el estudio de microarrays para observar como varíaban perfiles de expresión génica endometriales tras la exposición de los mismos a un DIU. Los resultados mostraron que un total de 145 genes variaban de forma significativa su expresión tras la exposición al DIU. Ahora lo que buscamos es realizar el analisis funcional de los mismos, a través de tres métodos: 1-Gene Ontology, que permite la clasificación de los mismos; 2-Pubmatrix, que muestra la incidencia de dichos genes en otras publicaciones existentes, y por tanto su peso; 3-STRING, herramienta para la elaboración de redes neuronales que muestran de forma visual las interacciones intergénicas de los genes que resultaron significativos, según diversos criterios. Resultados: Los resultados del estudio inicial mostraron que, tras la inserción del DIU y su posterior retirada al mes, no se recuperaban los valores de expresión génica iniciales, si no que se mantenían y no se recuperaban hasta pasado un año. Los resultados del análisis funcional de los genes que se vieron afectados por la introducción del DIU son expuestos en forma de gráficas y figuras, con una pequeña reflexión a nivel biológico de lo que se encuentre más significativo como conclusión de lo actualmente trabajado

    Cognition and schizophrenia: from neurocognition to social cognition

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    Los déficit neurocognitivos en la esquizofrenia han sido descritos desde las primeras descripciones del trastorno. Su influencia en la funcionalidad y en la calidad de vida ha sido puesta de manifiesto en múltiples estudios. La iniciativa Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) del National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) de Estados Unidos fue puesta en marcha para impulsar el desarrollo de una batería cognitiva de consenso que pudiera ser empleada en ensayos clínicos de fármacos para mejorar la neurocognición en la esquizofrenia. Aunque en el momento de consensuar los diferentes dominios cognitivos que deberían ser incluidos en dicha batería, la denominada cognición social no cumplía con los requisitos para ser incluida, se decidió finalmente incluir este dominio dada la importante relación con la funcionalidad que presentaba. Estudios posteriores han demostrado el acierto de incluir dicho dominio cognitivo, dada la relevancia que la cognición social ha demostrado en relación a la funcionalidad y calidad de vida de los pacientes con esquizofrenia; bien como variable per se, o bien como variable mediadora entre la neurocognición y la funcionalidad

    Base de datos multicéntrica de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea del Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía: presentación,criterios de inclusión y desarrollo de una base de datos en internet = Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage multicenter database from the Group for the Study of Vascular Pathology of the Spanish Society for Neurosurgery: Presentation, inclusion criteria and development of an internet-based registry

