2,466 research outputs found

    Vertebrate DNA in Fecal Samples from Bonobos and Gorillas: Evidence for Meat Consumption or Artefact?

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    Background: Deciphering the behavioral repertoire of great apes is a challenge for several reasons. First, due to their elusive behavior in dense forest environments, great ape populations are often difficult to observe. Second, members of the genus Pan are known to display a great variety in their behavioral repertoire; thus, observations from one population are not necessarily representative for other populations. For example, bonobos (Pan paniscus) are generally believed to consume almost no vertebrate prey. However, recent observations show that at least some bonobo populations may consume vertebrate prey more commonly than previously believed. We investigated the extent of their meat consumption using PCR amplification of vertebrate mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) segments from DNA extracted from bonobo feces. As a control we also attempted PCR amplifications from gorilla feces, a species assumed to be strictly herbivorous. Principal Findings: We found evidence for consumption of a variety of mammalian species in about 16% of the samples investigated. Moreover, 40% of the positive DNA amplifications originated from arboreal monkeys. However, we also found duiker and monkey mtDNA in the gorilla feces, albeit in somewhat lower percentages. Notably, the DNA sequences isolated from the two ape species fit best to the species living in the respective regions. This result suggests that the sequences are of regional origin and do not represent laboratory contaminants. Conclusions: Our results allow at least three possible and mutually not exclusive conclusions. First, all results may represent contamination of the feces by vertebrate DNA from the local environment. Thus, studies investigating a species' diet from feces DNA may be unreliable due to the low copy number of DNA originating from diet items. Second, there is some inherent difference between the bonobo and gorilla feces, with only the later ones being contaminated. Third, similar to bonobos, for which the consumption of monkeys has only recently been documented, the gorilla population investigated (for which very little observational data are as yet available) may occasionally consume small vertebrates. Although the last explanation is speculative, it should not be discarded a-priori given that observational studies continue to unravel new behaviors in great ape species

    Extending health insurance in Ghana: effects of the National Health Insurance Scheme on maternity care

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    Background There is considerable interest in exploring the potential of social health insurance in Africa where a number of countries are currently experimenting with different approaches. Since these schemes have been introduced recently and are continuously evolving, it is important to evaluate their effectiveness in the enhancement of health care utilization and reduction of out-of-pocket expenses for potential policy suggestions. Objective To investigate how the National Health Insurance Schemes (NHIS) in Ghana affects the utilization of maternal health care services and medical out-of-pocket expenses. Methods We used nationally-representative household data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS). We analyzed the 2014 GDHS focusing on four outcome variables, i.e. antenatal check up, delivery in a health facility, delivery assisted by a trained person and out-of-pocket expenditure. We estimated probit and bivariate probit models to take into account the issue of self selection into the health insurance schemes. Results The results suggest that, also taking into account the issue of self selection into the health insurance schemes, the NHIS enrollment positively affects the probability of formal antenatal check-ups before delivery, the probability of delivery in an institution and the probability of being assisted during delivery by a trained person. On the contrary, we find that, once the issue of self-selection is taken into account, the NHIS enrollment does not have a significant effect on out-of-pocket expenditure at the extensive margin. Conclusion Since a greater utilization of health-care services has a strong positive effect on the current and future health status of women and their children, the health-care authorities in Ghana should make every effort to extend this coverage. In particular, since the results of the first step of the bivariate probit regressions suggest that the educational attainment of women is a strong determinant of enrollment, and those with low education and unable to read are less likely to enroll, information on the NHIS should be disseminated in ways that reach those with little or no education. Moreover, the availability of government health facilities in a region is associated with higher likelihood of enrollment in the NHIS. Accordingly, extending geographical access is an important strategy for expanding NHIS membership and improving access to health-care

    Does the relative density of periarticular bone influence the failure pattern of intra-articular fractures?

