207 research outputs found

    El estereotipo racial en los adolescentes

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar los estereotipos racistas ante los inmigrantes de los adolescentes y analizar si el sexo, el ciclo educativo y el hecho de tener experiencias de relación con inmigrantes introducen diferencias en los prejuicios de los adolescentes. Participaron 1461 adolescentes de entre 11 y 18 años. Ellos respondieron la Escala de racismo moderno. Se observó que la décima parte de los participantes mostraron prejuicios negativos, que las chicas incurren menos que los chicos en el prejuicio sutil, que los estudiantes del primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria se muestran más prejuiciosos que los del segundo ciclo y que los prejuicios sutiles se producen en mayor medida en los adolescentes que no se han relacionado con inmigrantes. Se derivan algunas implicaciones prácticas y se realizan algunas autocríticas.The aims of this study were to analyze the racial stereotyping of adolescents toward immigrants and analyze whether sex, the educational level and having experiences regarding immigrants introduce differences in the attitudes’ adolescents. Participants were 1461 adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years. They answered the modern racism scale. It was noted that a tenth of the participants showed negative prejudices, which incur fewer the girls than the boys in the subtle prejudice, that students of the first cycle of secondary school are more prejudist than the pupils of second cycle, and subtle prejudices occur more in adolescents who have not had contact with immigrants. Some practical implications were derived and were done self-criticisms.peerReviewe

    Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas Revisada (EGS-R) del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático según el DSM-5: propiedades psicométricas

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    The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptom Severity Scale-Revised is a 21-item structured interview based in DSM-5 criteria and intended to assess the severity of the symptoms of this mental disorder. This paper describes the psychometric properties of this instrument for assessing PTSD. The sample consisted of 526 patients who had been victims of sexual aggression or family violence and 193 people from the general population. The global instrument showed high internal consistency (alpha = .91), as well as good discriminant (g = 1.27) and concurrent validity (r(pb) = .78 with diagnosis of PTSD). The results of confirmatory factor analysis are presented and give support to the DSM-5 four symptom clusters. A cut-off point of 20, with a diagnostic efficacy of 82.48%, is appropriate to discriminate the victims with PTSD. The interview appears to be a sound instrument and should prove useful for treatment planning and research

    The moderating effect of perceived acceptance-rejection predicting children psychological adjustment from a multi-informant approach

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the moderating effect of children ́s perceived rejection on the relations between parental acceptance and children ́s psychological adjustment reported by mothers, fathers and children. The prediction values and incremental validity of the different informants were also explored. The sample was composed by 681 participants (227 children, 227 fathers, and 227 mothers), children’s (60% girls) ages ranged from 9 to 17 years (M = 12.52, SD = 1.81). Instruments used were the Parental Acceptance Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ; Ronher & Khaleque, 2008) and the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA; Achenbach and Rescorla, 2007) filled both by mothers, fathers, and children in a round-robin design. Hierarchical regression analyses were applied. The moderating effect of children ́s perceived rejection showed that different prediction values and percentages of incremental validity from mothers, fathers and children were found depending of the level of rejection that children perceived. The findings of the present study have important practical implications: the need of considering the role of perceived carelessness as moderator when predicting children psychological adjustment and the necessity of using a multi-informant perspective rather than a single one to increase the predictive value and the incremental validity when we try to predict children’s psychological adjustment.2017-1

    Goal orientations in the students of the Education Faculty of Alicante

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    Este estudio parte del objetivo de analizar la dimensionalización factorial de la Escala de Orientación a Metas en el contexto de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Alicante. Participan 357 estudiantes del Grado de Maestro (Infantil y Primaria) con una edad media de 21.09 años. Se llevan a cabo análisis factoriales, de fiabilidad, de discriminación y correlacionales. Los resultados muestran la existencia de metas de evitación de la ejecución, de aproximación a la ejecución, de evitación del trabajo y de aproximación al aprendizaje. El modelo ajusta a los datos. Se derivan algunas conclusiones de interés y se proponen líneas de trabajo para investigaciones futuras.The aim of this study was to analyze the factorial dimensioning of the Goal Orientation Scale in the context of the Faculty of Education at the University of Alicante. Three hundred fifty-seven students in Grade Teacher (Nursery and Primary) took part in this research, with an average age of 21.09 years. Factor, reliability, discrimination and correlational analysis are conducted. The results show the existence of avoidance of the performance, the approach of the performance, avoidance of work, and approach to learning goals. The model fits the data. Some interesting conclusions are derived and lines of work are proposed for future research

