495 research outputs found

    Time to RethinQ PROSPECT?

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    Red »Essena« u Kristovo vrieme

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    Experiências Perturbadoras:: A Introdução do Conceito de Duração nas Análises sobre as Práticas Educativas

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    Esse ensaio tem por finalidade discutir a abertura instaurada no debate educacional a partir da introdução do conceito de Duração produzido por Bergson, aproximando-o aos estudos deleuzianos sobre pensamento e aprendizagem. Partindo destes conceitos, procuro captar outros modos de atualização de processos educativos engendrados nos cotidianos escolares. Assim, tomando a prática docente como trabalho com matéria em movimento e não mais como ensino-transmissão de conhecimento, busco, de modo provisório, analisar as práticas de aprendizagem inventivas (Kastrup, 1999/2009) instauradas em meio aos encontros educativos considerando a dimensão intempestiva do conceito de tempo. Argumento que a introdução do tempo duração modificou radicalmente as concepções de desenvolvimento que norteiam as políticas cognitivas vinculadas à recognição, instaurando o tempo intempestivo. Assim, o campo problemático desse ensaio se desenvolve a partir da seguinte questão: Quais as implicações da introdução do conceito de duração no atravessamento do conceito de pensamento proposto por Deleuze para as investigações sobre as práticas educativas, no campo da Educação? Considero que, ao deslizarmos sobre a superfície de aderência nos movimentos introduzidos nos cotidianos escolares no encontro entre os corpos desejantes, é possível captar múltiplas experiências perturbadoras, as quais desestabilizam o modelo de escolarização dominante - momentos fugazes onde os fluxos intensivos criam canais de passagem para as intensidades vitais que emanam nos encontros entre os corpos, produzindo outros modos de aprende

    O devir menor de Alice : linhas de escrita, linhas de vida. Sobre a aprendizagem da linguagem na educação infantil

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    As linhas de escrita que conformam o Devir Menor de Alice constituem-se a partir da necessidade de investigar o devir-criança dos corpos aprendentes no processo de aprendizagem da linguagem como potência capaz de engendrar, na imanência dos encontros educativos, um currículo que funcione como plano de constituição de um estilo singular de inscrição de si e do mundo no âmbito da educação infantil. Impulsionado por forças que se desdobram em um campo problemático que orienta um percurso investigativo de caráter cartográfico, o estudo busca problematizar: Por quais processos o problema da escrita pode ordenar um movimento expressivo de aprendizagem da linguagem? Em torno dessa problemática, concebe três questões centrais: (1) De que modo as práticas diferenciais de linguagem traçadas no movimento imanente do currículo deslocam de modo positivo o processo de aprendizagem da linguagem na educação infantil? (2) Do que trata concretamente o conceito de linguagem no movimento expressivo e de aprendizagem afetiva? (3) Por que é relevante abordar o movimento expressivo de aprendizagem da linguagem e por que fazer isso a partir do problema da escrita? Nesse processo investigativo, afirma que a aprendizagem da linguagem implica processos de subjetivação pelos quais a ideia do delírio, do sonho, do sonambulismo de Alice traz para a leitura e a escrita a necessária relação com a tradução: uma leitura que, ao invés de ler o real, o traduz com as forças intensivas do mundo, produzindo afecções nos corpos envolvidos (o leitor, o escritor, o texto, o próprio entorno) e fazendo variar sua potência; uma leitura que envolve as artistagens tradutórias de um agenciamento coletivo de enunciação pelo traçado de linhas de escrita e de vida; uma escrita como invenção: inscrição singular de um si-mundo; traçado desejante de criação. Pretende, portanto, defender que a aprendizagem da linguagem acontece como atividade expressiva quando há composição de um bloco de devir-aprendente por meio da criação de um estilo. Para tanto, recorre a algumas ferramentas conceituais produzidas por Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) e Félix Guattari (1930-1992), Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989), Baruck Spinoza (1632-1677), Suely Rolnik (2006), Sandra Corazza (2013), Virginia Kastrup (1999) e Walter Kohan (2007), de modo a tentar intervir concretamente nas discussões em torno dos conceitos de aprendizagem, linguagem, tempo, signos, acontecimento, devir, escrita e estilo, seguindo pelo conceito de individuação e pelos movimentos de exploração intensiva dos meios cartografados nos encontros educativos estabelecidos em um Centro de Educação Infantil de Vitória.The writing lines that conform the Alice's Minor Delirium constituted itself from the need to investigate the child-becoming of the learners bodies in the language learning processes as a power capable to produce - in the immanence of educational meetings - a curriculum that works as a constitution plan for a singular inscription style of the self and the world in the early childhood education context. Driven by forces that unfold itself in a problematic field that guides an investigative course according to a cartographic style, the research raise the question: For which processes the writing problem may order an expressive language learning movement? Problem that conceived itself around three central questions: How the differentials language’s practices, drawn into the immanent movement of the curriculum, affects positively the language process learning in early childhood education? What is it the concept of language in expressive / affective learning? Why is it important to approach the expressive movement in the language learning? Why do this from the writing problem? The work argued that language learning involves processes of subjectivation, where the idea of delirium, dream and Alice's sleepwalking brings reading and writing processes to a necessary relationship with the translation concept. A reading that, instead read literally the actual, translates it with world's intensive forces, producing affects in the bodies involved (the reader, the writer, the text, the environment itself), making his power vary. Reading mode that involves an artistic translation performance of a collective assemblage of enunciation traced by lines of writing and life. Writing as invention: a self-world singular description, a desiring act of creation. Therefore, the work intend to defend that language learning happens as an expressive activity when a becoming-learner block composes and unfold itself in the creation of a style. To this end, it resort to some conceptual tools produced by Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) and Félix Guattari (1930- 1992), Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989), Baruck Spinoza (1632-1677), SuelyRolnik (2006), Sandra Corazza (2013), Virginia Kastrup (1999) and Walter Kohan (2007), Sammy Lopes (2011). The work try to intervene specifically in the discussions around the concepts of Expressive Learning, Microcurriculum, Learner Body, language, Virtual time, Signs regimes, Happening, Desire becoming, Writing and Style. Following the concept of individuation it promote an intensive movements exploitation of resources cartographed in an educational meetings established with an Early Childhood Education Center in Vitória, ES, Brazil

