157 research outputs found

    Inteligencia emocional y personal sanitario

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: La Inteligencia Emocional es la capacidad de sentir, entender, controlar y modificar estados anímicos propios y ajenos. Una buena comunicación personal sanitario-paciente incrementa la confianza del paciente, mejora el cumplimiento de los tratamientos acordados, produce mejores resultados clínicos en enfermedades crónicas como hipertensión, diabetes, etc. y produce una mayor satisfacción tanto en el usuario como en el profesional. Que el personal sanitario disponga de inteligencia emocional hará que la comunicación médico-paciente sea más satisfactoria y como consecuencia el proceso de intervención más beneficioso para el usuario y para el profesional, que reducirá efectos negativos como el burnout. Hipótesis y objetivos: La inteligencia emocional en el personal sanitario favorece positivamente al profesional, al usuario y al proceso de intervención. Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de documentos de sociedades científicas, así como de revisiones sistemáticas y estudios científicos. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos han sido analizados tras subdividirlos en cuatro apartados: Relación entre inteligencia emocional y burnout; nivel de inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud; programas que apoyan la inteligencia emocional en profesionales de la salud y por último, la relación existente entre la inteligencia emocional y el proceso de intervención. Discusión: Desde las enseñanzas de las profesiones sanitarias la inteligencia emocional juega un papel secundario, por no decir nulo, algo que debería comenzar a corregirse dadas las evidencias científicas que muestran la gran importancia que tiene el nivel de inteligencia emocional del personal sanitario. Conclusiones: La hipótesis planteada ha sido avalada por los datos, tras esta revisión podemos afirmar que “La inteligencia emocional en el personal sanitario favorece positivamente al profesional, al usuario y al proceso de intervención”. En consecuencia, concluimos que es positivo para la disciplina apoyar la formación del personal sanitario en esta área

    Belise para todos: editorial de fanzines

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    [EN] This project has been created to start a zine editorial catalogue wich intention is to edit alternative and experimental publications, not only in contents but in edition process and the diferents parts of the publication, looking for a variety of narratives on editorial design. So as to context zine and self-publish culture and all that involves it. For what it has been studied the graphic underground culture in Spain. Reaching the nowadays Spanish micro-editon scene.[ES] Belise para todos es un sello de fanzines desde el cual se pretende trabajar la edición de diferentes publicaciones que versan desde la publicación colectiva a la individual.Belise para todos es un sello de fanzines desde el cual se trabaja la edición de diferentes publicaciones que versan desde la publicación colectiva a la individual. Centrandose en aspectos de diseño editorial así como conocer el contexto socio cultural de fanzine.Van Der Hofstadt Rovira, D. (2015). Belise para todos: editorial de fanzines. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61786.TFG

    Predicción del drop out de los alumnos en 1º de ADE

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    El objetivo de este análisis consiste en realizar una predicción sobre el abandono de la carrera (drop out) durante el primer año de los estudiantes de ADE utilizando datos del propio estudiante y de su rendimiento académico. El propósito de esta predicción es identificar con anticipación a aquellos estudiantes que están en riesgo de abandonar la carrera para tomar las medidas necesarias y prevenirlo o brindarles orientación hacia la mejor decisión. Se emplearán modelos de predicción estadísticos, para llevar a cabo esta predicción y se realizará un análisis detallado de los factores de riesgo que pueden influir en el abandono de la carrera. El estudio proporcionará información valiosa para la Universidad de Alicante y para los profesores de centro, permitiendo la implementación de estrategias y políticas de apoyo adecuadas para fomentar la retención y el éxito de los estudiantes de ADE

    La formación en comunicación personal: del arte a la técnica y volver a empezar = Training in personal communication: from art to technique and Start again

