15 research outputs found

    Evidence for the ~ 1.4 Ga Picuris orogeny in the central Colorado Front Range

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    We present the first evidence for sedimentation and new evidence for penetrative deformation and metamorphism in the central Colorado Front Range associated with the ~ 1.48ā€“1.35 Ga Picuris orogeny. This orogeny has recently been recognized in New Mexico, Arizona and southern Colorado and may be part of a larger active accretionary margin that includes the ~ 1.51ā€“1.46 Ga Pinware and Baraboo events, in eastern Canada and central US respectively, that preceded the amalgamation of the Rodinian supercontinent. We demonstrate that in addition to ~ 1.4 Ga reactivation of northeast-trending Paleoproterozoic shear zones, regional folding occurred in an area south of Mt. Evans, away from these shear zones. Detrital zircon from one quartzite yielded Uā€“Pb laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LAICPMS) major age populations of ~ 1.81ā€“1.61 Ga and ~ 1.49ā€“1.38 Ga, and minor ones of ~ 1.90 Ga and ~ 1.56 Ga. The Paleoproterozoic and ~ 1.49ā€“1.38 Ga populations have numerous local and regional sources. The ~ 1.56 Ga age population may represent a minor exotic population as recognized in Defiance, Arizona the Yankee Joe and Blackjack Formations in Arizona, the Four Peaks area in Arizona, and the Tusas and Picuris Mountains in New Mexico. Alternatively it may be a result of mixing between zircon age domains reflecting the older and younger populations, or Pb loss from 1.81 to 1.61 Ga zircon. In-situ LA-ICPMS Uā€“Pb analysis on monazite from four biotite schist samples yielded ~ 1.74 Ga and ~ 1.42 Ga age populations, and separate populations that show ~ 1.68ā€“1.47 Ga and ~ 1.39ā€“1.33 Ga age spreads. The ~ 1.74 Ga and ~ 1.68ā€“1.47 Ga populations may be detrital or metamorphic. Monazite ages between ~ 1.6 Ga and ~ 1.5 Ga may be due to the mixing of age domains or Pb loss, because metamorphism during that time has not been recognized in Laurentia. The ~ 1.42 Ga and ~ 1.39ā€“1.33 Ga populations are most likely metamorphic and consistent with the age of the ~ 1.48ā€“1.35 Ga Picuris orogeny. The evidence for ~ 1.4 Ga sedimentation, and especially regional folding and metamorphism in the central Colorado Front Range indicate that the impact and extent of the Picuris orogeny in the southwestern U.S. are larger than previously thought

    A Stratigraphic Approach to Inferring Depositional Ages From Detrital Geochronology Data

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    With the increasing use of detrital geochronology data for provenance analyses, we have also developed new constraints on the age of otherwise undateable sedimentary deposits. Because a deposit can be no older than its youngest mineral constituent, the youngest defensible detrital mineral age defines the maximum depositional age of the sampled bed. Defining the youngest ā€œdefensibleā€ age in the face of uncertainty (e.g., analytical and geological uncertainty, or sample contamination) is challenging. The current standard practice of finding multiple detrital minerals with indistinguishable ages provides confidence that a given age is not an artifact; however, we show how requiring this overlap reduces the probability of identifying the true youngest component age. Barring unusual complications, the principle of superposition dictates that sedimentary deposits must get younger upsection. This fundamental constraint can be incorporated into the analysis of depositional ages in sedimentary sections through the use of Bayesian statistics, allowing for the inference of bounded estimates of true depositional ages and uncertainties from detrital geochronology so long as some minimum age constraints are present. We present two approaches for constructing a Bayesian model of deposit ages, first solving directly for the ages of deposits with the prior constraint that the ages of units must obey stratigraphic ordering, and second describing the evolution of ages with a curve that represents the sediment accumulation rate. Using synthetic examples we highlight how this method preforms in less-than-ideal circumstances. In an example from the Magallanes Basin of Patagonia, we demonstrate how introducing other age information from the stratigraphic section (e.g., fossil assemblages or radiometric dates) and formalizing the stratigraphic context of samples provides additional constraints on and information regarding depositional ages or derived quantities (e.g., sediment accumulation rates) compared to isolated analysis of individual samples

