84 research outputs found

    JAPONSKO A MODERNÍ ARCHITEKTURA 1945-1970. Diskurs v Evropě poloviny 20. století

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá myšlením a představami o japonské architektuře v západním, hlavně evropském diskurzu mezi lety 1945 a 1970. Někteří architekti zaznamenali překvapivé podobnosti mezi principy moderní architektury a tradičním Japonskem poprvé ve dvacátých letech, po druhé světové válce pak tyto podobnosti vyvolaly mezi architekty široký zájem. Tento zájem odrážela bohatá publikační činnost, která nemá ve svém záběru a hloubce obdobu, pokud jde o neevropské civilizace. Cílem této práce je zmapovat takto vzniklou rozpravu, určit hlavní témata, která byla s Japonskem spojována, a ukázat jejich širší význam. Zdrojem jsou především tištěná prameny: architektonické časopisy a knihy o architektuře. Hodí se tu dobře pojem "obraz," protože jde o reprezentaci jedné kultury v jiné; zajímají nás dějiny idejí, ale i vizuální reprezentace hlavně pomocí fotografie. Tento výzkum zároveň řeší obecné otázky porozumění "jinému". Hlavní část práce tvoří analýza různých reprezentací Japonska v tištěných médiích o architektuře. Abychom prozkoumali počátky tohoto myšlení, začínáme podrobněji u dvou píšících architektů ze 30. let 20. století - Tecuró Jošidy a Bruno Tauta, a dále sledujeme psaní o Japonsku u mnoha dalších architektů, mezi nimiž nejznámější je asi Walter Gropius. Sledujeme také vývoj diskuse o...The dissertation deals with ideas about Japanese architecture in the Western, namely European discourse between 1945 and 1970. Architects and critics identified striking similarities between the Modernist architectural principles and the Japanese tradition from the 1920s; after the World War II, these similarities sparked a wide interest among the architectural public, which led to numerous publications on Japan unprecedented in scope and depth when compared with any other non-Western culture. The goal of this work is to map the discourse that occurred this way, identify the main themes connected to Japan, and show their significance. The sources for the study are prevalently printed media: architectural magazines and books. The notion of 'image' of Japan proves useful since we study interpretations of a different culture; history of ideas as well as visual representation in photography. At the same time, work also follows the of general issues of understanding the 'other'. An analysis of these various representations of Japan in the printed architectural media makes up the main part of the research presented here. To examine the origins of these ideas we go back to the 1930 with architects-writers Tetsurō Yoshida and Bruno Taut, and subsequently look into of writings about Japan by architects who...Institute of Art HistoryÚstav pro dějiny uměníFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    A comunicação colaborativa como um caminho para a construção da cidade inteligente: o caso do Centro de Operações RIO

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    A relação da cidade com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) é cada vez mais frequente. Um dos exemplos brasileiros que visa, a partir disso, o aprimoramento da gestão urbana é o Centro de Operações Rio (COR). Esta pesquisa objetiva investigar de que maneira o processo de monitoramento urbano do COR traduz-se em novas oportunidades de comunicação colaborativa, e de que maneira isso é capaz de alcançar o cidadão. Palavras Chave: Centro de Operações Rio; Cidade Inteligente; Comunicação colaborativa; Rio de Janeiro. La comunicación colaborativa como un camino para la construcción de la ciudad inteligente: el caso del Centro de Operaciones RIOResumen: La relación de la ciudad con las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) es cada vez más frecuente. Uno de los ejemplos brasileños que pretende, a partir de eso, el perfeccionamiento de la gestión urbana es el Centro de Operaciones Río (COR). Este texto tiene como objetivo investigar de qué manera el proceso de monitoreo urbano del COR se traduce en nuevas oportunidades de comunicación colaborativa, y de qué manera eso es capaz de alcanzar al ciudadano.Palabras-clave: Centro de Operaciones Río; Ciudad inteligente; Comunicación colaborativa; Rio de Janeiro Collaborative communication as a way to build a smart city: The Centro de Operações RIO case.Abstract: The relationship between the city and the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is becoming more frequent. One of the Brazilian examples of the improvement of urban management is Rio Operation Center (in Portuguese is Centro de Operações Rio) (COR). This research aims to investigate how the process of urban monitoring of the COR translates into new opportunities for collaborative communication, and in what way this is able to reach the citizen.Keywords: Centro de Operações Rio; Smart Cities, Collaborative communication; Rio de Janeir