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    Introducción. La hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA) continúa siendo una de las enfermedades de interés neuroquirúrgico de más alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Su estudio es clave a la hora de mejorar la atención de estos enfermos en nuestro medio. Con este fin el Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la SENEC decidió la creación de una base de datos multicéntrica para su estudio. Material y métodos. Se incluyen en esta base de datos todos los casos de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea ingresados en los centros participantes de forma prospectiva desde Noviembre del año 2004 hasta Noviembre del 2007. Se decidieron de forma consensuada los campos a recoger incluyendo edad, antecedentes personales, características clínicas, características radiológicas y del aneurisma, tipo de tratamiento y complicaciones de la enfermedad, evolución según la escala de evolución de Glasgow (GOS) al alta y a los seis meses así como el resultado angiográfico del tratamiento. Todos los campos se recogieron en un formulario rellenable a través de una página web segura. Resultados. En los tres años en los que ha estado activa la base se han recogido un total de 1149 casos de HSA espontánea recogidos por 14 centros participantes. Se ha estimado que es necesario aproximadamente un tiempo de 3.4 minutos para rellenar cada caso. En cuanto a sus características generales la serie es similar a otras series hospitalarias no seleccionadas. La edad media de los enfermos incluidos es de unos 55 años y la relación mujer:hombre 4:3. En cuanto a la gravedad del sagrado inicial un 32% de los enfermos se encontraba en mal grado clínico (WFNS = 4 ó 5). El 5% de los pacientes fallecieron antes de realizarse una angiografía que confirmara el origen aneurismático del sangrado. Se confirmó el origen aneurismático en el 76% de los pacientes mientras que en el 19% no se encontró ninguna lesión vascular responsable del sangrado, siendo clasificados como HSA idiopática. En los pacientes en los que se detectó un aneurisma su tratamiento fue endovascular en el 47% de los casos, quirúrgico en el 39, mixto en el 3% y no recibieron tratamiento de su aneurisma el 11% de los pacientes por fallecimiento precoz. En cuanto a su evolución, la mortalidad global de la serie se sitúa en el 22%. Sólo el 40% de los enfermos con HSA aneurismática presentaron una buena evolución (GOS=5). Conclusiones. La HSA espontánea continúa siendo una enfermedad con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Esta base de datos puede ser un instrumento para conocer mejor sus características en nuestro medio y mejorar sus resultados, ya que se trata de una serie multicéntrica hospitalaria no seleccionada. Sería pues recomendable que esta base constituyera el germen de un registro nacional de HSA espontánea. Introduction. Subarachnoid haemorrhage is one of the most severe neurosurgical diseases. Its study is crucial for improving the care of these patients in our environment. With this goal the Group for the Study of Neurovascular Pathology of the Spanish Society for Neurosurgery (SENEC) decided to create a multicenter registry for the study of this disease. Materials and methods. In this database we have prospectively included all cases with spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage admitted to the participant hospitals from November 2004 to November 2007. The fields to be included in the database were selected by consensus, including age, past medical history, clinical characteristics at admission, radiological characteristics including presence or absence of an aneurysm and its size and location, type and complications of the aneurysm treatment, outcome assessed by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge and six months after the bleeding as well as the angiographic result of the aneurysm treatment. All fields were collected by means of an electronic form posted in secure web page. Results. During the three years of study a total of 1149 patients have been included by 14 Hospitals. The time needed to fill in a patient in the registry is approximately 3.4 minutes. This series of patients with spontaneous SAH is similar to other non-selected in-hospital series of SAH. The mean age of the patients is 55 years and there is a 4:3 female to male ratio. In relation to the severity of the bleeding 32% of the patients were in poor clinical grade at admission (WFNS 4 or 5). 5% of the patients died before angiography could be performed. An aneurysm was confirmed as the origin of the bleeding in 76% of the patients (aSAH), while in 19% of the patients no lesion was found in the angiographic studies and were thus classified as idiopathic subarachnoid hemorrhage (ISAH). Of those patients with aSAH, 47% were treated endovascularly, 39% surgically, 3% received a combined treatment and 11% did not receive any treatment for their aneurysm because of early death. Regarding outcome, there is a 22% mortality in the series. Only 40% of the patients with aSAH reached a good outcome at discharge (GOS = 5). Conclusions. Spontaneous SAH continues to be a disease with high morbidity and mortality. This database can be an ideal instrument for improving the knowledge about this disease in our environment and to achieve better results. It would be desirable that this database could in the future be the origin of a national registry of spontaneous SAH

    Early Developing Pig Embryos Mediate Their Own Environment in the Maternal Tract

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    The maternal tract plays a critical role in the success of early embryonic development providing an optimal environment for establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Preparation of this environment requires an intimate dialogue between the embryo and her mother. However, many intriguing aspects remain unknown in this unique communication system. To advance our understanding of the process by which a blastocyst is accepted by the endometrium and better address the clinical challenges of infertility and pregnancy failure, it is imperative to decipher this complex molecular dialogue. The objective of the present work is to define the local response of the maternal tract towards the embryo during the earliest stages of pregnancy. We used a novel in vivo experimental model that eliminated genetic variability and individual differences, followed by Affymetrix microarray to identify the signals involved in this embryo-maternal dialogue. Using laparoscopic insemination one oviduct of a sow was inseminated with spermatozoa and the contralateral oviduct was injected with diluent. This model allowed us to obtain samples from the oviduct and the tip of the uterine horn containing either embryos or oocytes from the same sow. Microarray analysis showed that most of the transcripts differentially expressed were down-regulated in the uterine horn in response to blastocysts when compared to oocytes. Many of the transcripts altered in response to the embryo in the uterine horn were related to the immune system. We used an in silico mathematical model to demonstrate the role of the embryo as a modulator of the immune system. This model revealed that relatively modest changes induced by the presence of the embryo could modulate the maternal immune response. These findings suggested that the presence of the embryo might regulate the immune system in the maternal tract to allow the refractory uterus to tolerate the embryo and support its development

