28 research outputs found

    Information Assurance in Federated Identity Management: Experimentations and Issues

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    Abstract. Identity management has been recently considered to be a viable solution for simplifying user management across enterprise appli-cations. When users interact with services on the Internet, they often tailor the services in some way for their personal use through their per-sonalized accounts and preferences. The network identity of each user is the global set of such attributes constituting the various accounts. In this paper, we investigate two well-known federated identity management (FIM) solutions, Microsoft Passport and Liberty Alliance, attempting to identify information assurance (IA) requirements in FIM. In particular, this paper focuses on principal IA requirements for Web Services that plays an integral role in enriching identity federation and management. We also discuss our experimental analysis of those models.

    Genomic profile analysis of diffuse-type gastric cancers

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    Background: Stomach cancer is the third deadliest among all cancers worldwide. Although incidence of the intestinal-type gastric cancer has decreased, the incidence of diffuse-type is still increasing and its progression is notoriously aggressive. There is insufficient information on genome variations of diffuse-type gastric cancer because its cells are usually mixed with normal cells, and this low cellularity has made it difficult to analyze the genome. Results: We analyze whole genomes and corresponding exomes of diffuse-type gastric cancer, using matched tumor and normal samples from 14 diffuse-type and five intestinal-type gastric cancer patients. Somatic variations found in the diffuse-type gastric cancer are compared to those of the intestinal-type and to previously reported variants. We determine the average exonic somatic mutation rate of the two types. We find associated candidate driver genes, and identify seven novel somatic mutations in CDH1, which is a well-known gastric cancer-associated gene. Three-dimensional structure analysis of the mutated E-cadherin protein suggests that these new somatic mutations could cause significant functional perturbations of critical calcium-binding sites in the EC1-2 junction. Chromosomal instability analysis shows that the MDM2 gene is amplified. After thorough structural analysis, a novel fusion gene TSC2-RNF216 is identified, which may simultaneously disrupt tumor-suppressive pathways and activate tumorigenesis. Conclusions: We report the genomic profile of diffuse-type gastric cancers including new somatic variations, a novel fusion gene, and amplification and deletion of certain chromosomal regions that contain oncogenes and tumor suppressors.open121

    Comprehensive genomic analyses associate UGT8 variants with musical ability in a Mongolian population

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    Background: Musical abilities such as recognising music and singing performance serve as means for communication and are instruments in sexual selection. Specific regions of the brain have been found to be activated by musical stimuli, but these have rarely been extended to the discovery of genes and molecules associated with musical ability. Methods: A total of 1008 individuals from 73 families were enrolled and a pitch-production accuracy test was applied to determine musical ability. To identify genetic loci and variants that contribute to musical ability, we conducted family-based linkage and association analyses, and incorporated the results with data from exome sequencing and array comparative genomic hybridisation analyses. Results: We found significant evidence of linkage at 4q23 with the nearest marker D4S2986 (LOD=3.1), whose supporting interval overlaps a previous study in Finnish families, and identified an intergenic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs1251078,p=8.4×1017)(rs1251078, p=8.4×10^{−17}) near UGT8, a gene highly expressed in the central nervous system and known to act in brain organisation. In addition, a non-synonymous SNP in UGT8 was revealed to be highly associated with musical ability (rs4148254,p=8.0×1017)(rs4148254, p=8.0×10^{−17}), and a 6.2 kb copy number loss near UGT8 showed a plausible association with musical ability (p=2.9×106)(p=2.9×10^{−6}). Conclusions: This study provides new insight into the genetics of musical ability, exemplifying a methodology to assign functional significance to synonymous and non-coding alleles by integrating multiple experimental methods

    Reference-unbiased copy number variant analysis using CGH microarrays

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    Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) microarrays have been used to determine copy number variations (CNVs) and their effects on complex diseases. Detection of absolute CNVs independent of genomic variants of an arbitrary reference sample has been a critical issue in CGH array experiments. Whole genome analysis using massively parallel sequencing with multiple ultra-high resolution CGH arrays provides an opportunity to catalog highly accurate genomic variants of the reference DNA (NA10851). Using information on variants, we developed a new method, the CGH array reference-free algorithm (CARA), which can determine reference-unbiased absolute CNVs from any CGH array platform. The algorithm enables the removal and rescue of false positive and false negative CNVs, respectively, which appear due to the effects of genomic variants of the reference sample in raw CGH array experiments. We found that the CARA remarkably enhanced the accuracy of CGH array in determining absolute CNVs. Our method thus provides a new approach to interpret CGH array data for personalized medicine

    TIARA: a database for accurate analysis of multiple personal genomes based on cross-technology

