92 research outputs found

    Public service og politisk balance: En typologi

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    In an effort to understand and categorize media bias and balance in broadcasting journalism, this literature review proposes a new typology of different types of political balance in the broadcasting media: a typology that is not only based on an examination of media content, but also an examination of antecedents. That is, media output should be analyzed as a function of input processes. A new typology will be presented covering concepts such as media bias and media balance. Hereby, a framework for classifying media content is outlined helping us to compare cases across media outlets and countries. Throughout the article, four empirical examples will be discussed. Focus is on West European public service media outlets and their coverage of election campaigns


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    Public service og politisk balance: En typologi

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    In an effort to understand and categorize media bias and balance in broadcasting journalism, this literature review proposes a new typology of different types of political balance in the broadcasting media: a typology that is not only based on an examination of media content, but also an examination of antecedents. That is, media output should be analyzed as a function of input processes. A new typology will be presented covering concepts such as media bias and media balance. Hereby, a framework for classifying media content is outlined helping us to compare cases across media outlets and countries. Throughout the article, four empirical examples will be discussed. Focus is on West European public service media outlets and their coverage of election campaigns

    Danske journaliststuderende: Ret repræsentative reportere

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    Our research based knowledge on Danish journalists is rather limited. As a step toward filling this gap this article studies Danish journalism students. The main question is who these students are, to what extent there are differences between the students from different universities, and to what extent the students can be seen as being different from the general population. Students at Roskilde University with respect to some questions appear to be a distinct group of their own. Nevertheless, the over all conclusion is that journalism students are rather re-presentative for young people with a similar socio-economic background. These conclusions are based on the largest survey analysis of Danish journalism students to date

    Danske journaliststuderende: Ret repræsentative reportere

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    Our research based knowledge on Danish journalists is rather limited. As a step toward filling this gap this article studies Danish journalism students. The main question is who these students are, to what extent there are differences between the students from different universities, and to what extent the students can be seen as being different from the general population. Students at Roskilde University with respect to some questions appear to be a distinct group of their own. Nevertheless, the over all conclusion is that journalism students are rather re-presentative for young people with a similar socio-economic background. These conclusions are based on the largest survey analysis of Danish journalism students to date

    Tilliden til de danske journalister og nyhedsmedier: i forfald eller ej?

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    I denne artikel undersøger vi, 1) hvordan tilliden til danske journalister og nyhedsmedier har udviklet sig over tid, 2) om der er forskel i tilliden til forskellige typer af nyhedsmedier, og 3) hvordan folks politiske partipræference påvirker deres tillid til journalister og nyhedsmedier. Vores analyser baserer sig på omfattende data fra Europa-Kommissionen, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Radius Kommunikation samt DR Medieforskning og viser, 1) at tilliden til journalister og nyhedsmedier er stabil over tid, 2) at folk stoler mere på public service-nyheder og kvalitetsaviser og mindre på tabloide nyhedsmedier, og 3) at partipræference kan forklare nogle variationer i tilliden

    Media and campaign effects on vote choice at national elections in Europe : a review of a multilingual research landscape

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    This article reviews the empirical research literature on campaign and media effects on vote choice at national elections in European countries for the post-World War II period. Particular efforts are undertaken to obtain a comprehensive picture by including publications in many different languages. With regard to the amount of research, but also the topics addressed, the survey reveals considerable differences between countries. Studies of campaign effects have focused on the temporal dynamics of campaigns, on the modes of campaign communications (such as personal contacts at the local level, advertising on TV and in the press or online social media) and on certain aspects of its content. Research on media effects has explored the role of partisan bias and certain topical categories of news (climate of opinion, issue and candidate coverage) as well as specific new media formats, notably televised candidate debates and vote advice applications (VAA). Overall, the review reveals that there is little in the way of an integrated and consolidated body of campaign and media effects research on national elections in Europe. While political communication research increasingly acknowledges the potential importance of news media and political parties’ electioneering for voting behaviour, there appears as of yet to be little convergence regarding approaches and research findings. Particularly striking is the degree to which research questions are guided by national institutional contexts

    Navigating high-choice European political information environments : a comparative analysis of news user profiles and political knowledge

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    The transition from low- to high-choice media environments has had far-reaching implications for citizens’ media use and its relationship with political knowledge. However, there is still a lack of comparative research on how citizens combine the usage of different media and how that is related to political knowledge. To fill this void, we use a unique cross-national survey about the online and offline media use habits of more than 28,000 individuals in 17 European countries. Our aim is to (i) profile different types of news consumers and (ii) understand how each user profile is linked to political knowledge acquisition. Our results show that five user profiles – news minimalists, social media news users, traditionalists, online news seekers, and hyper news consumers – can be identified, although the prevalence of these profiles varies across countries. Findings further show that both traditional and online-based news diets are correlated with higher political knowledge. However, online-based news use is more widespread in Southern Europe, where it is associated with lower levels of political knowledge than in Northern Europe. By focusing on news audiences, this study provides a comprehensive and fine-grained analysis of how contemporary European political information environments perform and contribute to an informed citizenry

    The 2011 Danish National Election

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    Am 15. September 2011 nahmen rekordverdächtige 88 Prozent der wahlberechtigten Dä-nen an den Wahlen zum dänischen Parlament, dem Folketing, teil. Dieser Artikel präsen-tiert eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Wahlkampfes. Unabhängig davon, welche Seite den Wahlkampf gewinnen würde, ein Ergebnis stand bereits vorab fest: Eine außerge-wöhnliche Phase dänischer Politik ging zu Ende. Nach zehn Jahren mit einer rechtslibe-ral-konservativen Minderheitsregierung, gestützt von der Dänischen Volkspartei, bewegte die dänische Politik sich zurück zu ihrem gängigen modus operandi: Zentrumsparteien bestimmen, wer Regierungschef wird. Mit lediglich einigen tausend Stimmen Vorsprung gewann der rote Block, gestützt von den Sozialliberalen, die Wahlen, und die neue Regie-rungschefin Dänemarks wurde die Sozialdemokratin Helle Thorning-Schmidt. In diesem Artikel werden die politische Situation vor der Wahl, der Verlauf des Wahlkampfes und das Wahlergebnis aus einer historischen Perspektive beschrieben. Außerdem geht es kurz um die Herausforderungen, der die neue Regierung gegenübersteht.On September 15, 2011 a record-high turn-out of 88 percent of the approx. 4 million Danes eligible to vote for the Danish parliament, the Folketing, was reached. This paper gives a short descriptive summary of the 2011 Danish election campaign. Irrespective of which side would win the position as primeminister, one thing was given: an exceptional era in Danish politics was coming to an end. After ten years of a Right Liberal-Conservative minority government supported by the Danish People's Party, Danish poli-tics would return to its classic modus operandi of centrist parties determining the prime-minister. By a margin of a few thousand votes, the red block won the elections and the new prime minister of Denmark is the Social Democrat Helle Thorning-Schmidt. This article describes the political context prior to the election campaign, the course of the election campaign, furthermore it presents the election results in a historical perspective and shortly discusses the challenges the new government is facing
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