138 research outputs found

    Karyotype evolution in the horseshoe bat Rhinolophus sedulus by whole-arm reciprocal translocation (WART)

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    Robertsonian (centric) fusion or fission is one of the predominant modes of chromosomal rearrangement in karyotype evolution among mammals. However, in karyotypes composed of only bi-armed chromosomes, creation of new chromosomal arm combinations in one step is possible only via whole-arm reciprocal translocation (WART). Although this type of rearrangement has often been proposed to play an important role in chromosomal evolution, direct observations of WARTs remained rare, and, in most cases, were found in hybrids of chromosomal races in the genera Mus and Sorex. For the first time, we present the karyotype of the horseshoe bat species Rhinolophus sedulus (2n = 28, FNa = 52), where a WART between 2 metacentric autosomes was detected by G-banding and confirmed by FISH with painting probes of the vespertilionid bat Myotis myotis. Among the 6 specimens analyzed, 2 showed the heterozygous condition of the WART, 1 showed the presumed ancestral, and 3 specimens showed the derived homozygous state. As the existence of a hybrid zone at the sampling locality is thought to be rather improbable, the WART may indicate ongoing karyotype evolution in this taxon

    Supplementation of Sucrose and n-source in Culture Medium Towards Bacteriocin Production of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Ampel Bamboo Shoot (Bambusa vulgaris) Pickle

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    Penelitian tentang penggunaan sukrosa dalam media BAL dari rebung masih terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh sukrosa dalam media kultur terhadap produksi bakteriosin BAL yang diisolasi dari acar rebung Ampel pada kondisi fermentasi yang berbeda. Fermentasi rebung dilakukan pada konsentrasi garam 2,5% pada suhu 15ÂșC selama 5 hari (kondisi A) dan pada konsentrasi garam 5,0% pada suhu 30ÂșC selama 4 hari (kondisi B). Isolasi BAL dari air garam fermentasi rebung menghasilkan 35 isolat yang terdiri atas 16 isolat kondisi A dan 19 isolat kondisi B. Analisis aktivitas antimikroba menunjukkan bahwa semua isolat memiliki aktivitas antimikroba terhadap bakteri patogen (E. coli FNCC 0091, L. monocytogenes FNCC 0156 dan S. aureus FNCC 0047). Semua isolat ditumbuhkan dalam media MRS-B yang dilengkapi dengan sukrosa sebagai sumber karbon dan ekstrak yeast serta pepton sebagai sumber nitrogen. Aktivitas penghambatan bakteriosin antara 13-3274 mm2 ml-1. Daya hambat tertinggi ditemukan pada isolat B16 yang ditumbuhkan pada MRS-B yang disuplementasi sukrosa 2% terhadap S. aureus FNCC 0047 (3274,99 mm2 ml-1). Tiga belas isolat menunjukkan produksi bakteriosin setelah diinokulasi pada MRS-B dengan kombinasi sumber karbon dan nitrogen. Berdasarkan 32 isolat dalam penelitian ini, hanya 4 isolat A14, A17, A18 dan B9 yang menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan bakteriosin terhadap semua indikator patogen E. coli FNCC 0091, L. monocytogenes FNCC 0156 dan S. aureus FNCC 0047

    The Climate Range Expansion of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Asia Inferred From the Distribution of Albopictus Subgroup Species of Aedes (Stegomyia)

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    金æČąć€§ć­Šç†ć·„ç ”ç©¶ćŸŸè‡Ș然シă‚čテムWe compared climatic distribution ranges between Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) and the five wild (nondomesticated) species of Albopictus Subgroup of Scutellaris Group of Aedes (Stegomyia) in southern Asia. Distribution sites of the wild species concentrate in seasonal forest and savannah climate zones in India, Indochina, and southern China. The distribution of Ae. albopictus is broader than the wild species under 1) tropical rain-forest climate, 2) steppe and temperate savannah climate, and 3) continental climate with large seasonal temperature variation (hot summer and cold winter) at temperate lowlands (northernmost sites 40°N in Ae. albopictus vs 32°N in the wild species). However, the distribution of Ae. albopictus is more limited at tropical and subtropical highlands where the climate is cool but less continental (small seasonal variation, mild summer, and winter). We discuss a possibility that the broader climate ranges of Ae. albopictus are ecological or eco-evolutionary consequences of adaptation to human habitats. We also propose a general scenario for the origin, dispersal, and adaptation of Ae. albopictus in Asia as a hypothesis for future research. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Period 12 month

