7 research outputs found

    Control of house heating

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    Cílem diplomové práce je návrh a implementace systému, který bude umožňovat ovládání vytápění na základě údajů získaných monitorováním jednotlivých místností v objektu. Zvláště se zaměřte na oblast měření teploty vody v systému topení, TUV a teploty v prostoru obytných místností. Ústředna musí umožňovat automatické ukládání měřených hodnot. Vybrané hodnoty teploty budou zpřístupněny pomocí webového rozhraní a průběžně ukládány na webový server.The aim of the final thesis is a proposal and implementation of a system which would enable a heating control on the basis of data gathered by monitoring of particular rooms inside a building. In particular, it is focused on water measurement within the heating system, TUV (non-potable hot water) and the temperature within the space of residential rooms. The system headquarters must enable an automated saving of the measured data. Selected temperature figures will be made accessible by a web interface and continuously saved on the web server.

    Software implementation of a secure firmware update solution in an IoT context

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    The present paper is concerned with the secure delivery of firmware updates to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Additionally, it deals with the design of a safe and secure bootloader for a UHF RFID reader. A software implementation of a secure firmware update solution is performed. The results show there is space to integrate even more security features into existing devices

    Control of heating a house

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem systému, který bude ovládat a regulovat vytápění a ohřev TUV ve starším rodinném domě. Přesto, že je tento systém určený pro konkrétní objekt, měl by být do jisté míry variabilní a schopný přizpůsobení. Mimo jiné si dává si za cíl navrhnout co nejpřesnější výkonové ovládání elektrokotle. Současné ovládání výkonu po skocích 3, 6, nebo 9 kW je příliš hrubé, a provoz je tedy většinou neekonomický. Návrh řízení také zohledňuje finanční výhodnost jednotlivých komponentThis paper deals with a proposal of a system which will control and regulate the heating and warming of hot water in an old detached house. Although this system is designed for a particular object, to a certain extent it should be variable and capable of adaptation. Current control system 3, 6 or 9kW is too rough, making the overall operating uneconomic. This project should be created with emphasis on economic side of individual components.

    Software implementation of secure firmware update in IoT concept

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    This paper focuses on a survey of secure firmware update in the Internet of Things, design and description of safe and secure bootloader implementation on RFID UHF reader, encryption with AES-CCM and versioning with use of external backup flash memory device. In the case of problems with HW compatibility or other unexpected errors with new FW version, it is possible to downgrade to previous FW image, including the factory image. Authentication is provided by the UHF RFID service tag used to extract unique initialization vector of the encryption algorithm for each update session. The results show slower update speed with this new upgrade method of approximately 27% compared to older one, using the only AES-CBC algorithm

    Software Implementation of a Secure Firmware Update Solution in an IOT Context

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    The present paper is concerned with the secure delivery of firmware updates to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Additionally, it deals with the design of a safe and secure bootloader for a UHF RFID reader. A software implementation of a secure firmware update solution is performed. The results show there is space to integrate even more security features into existing devices

    NMR spectroscopy: quantum-chemical calculations

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    The first-principles computation of nuclear magnetic resonance parameters, in particular chemical shift and spin-spin coupling tensors, is reviewed. After a brief nontechnical introduction into the methodology behind such calculations, selected applications from chemistry and biochemistry in solution and the solid state are highlighted. Special attention is called to cases wherein theory can help in structure determination and refinement, as well as in the interpretation of the observables. (C) 2011 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd. WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2011 1 634-647 DOI:10.1002/wcms.63</p