1,743 research outputs found

    Taking a closer look at the ups and downs in couple relationships

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    Auf dem Weg zu multifunktionalen Bodipy-Farbstoffen

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    Multifunktionalisierte Farbstoffe sind von großem Interesse, da häufig mit einer Messung nicht alle Daten gleichzeitig erhalten werden können. Mit multifunktionalen Farbstoffen ergibt sich die Möglichkeit mehrere unterschiedliche Messmethoden in einem Molekül zu kombinieren. In der vorliegenden Dissertation konnten multifunktionale Bodipy-Farbstoffe synthetisiert werden. Es konnten trifunktionale Saccharid-Sonden, Kontrastmittel und immobilisierbare Bodipys hergestellt werden. Sowohl die ß-Position als auch die BF2-Einheit wurden auf dem Weg zu multifunktionalen Farbstoffen verwendet. Es konnten zwei ß-Boronsäure-Bodipys (BBB) hergestellt werden, die selektiv Diole binden und infolgedessen ihre Fluoreszenzeigenschaften ändern. Zudem war es durch die ß-Funktionalisierung möglich, zeitaufgelöste Fluoreszenz Anisotropiemessungen als neues Analysewerkzeug zur Unterscheidung von Oligomerisierungsgraden zu verwenden. Ein Bodipy mit einem Silan in ß-Position wurde ebenfalls dargestellt. Dadurch wurde die Immobilisierung eines Bodipys auf Glasoberflächen realisiert, mit dem zukünftig Messungen auf Einzelmolekülniveau zur Reaktionsverfolgung durchführbar sein könnten. Zudem war auch die Synthese eines trifunktionalen Bodipys auf Basis der BF2-Einheit erfolgreich. So konnten in einem Kooperationsprojekt vier 18F-markierte Bodipys mit PSMA-Liganden synthetisiert werden, von denen einer gute Chancen aufweist, zukünftig als trifunktionales Kontrastmittel angewandt zu werden.Multifunctional dyes are of great interest because often not all data can be obtained simultaneously with one measurement. However, if multifunctional dyes are used, it is possible to combine several different measurement methods in one molecule. In the present dissertation, multifunctional Bodipy-dyes could be synthesized. Trifunctional saccharide probes, contrast agents, and immobilizable Bodipys could be obtained. Both the ß-position and the BF2-moiety were used in the route to multifunctional dyes. Two ß-boronic acids Bodipys (BBB) were developed which are able to selectively bind diols and consequently change their fluorescence properties. In addition, the ß-functionalization makes time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements possible as a new analysis tool to differentiate between oligomerization grade. A Bodipy with a silane in the ß-position was also displayed. This realized the immobilization of a Bodipy dye on glass surfaces, setting the stage for a tool that may allow future measurements to be performed at the single-molecule level for reaction tracking. In addition, the synthesis of a trifunctional Bodipy based on the BF2-unit was also successful. Thus, four 18F-labeled Bodipys with PSMA ligands were synthesized in a cooperation project. One of the compounds has good chances of being used as a trifunctional contrast agent in the future

    Análise da rugosidade superficial de duas cerâmicas odontológicas antes e após quatro tipos de acabamento e polimento