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    Resumen: Se plantea una reflexión sobre la evolución y los conceptos implicados en el aprendizaje de las habilidades de comunicación personal. A partir de la diferenciación entre arte y técnica, se comentan las estrategias de aprendizaje y los elementos fundamentales que han estado asociados al aprendizaje de las habilidades de comunicación personal. Por otra parte, se hace referencia a cómo de estar inicialmente centrados en el otro, pasamos a centrarnos en nosotros mismos para terminar primando la relación entre ambos, que pasa a convertirse en el centro del proceso, destronando al mensaje. Finalmente volvemos al principio, y el futuro queda pendiente de reincorporar las normas básicas que inicialmente se tenían en consideración y que siempre han ayudado a las relaciones interpersonales: respecto a los demás, cortesía y educación, además de simpatía, y un buen uso del sentido común.Palabras clave: Habilidades de comunicación, Comunicación personal, Formación Abstract: This is a thought about the evolution and concepts involved in learning personal communication skills. Starting from the difference between art and technique, we discuss the learning strategies and fundamental elements that have been associated to learning personal communication skills. On the other hand, we mention the way that, after being centered on the other, we centre on ourselves and finally the relationship between both takes priority to become the centre of the process, displacing the message. Finally, we come back to the beginning and again, the future has to initially incorporate the basic rules taken into consideration, those helpful to personal relationships: regarding others feelings, courtesy and politeness, friendliness and a good use of common sense.Keywords: Communication skills, Personal communication, Trainin

    Psicología de la Salud: ¿para cuándo en la cartera de servicios?

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    La pandemia del COVID-19 ha servido, entre otras cosas, para poner encima de la mesa las vergonzantes cifras alrededor de la atención a salud mental de la población. Así, durante un tiempo se ha conseguido estar de forma casi permanente en los medios de comunicación y desde muchas áreas, plantear la necesidad de abordar ésta problemática y tratar de resolverla, aunque sea de forma parcial. El lema “No hay salud sin salud mental”, ha estado presente de forma continuada en el tiempo en los diferentes medios de comunicación y redes sociales, y desde diferentes organizaciones se ha estado hablando de la necesidad de la incorporación de Psicólogos a Atención Primaria para facilitar el acceso de la población y la de incrementar el número de plazas en las convocatorias de Psicólogos Internos Residente dentro de la convocatoria de Formación Sanitaria Especializada del Ministerio de Sanidad

    Mindfulness-based interventions in multiple sclerosis : beneficial effects of Tai Chi on balance, coordination, fatigue and depression

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    BACKGROUND: Patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) experience a wide array of symptoms, including balance problems, mobility impairment, fatigue and depression. Physical exercise has recently been acknowledged as a treatment option complementary to medication. However, information regarding putative effects of structured exercise programs on neurological symptoms is sparse. Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art incorporating physical exercise and mindfulness training, has been shown to yield health benefits in various neurological groups. It seems particularly suitable for patients with motoric deficits as it challenges coordination and balance. The purpose of the current study was to explore the therapeutic value of structured Tai Chi training for coordination, balance, fatigue and depression in mildly disabled MS patients. METHODS: A sample of 32 MS patients (Expanded Disability Status Scale, EDSS < 5) was examined. A structured Tai Chi course was devised and a Tai Chi group participated in two weekly sessions of 90 minutes duration for six months, while a comparison group received treatment as usual (TAU). Both groups were examined prior to and following the six-months interval with regards to balance and coordination performance as well as measures of fatigue, depression and life satisfaction. RESULTS: Following the intervention, the Tai Chi group showed significant, consistent improvements in balance, coordination, and depression, relative to the TAU group (range of effect-sizes: partial η(2) = 0.16 – 0.20). Additionally, life satisfaction improved (partial η(2) = 0.31). Fatigue deteriorated in the comparison group, whereas it remained relatively stable in the Tai Chi group (partial η(2) = 0.24). CONCLUSIONS: The consistent pattern of results confirms that Tai Chi holds therapeutic potential for MS patients. Further research is needed to determine underlying working mechanisms, and to verify the results in a larger sample and different MS subgroups

