206 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und Identifizierung geeigneter Zusatzstoffe und Hilfsmittel im Verarbeitungsprozess ökologischer Lebensmittel, insbesondere zur Verwendung im Herstellungsprozess kalter und heißer Öko-Convenience-Produkte

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    Das Projektvorhaben gliederte sich in drei Themenschwerpunkte, welche in der Summe die qualitative Optimierung der mikrobiologischen, physikalischen und sensorischen Stabilität von Öko-Convenience Produkten zum Ziel hatte. In Versuchen wurden daher, nach EU-Öko-Basisverordnung 834/2007 zugelassene, Bindemittel und Zutaten identifiziert, welche zur Stabilisierung von heißen und kalten Convenience Produkten Verwendung finden. Hierfür wurden in Lagertests in einem Untersuchungsintervall von 10, 14 und 21 Tagen Proben verschiedener Grundsaucen und Dessertzubereitungen hinsichtlich Sensorik und Viskosität untersucht und Vor- und Nachteile des Einsatzes in der großküchentechnischen Lebensmittelproduktion herausgestellt. Im Fokus der Analysen standen hierbei die Substanzen Johannisbrotkernmehl, Guarkernmehl, Xanthan und Agar Agar, welche in produktspezifischen Konzentrationen ausreichende bindungsstabilisierende Wirkung zeigen, ohne das sensorische Profil der Probe negativ zu beeinflussen. In Rahmen des zweiten Themenbereiches, der Identifizierung von Antioxidantien für den Einsatz bei der Verpackung frischer geschnittener Salate und Gemüse wurden Proben beim Reinigungsprozess mittels Ascorbinsäure, Zitronensäure, Rosmarinextrakt, Ingwer- und Zitronendirektsaft behandelt und zu den Untersuchungspunkten nach 5, 7 und 9 Tagen bezüglich der sensorischen und mikrobiologischen Eigenschaften analysiert. Die Ergebnisse in Bezug auf Ascorbinsäure, Zitronensäure und Zitronensaft zeigen eine nachweisliche Verbesserung der Stabilität der Produkte gegenüber oxidativ induzierten Bräunungsreaktionen. Im dritten Schwerpunktthema, der Bestimmung optimaler Gas- und Verpackungskombinationen, erfolgten Versuchsreihen mit Materialien auf Basis von Polyamid-Polyethylenverbundstoffen, Polypropylen und dem biologischen Kunststoff Polylactid Acid. In Lagertests wurde der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen, modifizierten Verpackungsatmosphären auf die Sensorik und die Mikrobiologie von geschnittenen Salat und Gemüse untersucht. Gasgemische mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen von Kohlendioxid, Sauerstoff, Stickstoff oder auch mit Anteilen von Argon zeigten deutliche abweichende Auswirkung auf die wahrgenommene Frische des Produktes. Die PA-PE Materialien in Verbindung mit Schutzbegasung mit einem Restsauerstoffanteil von 5 % zeigten die sensorisch und mikrobiologisch positivsten Einflüsse auf die Haltbarkeit der Produkte

    Self-organizing hypercomplex-valued adaptive network

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    A novel, unsupervised, artificial intelligence system is presented, whose input signals and trainable weights consist of complex or hypercomplex values. The system uses the effect given by the complex multiplication that the multiplicand is not only scaled but also rotated. The more similar an input signal and the reference signal are, the more likely the input signal belongs to the corresponding class. The data assigned to a class during training is stored on a generic layer as well as on a layer extracting special features of the signal. As a result, the same cluster can hold a general description and the details of the signal. This property is vital for assigning a signal to an existing or a new class. To ensure that only valid new classes are opened, the system determines the variances by comparing each input signal component with the weights and adaptively adjusts its activation and threshold functions for an optimal classification decision. The presented system knows at any time all boundaries of its clusters. Experimentally, it is demonstrated that the system is able to cluster the data of multiple classes autonomously, fast, and with high accuracy

    Understanding Class Representations : An Intrinsic Evaluation of Zero-Shot Text Classification

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    Frequently, Text Classification is limited by insufficient training data. This problem is addressed by Zero-Shot Classification through the inclusion of external class definitions and then exploiting the relations between classes seen during training and unseen classes (Zero-shot). However, it requires a class embedding space capable of accurately representing the semantic relatedness between classes. This work defines an intrinsic evaluation based on greater-than constraints to provide a better understanding of this relatedness. The results imply that textual embeddings are able to capture more semantics than Knowledge Graph embeddings, but combining both modalities yields the best performance

