36 research outputs found

    POLR3B-associated leukodystrophy: clinical, neuroimaging and molecular-genetic analyses in four patients: clinical heterogeneity and novel mutations in POLR3B gene

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    Introduction and aim of the study. White matter disorders represent a spectrum of neurological diseases frequently associated with an unfavourable prognosis and a delay in diagnostics. We report the broad phenotypic spectrum of a rare hypomyelinating leukodystrophy and three novel mutations. Further, we aim to explore the role of the combined clinical and neuroimaging diagnostic approach in the era of whole exome sequencing. Materials and methods. We present a clinical, neuroimaging and molecular-genetic characterisation of four patients from three families suffering from a rare genetic leukoencephalopathy. Two severely affected siblings (P1, P2) manifested a profound developmental delay, cerebellar symptomatology, microcephaly, failure to thrive, short stature and delayed teeth eruption with oligodontia. The other two patients (P3, P4), on the contrary, suffer from substantially less serious impairment with mild to moderate developmental delay and cerebellar symptomatology, delayed teeth eruption, or well-manageable epilepsy. In all four patients, magnetic resonance revealed cerebellar atrophy and supratentorial hypomyelination with T2-weight hypointensities in the areas of the ventrolateral thalamic nuclei, corticospinal tract and the dentate nuclei. Results. Using whole-exome sequencing in P1, P2 and P3, and targeted sequencing in P4, pathogenic variants were disclosed in POLR3B, a gene encoding one of 17 subunits of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase III — all patients were compound heterozygotes for point mutations. Three novel mutations c.727A>G (p.Met243Val) and c.2669G>A (p.Arg890His) (P1, P2), and c.1495G>A (p.Met499Val) (P3) were found. Magnetic resonance revealed the characteristic radiological pattern of POLR3-leukodystrophies in our patients. Conclusion and clinical implications. The diagnosis of POLR3-associated leukodystrophies can be significantly accelerated using the combined clinical and neuroradiological recognition pattern. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to raise the awareness of this rare disorder among clinicians. Molecular-genetic analyses are indispensable for a swift diagnosis confirmation in cases of clear clinical suspicion, and for diagnostic search in patients with less pronounced symptomatology. They represent an invaluable tool for unravelling the complex genetic background of heritable white matter disorders

    Development of a human mitochondrial oligonucleotide microarray (h-MitoArray) and gene expression analysis of fibroblast cell lines from 13 patients with isolated F1Fo ATP synthase deficiency

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To strengthen research and differential diagnostics of mitochondrial disorders, we constructed and validated an oligonucleotide microarray (h-MitoArray) allowing expression analysis of 1632 human genes involved in mitochondrial biology, cell cycle regulation, signal transduction and apoptosis. Using h-MitoArray we analyzed gene expression profiles in 9 control and 13 fibroblast cell lines from patients with F<sub>1</sub>F<sub>o </sub>ATP synthase deficiency consisting of 2 patients with mt9205ΔTA microdeletion and a genetically heterogeneous group of 11 patients with not yet characterized nuclear defects. Analysing gene expression profiles, we attempted to classify patients into expected defect specific subgroups, and subsequently reveal group specific compensatory changes, identify potential phenotype causing pathways and define candidate disease causing genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Molecular studies, in combination with unsupervised clustering methods, defined three subgroups of patient cell lines – M group with mtDNA mutation and N1 and N2 groups with nuclear defect. Comparison of expression profiles and functional annotation, gene enrichment and pathway analyses of differentially expressed genes revealed in the M group a transcription profile suggestive of synchronized suppression of mitochondrial biogenesis and G1/S arrest. The N1 group showed elevated expression of complex I and reduced expression of complexes III, V, and V-type ATP synthase subunit genes, reduced expression of genes involved in phosphorylation dependent signaling along MAPK, Jak-STAT, JNK, and p38 MAP kinase pathways, signs of activated apoptosis and oxidative stress resembling phenotype of premature senescent fibroblasts. No specific functionally meaningful changes, except of signs of activated apoptosis, were detected in the N2 group. Evaluation of individual gene expression profiles confirmed already known <it>ATP6/ATP8 </it>defect in patients from the M group and indicated several candidate disease causing genes for nuclear defects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our analysis showed that deficiency in the ATP synthase protein complex amount is generally accompanied by only minor changes in expression of ATP synthase related genes. It also suggested that the site (mtDNA vs nuclear DNA) and the severity (ATP synthase content) of the underlying defect have diverse effects on cellular gene expression phenotypes, which warrants further investigation of cell cycle regulatory and signal transduction pathways in other OXPHOS disorders and related pharmacological models.</p

    Mutation of Nogo-B Receptor, a Subunit of cis-Prenyltransferase, Causes a Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation

