910 research outputs found

    Use of tobacco and e-cigarettes among youth in Great Britain in 2022: analysis of a cross sectional survey

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    Introduction: Although e-cigarettes can be an effective form of nicotine substitution for adults attempting to quit smoking, their use among children and young people is a concern. Accurate data about this are needed to inform debates over policy and regulation in the UK and elsewhere. Methods: Using data from an online survey of 2613 youth aged 11–18 years, conducted by the market research company YouGov in March 2022, we present prevalence estimates of e-cigarette and tobacco use. We use logistic regression models to assess differences in e-cigarette use, tobacco use and use of disposable e-cigarettes across a range of covariates including age, sex, tobacco smoking status, social class, and country. Results: Among the 18.0% of those surveyed who reported ever having smoked a cigarette, 83.9% were not regular (at least once per week) smokers and 16.1% were (15.1% and 2.9% of the total sample, respectively). Among the 19.2% of those surveyed who had ever used an e-cigarette, 79.2% were not regular users, while 20.8% were (15.2% and 4.0% of the total sample, respectively). Regular e-cigarette use was more common than regular tobacco smoking (4.0% vs 2.9%). E-cigarette use was more common among those who also smoked tobacco, with 9.0% of never e-cigarette users ever smoking tobacco, compared with 89.4% of regular e-cigarette users. Both smoking and e-cigarette use were associated with increasing age and use by others within the home, but not with social class. Use of disposable e-cigarettes was reported by 53.8% of those who have ever used an e-cigarette, and more common among females than males. Conclusions: Regular e-cigarette use is now more common than smoking in children and youth, though the majority of this is among those who have also smoked tobacco. Measures to reduce the appeal of both e-cigarettes and tobacco to children and young people are warranted

    Moving singing for lung health online in response to COVID-19: experience from a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Singing for Lung Health (SLH) is a popular arts-in-health activity for people with long-term respiratory conditions. Participants report biopsychosocial benefits, however research on impact is limited. The ‘SHIELD trial’, a randomised controlled, single (assessor) blind, trial of 12 weeks SLH vs usual care for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (n=120) was set-up to help to address this. The first group (n=18, 9 singing and 9 controls) started face-to-face (5 sessions) before changing to online delivery (7 sessions) due to COVID-19 related physical distancing measures. As such, the experience of this group is here reported as a pilot study to inform further research in this area. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis regarding barriers, facilitators and key considerations for transitioning from face-to-face to online delivery. Pilot quantitative outcomes include attendance, pre and post measures of quality of life and disease impact (SF-36, CAT score), breathlessness (MRC breathlessness scale, Dyspnoea-12), depression (PHQ9), anxiety (GAD-7), balance confidence (ABC scale) and physical activity (clinical visit PROactive physical activity in COPD tool, combining subjective rating and actigraphy). Results Attendance was 69% overall, (90% of the face-to-face sessions, 53% online sessions). Analysis of semi-structured interviews identified three themes regarding participation in SLH delivered face-to-face and online, these where 1) perceived benefits; 2) digital barriers (online); 3) digital facilitators (online). Findings were summarised into key considerations for optimising transitioning singing groups from face-to-face to online delivery. Pilot quantitative data suggested possible improvements in depression (treatment effect -4.78 PHQ9 points, p< 0.05, MCID 5) and balance confidence (treatment effect +17.21 ABC Scale points, p=0.04, MCID 14.2). Discussion This study identifies key considerations regarding the adaptation of SLH from face-to-face to online delivery. Pilot data suggest online group singing for people with COPD may deliver benefits related to reducing depression and improved balance confidence

    Dynamic buckling and fragmentation in brittle rods

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    We present experiments on the dynamic buckling and fragmentation of slender rods axially impacted by a projectile. By combining the results of Saint-Venant and elastic beam theory, we derive a preferred wavelength lambda for the buckling instability, and experimentally verify the resulting scaling law for a range of materials including teflon, dry pasta, glass, and steel. For brittle materials, buckling leads to the fragmentation of the rod. Measured fragment length distributions show two clear peaks near lambda/2 and lambda/4. The non-monotonic nature of the distributions reflect the influence of the deterministic buckling process on the more random fragmentation processes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Effect of infra‐red power level on the sintering behaviour in the high speed sintering process

