1,188 research outputs found

    Greetings from the Supreme Court

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    Mating Patterns and Post-Mating Isolation in Three Cryptic Species of the Engystomops Petersi Species Complex

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    Determining the extent of reproductive isolation in cryptic species with dynamic geographic ranges can yield important insights into the processes that generate and maintain genetic divergence in the absence of severe geographic barriers. We studied mating patterns, propensity to hybridize in nature and subsequent fertilization rates, as well as survival and development of hybrid F1 offspring for three nominal species of the Engystomops petersi species complex in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. We found at least two species in four out of six locations sampled, and 14.3% of the wild pairs genotyped were mixed-species (heterospecific) crosses. We also found reduced fertilization rates in hybrid crosses between E. petersi females and E. “magnus” males, and between E. “magnus” females and E. “selva” males but not in the reciprocal crosses, suggesting asymmetric reproductive isolation for these species. Larval development times decreased in F1 hybrid crosses compared to same species (conspecific) crosses, but we did not find significant reduction in larval survival or early metamorph survival. Our results show evidence of post-mating isolation for at least two hybrid crosses of the cryptic species we studied. The general decrease in fertilization rates in heterospecific crosses suggests that sexual selection and reinforcement might have not only contributed to the pattern of call variation and behavioral isolation we see between species today, but they may also contribute to further signal divergence and behavioral evolution, especially in locations where hybridization is common and fertilization success is diminished

    Mating Patterns and Post-Mating Isolation in Three Cryptic Species of the Engystomops Petersi Species Complex

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    Determining the extent of reproductive isolation in cryptic species with dynamic geographic ranges can yield important insights into the processes that generate and maintain genetic divergence in the absence of severe geographic barriers. We studied mating patterns, propensity to hybridize in nature and subsequent fertilization rates, as well as survival and development of hybrid F1 offspring for three nominal species of the Engystomops petersi species complex in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. We found at least two species in four out of six locations sampled, and 14.3% of the wild pairs genotyped were mixed-species (heterospecific) crosses. We also found reduced fertilization rates in hybrid crosses between E. petersi females and E. “magnus” males, and between E. “magnus” females and E. “selva” males but not in the reciprocal crosses, suggesting asymmetric reproductive isolation for these species. Larval development times decreased in F1 hybrid crosses compared to same species (conspecific) crosses, but we did not find significant reduction in larval survival or early metamorph survival. Our results show evidence of post-mating isolation for at least two hybrid crosses of the cryptic species we studied. The general decrease in fertilization rates in heterospecific crosses suggests that sexual selection and reinforcement might have not only contributed to the pattern of call variation and behavioral isolation we see between species today, but they may also contribute to further signal divergence and behavioral evolution, especially in locations where hybridization is common and fertilization success is diminished

    A spectrum of carbon dioxide from 800 to 5500 cm-1

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    An atlas of CO2 lines obtained from long path length samples at 296 K is presented. Many of the line centers are marked and their positions tabulated

    The Constitutionality of Mandates to Purchase Health Insurance

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    Health insurance mandates have been a component of many recent health care reform proposals. Because a federal requirement that individuals transfer money to a private party is unprecedented, a number of legal issues must be examined. This paper analyzes whether Congress can legislate a health insurance mandate and the potential legal challenges that might arise, given such a mandate. The analysis of legal challenges to health insurance mandates applies to federal individual mandates, but can also apply to a federal mandate requiring employers to purchase health insurance for their employees. There are no Constitutional barriers for Congress to legislate a health insurance mandate as long as the mandate is properly designed and executed, as discussed below. This paper also considers the likelihood of any change in the current judicial approach to these legal questions

    Brief Note: Fishes of the Upper Portage River, Ohio, 1973-1975

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    Author Institution: Aqua Tech Environmental Consultants, Inc. ; Bowling Green State University, Department of Biological Sciences ; Aqua Tech Environmental Consultants, Inc

    Sensitive High-Frequency Hearing in Earless and Partially Eared Harlequin Frogs (Atelopus)

