460 research outputs found

    An Industry-Specific Investigation on Artificial Intelligence Adoption: The Cases of Financial Services and Manufacturing

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a lasting transformational effect on industries worldwide. Former research has primarily focused on AI adoption as a business phenomenon without considering different industries. Those are characterized by unique attributes that may influence how modern technologies are implemented. In order to initiate non-generalized research in that field, industry-specific drivers and barriers to firm-level AI adoption in the financial services and the manufacturing industry are analyzed. Drawing on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, it was possible to paint a holistic picture of use cases and unique, but also general drivers and barriers of AI adoption for each industry. Ultimately, by bringing these two viewpoints together, a theory of hard (generalizable) and soft (industry-specific) AI adoption factors was developed. Therefore, the findings serve as a basis for further industry-specific research and provide business stakeholders and executives with a transparent handbook about industry insights and AI knowledge

    Physiologische Untersuchungen parameterinduzierter Adaptionsantworten von Nannochloropsis salina in turbidostatischen Prozessen und deren biotechnologischer Potentiale

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    Alle Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit stammen aus Kultivierungen der Mikroalge Nannochloropsis salina (SAG 40.85) und wurden durch den Einsatz eines turbidostatisch geregelten Photobioreaktors generiert. Diese Art der KulturfĂŒhrung ermöglicht es, spezifische Effekte einzelner Umweltparameter unter Konstanthaltung anderer beeinflussender Faktoren aufzuklĂ€ren und stellt einen entscheidenden Vorteil einer kontinuierlichen gegenĂŒber einer diskontinuierlichen ProzessfĂŒhrung dar. Im Wesentlichen wurde der Einfluss der Parameter NĂ€hrstoffverfĂŒgbarkeit (Nitrat, Phosphat) und Temperatur sowie eine Kombination aus beiden Parametern mit dem Schwerpunkt auf FettsĂ€uren sowie auf Wachstumsraten, Pigmente, Fluoreszenzen und -Tocopherol experimentell ermittelt. Dabei wurden zum einen die zeitlichen VerlĂ€ufe und zum anderen die Endergebnisse gegenĂŒbergestellt. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass maximale Wachstumsraten und Pigmentkonzentrationen bei N. salina im Vollmedium bei einer Temperatur von 26 °C erzielt werden. Ausgehend von diesen optimierten Wachstumsbedingungen ĂŒbt eine Nitratlimitierung einen stĂ€rkeren Einfluss auf die Wachstumsrate und die Pigmentkonzentrationen aus als eine Phosphatlimitierung oder eine TemperaturĂ€nderung oberhalb oder unterhalb dieser optimalen Wachstumstemperatur. Die photochemische Effizienz wird dagegen kaum beeintrĂ€chtigt, wenn nur ein Umweltparameter (Nitratmangel oder Temperatur) als Stressor wirkt. Erst eine Kombination beider Stressoren wirkt sich negativ auf die photochemische Effizienz aus. Die in einem turbidostatischen Prozess mit einem relativ hohen Licht/Zelle-VerhĂ€ltnis generierten a-Tocopherolkonzentrationen zeigen relativ niedrige Werte mit nur marginalen Unterschieden zwischen den Nitrat-, Phosphat- sowie Temperaturexperimenten. Geeignete Voraussetzungen fĂŒr eine hohe Tocopherolkonzentration in der Zelle wĂ€ren z.B. ein geringes Licht/Zelle-VerhĂ€ltnis und stationĂ€re Wachstumsraten bzw. alternde Kulturen. FĂŒr die FettsĂ€ureexperimente mit N. salina unter turbidostatischen Bedingungen gilt, dass eine Nitratlimitierung den zellulĂ€ren TFA-Gehalt und eine volle Nitratversorgung den zellulĂ€ren EPA-Gehalt begĂŒnstigt. DarĂŒber hinaus können diese schon relativ hohen EPA- und TFA-Konzentrationen durch den zusĂ€tzlichen Einsatz niedriger Temperaturen gesteigert werden. Die Untersuchungen bei Phosphatmangel jedoch ergeben, dass dieser weder einen negativen noch positiven Einfluss auf die TFA- oder EPA-Konzentration in N. salina hat. Die höchsten ProduktivitĂ€ten von TFA und EPA werden maßgeblich durch eine ausgewogene NĂ€hrstoffversorgung und Temperaturen unterhalb von 21 °C (TFA) bzw. Temperaturen zwischen 21 °C und 26 °C (EPA) erzielt. Aufgrund dieser ProduktivitĂ€tspotentiale und ihrer physiologischen Eigenschaft, hohe TFA- und EPA-Konzentrationen in der Zelle zu akkumulieren, ist die Mikroalge N. salina ein ausgesprochen empfehlenswerter Kandidat fĂŒr eine Produktion im Großmaßstab