    Human Endometrial CD98 Is Essential for Blastocyst Adhesion

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the molecular basis of embryonic implantation is of great clinical and biological relevance. Little is currently known about the adhesion receptors that determine endometrial receptivity for embryonic implantation in humans. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using two human endometrial cell lines characterized by low and high receptivity, we identified the membrane receptor CD98 as a novel molecule selectively and significantly associated with the receptive phenotype. In human endometrial samples, CD98 was the only molecule studied whose expression was restricted to the implantation window in human endometrial tissue. CD98 expression was restricted to the apical surface and included in tetraspanin-enriched microdomains of primary endometrial epithelial cells, as demonstrated by the biochemical association between CD98 and tetraspanin CD9. CD98 expression was induced in vitro by treatment of primary endometrial epithelial cells with human chorionic gonadotropin, 17-β-estradiol, LIF or EGF. Endometrial overexpression of CD98 or tetraspanin CD9 greatly enhanced mouse blastocyst adhesion, while their siRNA-mediated depletion reduced the blastocyst adhesion rate. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that CD98, a component of tetraspanin-enriched microdomains, appears to be an important determinant of human endometrial receptivity during the implantation window

    The placenta: phenotypic and epigenetic modifications induced by Assisted Reproductive Technologies throughout pregnancy

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    The mid-secretory endometrial transcriptomic landscape in endometriosis: a meta-analysis.

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    Do women with endometriosis have a different endometrial gene expression profile at the time of embryo implantation than women without endometriosis? The endometrial gene expression profile of women with endometriosis differs from that of women without endometriosis at the mid-secretory phase, although the differences are small. About 50% of women with endometriosis suffer infertility. Several molecular studies have suggested impaired endometrial receptivity in women with endometriosis, while others have detected no dysregulation of endometrial receptivity. Nevertheless, the previous endometrial transcriptome studies comparing women with and without endometriosis have been performed in small sample size with limited statistical power. We set out to systematically search and compile data of endometrial gene expression signatures at the receptive phase in women with endometriosis versus control women. Based on the obtained data, we conducted a meta-analysis of differentially expressed genes in order to raise the power of the analysis for identifying the molecular profiles of receptive phase endometria in endometriosis. A systematic literature search was conducted up to February 2022 following PRISMA criteria and included PubMed, Cochrane and Web of Science databases. For the systematic search, the term 'endometriosis' was paired with the terms 'transcriptomics', 'transcriptome', 'gene expression', 'RNA-seq', 'sequencing' and 'array', by using the Boolean operator 'AND' to connect them. Articles written in English were screened and interrogated for data extraction. A meta-analysis was performed on the selected studies to extract the differentially expressed genes described at the mid-secretory phase in women with endometriosis versus women without endometriosis in natural cycles, using the robust rank aggregation method. In total, transcriptome data of 125 women (78 patients and 47 controls) were meta-analysed, with a special focus on endometrial receptivity-specific genes based on commercial endometrial receptivity tests. In total, 8 studies were eligible for the quantitative meta-analysis, gathering transcriptome data from the mid-secretory phase endometria of 125 women. A total of 7779 differentially expressed transcripts between the study groups were retrieved (3496 up-regulated and 4283 down-regulated) and were meta-analysed. After stringent multiple correction, there was no differential expression of any single molecule in the endometrium of women with endometriosis versus controls, while enrichment analysis detected that the pathways of chemotaxis and locomotion are dysregulated in endometriosis. Further analysis of endometrial receptivity-specific genes highlighted dysregulation of C4BPA, MAOA and PAEP and enrichment of immune and defence pathways in women with endometriosis. Most of the studies included into the meta-analysis were relatively small and had different study designs, which might have contributed to a bias. The current meta-analysis supports the hypothesis that endometrial receptivity is altered in women with endometriosis, although the changes are small. The molecules and pathways identified could serve as future biomarkers and therapeutical targets in detecting and treating endometriosis-associated infertility. The authors declare no competing interests. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport [grant FPU15/01193] and the Margarita Salas program for the Requalification of the Spanish University system [grant UJAR01MS]; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER): grants RYC-2016-21199 and ENDORE SAF2017-87526-R; Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía (B-CTS-500-UGR18; A-CTS-614-UGR20); the Junta de Andalucía [BIO-302; and PAIDI P20_00158]; the University of Jaén [PAIUJA-EI_CTS02_2017]; the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR; the Estonian Research Council (grant PRG1076); Horizon 2020 innovation (ERIN, grant no. EU952516) of the European Commission and Enterprise Estonia (grant EU48695). The systematic review was registered at PROSPERO (identifier: CRD42020122054)