18,563 research outputs found

    The vegetation of the River Tweed

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    A detailed account is given of the macrophytic vegetation of the major rivers within the Tweed Basin. Of these rivers, the Tweed and its largest tributary, the Teviot, tare been studied in most detail, both being surveyed from source to mouth. Information brought together on the history and physiography of the Tweed Basin are summarized in this account, together with physical and water chemical data collected during the survey. The distribution of species is discussed in relation to changes in such parameters. The method of survey involved recording the presence or absence of all macrophytic species within 0.5 km lengths of river, together with a subjective evaluation of their abundance. 570 such 0.5 km lengths were surveyed. All macroscopically visable species were recorded which were found completely submerged or at the immediate edge of the river. A total of 180 different macrophytic growths (usually species, but occasionally identified only to genus level ) were present in the basin, including: 31 algae, 5 lichens, 83 bryophytes, 59 angiosperms, 2 macroscopic microbial communities. The identification and taxonomy of all species were studied critically. Environmental parameters collected in most detail were the physical characteristics of each river, such as altitude, features of the substratum and flow regime. A water sampling programme was undertaken which involved the collection of 5 duplicate samples from sites in the main river and tributaries, and subsequent analysis for optical density, pH, conductivity, 10 cations and 6 anions. The final discussion includes an appraisal of literature concerned with macrophytes in rivers, methods of study, and results obtained. Particular attention is paid to floristic accounts, especially those from the neighbourhood of the Tweed, the floras of these rivers being compared with the flora of the Tweed Basin. Comparison with data from these surveys would suggest that the Tweed is a river which is especially rich in macrophyte species. The presence of historical data and herbarium specimens collected over the past two centuries has made it possible to suggest tentatively that the distribution of some species has changed markedly, whereas others appear to have changed little over 150 years. Cladophora, glomerata is an example of a species which in recent years has become much less abundant. This is most probably due to a decrease in total phosphate content ±n. the water, this in turn being due to a reduction in the use of synthetic detergents by the textile industry

    Properties of planetary fluids at high pressure and temperature

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    In order to derive models of the interiors of Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn, researchers studied equations of state and electrical conductivities of molecules at high dynamic pressures and temperatures. Results are given for shock temperature measurements of N2 and CH4. Temperature data allowed demonstration of shock induced cooling in the the transition region and the existence of crossing isotherms in P-V space

    Thermal barrier coatings for the space shuttle main engine turbine blades

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    The Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) turbopump turbine blades experience extremely severe thermal shocks during start-up and shut-down. For instance, the high pressure fuel turbopump turbine which burns liquid hydrogen operates at approximately 1500 F, but is shut down fuel rich with turbine blades quenced in liquid hydrogen. This thermal shock is a major contributor to blade cracking. The same thermal shock cause the protective ZrO2 thermal barrier coatings to spall or flake off, leaving only the NiCrAlY bond coating which provides only a minimum thermal protection. The turbine blades are therefore life limited to about 3000 sec for want of a good thermal barrier. A suitable thermal barrier coating (TBC) is being developed for the SSME turbine blades. Various TBCs developed for the gas turbine engines were tested in a specially built turbine blade tester. This tester subjects the coated blades to thermal and pressure cycles similar to those during actual operation of the turbine. The coatings were applied using a plasma spraying techniques both under atmospheric conditions and in vacuum. Results are presented. In general vacuum plasma sprayed coatings performed much better than those sprayed under atmospheric conditions. A 50 to 50 blend of Cr2O3 and NiCrAlY, vacuum plasma sprayed on SSME turbopump turbine blades appear to provide significant improvements in coating durability and thermal protection

    Inter-seasonal influenza is characterized by extended virus transmission and persistence

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    The factors that determine the characteristic seasonality of influenza remain enigmatic. Current models predict that occurrences of influenza outside the normal surveillance season within a temperate region largely reflect the importation of viruses from the alternate hemisphere or from equatorial regions in Asia. To help reveal the drivers of seasonality we investigated the origins and evolution of influenza viruses sampled during inter-seasonal periods in Australia. To this end we conducted an expansive phylogenetic analysis of 9912, 3804, and 3941 hemagglutinnin (HA) sequences from influenza A/H1N1pdm, A/H3N2, and B, respectively, collected globally during the period 2009-2014. Of the 1475 viruses sampled from Australia, 396 (26.8% of Australian, or 2.2% of global set) were sampled outside the monitored temperate influenza surveillance season (1 May – 31 October). Notably, rather than simply reflecting short-lived importations of virus from global localities with higher influenza prevalence, we documented a variety of more complex inter-seasonal transmission patterns including “stragglers” from the preceding season and “heralds” of the forthcoming season, and which included viruses sampled from clearly temperate regions within Australia. We also provide evidence for the persistence of influenza B virus between epidemic seasons, in which transmission of a viral lineage begins in one season and continues throughout the inter-seasonal period into the following season. Strikingly, a disproportionately high number of inter-seasonal influenza transmission events occurred in tropical and subtropical regions of Australia, providing further evidence that climate plays an important role in shaping patterns of influenza seasonality.Zoe Patterson Ross, Naomi Komadina, Yi-Mo Deng, Natalie Spirason, Heath A. Kelly, Sheena G. Sullivan, Ian G. Barr, Edward C. Holme