    Contextual influences on physical activity and eating habits -options for action on the community level

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    Background: This conceptual paper aims to illustrate the ways in which communities are able to advance health improvements on a population level. Outcome measures may include increased physical activity and healthier eating habits in particular, as well as an improved health-related quality of life and social cohesion as more generic outcomes. Main body: The paper begins by asking initial questions: Why did previous health-specific interventions only show moderate effects on an individual level and mixed effects on a population level? What is the added value of a community-based public health perspective compared to the traditional biomedical perspective when it comes to prevention? Why are we living the way we are living? Why do we eat what we eat? Why do we move the way we move? Subsequently, we illustrate the broad spectrum of contextual interventions available to communities. These can have geographical and technological as well as economic, political, normative and attitude-specific dimensions. It is shown that communities have a strong influence on health-related contexts and decision-making of adults, adolescents and children. In addition contextual characteristics, effects, mediators, moderators and consequences relevant for health can differ greatly between age groups. Both small-scale settings and overarching sectors possess physical, economic, political and sociocultural characteristics that can be proactively influenced by community decision-makers in the sense of a “health in all policies”-strategy. Short conclusion: After presenting various interdisciplinary approaches to community-based health interventions, the manuscript closes with the following core message: Successful community-based health promotion strategies consist of multilevel – multicomponent interventions on the micro, meso and macro-level-environments

    Assessment of Local Reaction to Vaccines in Live Piglets with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compared to Histopathology

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    The safety of veterinary vaccines is assessed in clinical trials in Europe. The assessment of the local tissue reaction to vaccination by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could reduce the number of animals needed because repeated examinations can be performed in the same animal over time. The present study compared the evaluation of local tissue reactions to vaccination using MRI in live pigs with histopathology of porcine tissue, the current gold standard in regulatory safety testing. Eight piglets each were administered one of two commercial vaccines into marked injection sites. All animals were sedated and scanned repeatedly by MRI using a contrast agent up to day 29 after vaccination. On day 29, the animals were euthanized and underwent a pathological examination. The MRI results were compared with the pathomorphological findings at the injection site by regression analysis. The MR images and the pathological examinations yielded matching results concerning the sizes of the affected tissue volumes or areas. The use of MRI for regulatory safety testing can reduce the number of animals needed to 8 per examination group. The volume of a local reaction and its progression over time can be evaluated and documented. If persistent lesions develop a final pathomorphological examination is needed to identify the kind and local distribution of the reaction

    Identification of starting points to promote health and wellbeing at the community level – a qualitative study

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    Background: As health is influenced by the social, economic and environmental conditions in which individuals live, local communities are an ideal setting to promote health and wellbeing. However, up to now various health promotion interventions at the community level have had limited success, perhaps related to an incomplete understanding of local contexts and priorities. We therefore aimed to develop a broader and deeper understanding of topics or issues that were most salient to residents of a South-West German community by exploring their perceptions of needs, challenges, barriers and existing resources related to health and well-being. Methods: As an initial step of a multi-year community-based participatory research project, we conducted semi-structured interviews with key informants (n = 30) from various community settings (e.g., child care, elderly care, businesses, non-profit organizations, village councils, and local government). The terms “health” and “wellbeing” were included in the stem of each question in the semi-structured interview guide to enable a focus on related perceived needs, challenges, barriers and existing resources. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis techniques. Results: Themes emerging from our interviews appeared to center primarily in three distinct areas: natural resources and built environment, access to services, and social cohesion including subthemes on the importance of social engagement and volunteerism, sense of community, and shared identity. Conclusions: That health and wellbeing were not identified explicitly as a priority by key informants suggests that these should not be presented as the primary focus of a community-wide initiative. Instead themes with a higher priority should be addressed in ways that can lead to better health and wellbeing as a secondary goal