    On the occurrence of amphibolite-facies sapphirine, spinel, phlogopite, anorthite, and corundum in the Wet Mountains, Colorado, USA

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    The Wet Mountains, southern Colorado, expose Mesoproterozoic metamorphic and magmatic rocks that record the early deformational history of the westā€“central continental USA and growth of Laurentia. Of particular petrological interest are halogen-enriched metamorphic rocks adjacent to the San Isabel A-type granite, situated in the southern Wet Mountains, which contain sapphirine, spinel, phlogopite, anorthite, and corundum. Conventional thermobarometry and phase diagram-based thermodynamic modeling indicates peak pressureā€“temperature (Pā€“T) conditions of metamorphism within the upper amphibolite facies (āˆ¼750ā€“770 Ā°C) at middle-crustal pressures (āˆ¼6ā€“7 kbar), and in-situ U-Pb geochronology of monazite constrains peak metamorphism to c. 1340ā€“1320 Ma. These sapphirine-hornfels units are younger than metamorphic lithologies elsewhere in the southern Wet Mountains (c. 1430 Ma), but only slightly post-date the timing of intrusion of the granite itself (1362 Ā± 7 Ma). These rocks are thus interpreted to be of contact metamorphic origin, with high F contents in mica and amphibole interpreted to record metasomatism in the middle crust by halogen-rich fluids expelled by the San Isabel granite. However, as the temperature of emplacement and crystallization of the granite likely did not greatly exceed 800ā€“850 Ā°C, these rocks document an unusual occurrence of normally granulite-facies and (ultra)high-temperature metamorphic minerals stabilizing at lower grade. Thus, caution must be used when using such parageneses as field indicators of geodynamic settings associated with extreme heat flow, such as continental rifting and/or voluminous emplacement of dry, mafic magma

    A geochronological review of magmatism along the external margin of Columbia and in the Grenville-age orogens forming the core of Rodinia

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    A total of 4344 magmatic U-Pb ages in the range 2300 to 800 Ma have been compiled from the Great Proterozoic Accretionary Orogen along the margin of the Columbia / Nuna supercontinent and from the subsequent Grenvillian collisional orogens forming the core of Rodinia. The age data are derived from Laurentia (North America and Greenland, n = 1212), Baltica (NE Europe, n = 1922), Amazonia (central South America, n = 625), Kalahari (southern Africa and Dronning Maud Land in East Antarctica, n = 386), and western Australia (n = 199). Laurentia, Baltica, and Amazonia (and possibly other cratons) most likely formed a ca. 10 000-km-long external active continental margin of Columbia from its assembly at ca. 1800 Ma until its dispersal at ca. 1260 Ma, after which all cratons studied were involved in the Rodinia-forming Grenvillian orogeny. However, the magmatic record is not smooth and even but highly irregular, with marked peaks and troughs, both for individual cratons and the combined data set. Magmatic peaks typically range in duration from a few tens of million years up to around hundred million years, with intervening troughs of comparable length. Some magmatic peaks are observed on multiple cratons, either by coincidence or because of paleogeographic proximity and common tectonic setting, while others are not. The best overall correlation, 0.617, is observed between Baltica and Amazonia, consistent with (but not definitive proof of) their being close neighbours in a SAMBA-like configuration at least in Columbia, and perhaps having shared the same peri-Columbian subduction system for a considerable time. Correlation factors between Laurentia and Baltica, or Laurentia and Amazonia, are below 0.14. Comparison between the Grenville Province in northeastern Laurentia and the Sveconorwegian Province in southwestern Fennoscandia (Baltica) shows some striking similarities, especially in the Mesoproterozoic, but also exhibits differences in the timing of events, especially during the final Grenville-Sveconorwegian collision, when the Sveconorwegian evolution seems to lag behind by some tens of million years. Between the other cratons, the evolution before and during the final Grenvillian collision is also largely diachronous. After 900 Ma, magmatic activity had ceased in all areas investigated, attesting to the position of most of them within the stable interior of Rodinia.publishedVersio

    Uā€“Pb zircon geochronology of Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks, North Islesboro, coastal Maine (USA): links to West Africa and Penobscottian orogenesis in southeastern Ganderia?