    Orientaciones de meta en las clases de educación física : un análisis centrado en la educación secundaria obligatoria

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    This paper explores the subject of motivation in educational environments, more specifically in physical education. The research study it describes is based on the concept of goal perspectives (Nicholls, 1984, Dweck and Legget, 1988, Ames, 1984, Duda, 1992), and the purpose of the study was to identify the (task or ego) goal orientations shown by secondary school students in physical education classes, together with any possible differences based either on gender or the academic stage in the students education. The sample was composed of 203 secondary school students who all answered the POSQ questionnaire. From the results that were obtained, both goal orientations were observed, with a task-basedorientation predominating. It was also shown that boys are more ego oriented than girls

    Logit modelling in training program evaluation. Unstable conditions of intervention contexts imply lack of standard instruments to evaluate programs.

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    Las condiciones inestables que caracterizan los contextos de intervención repercuten en la escasez de instrumentos estándares de evaluación desde los que obtener evidencias empíricas sobre los programas a evaluar. Frecuentemente éstos se operativizan en variables categóricas medidas mediante instrumentos ad-hoc. Bajo estas condiciones el modelo logit, basado en supuestos estadísticos flexibles, permite la modelización lineal de las variables del diseño del programa de intervención a evaluar. Se presenta un estudio aplicado, donde el modelo logit se utiliza en el programa de formación continua para el personal de administración y servicios de la Universidad de Sevilla. Se analiza cómo los objetivos evaluativos de este programa (Objetivos, metodología, valoración) predicen la satisfacción de los usuarios, entendiéndola como una dimensión relevante para la calidad del Servicio.Frequently programs are translated into categorical variables using ad-hoc instruments. The logit modelling, with flexible statistical assumptions, allow the linear modelling of the intervention program design variables. We describe the theoretical basis of logit modelling and present an empirical study in the staff training program of the University of Sevilla. Objectives of the program (objectives, methodology and rating) predict participant satisfaction, showing its usefulness as a global quality criterion in the institution

    Validity in program evaluation: A comparative approach.

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    En el presente trabajo, a partir de un análisis conceptual de la validez en evaluación de programas, se presenta un estudio comparativo de las implicaciones e interacciones que tienen una serie de técnicas de análisis para potenciar el logro de la validez en evaluación. Concretamente se aplica la teoría de la generalizabilida, los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales y los modelos multinivel sobre los datos recogidos en la evaluación del programa de formación continua del personal de Administración y Servicios de la Universidad de Sevilla.Begining from a conceptual analysis of program evalution validity, this paper introduces a comparative study of implications and interrrelationships of different statistical techniques in order to enhance validity in program evaluation. Generalizability theory, hierarquical linear analysis and structural equation modeling are applied to an evalution of a training program of administrative staff in University of Sevilla

    Estructura interna del Factor Structure of the Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45)

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    We describe the internal structure of the Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45; Davison et al., 1997) in a sample of non-clinical Spanish subjects. The scale was developed for treatment outcome assessment in psychiatric settings; however, many studies have examined its psychometric properties in non-clinical populations. The internal structure of these studies usually replicates the dimensionality proposed in the original study closely. In this work, the scale was administered to a sample of 823 participants. In order to analyse the dimensionality of the instrument in a non-clinical population, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses using polychoric correlations were carried out. The results obtained, are similar to those obtained for the original model and replicated in later studies, but there are important nuances that should be taken into account in defining a measurement model for the sample used. These data confirm the need for further research in a non-clinical population. ResumenSe describe la estructura interna del Symptom Assess­ment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45; Davison et al., 1997) en una muestra española no clínica. La escala, fue desarro­llada para la evaluación de los tratamientos en entornos psiquiátricos. Sin embargo, muchos estudios han exami­nado sus propiedades psicométricas en población no clí­nica. La estructura interna en estos estudios, usualmente replica la dimensionalidad propuesta en el estudio origi­nal. En este trabajo, la escala fue administrada a una mues­tra de 823 participantes. Para analizar su dimensionalidad en población no clínica, se usó Análisis Factorial Explora­torio y Confirmatorio factorizando la matriz de correlacio­nes policóricas. Los resultados obtenidos, son similares a los del modelo original y replicados en algunos estudios, sin embargo, hay importantes matices que deben ser teni­dos en cuenta para definir el modelo en la muestra usada. Los resultados, confirman la necesidad de más investiga­ción en población no clínica.AbstractWe describe the internal structure of the Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45; Davison et al., 1997) in a sample of non-clinical Spanish subjects. The scale was developed for treatment outcome assessment in psychiatric settings; however, many studies have examined its psychometric properties in non-clinical populations. The internal structure of these studies usually replicates the dimensionality proposed in the original study closely. In this work, the scale was administered to a sample of 823 participants. In order to analyse the dimensionality of the instrument in a non-clinical population, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses using polychoric correlations were carried out. The results obtained, are similar to those obtained for the original model and replicated in later studies, but there are important nuances that should be taken into account in defining a measurement model for the sample used. These data confirm the need for further research in a non-clinical population.

