51 research outputs found

    Utilizing games in the co-production of mental health services

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    This study analyses the application of a co-production approach in utilizing digital games and game-related methods in mental health services. The goal is to offer a real-world experiment on co-production, focusing on mental health service users, active gamers and mental health practitioners who worked together in equal ways and valued each other’s unique contributions during the experiment. The implications of a co-production approach for applying digital games in the field of mental healthcare are somewhat limited and under-explored. In this case study, seven workshop sessions were held involving service users, gamers and professionals. Participants were interviewed concerning their experiences with the activities and content of the co-production workshops. Thematic analysis of the participants’ experiences and perceptions resulted in three main themes: 1) empowering participation; 2) cooperation on a level playing field; and 3) improving self-efficacy. The experiment showed that applying a co-production approach in utilizing digital games is worth implementing in mental health services, particularly when putting novel nursing approaches and procedures into practice. Overall, co-production turned out to be a beneficial approach to introduce and implement game activities into mental healthcare; therefore, it can be taken one step further, meaning that service users’ experiences are truly valued, and they can play a crucial role in developing mental health services.This study analyses the application of a co-production approach in utilizing digital games and game-related methods in mental health services. The goal is to offer a real-world experiment on co-production, focusing on mental health service users, active gamers and mental health practitioners who worked together in equal ways and valued each other’s unique contributions during the experiment. The implications of a co-production approach for applying digital games in the field of mental healthcare are somewhat limited and under-explored. In this case study, seven workshop sessions were held involving service users, gamers and professionals. Participants were interviewed concerning their experiences with the activities and content of the co-production workshops. Thematic analysis of the participants’ experiences and perceptions resulted in three main themes: 1) empowering participation; 2) cooperation on a level playing field; and 3) improving self-efficacy. The experiment showed that applying a co-production approach in utilizing digital games is worth implementing in mental health services, particularly when putting novel nursing approaches and procedures into practice. Overall, co-production turned out to be a beneficial approach to introduce and implement game activities into mental healthcare; therefore, it can be taken one step further, meaning that service users’ experiences are truly valued, and they can play a crucial role in developing mental health services

    Predicting the Future of Healthcare and eHealth with the Futures Wheel Method

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    By using information and communication technology (ICT), eHealth is a key enabler in improving healthcare, specifically its efficiency, productivity, quality, and patient satisfaction. Whilst eHealth applies technical developments to healthcare services, it is also about managing, finding, using, recording, and transmitting information to support health-related decisions. Moreover, eHealth encompasses a broad approach and commitment to improving healthcare through networking and co-operation. Thus healthcare providers need to have sufficient tools to predict and involve the possible futures of healthcare, specifically in the context of continuous eHealth development, implementation and innovations. This paper introduces the Futures Wheel (FW) method, describes the process for its use and some of its outcomes as a tool by which to achieve these goals. Based on experiences from over 60 FW working groups, the authors suggest that the FW method helps to see the possible futures of healthcare and eases the necessary adaptation inherent in eHealth.  The FW method provides information and knowledge that professionals can utilise both to influence their future and to gain knowledge about alternative futures. The FW method is suggested for healthcare professionals who want to predict alternative futures of healthcare and eHealth in order to make important decisions that may have far-reaching consequences

    Comparing the taste-modifying properties of nanocellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose

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    The taste-modifying properties of nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) are compared for the first time. The samples were prepared in the form of gels, with and without added sweet and bitter taste components. As viscosity itself is known to affect taste perception, the viscosities of NFC and CMC samples were set to the same level as shear rates commonly found in the oral cavity. A trained panel of 10 assessors evaluated the bitterness and sweetness of the samples. Further, the assessors were given an opportunity to describe the samples in free words. The taste-modifying capacities of the thickening agents were at the same level when sweet compounds were added. However, CMC was better able to reduce the bitterness of quinine hydrochloride than NFC, which did not show any bitterness-reduction ability with the compound. This was unexpected, as our previous studies of NFC showed fairly high binding capacity with quinine. The open-ended responses revealed that the NFC-containing samples had an astringent sensation, while certain assessors observed a sensation of saltiness in the CMC samples. This may explain the inability of NFC to mask the bitterness of quinine hydrochloride, as astringency may act as a bitterness enhancer, while saltiness may suppress it. Both thickening agents were perceived as slightly bitter. Our study reveals the need for further assessment of the orosensory properties of NFC, particularly the magnitude and origin of its astringency, before it can be fully utilized in food industry applications.Peer reviewe

