1,161 research outputs found

    Historia de la educación en España. Autores, textos y documentos. Negrín Fajardo, O. (Dir.) (2004): Madrid, UNED, 674 pp. (Reseña)

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    La educación moral condorcetiana

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    Este trabajo pretende analizar las aportaciones de Condorcet, científico, político y una personalidad clave para entender el origen del sistema educativo burgués y del pensamiento pedagógico contemporáneo, a la educación moral del ciudadano, de acuerdo con los fundamentos de la instrucción pública emanados de la revolución francesa y con los postulados teóricos e ideológicos de la Ilustración y de los philosophes ilustrados. Se estudian sus tres obras educativas fundamentales: el Rapport et projet de decret sur l'organisation génerale de l'instruction publique, las Memorias sobre la instrucción pública y el Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain, todas ellas desde la concepción de la formación moral como la unión radical de razón y moral o de una moral pensada con una moral vivida, bajo los principios de autonomía, de implicación personal y activa del sujeto y de independencia absoluta de toda influencia o poder. A lo largo de sus escritos Condorcet propone una instrucción moral en los diferentes niveles educativos institucionales, desde la escuela primaria hasta la Sociedad nacional de las ciencias y de las artes, y una educación moral como tarea inacabada, propia de la esfera privada y familiar porque cualquier actividad temporal organizada y promovida por el poder público debe limitarse a la transmisión de conocimientos y principios, evitando la enseñanza de cualquier dogma o doctrina política o religiosa que pusieran en peligro la construcción de una ética universal basada en la razón y en la felicidad. La moral condorcetiana se asienta en un empirismo racional que combina sensibilidad y racionalidad o lo que es lo mismo, la felicidad, la sabiduría y la virtud.This work tries to analyze the contributions of Condorcet, scientist, politician and a key personality to understand the origin of the bourgeois educative system and the contemporary pedagogical thought, to the moral and political education of the citizen, in agreement with the emanated foundations of the public instruction of the French revolution and with the theoretical and ideological postulates of the illustrated Illustration and philosophes. Their three fundamental educative works study: Rapport et projet de decret sur l'organisation génerale de l'instruction publique, the Memories on the public instruction and the Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain, all of them from the conception of the moral formation like the radical union of reason and moral or a moral thought with a lived moral, under the principles of autonomy, personal implication and activates of the subject and absolute independence of all influence or power. Throughout his Condorcet writings it proposes a moral instruction in the different institutional educative levels, from the primary school to the national Society of sciences and the arts, and a moral and political education like unfinished, own task of the private and familiar sphere because any temporary activity organized and promoted by the public power must limit the transmission of knowledge and principles, avoiding the education of any dogma or indoctrinates policy or nun that put in danger the construction of a universal ethics based on the reason and the happiness. The moral is based in rational that combines sensitivity and rationality or what it is the same, the happiness, the wisdom and the virtue

    Teacher education/miseducation? Thoughts and laments of two sceptic theachers

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    La base de este trabajo consiste en un estudio analítico, dentro de lo posible, de la formación del maestro-a desde tres elementos fundamentales e interdependientes cuales son el institucional, el curricular y el legislativo. La historia es nuestro principal testigo y la realidad actual corrobora vivencias pasadas y presentes. Sin caer en pesimismos ni derrotismos tratamos de dejar bien reflejada que la formación del maestro-a es a la vez, paradójicamente, deformación y que ambos paradigmas han convivido y conviven en la actualidad.This work is based on an analytical study of the teachers’ education from three fundamental and interdependent points of view: the institutional, the curricular and the legislative one. History is our main witness and present reality corroborates past and present experiences. Without falling into pessimism or defeatism, we try to reflect properly that teacher education is at the same time and, paradoxically, miseducation, and that both paradigms coexist today and have done so/coexisted in the past

    Automatic Configuration of OPC UA for Industrial Internet of Things Environments

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    This work has been funded partially by the Software Engineering Department of the University of Granada.We would like to acknowledge the participation of Dzmitry Basalai in this research paper for his helping in the elaboration of the prototype carried out in this workSoftware technologies play an increasingly significant role in industrial environments, especially for the adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). In this context, the application of mechanisms for the auto-configuration of industrial systems may be relevant for reducing human errors and costs in terms of time and money, improving the maintenance and the quality control. OPC UA (OLE for Process Control Unified Architecture) systems are usually integrated into an industrial system to provide a standard way for setting a secure and reliable data exchange between industrial devices of multiple vendors and software systems. In this paper, a novel mechanism for the auto-configuration of OPC UA systems is proposed from an initial setup of industrial devices interconnected to a basic Ethernet network. The auto-configuration of the OPC UA is self-managed over the TCP/IP protocol. This mechanism allows automating the configuration process of the OPC UA server automatically from the programmable logic controller (PLC) devices connected to a basic Ethernet network. Once the PLC devices are identified, they exchange information directly with OPC using a Modbus protocol over the same Ethernet network. To test the feasibility of this approach, a case study is prepared and evaluated

    Track on Knowledge Society Related Projects. Proceedings of the TEEM’13

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    TEEM (Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality) Conference is born within the new PhD Programme on Education in Knowledge Society at the University of Salamanca, Spain. This conference is addressing both the Social Sciences studies and the new technological advances but within a synergic and symbiotic approach. According to this perspective, a not closed set of different research lines, always with a collaborative orientation, is established, including Education Assessment and Orientation, Human-Computer Interaction, eLearning, Computers in Education, Communication Media and Education, Medicine and Education, Robotics in Education, Engineering and Education and Information Society and Education

    Diseño de la maqueta domótica para el aprendizaje de sistemas de automatización domótica

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    La utilización de recursos didácticos que permitan a los alumnos disponer de herramientas que fomenten la innovación y la aplicación de los conocimientos adquiridos durante su formación, es una forma muy interesante de potenciar tanto su interés como su participación proactiva en el proceso de aprendizaje. En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia que ha adquirido el grupo de investigación de Sistemas Concurrentes de la Universidad de Granada en la construcción de maquetas domóticas como herramientas docentes que pueden favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje a los alumnos en carreras de carácter técnico, como son la ingeniería informática o la electrónica.The use of teaching tools that allow students to have available tools which encourage innovation and the application of the knowledge acquired during their training, is a very interesting way to promote both their interests and their proactive participations in the learning process. In this work, we present the experience acquired by the research group of “Concurrent Systems” at the University of Granada in the construction of home automation scale models as teaching tools that can facilitate the active learning process for students in technical careers such as computer engineering or electronics.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    Compact in-line temporal measurement of laser pulses with amplitude swing

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    [EN]A method of ultrashort laser pulse reconstruction is presented, consisting on the analysis of the nonlinear signal obtained from the interference of the pulse with a replica of itself at a given time delay while varying the relative amplitude between the pulses. The resulting spectral traces are analyzed both analytically and numerically, showing the encoding of the input pulse spectral phase. A reconstruction algorithm is discussed and applied to extract the spectral phase and, jointly to the measured spectral amplitude, reconstructing the pulse. In order to validate the technique, an experimental in-line implementation of the characterization concept is compared to the results from a stablished technique, obtaining a good agreement at different input pulse cases. In sum, a new technique is presented, showing the capability to reconstruct a broad range of temporal pulse durations while its implementation is robust and straightforward, able to be easily adapted to diverse pulse duration and central wavelength ranges.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (EQC2018-004117-P, FIS2017-87970-R); Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León (SA287P18) and FEDER Funds; European Regional Development Fund; Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca (PC_TCUE18-20_020)