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    Within the Ganderian inlier of Penobscot Bay, coastal Maine, the Islesboro fault block occupies a central position between the St. Croix terrane of continental affinity and, to the east, the Ellsworth terrane of oceanic affinity. New field, petrographic, geochemical, and Uā€“Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronological data on detrital and magmatic zircon grains constrain the provenance and transfer history of these terranes from Gondwana to the Appalachian margin of Laurentia. On North Islesboro, the Coombs Limestone and Hutchins Island Quartzite (new name), intruded by E-MORB amphibolite, constitute a newly recognized local inlier of Proterozoic basement. Together with the nearby Seven Hundred Acre Island Formation, these mature, carbonate-rich strata record deposition on a low-latitude passive margin. Abundant detrital zircon grains in the Hutchins Island Quartzite, all older than ca. 1.8 Ga, have a predominant population at ca. 2.0 Ga and a small peak between ca. 2.8 Ga and 2.4 Ga, an age spectrum strikingly similar to those of both the Paleoproterozoic Taghdout Quartzite in Morocco, on the West African craton, and basement rocks from Georges Bank, offshore Massachusetts. The overlying Neoproterozoicā€“Cambrian Islesboro Formation records a second period of extension (interstratified EMORB greenstone) synchronous with accumulation of interbedded siliciclastic and carbonate sediment, prior to recumbent folding. At the base of the moderately deformed Turtle Head Cove (new name) cover sequence, immature greywacke has a youngest zircon population of ca. 515 Ma, large late Neoproterozoic populations (ca. 624 Ma and 678 Ma), a small peak at 1.2 Ga, a moderate number of ca. 1.5 Ga to 2.0 Ga grains, and a few Late Archean grains. Compared with many similar Ganderian age spectra reported from Vermont to New Brunswick, which are all consistent with a source in either the Amazonian or West African cratons, this new age spectrum most closely resembles those from quartzites in the Grand Manaan and Brookville terranes of coastal New Brunswick. Significantly, exotic blocks lithologically indistinguishable from Proterozoic strata on Islesboro occur in the St. Croix terrane within a Lower Ordovician black shale mĆ©lange at the base of the Penobscot Formation, suggesting that the St. Croix terrane, Islesboro block, and Ellsworth terrane were initially juxtaposed by Penobscottian thrusting prior to the Middle Ordovician. Subsequently, the Islesboro block was isolated between the bounding post-Silurian, pre-Late Devonian Turtle Head and Penobscot Bay dextral strike-slip faults. Along the North Islesboro fault, a fault-bounded lens of foliated pyritic felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rock, dated at ca. 372 Ma and containing Devonian to Archean detrital zircons, records late Paleozoic deformation recognized previously in coastal New Brunswick but not in Penobscot Bay

    Uā€“Pb zircon geochronology of Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks, North Islesboro, coastal Maine (USA): links to West Africa and Penobscottian orogenesis in southeastern Ganderia?

