350 research outputs found

    Bereavement through substance use: findings from an interview study with adults in England and Scotland

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    Background Deaths associated with alcohol and/or drugs belong to a category of ‘special’ deaths due to three characteristics: traumatic circumstances of the death, stigma directed to both the bereaved and the deceased, and resulting disenfranchised grief experienced by the bereaved. These factors can impede those who are bereaved in this way from both grieving and accessing support. In response to a lack of research in this area this paper reports on an interview study that has aimed to better understand the experiences and needs of this neglected group of bereaved people. Method Interviews with 106 adults (parents, children, spouses, siblings, nieces and friends) bereaved through substance use in Scotland and England. Results Five themes describe interviewee experiences: possibility of death, official processes, stigma, grief and support. These findings suggest what is dominant or unique in this group of bereaved people; namely, that living with substance use (including anticipatory grief), experiencing the subsequent death (often traumatic and stigmatised) and the responses of professionals and others (more likely negative than positive) can disenfranchise grief and negatively impact bereavement and seeking support. Conclusions This article describes a large and unique sample, the largest in the world to be recruited from this population. Our study raises awareness of a hitherto largely ignored and marginalised group of bereaved people, highlighting what might be particular to their bereavement experience and how this may differ from other bereavements, thereby providing an evidence base for improving the availability, level and quality of support. © 2016 Taylor & Franci

    The effect of high [K(+)]o on spontaneous Ca(2+) waves in freshly isolated interstitial cells of Cajal from the rabbit urethra.

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    Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) act as putative pacemaker cells in the rabbit urethra. Pacemaker activity in ICC results from spontaneous global Ca(2+) waves that can be increased in frequency by raising external [K(+)]. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of this response. Intracellular [Ca(2+)] was measured in fluo-4-loaded smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and ICC using a Nipkow spinning disk confocal microscope. Increasing [K(+)]o to 60 mmol/L caused an increase in [Ca(2+)]i accompanied by contraction in SMCs. Raising [K(+)]o did not cause contraction in ICC, but the frequency of firing of spontaneous calcium waves increased. Reducing [Ca(2+)]o to 0 mmol/L abolished the response in both cell types. Nifedipine of 1 ÎŒmol/L blocked the response of SMC to high [K(+)]o, but did not affect the increase in firing in ICC. This latter effect was blocked by 30 ÎŒmol/L NiCl2 but not by the T-type Ca(2+) channel blocker mibefradil (300 nmol/L). However, inhibition of Ca(2+) influx via reverse-mode sodium/calcium exchange (NCX) using either 1 ÎŒmol/L SEA0400 or 5 ÎŒmol/L KB-R7943 did block the effect of high [K(+)]o on ICC. These data suggest that high K(+) solution increases the frequency of calcium waves in ICC by increasing Ca(2+) influx through reverse-mode NCX

    On the orientation of the Sagittarius A* system

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    The near-infrared emission from the black hole at the Galactic center (Sgr A*) has unique properties. The most striking feature is a suggestive periodic sub-structure that has been observed in a couple of flares so far. Using near-infrared polarimetric observations and modelling the quasi-periodicity in terms of an orbiting blob, we try to constrain the three dimensional orientation of the Sgr A* system. We report on so far unpublished polarimetric data from 2003. They support the observations of a roughly constant mean polarization angle of 60 degr \pm 20 degr from 2004-2006. Prior investigations of the 2006 data are deepened. In particular, the blob model fits are evaluated such that constraints on the position angle of Sgr A* can be derived. Confidence contours in the position-inclination angle plane are derived. On a 3sigma level the position angle of the equatorial plane normal is in the range 60 degr - 108 degr (east of north) in combination with a large inclination angle. This agrees well with recent independent work in which radio spectral/morphological properties of Sgr A* and X-ray observations, respectively, have been used. However, the quality of the presently available data and the uncertainties in our model bring some ambiguity to our conclusions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; Research Note accepted by A&A for publicatio

    ARIADNE - A novel optical LArTPC: technical design report and initial characterisation using a secondary beam from the CERN PS and cosmic muons