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    Introduction: The architecture of joints almost certainly influences the nature of intra-articular fractures, and the concavity is much more likely to fail than the associated convexity. However, local differences in periarticular bone density potentially also plays a critical role. The purpose of this study was to investigate if there was any difference in periarticular bone density in intra-articular fractures between the two opposing joint surfaces, comparing the convexity to the concavity. Materials and methods: We retrospectively identified a series of 1003 intra-articular fractures of the hip, knee, and ankle; 129 of these patients had previously undergone CT scanning during their routine clinical assessment. Periarticular bone density was assessed using Hounsfield Units (HU) as a measure of the composite density of the adjacent bone. Bone density was compared between the opposite sides of each joint, to determine if a relationship exists between local bone density and the risk of articular surface fracture. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in density between the two opposing surfaces, with the convexity 19% more dense than the concavity (p = 0.0001). The knee exhibited the largest difference (55%), followed by the hip (18%); in the ankle, an inverse relationship was observed, and the concave surface was paradoxically denser (5%). There was no significant difference between those cases where the concavity failed in isolation compared to those where the convexity also failed (p = 0.28). Conclusion: When the results were pooled for all three joints, there was a statistically significant higher local bone density demonstrated on the convex side of an intra-articular fracture. However, while this relationship was clearly exhibited in the knee, this was less evident in the other two joints; in the ankle the reverse was true, and the local bone adjacent to the concavity was found to have greater density. This suggests local bone density plays only a minor role in determining the nature of intra-articular fractures

    Effects of jamming on non-equilibrium transport times in nano-channels

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    Many biological channels perform highly selective transport without direct input of metabolic energy and without transitions from a 'closed' to an 'open' state during transport. Mechanisms of selectivity of such channels serve as an inspiration for creation of artificial nano-molecular sorting devices and bio-sensors. To elucidate the transport mechanisms, it is important to understand the transport on the single molecule level in the experimentally relevant regime when multiple particles are crowded in the channel. In this paper we analyze the effects of inter-particle crowding on the non-equilibrium transport times through a finite-length channel by means of analytical theory and computer simulations

    Understanding Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the root ecosystem of Pinus radiata

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    Oral presentation on understanding Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the root ecosystem of Pinus radiat

    Comparison of a Head-Mounted Display and a Curved Screen in a Multi-Talker Audiovisual Listening Task

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    Virtual audiovisual technology has matured and its use in research is widely considered. However, the technology has yet to be established for speech- and audio-related perception research. This study examined the effects of different audiovisual conditions on head yaw and gaze direction when listening to multi-talker conversations. Two immersive displays were tested, a curved screen (CS) and a head-mounted display (HMD), combined with three visual conditions (audio-only, virtual characters and video recordings). Three groups of participants were tested: seventeen young normal-hearing, eleven older normal-hearing and ten older hearing-impaired with hearing aids. Results showed that, when visual cues were not present, the participants tended to look ahead. When visual information was available, they looked at the target speaker. Significant differences between displays and visual conditions were found, pointing out that using different audiovisual setups might lead to slightly different head yaw and gaze direction. No significant differences were found between groups. An open interview showed that the CS was preferred over the HMD and that the video recordings were the favorite visual condition.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Reference instruments based on spectrometric measurement with Lucas Cells

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    The Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Berlin, Germany) and the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland) both operate accredited calibration laboratories for radon gas activity concentration. Both the institutions use Lucas Cells as detector in their reference instrumentation due to the low dependence of this detector type on variations in environmental conditions. As a further measure to improve the quality of the reference activity concentration, a spectrometric method of data evaluation has been applied. The electric pulses from the photomultiplier tube coupled to the Lucas Cells are subjected to a pulse height analysis. The stored pulse height spectra are analysed retrospectively to compensate for fluctuations in the electric parameters of the instrumentation during a measurement. The reference instrumentation of both the laboratories is described with the respective spectrum evaluation procedures. The methods of obtaining traceability to the primary calibration laboratories of Germany and Switzerland and data of performance tests are presente
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