75 research outputs found

    Dancing around the pole: holarctic phylogeography of the Arctic fairy shrimp Branchinecta paludosa (Anostraca, Branchiopoda)

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    The distributional patterns of Arctic species are commonly affected by the recurring Pleistocene glaciations, which contributed to transient or permanent genetic isolation. Here we explore the phylogeography of the climate-sensitive Arctic fairy shrimp Branchinecta paludosa, which has a circumpolar range of distribution, with certain southern alpine outreaches. We sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I subunit from samples collected at ten Nearctic and nine Palaearctic sites, including southern alpine populations. A handful of ambiguous bases in certain sequences strongly suggested heteroplasmy, possibly being reported for the first time in anostracans. Evolutionary analysis of the sequence variations showed a temporal divergence coinciding with the flooding of the Beringia land bridge. Sequence alignment with outgroup taxa for phylogenetic analysis showed three distinct major clades, reflecting geographical isolation. The most divergent clade, from isolated alpine ponds in the Rocky Mountains, probably represents a different and undescribed species. Two other major clades corresponded to the geographical areas of Nearctic and Palaearctic. Finally, the southern Palaearctic outstretch showed genetic separation, most likely representing a geographical and climatic isolated relict population.publishedVersio

    Hopp i havet med hoppekreps

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    Hoppekreps (Copepoda) inntar en nøkkelrolle i den marine næringskjeden, og har stor betydning som bindeledd mellom primærproduksjon og høyere trofiske nivåer. Til tross for dette er det fremdeles mange kunnskapshull knyttet til artsmangfold, taksonomi og utbredelse, spesielt om arter som lever like over eller nær bunnen (hyperbentos). Det er gjort svært få undersøkelser av hyperbentiske copepoder siden de omfattende arbeidene til G.O. Sars i perioden 1860–1928. Dette skyldes delvis at hyperbentos er vanskelig tilgjengelig, og at vi må bruke mange forskjellige metoder for å samle dem. Det er også en stor mangel på taksonomisk kompetanse. I dette prosjektet (HYPCOP) har vi som mål å kartlegge hoppekreps i hyperbentiske marine habitater fra norske havområder, inkludert hyperbentos i grunne kystområder og dype fjorder. Samtidig som vi bygger opp en viktig samling i museet som fremtidige forskere kan jobbe videre med, bygger vi også opp ny taksonomisk kompetanse på copepoder i norske fagmiljøer