    Tension dynamics in semiflexible polymers. Part I: Coarse-grained equations of motion

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    Based on the wormlike chain model, a coarse-grained description of the nonlinear dynamics of a weakly bending semiflexible polymer is developed. By means of a multiple scale perturbation analysis, a length-scale separation inherent to the weakly-bending limit is exploited to reveal the deterministic nature of the spatio-temporal relaxation of the backbone tension and to deduce the corresponding coarse-grained equation of motion. From this partial integro-differential equation, some detailed analytical predictions for the non-linear response of a weakly bending polymer are derived in an accompanying paper (Part II, cond-mat/0609638).Comment: 14 pages, 4 figyres. The second part of this article has the preprint no.: cond-mat/060963

    Young people's uses of celebrity: Class, gender and 'improper' celebrity

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34(1), 2013, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/01596306.2012.698865.In this article, we explore the question of how celebrity operates in young people's everyday lives, thus contributing to the urgent need to address celebrity's social function. Drawing on data from three studies in England on young people's perspectives on their educational and work futures, we show how celebrity operates as a classed and gendered discursive device within young people's identity work. We illustrate how young people draw upon class and gender distinctions that circulate within celebrity discourses (proper/improper, deserving/undeserving, talented/talentless and respectable/tacky) as they construct their own identities in relation to notions of work, aspiration and achievement. We argue that these distinctions operate as part of neoliberal demands to produce oneself as a ‘subject of value’. However, some participants produced readings that show ambivalence and even resistance to these dominant discourses. Young people's responses to celebrity are shown to relate to their own class and gender position.The Arts and Humanities Research Council, the British Academy, the Economic and Social Research Council, and the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science Engineering and Technology

    Extraction of coherent structures in a rotating turbulent flow experiment

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    The discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) are used to extract and study the dynamics of coherent structures in a turbulent rotating fluid. Three-dimensional (3D) turbulence is generated by strong pumping through tubes at the bottom of a rotating tank (48.4 cm high, 39.4 cm diameter). This flow evolves toward two-dimensional (2D) turbulence with increasing height in the tank. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements on the quasi-2D flow reveal many long-lived coherent vortices with a wide range of sizes. The vorticity fields exhibit vortex birth, merger, scattering, and destruction. We separate the flow into a low-entropy ``coherent'' and a high-entropy ``incoherent'' component by thresholding the coefficients of the DWPT and DWT of the vorticity fields. Similar thresholdings using the Fourier transform and JPEG compression together with the Okubo-Weiss criterion are also tested for comparison. We find that the DWPT and DWT yield similar results and are much more efficient at representing the total flow than a Fourier-based method. Only about 3% of the large-amplitude coefficients of the DWPT and DWT are necessary to represent the coherent component and preserve the vorticity probability density function, transport properties, and spatial and temporal correlations. The remaining small amplitude coefficients represent the incoherent component, which has near Gaussian vorticity PDF, contains no coherent structures, rapidly loses correlation in time, and does not contribute significantly to the transport properties of the flow. This suggests that one can describe and simulate such turbulent flow using a relatively small number of wavelet or wavelet packet modes.Comment: experimental work aprox 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted to appear in PRE, last few figures appear at the end. clarifications, added references, fixed typo

    Statistical analysis of coherent structures in transitional pipe flow

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    Numerical and experimental studies of transitional pipe flow have shown the prevalence of coherent flow structures that are dominated by downstream vortices. They attract special attention because they contribute predominantly to the increase of the Reynolds stresses in turbulent flow. In the present study we introduce a convenient detector for these coherent states, calculate the fraction of time the structures appear in the flow, and present a Markov model for the transition between the structures. The fraction of states that show vortical structures exceeds 24% for a Reynolds number of about Re=2200, and it decreases to about 20% for Re=2500. The Markov model for the transition between these states is in good agreement with the observed fraction of states, and in reasonable agreement with the prediction for their persistence. It provides insight into dominant qualitative changes of the flow when increasing the Reynolds number.Comment: 11 pages, 26 (sub)figure