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    Banská Bystrica sa rozvinula nárazovo v druhej polovici 20. storočia. Výstavba spojená s modernizmom nepovažovala za kvalitu mesta jeho verejný priestor. Okrem hlavného Námestia SNP v historickom centre nenájdeme žiadne iné, kvalitné a fungujúce námestie v meste. Projekt mal za cieľ pomocou príkladného iniciačného zásahu začpoať zmenu vnímania verejnosti a zvýšiť ich nároky kvalitu mestských priestorov. Pre tento zámer som si vybral dlhodobo nevyužitý priestor na okraji centra (brownfield) - územie s bohatou históriou, po ktorej tu už nič nezostalo. Potenciál územia je vysoký. Nosným prvkom návrhu je priestor okolo rieky. Okolo koryta vznikne zelený pobytový priestor, nová promenáda a mestu sa po rokoch vráti kontakt s riekou. Novú štruktúru tvoria solitéry a bloková zástavba. Územie okolo rieky je spojené s námestím a historickou časťou mesta pešou ulicou. Nepravidelná štruktúra vytvára rôzne možnosti využitia a zážitkov. Ulice nadväzujú na existujúcu štruktúru, dbajú na priehľady územím. Zástavba je maximálne 5 podlažná so zelenými šikmými strechami. Dôležitou súčasťou bolo dopravné riešenie celého územia, s preferovaním pešej, cyklistickej a mestskej hromadnej dopravy. Statická doprava sa nachádza v podzemí. Územie novej štvrti je vzhľadom na jeho charakter zámerne neprejazdné. Súčasťou riešenia bolo hmotové doplnenie súčasnej štruktúry. Námestie má štvoruholníkový tvar s dĺžkami strán približne 50 x 60 x 70 x 80m. Dôležitou zmenou bola eliminácia dopravy len na nevyhnutné s prioritizáciou chodcov. K jeho uzatvorenému tvaru pomohli okrem samotných budov ich vykonzolované časti. Ich náplň kombinuje okrem živého párteru prechodné bývanie s trvalým, aby bolo námestie aktívne počas celého dňa. Priestoru dominuje fontána, ktorej dizajn vychádza z histórie územia. Mesto a jeho okolie je turisticky atraktívne. Napriek tomu v meste chýba hotel s vysokým štandardom. Dizajnový hotel spĺňa štandard 5* hotela, disponuje barom, reštauráciou, konferenčnými miestnosťami, wellness a fitness centrom, ktoré sú prístupné aj pre verejnosť.Banská Bystrica had suddenly developed in the second half of the 20th century. The construction, influenced by modernism, did not consider public space to be advantageous for the city. Apart from the main SNP Square in the historical center, there is no other interesting and functional square in the city. The project aimed to initiate a change in public perception through an exemplary initiation intervention and to increase public demand on the quality of urban spaces. For this purpose, I have chosen longtime unused space on the edge of the center (brownfield) - an area with rich history, but with nothing left nowadays. The potential of the area is high. The core element of the project is the space around the river. A green living space will be created around the riverbed, a new promenade will return the contact with the river to city after years. The new structure consists of solitaires and block buildings. The area around the river is connected to the square and the historical part of the city by a pedestrian street. The irregular structure creates various possibilities of use and experiences. The streets are connected to the existing structure, they pay attention to vista of the area. The construction with green sloping roofs has a maximum of 5 floors. Transport solution for the whole area with preference of pedestrian, bicycle and public transport, was integral part. Static transport is located underground. The area of the new district is intentionally impassable due its nature. Mass addition to the current structure was part of the solution. The square has a quadrangular shape with side lengths of approximately 50 x 60 x 70 x 80 m. One of the most important change was the elimination of traffic only to the necessary one with the prioritization of pedestrians. In addition to the buildings themselves, their cantilevered parts helped to create its closed shape. Besides an energic parterre, functional usage also combines temporary housing and permanent housing: so the square is active throughout the day. The fountain dominantes the square, with design based on the history of the area. The city and its surroundings is attractive for tourists. Nevertheless, the city lacks a high standard hotel. The design hotel meets the standard of a 5 star hotel, including bar, restaurant, conference rooms, wellness and fitness center, which are also open to the public