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    ARIADNE is a 1-ton (330 kg fiducial mass) dual-phase liquid argon (LAr) time projection chamber (TPC) featuring a novel optical readout. Four electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD) cameras are mounted externally, and these capture the secondary scintillation light produced in the holes of a thick electron gas multiplier (THGEM). Track reconstruction using this novel readout approach is demonstrated. Optical readout has the potential to be a cost effective alternative to charge readout in future LArTPCs. In this paper, the technical design of the detector is detailed. Results of mixed particle detection using a secondary beam from the CERN PS (representing the first ever optical images of argon interactions in a dual-phase LArTPC at a beamline) and cosmic muon detection at the University of Liverpool are also presented.Comment: 58 pages, 40 figures. Changes from previous version based on pre-publication review: improved quality of various figures, improved clarity of some definitions and reduced longer sentences for better readability, fixed typos and formatting error

    Update on HER-2 as a target for cancer therapy: The ERBB2 promoter and its exploitation for cancer treatment

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    Overexpression of the ERBB2 proto-oncogene is associated with amplification of the gene in breast cancer but increased activity of the promoter also plays a significant role. Members of two transcription factor families (AP-2 and Ets) show increased binding to the promoter in over-expressing cells. Consequently, strategies have been devised to target promoter activity, either through the DNA binding sites for these factors, or through another promoter sequence, a polypurine-polypyrimidine repeat structure. The promoter has also been exploited for its tumour-specific activity to direct the accumulation of cytotoxic compounds selectively within cancer cells. Our current understanding of the ERBB2 promoter is reviewed and the status of these therapeutic avenues is discussed

    Back-illuminated electron multiplying technology: The world's most sensitive CCD for ultra low-light microscopy

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    ABSTRACT The back-illuminated Electron Multiplying Charge Coupled Device (EMCCD) camera stands to be one the most revolutionary contributions ever to the burgeoning fields of low-light dynamic cellular microscopy and single molecule detection, combining extremely high photon conversion efficiency with the ability to eliminate the readout noise detection limit. Here, we present some preliminary measurements recorded by a very rapid frame rate version of this camera technology, incorporated into a spinning disk confocal microscopy set-up that is used for fast intracellular calcium flux measurements. The results presented demonstrate the united effects of: (a) EMCCD technology in amplifying the very weak signal from these fluorescently labelled cells above the readout noise detection limit, that they would otherwise be completely lost in; (b) back-thinned CCD technology in maximizing the signal/shot noise ratio from such weak photon fluxes. It has also been shown how this innovative development can offer significant signal improvements over that afforded by ICCD technology. Practically, this marked advancement in detector sensitivity affords benefits such as shorter exposure times (therefore faster frame rates), lower dye concentrations and reduced excitation powers and will remove some of the barriers that have been restricting the development of new innovative low-light microscopy techniques

    Near-infrared polarimetry setting constraints on the orbiting spot model for Sgr A* flares

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    Context: Recent near-infrared polarization measurements of SgrA* show that its emission is significantly polarized during flares and consists of a non- or weakly polarized main flare with highly polarized sub-flares. The flare activity suggests a quasi-periodicity of ~20 minutes in agreement with previous observations. Aims: By simultaneous fitting of the lightcurve fluctuations and the time-variable polarization angle, we address the question of whether these changes are consistent with a simple hot spot/ring model, in which the interplay of relativistic effects plays the major role, or whether some more complex dependency of the intrinsic emissivity is required. Methods: We discuss the significance of the 20min peak in the periodogram of a flare from 2003. We consider all general relativistic effects that imprint on the polarization degree and angle and fit the recent polarimetric data, assuming that the synchrotron mechanism is responsible for the intrinsic polarization and considering two different magnetic field configurations. Results: Within the quality of the available data, we think that the model of a single spot in addition to an underlying ring is favoured. In this model the broad near-infrared flares of Sgr A* are due to a sound wave that travels around the MBH once while the sub-flares, superimposed on the broad flare, are due to transiently heated and accelerated electrons which can be modeled as a plasma blob. Within this model it turns out that a strong statement about the spin parameter is difficult to achieve, while the inclination can be constrained to values > 35 deg on a 3sigma level.Comment: accepted by A&A for publicatio