    Molecular phylogeny of long-tailed giant rats (Muridae: genus leopoldamys) based on mitochondrial cytochrome B sequences

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    Two species of Leopoldamys long-tailed giant rats are found in Peninsular Malaysia. They are currently referred to as Leopoldamys ciliatus which inhabits montane habitat, and Leopoldamys vociferans which usually inhabits the lowland forest. To date, there is no report on the phylogenetic relationship of L. ciliatus with the other Leopoldamys taxa. The present study was carried out to determine its relationship, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene sequence, with L. vociferans of Peninsular Malaysia and other congeners. Phylogenetic analysis shows that L. ciliatus is a sister-species to the lineage L1 of L. herberti and L. revertens, and is distantly related to L. edwardsi. L. vociferans, and L. sabanus form a distinct clade (lineage L5) from the other Leopoldamys taxa from Indochina. The Sumatra taxon currently known as L. sabanus is genetically distinct to L. vociferans with K2P distances between 0.065 and 0.069. Contrary to previous opinions, L. herberti, L. revertens, and L. neilli of Indochina are valid species based on more than 2.5% threshold genetic distance. Both the L. edwardsi and L. neilli species complexes are represented by several sibling species. A more extensive taxon sampling from various regions (particularly Sumatra and other regions of Indonesia) as well as the use of morphological and molecular (mitogenomes or multiple genes) data sets are needed to provide a robust phylogeny and systematics

    Die Folgen des Libyen-Konflikts fĂŒr Afrika: GrĂ€ben zwischen der AU und dem Westen, Destabilisierung der Sahelzone

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    Der BĂŒrgerkrieg und die Nato-Intervention in Libyen haben Auswirkungen auf Afrika und die europĂ€ische Afrikapolitik, denen bislang zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde. Kurz- und mittelfristig droht eine weitere Destabilisierung der Sahelzone. Der im Januar 2012 neu ausgebrochene Konflikt im Norden Malis ist eine direkte Folge des libyschen BĂŒrgerkriegs, ebenso wie die RĂŒckkehr von KĂ€mpfern aus Libyen und die Zunahme des Waffenschmuggels. Außerdem hat der Libyen-Konflikt neue Hindernisse fĂŒr regionale Kooperation im Sahel aufgetĂŒrmt. Nicht minder gravierend sind die mittel- und langfristigen internationalen Folgen der Nato-Intervention. Sie hat Streit zwischen afrikanischen und westlichen Staaten verursacht, der die oft beschworene »Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe« als deklaratorische Politik zu entblĂ¶ĂŸen droht. Auch innerhalb der Afrikanischen Union hat der Umgang mit der Krise Spannungen hervorgerufen, die die HandlungsfĂ€higkeit der Organisation nach innen wie außen beeintrĂ€chtigen werden. Aus diesen GrĂŒnden muss deutsche und europĂ€ische Afrikapolitik auf mehreren Ebenen reagieren. Europa muss seinen Ansatz fĂŒr den Sahel modifizieren, denn bisher wollte die EU vor allem die SicherheitskrĂ€fte in der Region stĂ€rken. Dies geht nicht nur an den eigentlichen Problemen vorbei, sondern könnte Auseinandersetzungen sogar befeuern und regionale Kooperation erschweren. Stattdessen sollte die EU weit mehr Gewicht auf die Förderung regionaler Anstrengungen legen sowie Libyen und Algerien entschlossener in ihre Sahel-Strategie einbeziehen. FĂŒr Europa wird eine funktionsfĂ€hige AU in Zukunft noch wichtiger werden. Deutschland und die EU sollten sich daher bemĂŒhen, die politischen GrĂ€ben zuzuschĂŒtten, die der Umgang mit dem Libyen-Konflikt aufgerissen hat. (Autorenreferat