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    High-throughput genomic technologies have been used to explore personal human genomes for the past few years. Although the integration of technologies is important for high-accuracy detection of personal genomic variations, no databases have been prepared to systematically archive genomes and to facilitate the comparison of personal genomic data sets prepared using a variety of experimental platforms. We describe here the Total Integrated Archive of Short-Read and Array (TIARA; http://tiara.gmi.ac.kr) database, which contains personal genomic information obtained from next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques and ultra-high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays. This database improves the accuracy of detecting personal genomic variations, such as SNPs, short indels and structural variants (SVs). At present, 36 individual genomes have been archived and may be displayed in the database. TIARA supports a user-friendly genome browser, which retrieves read-depths (RDs) and log2 ratios from NGS and CGH arrays, respectively. In addition, this database provides information on all genomic variants and the raw data, including short reads and feature-level CGH data, through anonymous file transfer protocol. More personal genomes will be archived as more individuals are analyzed by NGS or CGH array. TIARA provides a new approach to the accurate interpretation of personal genomes for genome research

    MetaQC: objective quality control and inclusion/exclusion criteria for genomic meta-analysis

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    Genomic meta-analysis to combine relevant and homogeneous studies has been widely applied, but the quality control (QC) and objective inclusion/exclusion criteria have been largely overlooked. Currently, the inclusion/exclusion criteria mostly depend on ad-hoc expert opinion or naïve threshold by sample size or platform. There are pressing needs to develop a systematic QC methodology as the decision of study inclusion greatly impacts the final meta-analysis outcome. In this article, we propose six quantitative quality control measures, covering internal homogeneity of coexpression structure among studies, external consistency of coexpression pattern with pathway database, and accuracy and consistency of differentially expressed gene detection or enriched pathway identification. Each quality control index is defined as the minus log transformed P values from formal hypothesis testing. Principal component analysis biplots and a standardized mean rank are applied to assist visualization and decision. We applied the proposed method to 4 large-scale examples, combining 7 brain cancer, 9 prostate cancer, 8 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and 17 major depressive disorder studies, respectively. The identified problematic studies were further scrutinized for potential technical or biological causes of their lower quality to determine their exclusion from meta-analysis. The application and simulation results concluded a systematic quality assessment framework for genomic meta-analysis

    HSPA5 and FGFR1 genes in the mesenchymal subtype of glioblastoma can improve a treatment efficacy

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    ABSTRACTTyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have emerged as a potential treatment strategy for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). However, their efficacy is limited by various drug resistance mechanisms. To devise more effective treatments for GBM, genetic characteristics must be considered in addition to pre-existing treatments. We performed an integrative analysis with heterogeneous GBM datasets of genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data from DepMap, TCGA and CPTAC. We found that poor prognosis was induced by co-upregulation of heat shock protein family A member 5 (HSPA5) and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1). Co-up regulation of these two genes could regulate the PI3K/AKT pathway. GBM cell lines with co-upregulation of these two genes showed higher drug sensitivity to PI3K inhibitors. In the mesenchymal subtype, the co-upregulation of FGFR1 and HSPA5 resulted in the most malignant subtype of GBM. Furthermore, we found this newly discovered subtype was correlated with homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) In conclusion, we discovered novel druggable candidates within the group exhibiting co-upregulation of these two genes in GBM, suggest potential strategies for combination therapy

    Analyzing viral epitranscriptomes using nanopore direct RNA sequencing

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    RNA modifications are a common occurrence across all domains of life. Several chemical modifications, including N-6-methyladenosine, have also been found in viral transcripts and viral RNA genomes. Some of the modifications increase the viral replication efficiency while also helping the virus to evade the host immune system. Nonetheless, there are numerous examples in which the host's RNA modification enzymes function as antiviral factors. Although established methods like MeRIP-seq and miCLIP can provide a transcriptome- wide overview of how viral RNA is modified, it is difficult to distinguish between the complex overlapping viral transcript isoforms using the short read-based techniques. Nanopore direct RNA sequencing (DRS) provides both long reads and direct signal readings, which may carry information about the modifications. Here, we describe a refined protocol for analyzing the RNA modifications in viral transcriptomes using nanopore technology.11Nsciescopuskc

    Analyzing viral epitranscriptomes using nanopore direct RNA sequencing

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    RNA modifications are a common occurrence across all domains of life. Several chemical modifications, including N-6-methyladenosine, have also been found in viral transcripts and viral RNA genomes. Some of the modifications increase the viral replication efficiency while also helping the virus to evade the host immune system. Nonetheless, there are numerous examples in which the host's RNA modification enzymes function as antiviral factors. Although established methods like MeRIP-seq and miCLIP can provide a transcriptome- wide overview of how viral RNA is modified, it is difficult to distinguish between the complex overlapping viral transcript isoforms using the short read-based techniques. Nanopore direct RNA sequencing (DRS) provides both long reads and direct signal readings, which may carry information about the modifications. Here, we describe a refined protocol for analyzing the RNA modifications in viral transcriptomes using nanopore technology.N