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    SummaryDolichol is an obligate carrier of glycans for N-linked protein glycosylation, O-mannosylation, and GPI anchor biosynthesis. cis-prenyltransferase (cis-PTase) is the first enzyme committed to the synthesis of dolichol. However, the proteins responsible for mammalian cis-PTase activity have not been delineated. Here we show that Nogo-B receptor (NgBR) is a subunit required for dolichol synthesis in yeast, mice, and man. Moreover, we describe a family with a congenital disorder of glycosylation caused by a loss of function mutation in the conserved C terminus of NgBR-R290H and show that fibroblasts isolated from patients exhibit reduced dolichol profiles and enhanced accumulation of free cholesterol identically to fibroblasts from mice lacking NgBR. Mutation of NgBR-R290H in man and orthologs in yeast proves the importance of this evolutionarily conserved residue for mammalian cis-PTase activity and function. Thus, these data provide a genetic basis for the essential role of NgBR in dolichol synthesis and protein glycosylation

    Should patients with Phosphomannomutase 2-CDG (PMM2-CDG) be screened for adrenal insufficiency?

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    PMM2-CDG is the most common congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG) accounting for almost 65% of known CDG cases affecting N-glycosylation. Abnormalities in N-glycosylation could have a negative impact on many endocrine axes. There is very little known on the effect of impaired N-glycosylation on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and whether CDG patients are at risk of secondary adrenal insufficiency and decreased adrenal cortisol production. Cortisol and ACTH concentrations were simultaneously measured between 7:44 am to 1 pm in forty-three subjects (20 female, median age 12.8 years, range 0.1 to 48.6 years) participating in an ongoing international, multi-center Natural History study for PMM2-CDG (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03173300). Of the 43 subjects, 11 (25.6%) had cortisol below 5 μg/dl and low to normal ACTH levels, suggestive of secondary adrenal insufficiency. Two of the 11 subjects have confirmed central adrenal insufficiency and are on hydrocortisone replacement and/or stress dosing during illness; 3 had normal and 1 had subnormal cortisol response to ACTH low-dose stimulation test but has not yet been started on therapy; the remaining 5 have upcoming stimulation testing planned. Our findings suggest that patients with PMM2-CDG may be at risk for adrenal insufficiency. Monitoring of morning cortisol and ACTH levels should be part of the standard care in patients with PMM2-CDG.Glycomine, Inc. was the sponsor of this study, and was involved in the study design and in the and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. Several authors of this publication are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Hereditary Metabolic Disorders (MetabERN) - Project ID No 739543.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vascular presentation of cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency in adulthood

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    Several recent studies describing a solely vascular presentation of cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) deficiency in adulthood prompted us to analyze the frequency of patients manifesting with vascular complications in the Czech Republic. Between 1980 and 2009, a total of 20 Czech patients with CBS deficiency have been diagnosed yielding an incidence of 1:311,000. These patients were divided into three groups based on symptoms leading to diagnosis: those with vascular complications, with connective tissue manifestation and with neurological presentation. A vascular event such as a clinical feature leading to diagnosis of homocystinuria was present in five patients, while two of them had no other symptoms typical for CBS deficiency at the time of diagnosis. All patients with the vascular manifestation were diagnosed only during the past decade. The median age of diagnosis was 29 years in the vascular, 11.5 years in the connective tissue and 4.5 years in the neurological group. The ratio of pyridoxine responsive to nonresponsive patients was higher in the vascular (4 of 5 patients) and connective tissue groups (6 of 7 patients) than in the neurological group (2 of 8 patients). Mutation c.833T>C (p.I278T) was frequent in patients with vascular (6/10 alleles) and connective tissue presentation (8/14 alleles), while it was not present in patients with neurological involvement (0/16 alleles). During the last decade, we have observed patients with homocystinuria diagnosed solely due to vascular events; this milder form of homocystinuria usually manifests at greater ages, has a high ratio of pyridoxine responsiveness/nonresponsiveness, and the mutation c.833T>C (p.I278T) is often present

    Assessment of intellectual impairment, health-related quality of life, and behavioral phenotype in patients with neurotransmitter related disorders: Data from the iNTD registry

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    Inherited disorders of neurotransmitter metabolism are a group of rare diseases, which are caused by impaired synthesis, transport, or degradation of neurotransmitters or cofactors and result in various degrees of delayed or impaired psychomotor development. To assess the effect of neurotransmitter deficiencies on intelligence, quality of life, and behavior, the data of 148 patients in the registry of the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter Related Disorders (iNTD) was evaluated using results from standardized age-adjusted tests and questionnaires. Patients with a primary disorder of monoamine metabolism had lower IQ scores (mean IQ 58, range 40-100) within the range of cognitive impairment (<70) compared to patients with a BH4 deficiency (mean IQ 84, range 40-129). Short attention span and distractibility were most frequently mentioned by parents, while patients reported most frequently anxiety and distractibility when asked for behavioral traits. In individuals with succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency, self-stimulatory behaviors were commonly reported by parents, whereas in patients with dopamine transporter deficiency, DNAJC12 deficiency, and monoamine oxidase A deficiency, self-injurious or mutilating behaviors have commonly been observed. Phobic fears were increased in patients with 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase deficiency, while individuals with sepiapterin reductase deficiency frequently experienced communication and sleep difficulties. Patients with BH4 deficiencies achieved significantly higher quality of life as compared to other groups. This analysis of the iNTD registry data highlights: (a) difference in IQ and subdomains of quality of life between BH4 deficiencies and primary neurotransmitter-related disorders and (b) previously underreported behavioral traits.Dietmar Hopp Stiftung (DE); Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg

