595 research outputs found

    An Impotent Aegis: An economic analysis of the effectiveness of Australia’s anti-circumvention laws

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    This paper examines the degree to which anti-circumvention laws meet their policy objectives of reducing piracy and protecting copyright owners’ interests. This paper develops economic models of ‘rational contravention’ and applies them to Australian anti-circumvention laws. These models are used to analyse the impact that the laws have on potential contraveners, and the extent to which these parties may be dissuaded from engaging in their illegal activities. The results indicate that Australian anti-circumvention laws will not deter a substantial number of contraveners, nor significantly improve copyright owner protection.Discipline of Business La

    Beyond Inspec - Building a Semantic Enrichment Service to Explore How the IET can Better Support Academic and Commercial Researchers

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    As the amount of content in the engineering space is constantly growing it is becoming more and more difficult to retrieve relevant information. In this context the IET has commissioned a project to evaluate the feasibility of providing a semantic enrichment service based on the terms contained in the Inspec Thesaurus. The possibility of automated tagging of a variety of content types including traditional academic publishing data (e.g. journal abstracts), commercial product information (e.g. product catalogues) and social media (e.g. twitter feeds) has been explored as well as the auto generation of new terms for the Inspec thesaurus. We have used recognized semantic data modelling techniques to create a working ontology for a subset of the Inspec thesaurus and then used this ontology to entity extract and tag the names of people, organisations and their locations, along with Inspec thesaurus terms themselves, on all items of content run through the system. In addition we have built a number of applications to test the validity and accuracy of this approach as well as to explore how such a system would cope with the volume of future indexing requirements. We are continually evaluating our approach via on-going market research and user testing

    The M-type stars

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    The papers in this volume cover the following topics: (1) basic properties and photometric variability of M and related stars; (2) spectroscopy and nonthermal processes; (3) circumstellar radio molecular lines; (4) circumstellar shells, the formation of grains, and radiation transfer; (5) mass loss; (6) circumstellar chemistry; (7) thermal atmospheric models; (8) quasi-thermal models; (9) observations on the atmospheres of M dwarfs; and (1) theoretical work on M dwarfs

    Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Birds That Use Feeders in Iowa

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    Since its inception in 1984, data from the annual Iowa Winter Bird Feeder Survey have provided valuable information about birds that use feeders in Iowa such as spatial and temporal population trends. Using data from the 1988 and 1994 Surveys, we examined how the occurrence of bird species that use feeders was influenced by geographic location, the habitat surrounding a house, and the types of seeds offered at a house. Of the 23 species examined, the occurrence of 8 species was influenced by latitude, 22 species were influenced by the habitat surrounding the house, and 22 species were influenced by the presence of water or the types of food available. Two of the more surprising results from this study were that seven species had a positive relationship between occurrence and corn, and only three species had a positive relationship with the presence of mixed seed. Although people interested in feeding birds may not be able to attract all species, results from this study may be used to increase ones likelihood of viewing individual species of interest

    Desain Grafis: Sebuah Sejarah Singkat

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    Pada terjemahan bagian pertama ini disampaikan mengenai awal sejarah desain grafis modern di daratan Eropa yang merupakan tempat asal perkembangannya. Kemudian dijabarkan bagian demi bagian perkembangan desain grafis di beberapa negara Eropa seperti: Italia, Rusia, Jerman dan Belanda.Penyampaian sejarah desain grafis dari Richard Hollis ini ditulis dengan cukup rinci dalam pengelompokan perkembangan tiap-tiap negara dan periode.Sedangkan bagian berikutnya dijabarkan perkembangan pada masa-masasetelah itu. Untuk itu diharapkan proses penerjemahan ini bisa dilanjutan ke bagian-bagian berikutnya. Buku ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa dalam mempelajari sejarah desain grafis yang menjadi salah satu dasar dalam memahami desain komunikasi visual. Akhir kata, kepada para mahasiswa dan semua peminat sejarah desain grafis diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan buku ini sebagai pengantar dalam memahami sejarah desain grafis dunia

    Using Tellus data to enhance targeting of volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralisation in the Tyrone Igneous Complex

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    The Tyrone Igneous Complex of Northern Ireland has been a target for base and precious metal exploration since the 1970s. Historic exploration was hampered by poor exposure and consequently a limited understanding of the local geology. Extensive new field mapping, utilising the high-resolution Tellus geophysical survey, coupled with U-Pb zircon geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry, has greatly improved our understanding of the complex and its potential to host volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralisation. Targeting of Tellus and historic, geochemical and geophysical anomalies along VMS prospective stratigraphic horizons has identified new mineral occurrences and areas for further exploration. A correlation has been made with the Buchans–Robert’s Arm arc system of Newfoundland, host to numerous economic deposits

    Technological innovations in mental healthcare: harnessing the digital revolution

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    Digital technology has the potential to transform mental healthcare by connecting patients, services and health data in new ways. Digital online and mobile applications can offer patients greater access to information and services and enhance clinical management and early intervention through access to real-time patient data. However, substantial gaps exist in the evidence base underlying these technologies. Greater patient and clinician involvement is needed to evaluate digital technologies and ensure they target unmet needs, maintain public trust and improve clinical outcomes
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