    Japan Modern Architecture 1945-1970. Discourse in the mid-20th-century Europe

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    The dissertation deals with ideas about Japanese architecture in the Western, namely European discourse between 1945 and 1970. Architects and critics identified striking similarities between the Modernist architectural principles and the Japanese tradition from the 1920s; after the World War II, these similarities sparked a wide interest among the architectural public, which led to numerous publications on Japan unprecedented in scope and depth when compared with any other non-Western culture. The goal of this work is to map the discourse that occurred this way, identify the main themes connected to Japan, and show their significance. The sources for the study are prevalently printed media: architectural magazines and books. The notion of 'image' of Japan proves useful since we study interpretations of a different culture; history of ideas as well as visual representation in photography. At the same time, work also follows the of general issues of understanding the 'other'. An analysis of these various representations of Japan in the printed architectural media makes up the main part of the research presented here. To examine the origins of these ideas we go back to the 1930 with architects-writers Tetsurō Yoshida and Bruno Taut, and subsequently look into of writings about Japan by architects who..

    Like in a beehive. Agglutination and cellular structures in the 20th century European architecture

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    This MA thesis takes its topic from the domain of the 20th century architecture and focuses on one of its less known currents. When designing, certain architects during this period have adopted a form that we define as cellular and agglutinative. This is supposed to mark that this architecture is composed of small, repetitive units. These units were then grouped in a freemannered and variable fashion, neglecting the classical rules of symmetry and, on the contrary, drawing the form from the internal logic of the building and its environment namely the climate and terrain. This principle is very ancient, we find it already in Çatal Höyük, the oldest known city ever, and it displays itself in various examples of the "spontaneous" "vernacular" architecture, or "architecture without architects". Nevertheless, this thesis discusses the principle solely as a concept in modern architecture. The author poses questions about the origin of this concept, how it expressed itself and what was its development. The research method is based on analysing particular buildings, then discussing the deeper theoretical and historical background. Gradually, three sorts of answers emerge. The first one lies in a profound interest for archaic cultures shared by certain architects, and also for what is still alive of these cultures,..

    Respecting the human rights in the war

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    There is a big importancy beloning to the human rights topic. Therefore this this thesis aims to describe the problemacy of human rights focusing on war conflicts. The work is devided into two parts - theoretical and practial. In the theoretical part of the work will be introduced basic notions and the history of war conflicts related to the evolution of the understanding and respect for human rights. Practical part of the work focuses on the conversations with war veterans about respect for human rights in war conflicts. These veterans participated directly in some of the war conflicts. The aim of this part of the work was to find out, if these veterans encountered any human rights violence in the war conflict. As a research method was used a quality conversation directly with the war veterans. We can see the results directly in the concrete interviews, which will be further evaluated in the discussion part

    Direct selling as a part of promotion strategy in examples of companies

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    Niniejsza praca miała na celu przedstawienie sprzedaży bezpośredniej jako elementu strategiipromocji. w pracy przeprowadzone zostały badania na temat stosunku Polaków do sprzedażybezpośredniej. Odpowiada na główne pytania badawcze. w pracy posłużono się narzędziembadawczym jakim jest kwestionariusz. Wielkość próby badawczej wyniosła 100 osób (w tym 50mężczyzn i 50 kobiet). Po weryfikacji hipotez, okazało się, że niektóre z nich zostały odrzucone.Zachęcam do zapoznania się z przedstawionymi badaniami. Ponadto przestawione zostały firmy,których działalność opiera się na sprzedaży bezpośredniej. Opisane zostało PolskieStowarzyszenie Sprzedaży Bezpośredniej jako formacja popularyzująca sprzedaż bezpośrednią.This study aimed to describe the direct sales as part of the promotion strategy. In the given studywas carried out research about the attitude of Poles to direct sales. It corresponds to the mainresearch questions. As the research tool was used a questionnaire. Sample size was 100 people(including 50 men and 50 women). After verification of the hypotheses, i found that some ofthem were rejected.i encourage to read the presented research. In addition, there have beendescribed companies, whose activity is based on direct sales. Polish Direct Selling Associationwas described as a formation which popularizes direct sales