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    A cerâmica é um material restaurador extremamente utilizado para reabilitações protéticas, um fator importante a ser observado é a rugosidade superficial das peças após acabamento e polimento caso um ajuste seja realizado. É importante que a superfície da cerâmica seja lisa e polida, sem porosidades ou microtrincas, para que não ocorra acúmulo de placa bacteriana, irritação gengival, alteração de cor da superfície da cerâmica, fraturas e desgaste do dente antagonista. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a rugosidade superficial de duas porcelanas submetidas a quatro diferentes sistemas de acabamento e polimento. Dessa maneira, foram confeccionados 100 corpos de prova de porcelana: 50 corpos de prova de cerâmica Noritake EX-3 (Noritake Dental Supply Co. Limited Higashiyama, Myoshi, Japão) e 50 corpos de prova de IPS E.max (IPS-E.max Ivoclar Vivadent Brasil), divididos em grupo Controle (n=10), Grupo 1 (n=10) acabamento com pontas diamantadas da Komet (Komet - Brasseler, Lemgo, Alemanha); Grupo 2 (n=10) polimento com borrachas abrasivas da Komet (Komet - Brasseler, Lemgo, Alemanha); Grupo 3 (n=10) polimento com borrachas Shofu (Sistema Shofu Inc. – Japão) Grupo 4 (n=10) polimento com borrachas Dh Pro para Cerâmicas (Dh Pro- Curitiba –Brasil). Os valores médios de rugosidade superficial encontrados nos grupos foram para a cerâmica Noritake: Controle - 0.90 (±0.21), Grupo 1 - 4.33 (±0.70), Grupo 2 - 1.37 (±0.67), Grupo 3 - 1,32 (±0,038) e Grupo 4 - 1.98 (± 0.11). Para a cerâmica IPS E.max: Controle - 0.54 (± 0.06), Grupo 1 - 2.28 (±0.85), Grupo 2 - 1.17 (±0.24), Grupo 3 - 1.34 (±0.67) e Grupo 4 - 1.93 (± 0.11). Baseado nos resultados obtidos pela metodologia aplicada, podemos concluir que: O sistema de polimento DhPro teve os piores resultados de recuperação da rugosidade superficial nas duas cerâmicas (Noritake e IPS E.max); as cerâmicas polidas com os sistemas de polimento Komet e Shofu não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação às cerâmicas glazeadas (Noritake e IPS E.max); após o acabamento com a ponta diamantada Komet, houve diferença significativa entre a cerâmica Noritake e IPS E.max, esta apresentou melhores resultados devido a sua característica vítrea em relação a sintética da Noritake.Ceramic is a restorative material extremely used for prosthetic rehabilitation, an important factor to be noted is the surface roughness of the parts after finishing and polishing if an adjustment is performed. It is important that the ceramic surface is polished and smooth, without pores or microcracks, to avoid plaque accumulation, gingival irritation, discoloration of the ceramic surface, fractures and wear of the opposing tooth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness of two porcelain subjected to four different finishing and polishing systems. Thus, it were made 100 specimens of porcelain: 50 specimens of the ceramic Noritake EX-3 (Noritake Dental Supply Co. Limited Higashiyama, Myoshi, Japan) and 50 specimens of IPS E.max (IPS-E.max Ivoclar Vivadent Brazil), divided into Control group (n=10), Group 1 (n=10) finishing with Komet diamond burs (Komet - Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany); Group 2 (n=10) polishing with Komet abrasive rubbers (Komet - Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany); Group 3 (n=10) polishing with Shofu rubbers (Shofu System Inc. – Japan) Group 4 (n=10) polishing with Dh Pro rubbers for ceramics (Dh Pro- Curitiba –Brazil). The average values of surface roughness were found among groups for ceramics Noritake: Control - 0.90 (±0.21), Group 1 - 4.33 (±0.70), Group 2 - 1.37 (±0.67), Group 3 - 1,32 (±0,038) and Group 4 - 1.98 (± 0.11). For ceramics IPS E.max: Control - 0.54 (± 0.06), Group 1 - 2.28 (±0.85), Group 2 - 1.17 (±0.24), Group 3 - 1.34 (±0.67) e Group 4 - 1.93 (± 0.11). Based on the results obtained by the methodology applied, we conclude that: The polishing system DhPro had the worst results of recovery of surface roughness on two ceramics (Noritake e IPS E.max); ceramics polished with polishing systems Komet and Shofu showed no statistically significant differences in relation to glazed ceramics (Noritake e IPS E.max); after finishing with diamond burs Komet was a significant difference between the ceramic Noritake and IPS E.max, this yielded better results due to its glassy characteristic in relation to the synthetic Noritake

    Taking a closer look at the ups and downs in couple relationships

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    Sepse e enterocolite necrosante em recém-nascidos pré-termo internados em uma unidade de internação neonatal em tempo de COVID-19