    Pelillistämisen mahdollisuudet nuorten mielenterveyskuntoutujien arjessa

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    Nuorten mielenterveyskuntoutujien määrä on kasvussa ja monet heistä viettävät arkeaan ”nettimaailmassa”. Tämä tarjoaa ammattilaisille mahdollisuuden integroida ohjaus osaksi nuoren jokapäiväistä arkea. Pelillistäminen ja peliteknologia voivatkin tarjota uusia vaihtoehtoja nuorten ohjaukseen. Artikkelissa kuvataan pelillistämisen mahdollisuuksia nuorten mielenterveyskuntoutujien arjessa sekä esitellään lyheysti Pelaten terveeks? – hanke.The amount of young mental health rehabilitation patients is increasing. Many of them spend their days on the World Wide Web and this gives opportunities to the health professionals to blend in and give guidance to young rehabilitation patients. Gamification and game technology could give even more possibilities to the guidance of these adolescents. The article describes the possibility of gamification to help rehabilitation patients in their everyday life. There is also a short description of "Gaining health by playing games?” -project

    Taste compound - Nanocellulose interaction assessment by fluorescence indicator displacement assay

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    Interactions between taste compounds and nanofibrillar cellulose were studied. For this, a new fluorescent indicator displacement method was developed. Two fluorescent indicators, namely, Calcofluor white and Congo red, were chosen because of their specific binding to cellulose and intrinsic fluorescence. Seven taste compounds with different structures were successfully measured together with nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC) and ranked according to their binding constants. The most pronounced interactions were found between quinine and NFC (1.4 x 10(4)M(-1)) whereas sucrose, aspartame and glutamic acid did not bind at all. Naringin showed moderate binding while stevioside and caffeine exhibited low binding. The comparison with microcrystalline cellulose indicates that the larger surface area of nanofibrillated cellulose enables stronger binding between the binder and macromolecules. The developed method can be further utilized to study interactions of different compound classes with nanocellulose materials in food, pharmaceutical and dye applications, using a conventional plate reader in a high-throughput manner.Peer reviewe

    Mobiiliohjausta ulkomailla harjoitteleville ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoille

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    Comparing the taste-modifying properties of nanocellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose

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    The taste-modifying properties of nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) are compared for the first time. The samples were prepared in the form of gels, with and without added sweet and bitter taste components. As viscosity itself is known to affect taste perception, the viscosities of NFC and CMC samples were set to the same level as shear rates commonly found in the oral cavity. A trained panel of 10 assessors evaluated the bitterness and sweetness of the samples. Further, the assessors were given an opportunity to describe the samples in free words. The taste-modifying capacities of the thickening agents were at the same level when sweet compounds were added. However, CMC was better able to reduce the bitterness of quinine hydrochloride than NFC, which did not show any bitterness-reduction ability with the compound. This was unexpected, as our previous studies of NFC showed fairly high binding capacity with quinine. The open-ended responses revealed that the NFC-containing samples had an astringent sensation, while certain assessors observed a sensation of saltiness in the CMC samples. This may explain the inability of NFC to mask the bitterness of quinine hydrochloride, as astringency may act as a bitterness enhancer, while saltiness may suppress it. Both thickening agents were perceived as slightly bitter. Our study reveals the need for further assessment of the orosensory properties of NFC, particularly the magnitude and origin of its astringency, before it can be fully utilized in food industry applications