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    The rise of juvenile delinquency and other social pathology currently has raised concerned various parties, and all of it into a weak indicator of social capital. Social capital is formed through the social structure, family, education, and the built environment (Aldridge, Halpern, and Fitzpatrick, 2002, p. 15). Part of the built environment is a public space, which should be accessible to the public either individually or in groups (Carr et al, 1992, pp. 50-51). NCSS aims that one theme of learning social studies are humans and the environment which has the meaning of human life and can not be separated from the environment or space, including social skills as a dimension of social capital (Maryani, 2011, pp. 12-13). This study aims to examine the role of public spaces to social capital and social phatology absorbers among high school students in Bandung, using a quantitative approach and survey method. Total sample of 1140 students spread across 38 public and private high school. The data is processed by using path analysis. The findings of this study are as follows. (1) There is a relationship between the physical and non-physical components of public space; (2) There is an influence of the physical components of a public space for the development of social capital; (3) There is an influence of the physical components of the public space of the damper social pathology; (4) There is an influence of non-physical components of a public space for the development of social capital; (5) there is a positive effect of non-physical components of public space for social pathology; (6) There is a positive effect of social capital on social pathology; (7) The components of physical and non-physical component of public space simultaneously affect the social capital; and (8) physical component and non-physical component of public space simultaneously affect the social pathology. Recommendations from this study: (1) for the city government, the existence of public spaces need to be supplemented in accordance with the needs of citizens, in addition to the need to consider aspects of function and social aspects; considering public space has become a means of self students in a positive way; (2) for social studies teachers, public space with all the phenomenon may be a place and a source of interesting and contextual learning, so that learning will not bored; (3) for further research is recommended to assess the perception according to adolescent psychological condition that can develop a form of public space are more instrumental to the development of social capital and social pathology reducer. Maraknya kenakalan remaja dan patologi sosial lain saat ini telah menimbulkan keprihatinan berbagai pihak, dan semua itu menjadi indikator lemahnya modal sosial. Modal sosial dibentuk melalui struktur sosial, keluarga, pendidikan, dan lingkungan binaan (Aldridge, Halpern, dan Fitzpatrick, 2002, hlm. 15). Bagian dari lingkungan binaan adalah ruang publik, yang seharusnya dapat diakses oleh masyarakat baik secara individu maupun kelompok (Carr dkk, 1992, hlm. 50-51). Salah satu tema pembelajaran IPS menurut NCSS adalah manusia dan lingkungan yang mempunyai makna kehidupan manusia dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari lingkungan atau ruang, termasuk di dalamnya keterampilan sosial sebagai dimensi dari modal sosial (Maryani, 2011, hlm. 12-13). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji peran ruang publik terhadap modal sosial dan peredam patologi sosial di kalangan siswa SMA Kota Bandung, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode survey. Jumlah siswa sampel sebanyak 1140 yang menyebar di 38 SMA Negeri dan Swasta. Data diolah dengan mempergunakan analisis jalur. Temuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Terdapat hubungan antara komponen fisik dan non fisik ruang publik; (2) Terdapat pengaruh antara komponen fisik ruang publik terhadap pengembangan modal sosial; (3) Terdapat pengaruh antara komponen fisik ruang publik terhadap peredam patologi sosial; (4) Terdapat pengaruh antara komponen non fisik ruang publik terhadap pengembangan modal sosial; (5) terdapat pengaruh positif antara komponen non fisik ruang publik terhadap patologi sosial; (6) Terdapat pengaruh positif antara modal sosial terhadap patologi sosial; (7) Komponen fisik dan komponen non fisik ruang publik secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap modal sosial; serta (8) Komponen fisik dan komponen non fisik ruang publik secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap patologi sosial. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini: (1) untuk pemerintah kota, keberadaan ruang publik perlu ditambah sesuai dengan kebutuhan warga, selain itu perlu di pertimbangkan aspek fungsi dan aspek sosialnya;mengingat ruang publik telah menjadi sarana mengaktualisasikan diri siswa secara positif; (2) untuk para guru IPS, ruang publik dengan segala fenomenanya dapat menjadi tempat dan sumber belajar yang menarik dan kontekstual, sehingga pembelajaran tidak membosankan; (3) untuk penelitian selanjutnya direkomendasikan untuk mengkaji persepsi sesuai dengan kondisi psikologi remaja sehingga dapat mengembangkan bentuk ruang publik yang lebih berperan untuk pengembangan modal sosial dan peredam patologi sosial

    Shifted dynamics of plankton communities in a restored lake: exploring the effects of climate change on phenology through four decades

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    Lake surface temperatures have increased globally in recent decades. Climate change can affect lake biota directly via enhanced water temperatures, shorter ice cover duration and prolonged stratification, and indirectly via changes in species interactions. Changes in the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton and zooplankton can further affect whole lake ecosystems. However, separating the effects of climate change from the more direct and dominating effects of nutrients is a challenge. Our aim was to explore the ecological effects of climate change while accounting for the effects of re-oligotrophication in Lake Mjøsa, the largest lake in Norway. While restoration measures since the 1970s have resulted in strongly reduced nutrient levels, the surface water temperature has increased by almost 0.4°C decade-1 during the same period. We analysed long-term trends and abrupt changes in environmental and biological time series as well as changes in the seasonal dynamics of individual plankton taxa. The general long-term trends in phenology were diverging for phytoplankton (later peaks) vs. zooplankton (earlier peaks). However, individual taxa of both phytoplankton and zooplankton displayed earlier peaks. Earlier peaks of the phytoplankton group Cryptophyceae can be explained by increased spring temperature or other climate-related changes. Earlier onset of population growth of certain zooplankton species (Limnocalanus macrurus and Holopedium gibberum) can also be explained by climatic change, either directly (earlier temperature increase) or more indirectly (earlier availability of Cryptophyceae as a food source). In the long run, climate-related changes in both phytoplankton and zooplankton phenology may have implications for the fish communities of this lake.publishedVersio