    Agrivoltaics—The Perfect Fit for the Future of Organic Photovoltaics

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    Abstract This Essay presents a possible pathway for the advancement of organic photovoltaics toward broader commercial success and enlarged market size. This vision aims at broad scale applications in photovoltaic greenhouses and polytunnels, which harvest those portions of the solar spectrum that are not used or required by plants. Based on the assumptions of the Shockley–Queisser–Limit, respectively detailed balance, and the additional postulation of using no absorption in the visible part of the AM 1.5G solar spectrum a power conversion efficiency of ≈17% is theoretically predicted. The suggestion is supported by the existence of a number of organic compounds, which already exhibit a good spectral compatibility with the typical photosynthetic action spectrum of chloroplasts. It is hoped that more suitable materials development shall be triggered and fertilized as a result of this Essay.A promising path is suggested for upscaling of organic photovoltaics (OPV) toward true mass application in the form of semi‐transparent OPV embedded in polytunnels or green‐houses. Here their specific properties, that is, offering narrow band absorption in the infrared wavelength range can be used as game changer. imag

    A novel multiple-trauma CT-scanning protocol using patient repositioning

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    Emergency CT examination is considered to be a trade-off between a short scan time and the acceptance of artifacts. This study evaluates the influence of patient repositioning on artifacts and scan time. Eighty-three consecutive multiple-trauma patients were included in this prospective study. Patients were examined without repositioning (group 1, n=39) or with patient rotation to feet-first with arms raised for scanning the chest and abdomen/pelvis (group 2, n=44). The mean scan time was 21min in group 1 and 25min in group 2 (P=0.01). The mean repositioning time in group 2 was 8min. Significantly, more artifacts were observed in group 1 (with a repeated scan in 7%) than in group 2 (P=0.0001). This novel multiple- trauma CT-scanning protocol with patient repositioning achieves a higher image quality with significantly fewer artifacts than without repositioning but increases scan time slightl

    Organic solar cells: An overview

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    Controlling exciton diffusion and fullerene distribution in photovoltaic blends by side chain modification

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    The influence of crystallinity on exciton diffusion and fullerene distribution was investigated by blending amorphous and semicrystalline copolymers. We measured exciton diffusion and fluorescence quenching in such blends by dispersing fullerene molecules into them. We find that the diffusion length is more than two times higher in the semicrystalline copolymer than in the amorphous copolymer. We also find that fullerene preferentially mixes into disordered regions of the polymer film. This shows that relatively small differences in molecular structure are important for exciton diffusion and fullerene distribution

    Response to Christopher P. Muzzillo's Comments on “Introduction of a Novel Figure of Merit for the Assessment of Transparent Conductive Electrodes in Photovoltaics: Exact and Approximate Form”

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    Similarities and differences between figure of merits (FOMs) for the assessment of transparent conductive electrodes (TCEs) are discussed. This article is a response to C. P. Muzzillo's comment on the introduction of the novel FOM (the so‐called exact FOM or Anand's FOM) and it deals with questions about how implicit and how exact the different approaches really are and whether specific application cases can be covered or not. While the exact FOM has been introduced to provide an upper limit of photovoltaic power conversion efficiency for the whole range of possible transmittance and sheet resistance values of transparent conductive oxides, Muzzillo's comment points out specific application cases, that have to be treated with more individual modeling. In this work, the authors adopt these application cases into the exact FOM to demonstrate its applicability. Furthermore, the FOM approximation given by Muzzillo is used and slightly refined, yielding an even better agreement with the exact FOM. In the end, it is concluded that both approaches are justified: Muzzillo's FOM for very practical applications and Anand's (exact) FOM for fundamental assessment. In this work, both approaches have been harmonized to yield an ultimate tool for the future development of TCEs for photovoltaics

    Optimal geometric design of monolithic thin-film solar modules: Architecture of polymer solar cells,” Solar Energ

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    a b s t r a c t In this study the geometrical optimization of monolithically integrated solar cells into serially connected solar modules is reported. Based on the experimental determination of electrodes 0 sheet and intermittent contact resistances, the overall series resistance of individual solar cells and interconnected solar modules is calculated. Taking a constant photocurrent generation density into account, the total Joule respectively resistive power losses are determined by a self-consistent simulation according to the 1-diode model. This method allows optimization of the solar module geometry depending on the material system applied. As an example, polymer solar modules based on ITO-electrodes and ITO-free electrodes were optimized with respect to structuring dimensions