    What drives risk perception? A global survey with financial professionals and laypeople

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    Contains fulltext : 209823.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access)01 juli 202026 p

    Prognostic implications of left ventricular global longitudinal strain in heart failure patients with narrow QRS complex treated with cardiac resynchronization therapy: a subanalysis of the randomized EchoCRT trial

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    Aim: Left ventricular (LV) global longitudinal strain (GLS) reflects LV systolic function and correlates inversely with the extent of LV myocardial scar and fibrosis. The present subanalysis of the Echocardiography Guided CRT trial investigated the prognostic value of LV GLS in patients with narrow QRS complex. Methods and results: Left ventricular (LV) global longitudinal strain (GLS) was measured on the apical 2-, 4- and 3-chamber views using speckle tracking analysis. Measurement of baseline LV GLS was feasible in 755 patients (374 with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)-ON and 381 with CRT-OFF). The median value of LV GLS in the overall population was 7.9%, interquartile range 6.2–10.1%. After a mean follow-up period of 19.4 months, 95 patients in the CRT-OFF group and 111 in the CRT-ON group reached the combined primary endpoint of all-cause mortality and heart failure hospitalization. Each 1% absolute unit decrease in LV GLS was independently associated with 11% increase in the risk to reach the primary endpoint (Hazard ratio 1.11; 95% confidence interval 95% 1.04–1.17, P < 0.001), after adjusting for ischaemic cardiomyopathy and randomization treatment among other clinically relevant variables. When categorizing patients according to quartiles of LV GLS, the primary endpoint occurred more frequently in patients in the lowest quartile (<6.2%) treated with CRT-ON vs. CRT-OFF (45.6% vs. 28.7%, P = 0.009) whereas, no differences were observed in patients with LV GLS ≥6.2% treated with CRT-OFF vs. CRT-ON (23.7% vs. 24.5%, respectively; P  = 0.62). Conclusion: Low LV GLS is associated with poor outcome in heart failure patients with QRS width <130 ms, independent of randomization to CRT or not. Importantly, in the group of patients with the lowest LV GLS quartile, CRT may have a detrimental effect on clinical outcomes

    Potência das redes de conversações no cotidiano escolar: entre formas, forças e modos de constituição

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    O texto promove uma reflexão acerca dos processos curriculares desenvolvidos nos cotidianos de escolas, nasredes de conhecimentos e significados que seus praticantes, em suas conversações e ações, formam com osoutros tantos cotidianos que os atravessam em zonas interpenetradas, dentre as quais as políticas curricularesoficiais e/ou documentadas. O grupo/sujeito da pesquisa é constituído por alunos/alunas, professores/professoras, enfim, pelos atores sociais que integram o cotidiano de uma escola de Ensino Fundamental,situada na periferia do Sistema Municipal de Ensino de Vitória/ES, assim como por educadores que integram aequipe pedagógica responsável pela política curricular municipal. O enfoque metodológico está voltado paraos múltiplos contextos cotidianos e para a formação de comunidades compartilhadas em que vivenciamos aspráticas discursivas político-pedagógicas. A pesquisa se dá na intercessão entre procedimentos dos estudoscom o cotidiano e pesquisa cartográfica, buscando uma aproximação da materialidade constitutiva dasrelações entre os documentos/concepções e a vivência da lógica das redes de conhecimentos, linguagens,afetos/afecções que se enredam no cotidiano escolar, reconhecendo e defendendo a natureza eminentementemicropolítica e conversacional do trabalho em educação, em seus diferentes contextos e em seus efeitos sobrea produção do currículo escolar