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    Within the Ganderian inlier of Penobscot Bay, coastal Maine, the Islesboro fault block occupies a central position between the St. Croix terrane of continental affinity and, to the east, the Ellsworth terrane of oceanic affinity. New field, petrographic, geochemical, and Uā€“Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronological data on detrital and magmatic zircon grains constrain the provenance and transfer history of these terranes from Gondwana to the Appalachian margin of Laurentia. On North Islesboro, the Coombs Limestone and Hutchins Island Quartzite (new name), intruded by E-MORB amphibolite, constitute a newly recognized local inlier of Proterozoic basement. Together with the nearby Seven Hundred Acre Island Formation, these mature, carbonate-rich strata record deposition on a low-latitude passive margin. Abundant detrital zircon grains in the Hutchins Island Quartzite, all older than ca. 1.8 Ga, have a predominant population at ca. 2.0 Ga and a small peak between ca. 2.8 Ga and 2.4 Ga, an age spectrum strikingly similar to those of both the Paleoproterozoic Taghdout Quartzite in Morocco, on the West African craton, and basement rocks from Georges Bank, offshore Massachusetts. The overlying Neoproterozoicā€“Cambrian Islesboro Formation records a second period of extension (interstratified EMORB greenstone) synchronous with accumulation of interbedded siliciclastic and carbonate sediment, prior to recumbent folding. At the base of the moderately deformed Turtle Head Cove (new name) cover sequence, immature greywacke has a youngest zircon population of ca. 515 Ma, large late Neoproterozoic populations (ca. 624 Ma and 678 Ma), a small peak at 1.2 Ga, a moderate number of ca. 1.5 Ga to 2.0 Ga grains, and a few Late Archean grains. Compared with many similar Ganderian age spectra reported from Vermont to New Brunswick, which are all consistent with a source in either the Amazonian or West African cratons, this new age spectrum most closely resembles those from quartzites in the Grand Manaan and Brookville terranes of coastal New Brunswick. Significantly, exotic blocks lithologically indistinguishable from Proterozoic strata on Islesboro occur in the St. Croix terrane within a Lower Ordovician black shale mĆ©lange at the base of the Penobscot Formation, suggesting that the St. Croix terrane, Islesboro block, and Ellsworth terrane were initially juxtaposed by Penobscottian thrusting prior to the Middle Ordovician. Subsequently, the Islesboro block was isolated between the bounding post-Silurian, pre-Late Devonian Turtle Head and Penobscot Bay dextral strike-slip faults. Along the North Islesboro fault, a fault-bounded lens of foliated pyritic felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rock, dated at ca. 372 Ma and containing Devonian to Archean detrital zircons, records late Paleozoic deformation recognized previously in coastal New Brunswick but not in Penobscot Bay

    Uā€“Pb zircon geochronology of Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks, North Islesboro, coastal Maine (USA): links to West Africa and Penobscottian orogenesis in southeastern Ganderia?

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    Within the Ganderian inlier of Penobscot Bay, coastal Maine, the Islesboro fault block occupies a central position between the St. Croix terrane of continental affinity and, to the east, the Ellsworth terrane of oceanic affinity. New field, petrographic, geochemical, and Uā€“Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronological data on detrital and magmatic zircon grains constrain the provenance and transfer history of these terranes from Gondwana to the Appalachian margin of Laurentia. On North Islesboro, the Coombs Limestone and Hutchins Island Quartzite (new name), intruded by E-MORB amphibolite, constitute a newly recognized local inlier of Proterozoic basement. Together with the nearby Seven Hundred Acre Island Formation, these mature, carbonate-rich strata record deposition on a low-latitude passive margin. Abundant detrital zircon grains in the Hutchins Island Quartzite, all older than ca. 1.8 Ga, have a predominant population at ca. 2.0 Ga and a small peak between ca. 2.8 Ga and 2.4 Ga, an age spectrum strikingly similar to those of both the Paleoproterozoic Taghdout Quartzite in Morocco, on the West African craton, and basement rocks from Georges Bank, offshore Massachusetts. The overlying Neoproterozoicā€“Cambrian Islesboro Formation records a second period of extension (interstratified EMORB greenstone) synchronous with accumulation of interbedded siliciclastic and carbonate sediment, prior to recumbent folding. At the base of the moderately deformed Turtle Head Cove (new name) cover sequence, immature greywacke has a youngest zircon population of ca. 515 Ma, large late Neoproterozoic populations (ca. 624 Ma and 678 Ma), a small peak at 1.2 Ga, a moderate number of ca. 1.5 Ga to 2.0 Ga grains, and a few Late Archean grains. Compared with many similar Ganderian age spectra reported from Vermont to New Brunswick, which are all consistent with a source in either the Amazonian or West African cratons, this new age spectrum most closely resembles those from quartzites in the Grand Manaan and Brookville terranes of coastal New Brunswick. Significantly, exotic blocks lithologically indistinguishable from Proterozoic strata on Islesboro occur in the St. Croix terrane within a Lower Ordovician black shale mĆ©lange at the base of the Penobscot Formation, suggesting that the St. Croix terrane, Islesboro block, and Ellsworth terrane were initially juxtaposed by Penobscottian thrusting prior to the Middle Ordovician. Subsequently, the Islesboro block was isolated between the bounding post-Silurian, pre-Late Devonian Turtle Head and Penobscot Bay dextral strike-slip faults. Along the North Islesboro fault, a fault-bounded lens of foliated pyritic felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rock, dated at ca. 372 Ma and containing Devonian to Archean detrital zircons, records late Paleozoic deformation recognized previously in coastal New Brunswick but not in Penobscot Bay