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    Harlequin frogs, genus Atelopus, communicate at high frequencies despite most species lacking a complete tympanic middle ear that facilitates high-frequency hearing in most anurans and other tetrapods. Here, we tested whether Atelopus are better at sensing high-frequency acoustic sound compared with other eared and earless species in the Bufonidae family, determined whether middle ear variation within Atelopus affects hearing sensitivity and tested potential hearing mechanisms in Atelopus. We determined that at high frequencies (2000–4000 Hz), Atelopus are 10–34 dB more sensitive than other earless bufonids but are relatively insensitive to mid-range frequencies (900–1500 Hz) compared with eared bufonids. Hearing among Atelopus species is fairly consistent, evidence that the partial middle ears present in a subset of Atelopus species do not convey a substantial hearing advantage. We further demonstrate that Atelopus hearing is probably not facilitated by vibration of the skin overlying the normal tympanic membrane region or the body lung wall, leaving the extratympanic hearing pathways in Atelopus enigmatic. Together, these results show Atelopus have sensitive high-frequency hearing without the aid of a tympanic middle ear and prompt further study of extratympanic hearing mechanisms in anurans

    C-terminal processing of yeast Spt7 occurs in the absence of functional SAGA complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spt7 is an integral component of the multi-subunit SAGA complex that is required for the expression of ~10% of yeast genes. Two forms of Spt7 have been identified, the second of which is truncated at its C-terminus and found in the SAGA-like (SLIK) complex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have found that C-terminal processing of Spt7 to its SLIK form (Spt7<sub>SLIK</sub>) and to a distinct third form (Spt7<sub>Form3</sub>) occurs in the absence of the SAGA complex components Gcn5, Spt8, Ada1 and Spt20, the latter two of which are required for the integrity of the complex. In addition, N-terminally truncated derivatives of Spt7, including a derivative lacking the histone fold, are processed, indicating that the C-terminus of Spt7 is sufficient for processing and that processing does not require functional Spt7. Using galactose inducible Spt7 expression, we show that the three forms of Spt7 appear and disappear at approximately the same rate with full-length Spt7 not being chased into Spt7<sub>SLIK </sub>or Spt7<sub>Form3</sub>. Interestingly, reduced levels of Spt7<sub>SLIK </sub>and Spt7<sub>Form3 </sub>were observed in a strain lacking the SAGA component Ubp8, suggesting a regulatory role for Ubp8 in the truncation of Spt7.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that truncation of Spt7 occurs early in the biosynthesis of distinct Spt7 containing complexes rather than being a dynamic process linked to the action of the SAGA complex in transcriptional regulation.</p

    Identifying phase synchronization clusters in spatially extended dynamical systems

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    We investigate two recently proposed multivariate time series analysis techniques that aim at detecting phase synchronization clusters in spatially extended, nonstationary systems with regard to field applications. The starting point of both techniques is a matrix whose entries are the mean phase coherence values measured between pairs of time series. The first method is a mean field approach which allows to define the strength of participation of a subsystem in a single synchronization cluster. The second method is based on an eigenvalue decomposition from which a participation index is derived that characterizes the degree of involvement of a subsystem within multiple synchronization clusters. Simulating multiple clusters within a lattice of coupled Lorenz oscillators we explore the limitations and pitfalls of both methods and demonstrate (a) that the mean field approach is relatively robust even in configurations where the single cluster assumption is not entirely fulfilled, and (b) that the eigenvalue decomposition approach correctly identifies the simulated clusters even for low coupling strengths. Using the eigenvalue decomposition approach we studied spatiotemporal synchronization clusters in long-lasting multichannel EEG recordings from epilepsy patients and obtained results that fully confirm findings from well established neurophysiological examination techniques. Multivariate time series analysis methods such as synchronization cluster analysis that account for nonlinearities in the data are expected to provide complementary information which allows to gain deeper insights into the collective dynamics of spatially extended complex systems
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