    Kollsnes prosessanlegg. Oppfølgende miljø undersøkelser 2023. Ferskvann

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    Prosjektleder: Birger SkjelbredDet er gjennomført oppfølgende miljøundersøkelser i ferskvann i nærområdet til Kollsnes prosessanlegg i 2023. Overvåkingsprogrammet gjentas hvert 5. år, og omfatter vannkjemiske og biologiske undersøkelser i to innsjøer. Steinsvatn var næringsfattig og hadde god økologisk tilstand med hensyn til eutrofiering. Stølevatn hadde moderat økologisk tilstand, forårsaket av noe forhøyet konsentrasjon av total fosfor. Med hensyn til forsuring vurderes begge innsjøer å være i god tilstand, men vannvegetasjonen indik erer at innsjøene fortsatt er noe påvirket av forsuring. Innholdet av nitrogenfo rbindelser i innsjøene har variert en del tidligere år, men var lavt i 2023. Endringer fra tidligere undersøkelser var ubetydelige. I begge innsjøer viste målingene en svak bedring i pH og en flatere trend enn tidligere for innhold av organisk karbon (brun ere farge).Equinor Energy AS, Kollsnes prosessanlegg, 5337 RongpublishedVersio

    Biologisk oppfølging av kalka lokaliteter i Aust-Agder i 2010

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    Sju innsjøer i Aust-Agder; Marksettjenn, Kabrettstetjenn, Steinsvatn, Tegardsvatn, Kjellingtjenn, Skardvatn og Rosalvatnet, er prøvefisket i effektkontroll av kalking. Undersøkelsene omfattet også dyreplankton og littorale krepsdyr, og bunndyr i utløpselvene, samt vannprøver fra inn- og utløpsbekker. Vannkjemien var svært varierende -; dårlig (forsuret) i Kabretstetjenn og marginal i Marksettjenn og Kjellingtjenn. Den beste kondisjonen og veksten hadde auren i Steinsvatn. God kondisjon og vekst var det også i Kabrettstetjenn og Rosalvatnet. Dårligst vekst var det i Kjellingtjenn og Tegardsvatn. Fisken i Tegardsvatn hadde god kondisjon. I Skardvatn var det middels fangst av tryte. Analyser av bunndyr indikerte svært dårlig økologisk status i utløpsbekkene fra Kabrettstetjenn og Kjellingtjenn, mens bekken fra Marksettjenn har dårlig økologisk status. Registreringer av dyreplankton og littorale krepsdyr viste forekomst av forsuringsfølsomme arter i Marksettjenn og Skardvatn, mens i de øvrige innsjøene ble det bare påvist moderat følsomme arter. De fleste artene som forekom er ufølsomme for forsuring. Forsuringsbegunstigete arter forekom i alle innsjøer unntatt Steinsvatn.Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder v/ Per Kjetil Omhol

    Genetic diversity of the NE Atlantic sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis unveils chaotic genetic patchiness possibly linked to local selective pressure