    Insights into the expanding phenotypic spectrum of inherited disorders of biogenic amines

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    Inherited disorders of neurotransmitter metabolism are rare neurodevelopmental diseases presenting with movement disorders and global developmental delay. This study presents the results of the first standardized deep phenotyping approach and describes the clinical and biochemical presentation at disease onset as well as diagnostic approaches of 275 patients from the registry of the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter related Disorders. The results reveal an increased rate of prematurity, a high risk for being small for gestational age and for congenital microcephaly in some disorders. Age at diagnosis and the diagnostic delay are influenced by the diagnostic methods applied and by disease-specific symptoms. The timepoint of investigation was also a significant factor: delay to diagnosis has decreased in recent years, possibly due to novel diagnostic approaches or raised awareness. Although each disorder has a specific biochemical pattern, we observed confounding exceptions to the rule. The data provide comprehensive insights into the phenotypic spectrum of neurotransmitter disorders.We thank all patients and their families for their contributions to this study and for their trust. T.H. and J.K. were supported the grant from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic RVO-VFN 64165 GJIH-0599-00-7-846 and ProgresQ26/LF1. A.G.C. and N.J.P. are supported by FIS P118/00111 “Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)” and “Fondo Europeo de desarrollo regional (FEDER)”. T.O., K.J., G.F.H. and O.K.H. were supported in parts by the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, St. Leon-Rot, Germany. M.A.K. is funded by an NIHR Professorship, the Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research and the Rosetrees trust. M.V. is supported by Stichting Stofwisselkracht Grant. D.H. acknowledges funding by the Molecular Diagnostics Program of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg.Peer reviewe

    Design of formula SAE front axle

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    V diplomové práci se budu zabývat návrhem přední nápravy. Sestavu budu navrhovat v programu od MSC s názvem ADAMS. Budu sledovat kinematické změny vozu (např. změna polohy bodu klopení, odklon kola, nastavení geometrie, měření sbíhavosti nápravy a další potřebné hodnoty). Zpráva bude také obsahovat pevnostní výpočet jednotlivých částí nápravy. Také budu řešit stabilizátor nápravy včetně pevnostního výpočtu.My thesis will be aimed at front axle design. I am going to design the assembly of the front axle in the program ADAMS by MSC. I am going to observe and record most of cinematic changes of the car such as change of position of vehicle roll centre ,wheel camber, geometry adjustment , wheel toe-in measuring and other necessary data. The final report is going to include strength calculation of particular axle parts. I am also going to solve the axle stabilizer including strength calculation.

    Yeast systems for programmable protein degradation

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    Návrh vícebuněčných biologických kvasinkových obvodů zpravidla spoléhá na feromonovou signalizaci. Osvědčeným přístupem je použití přirozených pářících signálů jako základ pro přenos informací z jedné buňky na druhou. Takové návrhy zpravidla používají aktivovanou formu transkripčního faktoru STE12 (výsledků feromonové indukce) jako rozhraní pro další zpracování signálu vytvořeného uvnitř buňky. Jelikož je STE12 aktivátor, tento přístup umožňuje pouze aktivaci genové exprese a represe musí být provedena nepřímo za pomoci exprese pomocného transkripčního faktoru (TF). Tato práce navrhuje jednoduchý výpočetní přístup pro kombinaci DNA sekvence promotoru a omických dat pro výběr divokých kvasinkových promotorů s~požadovanými vlastnostmi, tedy represí při indukci alfa-faktorem. Vyhnutím se vícekrokového přístupu a vytvořením represivního mechanismu přímo na úrovni promotoru je zajištěna ortogonalita k přirozeným buněčným procesům a umožněna lepší časová odezva.ObhájenoThe design of multicellular biological yeast circuits usually relies on pheromone signaling. It is well established to use natural mating signaling as a~backbone of the information transmission from one cell to another. Such designs typically use an activated form of the transcription factor STE12 (a~result of the pheromone induction) as an interface for a downstream signal processing implemented within the cell. Since the STE12 is an activator, this approach only allows for the gene transcription activation and the repression must be done indirectly by expressing another transcription factor (TF). This work proposes a simple computational approach to the combination of the promoter DNA sequence and omics data for the selection of wild-type Saccharomyces Cerevisiae promoters with the desired repression of the transcription upon an alpha-factor induction. By avoiding the multistep process with intermediate TFs and building the repression mechanism directly on the promoter level, the orthogonality to cell machinery is guaranteed and time response is potentially improved