    Upgrading to resynchronization therapy after chronic right ventricular pacing improves left ventricular remodelling

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    Aims Chronic right ventricular (RV) pacing may impose ventricular dyssynchrony leading to LV remodelling and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Upgrading patients with chronic RV pacing to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) may be considered to restore synchronicity and prevent these deleterious effects. Methods and results A total of 172 patients from two tertiary centres were analysed over a mean follow-up of 21.7 and 23.5 months after primary CRT implantation (n = 102) and CRT upgrade (n = 70), respectively. In the latter group, mean duration of RV pacing before CRT upgrade was 80.3 months, and ventricular stimulation was >95%. A significant improvement in left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (10 and 11% absolute increase in primary CRT vs. upgrades, respectively), LV end-diastolic diameter index (−0.15 cm/m2 vs. −0.2 cm/m2), and LV end-systolic diameter (−6.0 vs. −7.0 mm) was observed in both groups, which did not differ between primary CRT recipients and CRT upgrades. Response to CRT upgrade was independent of the underlying rhythm, QRS duration, duration of prior RV pacing, or LV function and size at baseline. Of note, even seven of nine patients with RV pacing >12 years responded favourably to CRT. Conclusion The current study demonstrates that CRT reverses LV remodelling in heart failure patients with chronic RV pacing in a similar way as in primary CRT recipients, even after very long periods of RV pacing. Our data, therefore, may have important implications for the treatment of pacemaker-dependent patients with heart failure, and support the use of CRT in this settin

    Effects of AV delay programming on ventricular resynchronisation: role of radionuclide ventriculography

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    Purpose: Optimal atrioventricular delay (AVD) setting for cardiac resynchronisation therapy, i.e. biventricular pacing in patients with heart failure, remains a formidable challenge. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different AVD on inter- and intra-ventricular resynchronisation using phase histograms of radionuclide ventriculography (RNV). Methods: In 17 consecutive patients (mean age 64 ± 6years), RNV was performed 236 ± 350days after pacemaker implantation for cardiac resynchronisation therapy. Images were acquired during atrial pacing at 80bpm and during biventricular pacing with AVD ranging from 80 to 160ms. Inter-ventricular dyssynchrony was measured by the delay between the mean phase angles of the left and right ventricles. Intra-ventricular dyssynchrony was measured by the standard deviation (SD) of left ventricular phase histograms. Results: Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) was inversely correlated to LV dyssynchrony (SD of LV phase histogram, R = −0.82, p < 0.0001). However, the increase in LVEF by biventricular pacing (mean +4.4 ± 4%) showed only modest correlation to the resulting resynchronisation effect (characterised by a −13 ± 8° decrease in LV phase histogram SD, R = −0.38, p < 0.0001). Conclusion: RNV is helpful in optimising pacing parameters for resynchronisation therapy. Varying AVD did not have a major impact on intra- or inter-ventricular resynchronisation. Thus, the benefit of AVD-based LVEF optimisation seems to result from atrioventricular resynchronisatio

    Eukaryotic and archaeal TBP and TFB/TF(II)B follow different promoter DNA bending pathways

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    During transcription initiation, the promoter DNA is recognized and bent by the basal transcription factor TATA-binding protein (TBP). Subsequent association of transcription factor B (TFB) with the TBP-DNA complex is followed by the recruitment of the ribonucleic acid polymerase resulting in the formation of the pre-initiation complex. TBP and TFB/TF(II)B are highly conserved in structure and function among the eukaryotic-archaeal domain but intriguingly have to operate under vastly different conditions. Employing single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer, we monitored DNA bending by eukaryotic and archaeal TBPs in the absence and presence of TFB in real-time. We observed that the lifetime of the TBP-DNA interaction differs significantly between the archaeal and eukaryotic system. We show that the eukaryotic DNA-TBP interaction is characterized by a linear, stepwise bending mechanism with an intermediate state distinguished by a distinct bending angle. TF(II)B specifically stabilizes the fully bent TBP-promoter DNA complex and we identify this step as a regulatory checkpoint. In contrast, the archaeal TBP-DNA interaction is extremely dynamic and TBP from the archaeal organism Sulfolobus acidocaldarius strictly requires TFB for DNA bending. Thus, we demonstrate that transcription initiation follows diverse pathways on the way to the formation of the pre-initiation complex