    An exploration of impaired walking dynamics and fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: Physical disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) is frequently characterized by impaired ambulation. Although walking tests have been successfully employed to assess walking ability in MS patients, data analytic procedures have predominantly relied on result-oriented parameters (e.g. total distance covered during a given amount of time), whereas process-oriented, dynamic walking patterns have mostly been ignored. This is striking, since healthy individuals have been observed to display a stereotypical U-shaped pattern of walking speed during timed walking, characterized by relatively high speed during the initial phase, subsequent slowing and final acceleration. Objective of the current study was to test the utility of the 6 min Walk (6MW) and the 12 min Walk (12MW) for revealing putatively abnormal temporal dynamic features of walking in MS. METHODS: A group of 37 MS patients was divided into subgroups with regard to their level of disability analyzed with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS; Mild MS Group, n = 20, EDSS 0 – 3.5; Moderate MS Group, n = 17, EDSS 4 – 5). Subsequently, both groups were compared to age-matched healthy controls (n = 25) on both tests with regard to result-oriented characteristics (mean walking speed), as well as dynamic features (mean decline in walking speed, degree of observed U-shape). RESULTS: Both MS groups showed a significantly lower mean walking speed than healthy controls, independent of test duration. Compared to controls, the Moderate MS Group also slowed down more rapidly throughout both tests. The same pronounced decline in walking speed was observed for the Mild MS Group in case of the 12MW. Additionally, for both MS groups an attenuated U-shaped velocity pattern was observed relative to controls in the 6MW. Patients' subjective fatigue scores were more strongly correlated with the decline in walking speed than with the common parameter of mean walking speed in the 6MW. CONCLUSIONS: MS patients display abnormal dynamics in their walking patterns. A pronounced linear decline in walking speed can be identified with the 12MW even in MS patients with seemingly mild disability. Similarly, the 6MW can be used to assess an abnormal walking profile. Particularly the linear decline in walking speed on this test shows a more robust association with subjective fatigue than mean walking speed. Dynamic walking parameters may hence represent valuable clinical features, serving as surrogate measures of motor fatigue. Future studies are needed to verify their prognostic value

    Nanoscale dielectric microscopy of non-planar samples by lift-mode electrostatic force microscopy

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    Lift-mode electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) is one of the most convenient imaging modes to study the local dielectric properties of non-planar samples. Here we present the quantitative analysis of this imaging mode. We introduce a method to quantify and subtract the topographic crosstalk from the lift-mode EFM images, and a 3D numerical approach that allows for extracting the local dielectric constant with nanoscale spatial resolution free from topographic artifacts. We demonstrate this procedure by measuring the dielectric properties of micropatterned SiO2 pillars and of single bacteria cells, thus illustrating the wide applicability of our approach from materials science to biology

    Internal hydration properties of single bacterial endospores probed by electrostatic force microscopy

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    We show that the internal hydration properties of single Bacillus cereus endospores in air under different relative humidity (RH) conditions can be determined through the measurement of its electric permittivity by means of quantitative electrostatic force microscopy (EFM). We show that an increase in the RH from 0% to 80% induces a large increase in the equivalent homogeneous relative electric permittivity of the bacterial endospores, from ∼4 up to ∼17, accompanied only by a small increase in the endospore height, of just a few nanometers. These results correlate the increase of the moisture content of the endospore with the corresponding increase of environmental RH. Three-dimensional finite element numerical calculations, which include the internal structure of the endospores, indicate that the moisture is mainly accumulated in the external layers of the endospore, hence preserving the core of the endospore at low hydration levels. This mechanism is different from what we observe for vegetative bacterial cells of the same species, in which the cell wall at high humid atmospheric conditions is not able to preserve the cytoplasmic region at low hydration levels. These results show the potential of quantitative EFM under environmental humidity control to study the hygroscopic properties of small-scale biological (and nonbiological) entities and to determine its internal hydration state. A better understanding of nanohygroscopic properties can be of relevance in the study of essential biological processes and in the design of bionanotechnological application