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    This is a journal article. It was published in the journal, Rapid prototyping journal, [© Emerald]. The definitive version is available at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/1355-2546.htmPurpose: To investigate the effects of the infra-red power level on sintering behaviour in the High Speed Sintering process. Design/methodology/approach: Single-layer parts were produced using the High Speed Sintering process, in order to determine the effect of the infra-red power level on the maximum achievable layer thickness, and the degree of sintering. The parts were examined using both optical microscopy and contact methods. Findings: Whilst it was expected that an increase in the infra-red lamp powder might allow an increase in the depth of sintering that could be achieved, as a result of increased thermal transfer through the powder, results in fact indicated that there is a maximum layer thickness that can be achieved, as a result of part shrinkage in the z direction. Optical microscopy images have shown that a greater degree of sintering occurs at higher power levels, which would be expected to correspond to an improvement in the mechanical properties of the parts produced. These images also indicate that the RAM forms in small ‘islands’ on the powder bed surface. However, these islands begin to merge as sintering progresses, to a greater degree as the infra-red lamp power is increased. Research limitations/implications: These results are based only on single layer parts. Further work will examine the sintering characteristics of multiple layer parts. Practical implications: Results have shown that, whilst it is not possible to increase the achievable layer thickness of the parts produced by modifying the infra-red lamp power, the degree of sintering can be improved greatly by increasing the power. Originality/value: High Speed Sintering is an entirely new process which is currently still under development; the results presented here will directly impact the direction of further development and research into this process

    Photoluminescence spectroscopy of bandgap reduction in dilute InNAs alloys

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    Photoluminescence (PL) has been observed from dilute InNxAs1–x epilayers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. The PL spectra unambiguously show band gap reduction with increasing N content. The variation of the PL spectra with temperature is indicative of carrier detrapping from localized to extended states as the temperature is increased. The redshift of the free exciton PL peak with increasing N content and temperature is reproduced by the band anticrossing model, implemented via a (5×5) k·p Hamiltonian

    Health care professionals’ experience, understanding and perception of need of advanced cancer patients with cachexia and their families: The benefits of a dedicated clinic.

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    BACKGROUND: Cachexia is defined as the on-going loss of skeletal muscle mass that cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional support. It is found in up to 80% of patients with advanced cancer and has profound psycho-social consequences for patients and their families. Previous studies demonstrate that many healthcare professionals receive little formal education in cachexia management leading them to feel that they have limited understanding of the syndrome and cannot intervene effectively. This study aims to examine the value of a dedicated cachexia clinic and its influence on staff understanding and practice. METHODS: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted. The study employed semi-structured interviews with a range of healthcare professionals responsible for designing and delivering cancer care in a large teaching hospital in Australia. This hospital had a dedicated cachexia clinic. RESULTS: In-depth interviews were conducted with 8 healthcare professionals and senior managers. Four themes were identified: formal and informal education; knowledge and understanding; truth telling in cachexia and palliative care; and, a multi-disciplinary approach. Findings show that improved knowledge and understanding across a staff body can lead to enhanced staff confidence and a willingness to address cancer cachexia and its consequences with patients and their families. CONCLUSION: Comparisons with similar previous research demonstrate the advantages of providing a structure for staff to gain knowledge about cachexia and how this can contribute to feelings of improved understanding and confidence necessary to respond to the challenge of cachexia

    Intersublevel Polaron Dephasing in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

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    Polaron dephasing processes are investigated in InAs/GaAs dots using far-infrared transient four wave mixing (FWM) spectroscopy. We observe an oscillatory behaviour in the FWM signal shortly (< 5 ps) after resonant excitation of the lowest energy conduction band transition due to coherent acoustic phonon generation. The subsequent single exponential decay yields long intraband dephasing times of 90 ps. We find excellent agreement between our measured and calculated FWM dynamics, and show that both real and virtual acoustic phonon processes are necessary to explain the temperature dependence of the polarization decay.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys Rev Let