    YAMK-opiskelijat ja -alumnit tulevaisuuden ennakoijina ja sillanrakentajina työelämä-korkeakouluyhteistyössä

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    Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto (YAMK) rakentuu opiskelijan työelämäkokemuksen ja aiemmin suoritetun ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon pohjalle. YAMK-opiskelijat liittävät jo opintojensa aikana oman työpaikkansa korkeakouluyhteistyöhön. Ammattikorkeakoulujen ja YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneiden alumnien yhteistyön syventäminen tukee korkeakoulujen, työelämän ja alumnien omaa menestymistä. YAMK-alumnitoiminnan tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia tutkittiin OKM:n rahoittaman“Coworking learning space”-hankkeen (2013-15) yhtenä osatehtävänä. Työkaluna käytettiin Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun käyttöön ottamaa tulevaisuuspyörätyöpaja-menetelmää. Työpajoihin osallistui Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun sekä Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun YAMK-opiskelijoita. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista tulevaisuudessa tarvittava osaaminen on, miten osaaminen hankitaan ja millaista YAMK-alumnien korkeakouluyhteistyö voisi olla. “Vuosi 2030”-ennakoinnissa osaamistarpeina esille nousseita teemoja olivat kokonaisuuksien hallinta, sosiaaliset ja kulttuuriset taidot sekä syväosaamisen, moniosaamisen ja muutoskyvyn yhdistäminen. Tietoa hankitaan itsenäisesti, omatoimisesti ja muilta asiantuntijoilta tai hankkimalla työelämätarpeisiin vastaavaa, joustavaa (korkea)koulutusta. Myös tulevaisuuden yhteistyömahdollisuuksissa keskeiseksi nähtiin osallistuminen AMK:n koulutuksiin, tilaisuuksiin ja projekteihin. Korkeakoulujen verkostojen hyödyntämismahdollisuus nousi lisäksi esille. Raportissa pohditaan esille nousseiden teemojen toteuttamismahdollisuutta. Sosiaalisen median työkaluista erityisen käyttökelpoiseksi alumnitoiminnan kehittämisalustaksi todettiin LinkedIn

    APOE Genotypes, Lipid Profiles, and Associated Clinical Markers in a Finnish Population with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

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    Introduction: The APOE ε4 allele predisposes to high cholesterol and increases the risk for lifestyle-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The aim of this study was to analyse interrelationships of APOE genotypes with lipid metabolism and lifestyle factors in middle-aged Finns among whom the CVD risk factors are common. Methods: Participants (n = 211) were analysed for APOE ε genotypes, physiological parameters, and health- and diet-related plasma markers. Lifestyle choices were determined by a questionnaire. Results: APOE genotypes ε3/ε4 and ε4/ε4 (ε4 group) represented 34.1% of the participants. Genotype ε3/ε3 (ε3 group) frequency was 54.5%. Carriers of ε2 (ε2 group; ε2/ε2, ε2/ε3 and ε2/ε4) represented 11.4%; 1.9% were of the genotype ε2/ε4. LDL and total cholesterol levels were lower (p < 0.05) in the ε2 carriers than in the ε3 or ε4 groups, while the ε3 and ε4 groups did not differ. Proportions of plasma saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were higher (p < 0.01), and omega-6 fatty acids lower (p = 0.01) in the ε2 carriers compared with the ε4 group. The ε2 carriers had a higher (p < 0.05) percentage of 22:4n-6 and 22:5n-6 and a lower (p < 0.05) percentage of 24:5n-3 and 24:6n-3 than individuals without the ε2 allele. Conclusions: The plasma fatty-acid profiles in the ε2 group were characterized by higher SFA and lower omega-6 fatty-acid proportions. Their lower cholesterol values indicated a lower risk for CVD compared with the ε4 group. A novel finding was that the ε2 carriers had different proportions of 22:4n-6, 22:5n-6, 24:5n-3, and 24:6n-3 than individuals without the ε2 allele. The significance of the differences in fatty-acid composition remains to be studied.Peer reviewe
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