    Building in Quatar - Field excursion of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the HTWG Konstanz

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    Die große Exkursion 2010 der FakultĂ€t Bauingenieurwesen fĂŒhrte in das Emirat Qatar am persischen Golf. Qatar verfĂŒgt ĂŒber 15% der weltweiten Reserven anErdgas und investiert u.a. in Infrastruktur- und BauÂŹmaßnahmen. Deutsche Firmen sind an diesem Aufbau beteiligt. Bei der Exkursion wurden verschiedene Hoch- und Tiefbaustellen, „Mega-Projekte“ deutscher Unternehmen, aber auch eines arabischen Baukonzerns besucht. Auch das Ausstellungszentrum der Deutschen Bahn stand auf dem Programm. Der Bericht gibt die EindrĂŒcke beim Besuch der Projekte wie auch die Reiseerlebnisse wieder.The student excursion of the University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz, Germany, lead to the Emirat of Qatar at the Persian Gulf. The country possesses 15% of the reserves of natural gas and is investing in building and infrastructures measures. German companies are part of this development. During the excursion different structural sites of “mega-projects” of German and Arabic Companies as well as the exposition Center of the “Deutsche Bahn” have been visited

    Human alveolar progenitors generate dual lineage bronchioalveolar organoids

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    Mechanisms of epithelial renewal in the alveolar compartment remain incompletely understood. To this end, we aimed to characterize alveolar progenitors. Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis of the HTII-280+/EpCAM+ population from adult human lung revealed subclusters enriched for adult stem cell signature (ASCS) genes. We found that alveolar progenitors in organoid culture in vitro show phenotypic lineage plasticity as they can yield alveolar or bronchial cell-type progeny. The direction of the differentiation is dependent on the presence of the GSK-3ÎČ inhibitor, CHIR99021. By RNA-seq profiling of GSK-3ÎČ knockdown organoids we identified additional candidate target genes of the inhibitor, among others FOXM1 and EGF. This gives evidence of Wnt pathway independent regulatory mechanisms of alveolar specification. Following influenza A virus (IAV) infection organoids showed a similar response as lung tissue explants which confirms their suitability for studies of sequelae of pathogen-host interaction

    TFA and EPA Productivities of Nannochloropsis salina Influenced by Temperature and Nitrate Stimuli in Turbidostatic Controlled Experiments

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    The influence of different nitrate concentrations in combination with three cultivation temperatures on the total fatty acids (TFA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content of Nannochloropsis salina was investigated. This was done by virtue of turbidostatic controlled cultures. This control mode enables the cultivation of microalgae under defined conditions and, therefore, the influence of single parameters on the fatty acid synthesis of Nannochloropsis salina can be investigated. Generally, growth rates decreased under low nitrate concentrations. This effect was reinforced when cells were exposed to lower temperatures (from 26 °C down to 17 °C). Considering the cellular TFA concentration, nitrate provoked an increase of TFA under nitrate limitation up to 70% of the biological dry mass (BDM). In contrast to this finding, the EPA content decreased under low nitrate concentrations. Nevertheless, both TFA and EPA contents increased under a low culture temperature (17 °C) compared to moderate temperatures of 21 °C and 26 °C. In terms of biotechnological production, the growth rate has to be taken into account. Therefore, for both TFA and EPA production, a temperature of 17 °C and a nitrate concentration of 1800 ÎŒmol L−1 afforded the highest productivities. Temperatures of 21 °C and 26 °C in combination with 1800 ÎŒmol L−1 nitrate showed slightly lower TFA and EPA productivities
