59 research outputs found

    Expeditionsrapport IBTS, augusti 2016

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    The Institute of Marine Research is responsible for the trawl survey in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat areas of the North Sea. This survey is conducted twice annually, in quarters 1 and 3. The French bottom trawl GOV is used for sampling demersal species.During this survey a total of 45 valid hauls were towed, 26 hauls in the Skagerrak and 19 in the Kattegat. The catch comprised 57 species of fish. The biological sampling, which includes collection of otoliths for age analysis, was done on the most important commercial species. In total 4 225 otoliths were collected from 11 species

    Expeditionsrapport IBTS, januari 2018

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    Expeditionsrapport IBTS, januari 2016

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    Havsfiskelaboratoriets trålexpeditioner i Västerhavet (Skagerrak och Kattegatt) genomförs två gånger årligen, i kvartal 1 och 3. Den franska bottentrålen GOV används för provtagningen av demersala arter. Under kvartal 1 används också en MIK-trål nattetid för provtagning av fisklarver. Under denna expedition gjordes totalt 46 giltiga tråldrag i hela området med GOV-trålen, 27 i Skagerrak och 19 i Kattegatt. Även i år var det tre stationer som inte kunde fiskas p.g.a. Svenska Försvarsmaktens tillträdesförbud varvid den värdefulla tidsserien är bruten för dessa stationer. Den totala fångsten uppgick till 18 ton och inkluderade 57 fiskarter. Den biologiska provtagningen, som innebär bland annat insamling av otoliter för åldersanalys, gjordes på de viktigaste kommersiella arterna. Totalt togs 4 943 otoliter från 11 olika arter. MIK-trålningen resulterade i 62 godkända tråldrag med fångst av bland annat 61 sillarver, 4 skarpsillarver och 6 ållarver

    Expeditionsrapport IBTS, augusti 2017

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    Havsfiskelaboratoriets trålexpeditioner i Västerhavet (Skagerrak och Kattegatt) genomförs två gånger årligen, i kvartal 1 och 3. Fisket utförs med den franska bottentrålen GOV. Under denna expedition gjordes totalt 45 giltiga tråldrag i hela området,  26 i Skagerrak och 19 i Kattegatt. Som del i IBTS-arbetsgruppens undersökning om ny förkortad standardiserad tråltid och kvantifiering av eventuella fångster under sättning och halning utfördes försök i anslutning till två standardstationer. Totalt fångades 6,9 ton sill, 6,4 ton skarpsill  och 160 kg torsk. Viss rekrytering  till 0-gruppen i Kattegatt kan ses för sillen; skarpsillen visar en kraftig uppgång vilken domineras av Kattegatts 1-åringar medan torskfångsten var generellt låg med svag rekrytering i både Skagerrak och Kattegatt. Biologiska parametrar på individnivå samlas in på sill- och torskfiskar samt några plattfiskar. Totalt provtogs 3 712 individer från 11 olika arter med avseende på ålder och könsmognad

    Expeditionsrapport IBTS, januari 2019

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    Havsfiskelaboratoriets trålexpeditioner i Västerhavet (Skagerrak och Kattegatt) genomförs två gånger årligen, i kvartal 1 och 3. Den franska bottentrålen GOV används för fisket dagtid. Under kvartal 1 används också en mindre finmaskig trål (MIK) nattetid för provtagning av fisklarver. Under expeditionen genomfördes totalt 45 godkända tråldrag med GOV-trålen, tre i Nordsjön, 24 i Skagerrak och 18 i Kattegatt. Svenska Försvarsmakten medgav tillstånd för fiske på 24 stationer istället för de ordinarie 27 stationerna i Skagerrak. Den totala fångsten uppgick till drygt 13,1 ton och inkluderade 70 fiskarter. Den biologiska provtagningen, som inkluderar insamling av otoliter för åldersbestämning, gjordes på de viktigaste kommersiella arterna. Totalt togs 5 555 otoliter från 11 olika arter. MIK-trålningen resulterade i 60 godkända tråldrag med fångst av bland annat 607 sillarver, 2 skarpsillarver och 12 ållarver

    A no-take zone and partially protected areas are not enough to save the Kattegat cod, but enhance biomass and abundance of the local fish assemblage

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    To supplement catch and effort regulations with the purpose to rebuild the cod (Gadus morhua) stock in Kattegat, Sweden and Denmark established a large (426 km(2)) year-round no-take zone (NTZ) surrounded by partially protected areas (PPAs) in 2009. The purpose of these spatial regulations was to prohibit cod fishing on the spawning grounds and to displace fisheries bycatch of cod from areas where mature cod aggregate in the Kattegat. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the established NTZ and PPAs on the local fish assemblage, including cod. Based on a spatially high-resolution bottom trawl survey in the Kattegat (covering 2008-2021), multivariate analyses revealed significant shifts in the fish assemblage. A closer analysis indicated that six to seven fish species, including cod increased in the NTZ relative to control areas depending on if abundance or biomass was used as dependent variable. Univariate analysis showed that two flatfish species dab (Limanda limanda) and lemon sole (Microstomus kitt), and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) significantly increased in biomass in the NTZ, and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in the PPA relative to the control areas. These results suggest that the NTZ protected even relatively mobile species in an open sea system, such as the Kattegat. However, neither cod abundance nor biomass showed a significant increase as an effect of the NTZ and PPA despite two relatively strong year classes in 2012 and 2013, which possibly would have helped the recovery of the cod stock. As assessed by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in 2022, Kattegat cod continuously suffer from being severely overfished with low recruitment, and high discard rates in the mixed N. norvegicus fishery, is considered the major driver behind the reinforced depletion of the stock

    A no-take zone and partially protected areas are not enough to save the Kattegat cod, but enhance biomass and abundance of the local fish assemblage

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    To supplement catch and effort regulations with the purpose to rebuild the cod (Gadus morhua) stock in Kattegat, Sweden and Denmark established a large (426 km(2)) year-round no-take zone (NTZ) surrounded by partially protected areas (PPAs) in 2009. The purpose of these spatial regulations was to prohibit cod fishing on the spawning grounds and to displace fisheries bycatch of cod from areas where mature cod aggregate in the Kattegat. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the established NTZ and PPAs on the local fish assemblage, including cod. Based on a spatially high-resolution bottom trawl survey in the Kattegat (covering 2008-2021), multivariate analyses revealed significant shifts in the fish assemblage. A closer analysis indicated that six to seven fish species, including cod increased in the NTZ relative to control areas depending on if abundance or biomass was used as dependent variable. Univariate analysis showed that two flatfish species dab (Limanda limanda) and lemon sole (Microstomus kitt), and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) significantly increased in biomass in the NTZ, and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in the PPA relative to the control areas. These results suggest that the NTZ protected even relatively mobile species in an open sea system, such as the Kattegat. However, neither cod abundance nor biomass showed a significant increase as an effect of the NTZ and PPA despite two relatively strong year classes in 2012 and 2013, which possibly would have helped the recovery of the cod stock. As assessed by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in 2022, Kattegat cod continuously suffer from being severely overfished with low recruitment, and high discard rates in the mixed N. norvegicus fishery, is considered the major driver behind the reinforced depletion of the stock

    Вызовы и риски современной системы здравоохранения

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