    Confiabilidad y validez de la Escala de Déficit Atencional (EDAH) adaptada en estudiantes chilenos

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    Antecedentes. Las necesidades de atención en salud mental infantil hacen necesario contar con estudios epidemiológicos que sirvan de base para perfeccionar las intervenciones y acrecentar el diagnóstico, con instrumentos fiables y adecuados al contexto. Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala para la Evaluación del Trastorno por Déficit Atencional (EDAH), en escolares de primaria y secundaria de Chile. Método. Se evaluó una muestra de 508 alumnos (144 con Déficit Atencional, 110 con sospecha de padecerlo y 254 comunes) mediante un test completado por sus profesores. Resultados. La estructura factorial de la EDAH reveló tres factores que en conjunto explican el 71,61% de la varianza total de la escala, con un coeficiente Alfa de 0,948. Esto permite concluir que la adaptación de la escala presenta características psicométricas aceptables, una adecuada consistencia interna y que sus elementos poseen un adecuado poder discriminatorio. Discusión y conclusión. Se efectuó el estudio transversal de salud mental en escolares chilenos, el cual reveló que la escala EDAH adaptada posee alta capacidad de discriminación, adecuada fiabilidad de elementos y factores, además de presentar un óptimo poder discriminante entre factores. Se analizan las implicaciones y el posible aporte en la detección precoz del diagnóstico clínico en salud mental.Background. The needs of children’s mental health care make it necessary to have epidemiological studies that serve as a basis to refine the interventions and enhance the diagnosis with reliable and appropriate tools. Objective. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale for the assessment of the Attentional Deficit Disorder (ADHD) in primary and secondary schools in Chile. Method. A sample of 508 students (144 with Attentional deficits, 110 with suspected autism and 254 common) was assessed through a test completed by their teachers. Results. The factorial structure of the ADHD revealed that three factors explain together the 71.61 % of the total variance of the scale, with a coefficient alpha of 0,948. This allows us to conclude that the scale presents acceptable psychometric characteristics and adequate internal consistency, and that its elements have a suitable discriminatory power. Discussion and conclusion. The present study of mental health in Chilean schoolchildren revealed that the ADHD adapted scale possesses a high discriminant capacity and adequate elements and factors reliability, as well as an optimal discriminant power among factors. We analyze the implications and possible contribution to the early detection of clinical diagnosis in mental health

    Multiple goals: predictive analysis of academic achievement in Chilean students

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    Este estudio parte de la perspectiva que analiza el contenido de las metas en contextos académicos para explicar la motivación para los estudios. El objetivo es analizar la estructura que presentan las metas múltiples en estudiantes chilenos y sus relaciones con el rendimiento académico. Esto implica valorar las cualidades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Metas y valorar la contribución de las diferentes metas como variables predictoras del rendimiento académico. Participan 1773 estudiantes de las regiones centro y sur de Chile en las diferentes etapas del sistema educativo, con edades comprendidas entre 11 y 50 años. Se analiza la dimensionalidad del instrumento con análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio, y se realiza un análisis de regresión múltiple. Surgen tres tipos de metas (sociales, académicas y de responsabilidad) que explican el 20% de la varianza del rendimiento académico. La mayor contribución para predecir el rendimiento de los estudiantes corresponde a las metas académicas. Se derivan implicaciones prácticas y se sugieren líneas de trabajo para futuras investigaciones.This study is based on the perspective that analyzes the goal content in academic settings in order to explain the motivation to study. The aim is to analyze the structure that the multiple goals present in Chilean students and their relationships with academic performance. This involves the study of the Goals Questionnaire psychometric properties and the contribution of different goals as predictive variables of the academic achievement. The participants were 1,773 students. Participants were recruited from the center and south of Chile at different stages of the educational system. Ages ranged between 11 and 50 years old. The instrument's dimensionality is analyzed with exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis and a multiple regression analysis. Three types of goals arise (social, academic and liability) that explain 20% of the academic performance's variance. The highest contribution for prediction of student performance corresponds to the academic goals. Practical implications are derived and several lines for future research are suggested