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    A Unidade de Internação Neonatal é responsável por cuidados especializados que visam à redução da morbimortalidade neonatal e prevenção de agravos, como a sepse neonatal e a enterocolite necrosante. Diante da pandemia da COVID-19, as rotinas e fluxogramas de atendimento nas unidades de internação foram alterados. Foram adotadas medidas como a adesão às novas práticas de controle de infecção, as quais interferem direta ou indiretamente na saúde neonatal. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as taxas de sepse neonatal e de enterocolite necrosante de recém-nascidos pré-termo internados em uma Unidade de Internação Neonatal antes e após o início da pandemia da COVID-19. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo transversal, realizado em uma Unidade de Internação Neonatal de um hospital universitário de Porto Alegre. A amostra do estudo foi constituída dos recém-nascidos prétermos que preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade, no período de seis meses antes de pandemia e seis meses após o início da pandemia. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e foram utilizados os teste Qui-Quadrado e o teste de Mann-Whitney, tendo sido adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Os princípios éticos foram respeitados, conforme a Resolução 466/2012. A amostra foi de 183 recém-nascidos, divididos em dois grupos, o grupo 1 correspondeu a 76 (41,5%) e o grupo 2 foi composto de 107 (58,5%) neonatos da amostra. A distribuição de sexo diferiu entre os grupos, o grupo 1 apresentou 45 (59,2%) recém-nascidos do sexo feminino e o grupo 2, 64 (59,8%) do sexo masculino. A taxa de sepse neonatal foi de 25,7% (47), e a sepse neonatal tardia foi de 9,3% (17) na amostra geral. A taxa de enterocolite necrosante foi de 3,9% (3) no grupo 1, já, no grupo 2, houve diminuição da taxa, que foi 1,9% (2), porém, sem nível de significância estatística entre os grupos. Destaca-se que a taxa de óbitos foi de 6,6% (5) no grupo 1 e de 1 (0,9%) no grupo 2 (p=0,046), havendo redução significativa nos números de óbitos entre os dois grupos. Este estudo não identificou diferença estatística entre as taxas de sepse e enterocolite necrosante, ao comparar os períodos anterior e após o início da pandemia do COVID-19. Destaca-se que houve redução da taxa de óbitos dos neonatos durante o período, o que reforça a importância das medidas de prevenção de infecções que são essenciais para a segurança dos neonatos. Dessa forma, sugere-se a realização de estudos com maior recorte temporal, para melhor compreensão dos impactos das novas rotinas na saúde dos neonatos hospitalizados

    Eliciting Short-Term Closeness in Couple Relationships With Ecological Momentary Interventions

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    Relationship closeness is considered an important psychological variable for studying couple relationships, and is often postulated as cause for important relationship outcomes. The current study evaluates four micro-interventions for their suitability to experimentally elicit feelings of closeness towards one’s partner. Using participants’ smartphones, and a combination of experience sampling, event sampling, and ecological momentary interventions, individuals reported for a week on their experiences of closeness before and after completing daily either a neutral task or a task meant to enhance relationship closeness. The closeness tasks included showing physical affection, sharing a childhood memory, looking each other in the eyes for five minutes, and discussing shared life achievements. Results of intention-to-treat analyses on a within-person level showed that closeness increased from pre- to post-measurement on average more strongly on days of any of the four examined closeness conditions than on days of the neutral control conditions. Interindividual variability of this effect was observed, emphasizing the relevance of using within-person designs to evaluate such interventions. Exploratory analyses showed that effect sizes declined across time within the day. This study provides instruments for research on causal effects of closeness in everyday relationship life, and an evidence basis for smartphone-delivered interventions in practitioner settings

    Motivational interdependence in couple relationships

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    This article presents an integrative conceptual model of motivational interdependence in couples, the MIC model. Based on theoretical tenets in motivation psychology, personality psychology, and research on interpersonal perception, the MIC model postulates that two partners&#39; motive dispositions fundamentally interact in shaping their individual motivation and behavior. On a functional level, a partner&#39;s motivated behavior is conceptualized as an environmental cue that can contribute to an actor&#39;s motive expression and satisfaction. However, the partner&#39;s motivated behavior is considered to gain this motivational relevance only via the actor&#39;s subjective perception. Multilevel analyses of an extensive experience sampling study on partner-related communal motivation ( N = up to 60,803 surveys from 508 individuals nested in 258 couples) supported the MIC model. Participants, particularly those with strong communal motive dispositions, behaved more communally at moments when they perceived their partners to behave more communally. In addition, participants experienced momentary boosts in satisfaction when they behaved more communally and, at the same time, perceived their partners&#39; behavior as similarly communal. Broader implications of the MIC model for research on romantic relationships are discussed