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    We compared the genetic differentiation in the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis from discrete populations on the NE Atlantic coast. By using eight recently developed microsatellite markers, genetic structure was compared between populations from the Danish Strait in the south to the Barents Sea in the north (56–79°N). Urchins are spread by pelagic larvae and may be transported long distances by northwards-going ocean currents. Two main superimposed patterns were identified. The first showed a subtle but significant genetic differentiation from the southernmost to the northernmost of the studied populations and could be explained by an isolation by distance model. The second pattern included two coastal populations in mid-Norway (65°N), NH and NS, as well as the northernmost population of continental Norway (71°N) FV. They showed a high degree of differentiation from all other populations. The explanation to the second pattern is most likely chaotic genetic patchiness caused by introgression from another species, S. pallidus, into S. droebachiensis resulting from selective pressure. Ongoing sea urchin collapse and kelp forests recovery are observed in the area of NH, NS and FV populations. High gene flow between populations spanning more than 22° in latitude suggests a high risk of new grazing events to occur rapidly in the future if conditions for sea urchins are favourable. On the other hand, the possibility of hybridization in association with collapsing populations may be used as an early warning indicator for monitoring purposes.publishedVersio

    Causal modeling and inference for electricity markets

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    How does dynamic price information flow among Northern European electricity spot prices and prices of major electricity generation fuel sources? We use time series models combined with new advances in causal inference to answer these questions. Applying our methods to weekly Nordic and German electricity prices, and oil, gas and coal prices, with German wind power and Nordic water reservoir levels as exogenous variables, we estimate a causal model for the price dynamics, both for contemporaneous and lagged relationships. In contemporaneous time, Nordic and German electricity prices are interlinked through gas prices. In the long run, electricity prices and British gas prices adjust themselves to establish the equlibrium price level, since oil, coal, continental gas and EUR/USD are found to be weakly exogenous

    A baseline study of the occurrence of non-indigenous species in Danish harbours

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    Project Manager/Main Author Jesper H. AndersenWe report the first ever nation-wide study of the occurrence of non-indigenous species in Danish harbours. The sampling was car-ried out using both conventional and biomolecular methods (eDNA). In total, 16 harbours were covered – Esbjerg and Aarhus, the two largest harbours in Denmark, with intensive sampling and 14 harbours with a reduced programme. 26 non-indigenous species were recorded using conventional sampling and 13 species were recorded using eDNA-based methods. Excluding overlapping rec-ords, we have recorded a total of 34 non-indigenous species in the 16 harbours studied. Based on the results, we conclude the following: 1) more non-indigenous species are found in the western parts of Denmark (North Sea region) then in the eastern parts (Baltic Sea), and 2) a few species previously unseen in Danish marine waters were recorded, i.e. the two bristle worms Eteone het-eropoda (fam. Phyllodocidae) and Streblospio benedicti (fam. Spionidae). Further, we provide a proof-of-concept regarding the overarching objectives of the MONIS 1-3 projects and the eDNA-based test systems developed. The results constitute a baseline for future studies in Danish ports and other hotspot areas.publishedVersio

    Kunnskapsstatus for bruk av molekylære verktøy i kartlegging og overvåkning av biologisk mangfold i marine miljø

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    Source at https://www.miljodirektoratet.no/publikasjoner/2021/juni-2021/kunnskapsstatus-for-bruk-av-molekylare-verktoy-i-kartlegging-og-overvakning-av-biologisk-mangfold-i-marine-miljo/Denne rapporten er bestilt av Miljødirektoratet fra NorBOL (Norwegian Barcode of Life), et nasjonalt nettverk av forskningsinstitusjoner som koordineres av NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet. Universitetsmuseet i Bergen har hatt prosjektledelsen. Rapporten gir en oppsummering av dagens status på DNA-basert metodikk som verktøy i kartlegging og overvåking av biologisk mangfold i det marine miljø. Fokus har vært på innsamlingsmetodikk og protokoller for DNA-analyser av arter og artsgrupper. Metodikken er evaluert opp mot kartleggings- og overvåkingsaktivitet i regi av Miljødirektoratet, og kommer med anbefalinger for videre framdrift for å ta metodikken i bruk i nasjonal kartlegging og overvåking. Rapporten har også en gjennomgang og evaluering av eksisterende referansemateriale og referansesekvenser for relevante arter og artsgrupper som inngår i Miljødirektoratets kartleggings- og overvåkingsaktivitet