    New Petrographic and Uā€“Pb Geochronology Data from the Mazagan Escarpment, Offshore Morocco: Support for an African Origin

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    Two samples of a granodiorite and a hypersthene granodiorite provided a unique opportunity to investigate the nature of the basement of the Mazagan Escarpment, the northwestern margin of continental Africa (Morocco) on a steep part of the lower continental slope in offshore Morocco. We conducted Uā€“Pb LA-ICPMS geochronology on zircon from the granodiorite, which was acquired from a deep sea drilling program core DSDP544, and on zircon and monazite from a hypersthene granodiorite collected previously during the Cyamaz submersible campaign, to determine the ages of the rocks of the Mazagan Escarpment and interpret their origins. Zircon from the granodiorite yielded a 556 Ā± 10 Ma crystallization age, abundant inherited zircon cores up to 620 Ma and three ~2.68, ~1.76 and ~1.20 Ga cores. The hypersthene granodiorite yielded ~1950ā€“1750 Ma zircon and ~1820ā€“1640 Ma monazite ages. Some rocks of the closest onshore continental platform have recently been interpreted as belonging to an exotic Avalonian terrane, and correlated with the Mazagan Escarpment. Our data do not provide evidence that the Mazagan Escarpment is part of an exotic terrane. It is more likely that the hypersthene granodiorite formed in an extensional setting after the 2.25ā€“2.07 Ga Eburnean orogeny, at a time of otherwise predominantly mafic magmatism that may have caused magmatic underplating and heating from below. The granodiorite formed during the late Ediacaran, which is characterized by widespread magmatism in Northwest Africa. Therefore, it is likely that the rocks of the Mazagan Escarpment have a Northwest African origin, which implies that the Pangean suture zone lies west of it

    A new stratigraphic framework and constraints for the position of the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the rapidly subsiding Hanna Basin, Wyoming

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    The Paleoceneā€“Eocene strata of the rapidly subsiding Hanna Basin give insights in sedimentation patterns and regional paleogeography during the Laramide orogeny and across the climatic event at the Paleoceneā€“Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Abundant coalbeds and carbonaceous shales of the fluvial, paludal, and lacustrine strata of the Hanna Formation offer a different depositional setting than PETM sections described in the nearby Piceance and Bighorn Basins, and the uniquely high sediment accumulation rates give an expanded and near-complete record across this interval. Stratigraphic sections were measured for an āˆ¼1250 m interval spanning the Paleoceneā€“Eocene boundary across the northeastern syncline of the basin, documenting depositional changes between axial fluvial sandstones, basin margin, paludal, floodplain, and lacustrine deposits. Leaf macrofossils, palynology, mollusks, Ī“13C isotopes of bulk organic matter, and zircon sample locations were integrated within the stratigraphic framework and refined the position of the PETM. As observed in other basins of the same age, an interval of coarse, amalgamated sandstones occurs as a response to the PETM. Although this pulse of relatively coarser sediment appears related to climate change at the PETM, it must be noted that several very similar sandstone bodies occur with the Hanna Formation. These sandstones occur in regular intervals and have an apparent cyclic pattern; however, age control is not sufficient yet to address the origin of the cyclicity. Signs of increased ponding and lake expansion upward in the section appear to be a response to basin isolation by emerging Laramide uplifts